Chapter 199 Blue Star is also a trial field?

Murongxue, the top researcher of the Trial Space Research Institute.

Chen Huanian, Longguo career development expert and top researcher of the Trial Space Institute.

These two are the top researchers of Longguo.

In terms of scientific research related to the trial space, both of them are experts in Long Country.

Especially Chen Huanian.

Unlike Murongxue, he is a pure researcher.

His whole life was dedicated to scientific research.

Because of his outstanding contributions, people in the whole Long Kingdom admire him very much.

Together, the ordinary family of the Chen family has become the top family of this generation.

Both Murong Xue and Chen Huanian are in contact with Lin Feng.

Through the two of them, it is possible to provide a sales channel for the Devil Fruit.

Lin Feng hopes to exchange neutron state element ingots with the Devil Fruit, he needs to match up with the Dragon Kingdom.

Although it can still take the military’s path, the military’s decision-making power may not be as good as the research institute in terms of these special materials.

But now the Devil Fruit has just been planted and has not yet sprouted.

At this time, Lin Feng also had no bargaining chips to go directly to the Trial Space Research Institute to negotiate terms.

He planned to contact Murong Xue first.

With the protection contract that both parties have now concluded, there are things that can be told to each other.

With the eyes of her ninth-tier top powerhouse, she can analyze it for herself.

Coupled with the gradual increase in my current strength, more and more resources are needed.

Now he gradually has the ability to protect himself and a sufficient position.

Lin Feng intends to start and strengthen cooperation with the Long Kingdom military and research institutes.

Appropriately use some secret and unique plants to exchange and obtain resources.

Just do it.

Lin Feng immediately teleported out of the trial space and arrived at the Peking Barracks.

But when he was about to make a call to Murong Xue, he received a text message on his cell phone.

“Lin Feng, I now have an important task to return to the Trial Space Research Institute. Don’t go out and stay in Beiping.

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

It seems that it is not the right time to come out.

Does the other party seem to be busy with their work?

Lin Feng tentatively dialed the other party’s number.

What came from the mobile phone was a reminder that the other party could not answer.

He looked at the phone, thought about it, and sent a text message to Murong Xue.

“I am Lin Feng, I have cultivated an important plant, and I have time to contact me. I will not participate in trials recently.”

After sending this text message, Lin Feng went to the Beiping Military Camp to look for Lin 07 Zhengde.

I have been busy during this time, and it is time to communicate with my dad.

When Lin Feng went to find Lin Zhengde, Murongxue was attending an important meeting.

It’s not just her.

Another big man Lin Feng knew who tried the Space Research Institute, Chen Huanian was also here.

Almost all senior members of the institute gathered together.

This is a battle that hasn’t been fought in a long time.

In the large conference room of the institute, dozens of people sat neatly in the conference room.

There are men and women, old and young.

Some of them are kind-hearted and good-looking, while others are not angry or pretentious.

The dressing of these people is also different.

Although there are great differences, these people all have one thing in common.

They are very powerful.

The breath released invisibly trembled, enough to make the entire space trembled.

If there are other low-level testers here, I’m afraid it will be unsteady at all.

The chair of the meeting was a researcher who didn’t have much reputation among the people of Long Country.

Li Yiguang.

Since graduating from university, he has been working at the Trial Space Institute almost all the time.

Because he hasn’t appeared in the outside world, he has no reputation.But in the scientific research circle, Li Yiguang’s name is thunderous.

He is the scientific genius of Longguo.

It has made great contributions to Longguo’s new aerospace industry.

At this time, Li Yiguang was presiding over the stage, presiding over the meeting with a serious expression.

“Recently, our satellites on Mars have discovered anomalies. We have found traces of the latest human activities.”

“After speculation from satellite photos, it is very possible that someone has used the skill of the Ash Mage: Aurora Blast on Mars.”

“Based on the situation of the Mars rover afterwards, we preliminarily concluded that the trace was very new and did not exceed three days.”

“This is the 10th case discovered this year. The characteristics of its activity traces are very similar to the data we have collected before.

“It is very likely that more than one person will appear on Mars.

“This once again proves our previous guess.”

Having said that, Li Yiguang looked around the conference room seriously for a week.

Our “this world, not only participated in the trial, but also may be a trial site.”

He said the shocking news word by word.

The others in the conference room looked at Li Yiguang with no surprises on their faces.

They had already guessed about it.

In the first year of the New Year, the whole world has changed after the trial space was connected to the blue star.

