Chapter 206 Lurking! Murong’s attitude!

Peking, outside the Fifth Ring Road.

Murong Dingsheng Building.

In the convenience store on the first floor, the fallen priest Haskar is buying a drink.

He didn’t wear that thin clothes anymore.

This is a busy city, and his ascetic dress is not conducive to hiding his identity.

Haska is now wearing a casual sweater and a pair of loose flared pants.

Wearing sunglasses on his face, smiling and running.

In addition, he controlled his body and tightened his muscles, and his overall body shape looked slimmer and slender.

It looks like a college student just on vacation.

Under such circumstances, certainly few people can recognize the ninth-level peak powerhouse of this Eagle Country.

After finally coming to the prosperous metropolis from the icy and snowy environment, Haska hopes to taste the flavor that the snow-capped mountains do not have.

He has been drinking a variety of different beverages and eating strange foods during this period of time.

Everything is early adopters.

It is also organizing one’s own state so that one can integrate into the lives of ordinary people.

The reason why Huska did this was because his secret skills needed to be hidden with the help of breath.

This is a very strange skill.

A gift from the demon god Meredia.

The name of the skill is Shining “Shelter.”

This skill can give Haskar a peculiar perception.

He can perceive the surrounding environment keenly.

The better he understands his surroundings, the better he can blend into the environment.

This wonderful state can improve Huskar’s strength, and it can also make him avoid many special tests.

As a Tier 9 trainer who used teleportation skills to sneak into the Dragon Kingdom as a hidden identity, he could not reveal his identity.

The more he integrates with the environment, the more he can avoid all kinds of detection methods.

The skill of “Glory Shield” has many functions.

It can enhance Haskar’s perception, allowing him to feel like a fish in the water and control the location in a familiar environment.

Because he has lived on snow-capped mountains for many years, he knows the environment on the top of the mountain well.

It can be said to be his territory.

This is also the reason why his emotions at the time can affect the natural weather.

But here, it is Peking.

There are testing instruments everywhere here.

This is 343 in the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, so there can be no trouble.

At any time, in every public area, there are various detection instruments.

Tier 9 powerhouses like Haskar are the key targets of the Long Country Security Department.

However, his strength, coupled with all kinds of weird skills, is enough to make him escape the detection of these instruments.

At this moment, he was listening to the discussion of the people around him.

“Tomorrow is the day of the Devil Fruit Test! I look forward to it!”

“What are you looking forward to? It is impossible for such a thing to exist. The effect of the Demon God Fruit is too powerful, how could such a thing exist!”

“But Lin Feng talked about the person who developed this kind of Demon Fruit! That genius gardener! He doesn’t know how many SSS rewards there are. Isn’t it normal to use so many treasures to research a Demon Fruit?”

“You believe in what people say?”

“In addition, Dr. Murongxue testified! Why can’t you believe it?”

“Then so many people on Weibo, forums, and newspapers recently criticized Devil Fruit, haven’t you seen it?”

Haskar’s look was subtle.

He was drinking milk and thinking.

This is the Nth time he has heard Lin Feng’s name since he sneaked into the Dragon Kingdom.

It was also the Nth time I heard the discussion of Devil Fruit.

When he first learned the news, out of curiosity, Haskar went to learn more about the role of the Demon Fruit.

The news shocked him.

This Lin Feng really dare to blow.

Allow users to acquire skills.

It can even turn people into fire and manipulate fire.

How can this be?

Avatar elements?

Even the ninth-order element mage can’t do this.

As a ninth-tier peak powerhouse, Haskar is very clear about the level required for this incarnation element.

This is simply an impossible task.

At least, the ninth-tier powerhouse can’t do it.

Maybe the fourteenth-order God Devourer that Lin Feng awakened can do it?

But the test of the Devil Fruit is indeed an opportunity.

Because of the much-anticipated relationship, the test time and location of the Devil Fruit has been made public.

Those who try the Space Research Institute will conduct tests on the testing ground outside the research institute.

