Chapter 204 Controversy? My Murong family would like to be the first to eat crabs!

Beiping, Trial Space Research Institute.

Murongxue looked at the many high-level researchers in front of him, but did not speak.

She is also waiting for others to express their opinions.

On the table next to her, the three Demon Fruits exudes a weird luster.

This Demon Fruit is indeed amazing.

But its effect has not been verified by these people.

High-end materials such as Endless Mirror are extremely precious.

Let the Trial Space Research Institute use these high-level materials in exchange for this unproven Demon Fruit, I’m afraid not many people are willing.

More importantly, the power represented by each person here has its own quota of high-level materials.

What if they exchange high-level materials for the Devil Fruit, which reduces their quota?

Compared with the fruits of the Demon God that have never been seen before, those precious high-level materials are more important.

With Murongxue’s IQ, she is very clear about these people’s thoughts.

She was waiting for these people to speak now.

Murong Xue’s status is too high.

Especially when the guardian giant tree evolved into an ancient war tree, her strength was further improved.

By this time, her temperament became stronger.

Coupled with her always strong image.

Most people don’t dare to refute her at all.

At this time, everyone is waiting for more heavyweight characters to speak.

At least the same level as Murong Xue.

And Murong Xue also understood this truth very well.

She also looked at the most powerful people.

Chen Huanian, Li Yiguang, Wan Xin…

Each of these people is a top-level staff of the Institute.

In silence, someone finally made a statement.

“Has this Demon God Fruit been tested?”

Wanxin, who was sitting in the front row, asked.

Murongxue replied briefly: “It has not been tested.”

The entire lecture hall was in an uproar.

Wanxin frowned.

Murongxue’s answer made him think he had heard it wrong

He thought that the other party was just exaggerating the effect of the Demon God Fruit.

The reason why he asked questions was just to obtain a test report.

But he never expected that the other party actually said that the Demon God Fruit had not been tested.

Murongxue is a top researcher anyway, how can his scientific literacy be low?

How could she not test at all if she wanted to use the Devil Fruit to exchange high-level materials?

Not only did he think so, but other people also thought so.

How did they know that Murongxue hadn’t tested it at all, and naturally couldn’t produce any test reports.

Wanxin frowned tightly.

Murongxue looked at his expression and understood why he was so surprised.

If you don’t know Lin Feng’s ability clearly, you can’t believe in the effect of Devil’s Fruit.

As a senior researcher, Wan Xin has not had much communication with Lin Feng.

It is natural for them to have doubts about this.

He is the priest of God Blessing, and his research direction is permanent potion.

Drugs that can enhance the physical strength of the user have been developed.

The most precious thing is that the medicine he has developed is to increase the physical strength of trainers of Tier 6 and below in proportion.For the best effect, it can enhance the physical attributes of a Tier 6 or Tier 6 trainer by 3%. ??

Anything that can permanently enhance attributes is extremely precious.

What’s more, the powerhouse of the sixth-tier peak needs to be promoted to the seventh-tier, to become a real high-ranking powerhouse.

Their bodies have undergone tremendous changes.

At this time, what is most needed is a potion that enhances the basic properties.

For this reason, Wanxin has made a great contribution and has a lot of power in the institute.

Faced with such a heavyweight researcher, even Murongxue must be treated with caution.

“Lin Feng has already proven his ability in cultivating and curing plants. He is so sure that I will naturally not doubt his statement.

“This Demon God’s fruit is too precious. If it is used on animals for experimentation, it is too wasteful.

“And we are in an emergency situation, we need to hurry up.

Wan Xin looked at Murong Xue on the stage in disbelief.

He suspected that he had confessed to the wrong person.

As a scientific researcher, how can you say such a thing?

Other people’s brows frowned tightly.

“I oppose this proposal.”

As a top researcher in the Dragon Kingdom, Wanxin has a very high standard.

In his opinion, Murong Xue was making an extremely low-level mistake.