After so many years of exploration, people have become more and more aware of the trial space.

The people here are the vanguard of mankind’s exploration and trial space.

They have an understanding of the trial space that ordinary people can’t match.

As the level gets higher and higher, various different forms of trials have been experienced.

After so many trials, they keenly discovered a problem.

Since you and others can enter other worlds to participate in the trial, is it possible for others to enter the world where Blue Star is?

Could we also be a trial place here?

In the beginning, this was just a guess.

Just like the proposition of “there are other worlds”, it is unknown.

Even high-level testers will always go to different places to participate in the test.

But are there any local testers in the places where the test sites are located?

So, someone put forward a conjecture a long time ago.

“Are there other worlds connected with the trial space?”

These were the speculations of the Blue Stars.

But Lin Feng helped Blue Star people verify this conjecture.

There are other worlds.

There are indeed other worlds connected with the trial space.

Blue Star is not unique.

Prior to this, when Lin Feng broke through the second tier, the trial space issued a notification.

“His advancement speed has broken everyone’s advancement speed for countless years.

“It’s only been 1,000 years since the trial space has connected with our world.

“Through this, everyone can be sure of one thing now. We are just one of the worlds that have thousands of connections to the trial space.”

“There are many other interview and practice spaces connected.”

“And now, as more and more traces of human activities on other planets are discovered, another guess of ours seems to have been verified.

“The world where Blue Star lives is also a trial place for others!”

After Li Yiguang said these words, his expression was extremely serious.

The others in the meeting room also took a deep breath.

This is the situation now.

They found traces of other worlds’ activities in this world.

Chen Huanian looked around for a week and asked, “Based on the existing traces, can we infer the origins of those who tried it?”

“What is their strength? How many are there in this world? What are the intersections with our world?”

It was another female researcher who answered him.

“We didn’t really see the truth, we just found traces of their trials.”

“For this reason, we don’t know the actual strength of these testers.

The meeting room fell silent again.

“Why do we also have trialists from other worlds in our world?”

“There are no zombies here!”

Another researcher raised his doubts.

It was Murong Xue who answered his question.

“According to this situation, there are only two possibilities.”

She looked around with a serious expression.

First, “There are zombies in many places in our world, Mars, Mercury, and even our blue star, there are zombies. It’s just that we don’t know it.”

Murongxue took a look at the surrounding situation and refuted this speculation by herself.

“But I don’t think there is such a possibility. Because with the blessing of the trial space, our technology is advancing by leaps and bounds.”

“With the current technological strength, if a tide of corpses really appears on Mars, we can’t possibly fail to discover it.

“After all, the Mars probes and Mars satellites launched over the years are enough to cover most of its area.

“So, we can veto this speculation.”

No one refuted Murong Xue’s statement.

After all, with the current level of human science and technology, if there was a wave of corpses on Mars, they would have discovered it a long time ago.

What everyone is curious about is the second guess that Murong Xue said.

“Murongxue, what is the second guess? Don’t sell it off.”

Someone can’t wait to ask.

“There is another possibility, that is, the trial of the trial space, not all related to the zombies.”

“The reason why we are fighting zombies in all trials is because our ranks are not enough.

After saying this, Murong Xue calmly checked the reactions of others around him.

This is just her guess.

“Impossible. We have gone through so many trials. Among so many people here, many have reached the ninth rank.”

“They are all able to fight against nuclear eggs, and they are all able to fly in space with their own abilities within a certain period of time. You said we are low-ranking?”

Not just one person opposed Murong Xue’s speculation.

Many people are not quite able to accept this statement.

They are already the ninth rank powerhouse, the top of this world.

Everyone here can call for rain and rain.

Get serious, everyone stomped, and the world would tremble three times.

At this level, Murong Xue actually felt that they were low-level?

This is something that is simply not credible.

But there are still many people who are thoughtful and not eager to refute.

Because they both thought of two things.

“I agree with Murongxue’s guess, because there are two things that can be corroborated.”

First, “No one of us has managed to break through to Tier Ten for so many years. And every time we break through Tier Ten, we will encounter special strong attacks.

“That must not be the people of Blue Star. After all, the strongest person here is the ninth peak. Then where do these people come from?”

“There is only one possibility! These people come from the trial space!”

“They may come from other worlds connected to the trial space, and come to our world to complete the trial.”

“They may also come from other trial locations!”

“Perhaps, breaking through Tier 10 is the last Tier 9 trial in itself!”

The speaker is Chen Huanian.

Although his rank is not high, his research direction is also professional development.