There is a place to test various new types of weapons and dangerous test products.

Most people can’t get in at all.

Only those researchers and senior officials of Longguo can enter.

But Haskar has a way to break through the defense and enter the testing field.

After all, his strength is very strong.

As a fallen priest, he possesses a variety of powerful and mysterious skills.

Even if the protection of the test site is tight, it is still in the open space.

He can definitely sneak in!

As long as he gets close, Lin Feng will undoubtedly die!

This is the confidence of the fallen priest at the peak of the ninth rank!

Even if he can’t get close, due to the level difference between him and Lin Feng, it is easy to kill each other.

Even if Lin Feng has the protection of Tier 9 powerhouses by his side.

But his level is still only Tier 5.

None of them reach the level of high-level professionals.

Naturally, the physical fitness is far worse.

Huskar is convinced that even the aftermath of his fight with a ninth-order powerhouse will be able to kill Lin Feng!

So he was full of confidence in killing the target and completing the trial.

While thinking and drinking a drink, Haska walked out of the convenience store slowly.

He is very confident!

With a lot of high-level potions on her body, and with the Scepter of Redemption, Huska felt that she was invincible at this moment.

Even though this is the base camp of the Dragon Kingdom, he can leave calmly as long as he wants to escape.

Unless he can’t think of wanting to fight hard with the high-ranking powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom.

Otherwise, it will definitely be able to complete the task.

With such confidence, Haska returned to his hotel.

He must recharge his energy and wait for tomorrow’s action!

When Haska walked out of the convenience store on the first floor of Murong Dingsheng Building.

In a large suite on the top floor of this building.

Many people from the Murong family gathered here.

There is Murong Mingjie, the head of the Murong family.

Murong Xue.

There are also many juniors from Murong’s family.

Also add some high-level powerhouses.

A total of dozens of people gathered here.

“Aunt Xue, do you really trust Lin Feng so much? That Demon God Fruit is so powerful?

A young man full of curiosity and expectation asked Murong Xue.

He is Murong Mingjie’s son, Murong Lin.

From his name, we can see the Murong family’s expectations of him.

At this moment, he was wearing a straight military uniform with a flat head, and he looked clean and tidy.

But Murong Kuo’s talent is very average.

When he chose a career, the five options that appeared in front of him were all very common careers.

Gun fighters, magic swordsmen, gladiators…

None of these professions have any characteristics.

So that Murong Qi’s strength is not as noble as his identity.

But he tried very hard to participate in the trial.

Murongxue’s impression of this junior is pretty good.

Don’t worry, “Although I have not really tested the power of the Devil Fruit, Lin Feng has always been authoritative in the judgment of plants.”

She answered with a faint smile.

Murong Qi looked forward to it more and more.

Because he is the tester selected by Murong Xue this time.

Tomorrow, he will eat the burning fruit (ahcc), and then conduct a series of tests.

The more magical the power of the Devil Fruit, the stronger the effect, and the more beneficial it will naturally be.

Behind him, Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie sat in a chair solemnly.

He looked at his son’s expression, a trace of guilt flashed across his face.

He couldn’t help but recalled what happened a few days ago.

When Murong Xue proposed to let the Murong family test the Demon Fruit, the whole family reacted greatly.

There are a lot of people talking.

The juniors of Murong’s family were very resistant to Murong Xue’s plan to let them eat the Demon God’s fruit.

In any case, the Devil Fruit is something that has not been tested.

Looking at the weird appearance, few people are willing to eat it.

What if there is a problem?

At the same time, many of the Murong’s juniors still have grievances in their lives.

Murong Xue is from Murong’s family!

In order to create momentum for Lin Feng, let his family be the guinea pigs?

Therefore, when Murong Xue asked if anyone would come to take the Devil Fruit, no one signed up.

Murongxue immediately planned to use tough methods.

After all, in her opinion, this devil fruit is definitely not a loss.