In any case, she can’t be so careless.

This devil fruit is for human consumption.

If something goes wrong, isn’t it risking human life?

This is not the style of Long Country.

But at the same time, Wanxin didn’t understand why Murongxue was like this.

In his opinion, this person on the stage is the smartest group of people in Long Country.

Seeing someone taking the lead, the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people began to talk about it.

After they discussed for a while, many people began to speak.

A middle-aged researcher with glasses stood up.

“Dr. Murongxue, I don’t agree with the exchange of neutron ingots for the fruits of the Devil God.”

“In any case, the neutron state element ingot is a high-level material, enough to upgrade the equipment of a Tier 9 powerhouse to the next level.”

“But can the Demon God Fruit make the ninth-tier power stronger? Its negative effects may become a big problem instead.”

After speaking, he politely bowed.

Others also stood up one after another.

“Dr. Murongxue, maybe we can use these three fruits for a test first?”

“Isn’t Lin Feng saying that the fruits of the Devil God can be mass-produced? In that case, just use these fruits for testing first.

“As long as they really conform to Lin Feng’s statement, it is normal to use materials such as neutron state ingots and endless frays.”

The speaker is a middle-aged woman.

She can be considered a compromise proposal.

In her opinion, Murongxue is extremely powerful.

It is impossible for such a high-level researcher to make such a low-level mistake.

It may be inconvenient for the other party to conceal some secret data.

This is a relatively common thing in the Trial Space Research Institute.

But after all, I have to give an explanation to the rest of the institute.

Before Murong Xue could answer, someone immediately raised an objection.

“I don’t agree with this approach. Even if the Demon Fruit is really capable of providing power as Lin Feng said, it is just an extra skill.

“Although skill books are extremely precious, and advanced skill books have never appeared before, there are still intermediate skill books.

“And those intermediate skill books can give good skills, but they are far inferior to top materials like neutron ingots!”

“The function of this Demon God Fruit is just an intermediate skill book, how can it be compared with the Neutron State Element Ingot?”

Murong Xue looked at the speaker.

She knows this researcher.

The power represented by the other party is Yuanguang University in the eastern part of Long Country.

As a top university, the high-level experts of this university have three share of high-level materials this year.

But their ranking is not high.

In front of them, there are more powerful organizations such as the Career Development Research Institute and the Federation of Blacksmiths.

The number of high-end materials produced by Longguo every year is limited.

If Lin Feng’s Demon Fruit can really be exchanged for neutron state blooms.

It is very likely that the share of Yuanguang University will be robbed.

This is something they don’t want to see.

As the representatives of several parties spoke one after another.

The whole lecture hall gradually became lively.

Instead, the top researchers sitting at the front remained silent.

They looked at Murong Xue quietly.

As colleagues and the top group of people in the institute, they are very clear about the strength and intelligence of this woman.

It is impossible for the other party to make such an obvious mistake.

She must have her own purpose for this scene.

They only need to wait for Murong Xue to tell her purpose.

After almost everyone below has spoken.

Murongxue looked around for a week and asked, “You are all done? Then let me talk about my opinion.”

Everyone fell silent.

Even if many people oppose her approach.

But her status is there after all.

“I am looking forward to the effects of Lin Feng’s Devil Fruits, and I am sure that the effects of these fruits will be very powerful.”

“For this reason, these fruits of the Devil God are precious, and it is too wasteful to use them for animal experiments.”

“But I can also understand your concerns. In this way, let the Murong family do this test of the Demon God Fruit.”

Everyone was surprised.

What’s the meaning?

Does Murongxue not conduct experiments in the research institute?

Go to Murong’s home for a test?

How could their equipment be more complete than the equipment of the institute?

And where can’t do animal experiments?

But more people understood Murongxue’s meaning.

They looked at the ninth-order strong man on the stage in shock.

Is she really so confident in Lin Feng?

“In order not to waste these fruits of the Devil God, we skip the link of animal experiments.”