But he has a lot of research results after all.

He also knows enough about all kinds of things in the trial space.

What he said aroused more people’s thoughts.

Murong Xue gave another kind of evidence on his behalf.

“What Old Chen said, every time someone breaks through the tenth rank, they will be attacked by other people. This is indeed very likely to be a trial!”

“In addition, we are definitely not strong enough! Wang Jingnian is still lying in the nutrition warehouse. This is enough to show that our Blue Star’s number one person in the world may not be enough to see in the entire trial space!”

The second “proof is that the devourer of the gods!”

“The God Devourer that Lin Feng provoked, the rank is fourteen! We can’t even break through the tenth rank, but there are fourteenth-rank monsters in the trial space!”

“It killed four Tier 9 powerhouses headed by John Kraft very easily!”

“Perhaps in its opinion, the so-called Tier 9 powerhouse is nothing more than rubbish.

“Although we call the trainers from the seventh to the ninth level as high-level testers, perhaps in the entire trial space, the ninth-level and lower-level testers are low-level testers. The real trial of the training space!”

“Of course, all this is speculation, but we must prepare early.”

Murongxue’s words became more and more shocking, making the entire conference room silent.

Everyone felt a slight tingling in their spine.What Murong Xue said was too far-fetched.

Many people actually don’t want to admit her guess.

But Wang Jingtian, lying in the nutrition storehouse, and the Devourer of the Gods in the Capital of Death, all explained a truth.

In fact, there are powerhouses above rank nine in the trial space.

Now, Mars and other planets are showing traces of the activities of trialers in other worlds.

Although no real person was caught, he did see the traces of the tester’s skills. ?????

What does this show?

Perhaps, the zombie trial is really just an ordinary trial in the trial space.

Perhaps, there will be many trials afterwards that have nothing to do with Zombie 037!

What’s more, there will be many testers from other worlds coming to Blue Star to try!

Blue Star is also a trial field!

Thinking of this, everyone felt short of breath.

Although they have not come into contact with real powerhouses of rank ten and above.

But everyone knows the power of these strong men!

After a long time, someone finally awoke from this terrible speculation.

“Then, what should we do?”

“This is just a guess after all! We have no definite evidence!”

The researcher who said this was a little pale.

They have participated in many trials.

All kinds of dangers are hidden in those trial places.

If Blue Star is also a test site, doesn’t Blue Star also have hidden threats?

And it is very likely that only the powers above the ninth rank can discover and respond to threats!

This guess is too scary.

Everyone knows the power of the 9th-order powerhouse.

And how much disturbance will the Tier 10 powerhouse, who is more powerful than them, make a lot of noise in Blue Star?

Thinking of this, most people held their breath.

In the silence of everyone, Murong Xue stood up.

“We can only think of ways to enhance our own strength, whether it is personal strength or national strength.”

As for “other things, we can’t do anything.”

“And what we are talking about now is just speculation, and it doesn’t necessarily happen, but we can’t be an ostrich.”

“Make suggestions to the above and use more resources.

“Whether it is weapons, equipment, monsters, or other resources. Call them up and don’t put them in the warehouse anymore.”

“At the same time, we must vigorously cultivate auxiliary occupations and develop auxiliary occupations.”

“I think everyone should know Lin Feng. Mr. Chen and I will contact him and find a way to develop the profession of gardener.”

“I think you all have to find a way to start a project and develop more careers.”

After she finished speaking, Chen Huanian also stood up.

“Our threat may come from the testers, and the way we can rely on getting stronger is also the space for testing.”

“To get benefits from the trial space, you need to rely on the trialer.”

We “must intensify efforts to train testers!”

“Especially auxiliary occupations! In the case of group cooperation, auxiliary occupations can achieve a great effect!”

“Let’s start with the gardener Lin Feng!”

No one has objections.

Although the previous thing is just a guess.

But more and more evidence proves that Blue Star is very likely to be a trial site.

What if there are other trainers over Tier 9 who come to Blue Star to make trouble?

Although this guess is bold.

But all of you here are senior researchers.

Precaution is the common quality of these people.

When facing unknown risks, the most important thing is team cooperation and complete preparation.

Lin Feng, who is currently communicating with Lin Zhengde and waiting to meet with Murongxue, doesn’t know that he is about to usher in the real key cultivation of Dragon Kingdom!

As long as he proves a little more of his ability.

Endless blooms, neutron state element ingots, and crystal matrix ingots are all possible for him!

The complete endless suit may not be far away!,

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