With such a big family and so many children in the Murong family, there must be someone who has insufficient talent and strength.

Eating the burning fruit can change the life of the other person.

After the final effect of the Demon Fruit is verified, the tester chosen by her will only be grateful to her.

The Murong family, Murong Mingjie, prevented Murong Xue’s actions.

After all, the fishing boat is getting stronger and stronger, except for those young people on the Internet, many people are not optimistic about the Devil Fruit.

The incarnation of flames is really amazing.

It is natural that the young people in the family do not want to take the Devil’s Fruit.

They are different from ordinary people.

As the disciples of a big family, they have enough channels to rise.

Not everyone is willing to take risks.

But the Murong family still owes Lin Feng a favor.

He allowed the guardian giant tree to evolve into an ancient war tree, which greatly enhanced the strength of Murong’s family.

The family must return this favor.

Under such circumstances, as the head of the family, you must make a decision.

In the end, Murong Mingjie sent his son Murong Qi to participate in the test.On the one hand, it is because of the necessary responsibility of the owner.

On the other hand, there are hidden expectations in his heart.

After all, Murong Xue belongs to the Murong family.

According to his understanding of the other party, the strongest member of this family is strong and knowledgeable.

She cannot harm the young people of the family.

Therefore, she believed in the fruit of the Demon God so much, still a glimmer of hope rose in Murong Mingjie’s heart.

If it really is what Murong Xue said, wouldn’t it give her son a new life?

“Xiaoqi, you and Yingjie go back to the room to rest. Especially in you, recharge your energy and prepare for tomorrow’s affairs.”

“Okay, father.”

Murong Xi nodded, and straightly led the young man from Murong’s family out of the big room.

Murong Mingjie’s expression became serious when only the middle and high-ranking experts in Murong’s family were left here.

“Although I have asked you, I still want to ask again.”

He took a deep breath, looked at Murong Xue, and asked, “Are you really sure that there is nothing wrong with Lin Feng’s Demon Fruit?”

Murong Qi is his son after all.

As a father, he is still worried after all.

At this moment, he felt that the effectiveness of the Demon God’s Fruit was not important anymore.

He only hopes that his son will be fine if he eats it.

As the head of a large family, he has his own obligations while enjoying his rights.

Under such circumstances, he cannot hold back.

He can only hope that Murong Xue has not read it wrong.

The other strong members of the family have all set their sights on the strongest member of the family.

Murong Xue looked at them and smiled confidently.

“I’m the devil’s fruit in exchange for my quota of neutron ingots.

“If I’m not sure, I will exchange it with such precious materials?”

Don’t worry, “He will surprise you tomorrow.”

After the war with the ancient trees, Murongxue trusted Lin Feng’s abilities.

She also knew that the other party must have her own secret.

She is not interested in probing the other party’s secrets.

Anyway, my goal has been achieved, and the ancestral training has been completed.

But because of this, Murongxue is full of confidence in Lin Feng!

Murong Mingjie’s expression flickered.

Compared to before, his appearance did seem a lot calmer.

After all, Murong Xue was right.

If there is a problem, she will not abandon her high-level materials.

With her ninth-tier pinnacle strength and vision, coupled with the other party’s understanding of Lin Feng.

Murong Mingjie felt that Murong Xue must have grasped information they didn’t know.

The other strong members of the family did not intervene in the conversation between the two.

They didn’t dare to interrupt the communication between the head of the family and the strongest person in the family.

Everyone just glanced at each other, expecting and a little worried.

Lin Feng’s performance in Xin’anling was amazing.

Murong Xue was also one of the strongest testers at the time. ???

The judgment of the two of them should not be wrong!

Like Murong’s family, there are still many people who have a complicated perception of the Devil Fruit.

They both look forward to the performance of the Devil’s Fruit.

But common sense makes it difficult for them to accept such things.

Just in the midst of expectations.

The test of the Devil Fruit has finally arrived!

The entire Beiping is waiting for the test results!

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