“But in order to verify the effect of the Demon God’s fruits, I asked my children from Murong’s family to consume these fruits.

“Of course, because the Devil Fruit is very precious, Lin Feng, as the person who cultivates the Devil Fruit, certainly does not want to suffer.”

“In this case, it is my Murong family who replaced it from the research institute. The neutron ingots and endless blooms he needs will be deducted from my quota.

More people suddenly looked up at Murong Xue, with shocked expressions!

Does she really trust this Demon God Fruit?

Has she seen the effect of the Demon God Fruit?

But if she really knows the effect of this fruit, why can’t she come up with a test report?

And if it has not been tested, why does Murong Xue believe in the effect of the Demon God Fruit?

She is actually willing to exchange such a high price for the Demon God Fruit?

That’s a neutron state element!

Everyone looked at her with incredible eyes.And top researchers like Wan Xin, Li Yiguang, and Chen Huanian are even more unbelievable.

They are more aware of the value of materials such as neutron states than other researchers.

They also knew Murong Xue’s true strength.

Having reached the pinnacle of Tier Nine, she is also a guardian of a special profession, and perhaps can really be called the strongest person at that time.

Even with the hidden background of the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom, fighting her head-on alone is not necessarily her opponent.

She has just been promoted to the peak of Tier Nine, and it is precisely when she needs to upgrade her equipment in an all-round way.

At such an important moment, the other party is actually willing to give up the neutron ingot in exchange for the Demon God Fruit?

Is Murong Xue really willing?

Are their Murong family really willing?

Murong Xue smiled in her heart.

330 is different from these people.

She met Lin Feng very early.

Follow his growth all the way.

This gardener has done too many miracles.

When he let everyone helplessly guard the giant tree and evolve into an ancient tree of war, he would not question Lin Feng’s judgment on plant-related aspects.

Since he was so sure of the power of this Demon God’s fruit and wanted to use it in exchange for the neutron state element ingot, then this Demon God’s fruit must be very precious.

Maybe I made it.

Coupled with the fact that the Devil Fruit can be mass-produced, I might be able to provide an opportunity for young people whose families lack the qualifications to change their destiny.

As for the family, there will definitely be some objections in the early stage.

But after all, Lin Feng helped them complete the ancestral training, which greatly improved the strength of the family.

I would definitely send some young people to pay back the favor.

When they see the power of the Demon Fruit, they might rush to test the Demon Fruit.

In the large lecture hall, the original noisy voices disappeared without a trace.

Everyone looked at Murong Xue quietly.

They did not expect that she was willing to pay such a high price.

Many people thought of Lin Feng saving the guardian giant tree.

Does Murong’s family want to pay back this favor?

But what if something happens to the Demon God Fruit?

Is the Murong family willing to use the lives and future of the younger generation to return Lin Feng’s favor?

But the matter has reached this point, and Murong Xue has already talked about it, and naturally no one opposes it anymore.

Anyway, everything is the responsibility of their Murong family.

Soon, the matter was settled.

Murong Xue put away the Demon God’s fruit directly and walked out of the large lecture hall.

She needs to arrange for the younger generation of the family to come to Peiping to take the test as soon as possible.

Other researchers should also prepare for observations.

Set up the venue and prepare the instruments.

The already busy Trial Space Research Institute got busier.

This matter gradually spread.

More and more people have learned the news.

Lin Feng cultivated a magical fruit of the devil.

Actually hope to exchange it for the neutron ingot.

In the near future, there will be a quiz about the Devil’s Fruit.

As the number of people who knew increased, the information of the Demon God Fruit gradually leaked out.

It was spread more and more mysterious.

Many people have heard that this kind of devil fruit can change the fate of people and greatly increase the success rate of the eater to complete the trial!

In this era, trial space is the most important ascending channel!

The Devil Fruit, instantly attracted everyone’s attention!

The entire middle and high-level testers in Peking are paying attention to this test!

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