Chapter 198 Demon Fruit? Isn’t this Demon Fruit?

Emerald Palace.

Lin Feng carefully selected a sunny place.

He planted seven mysterious seeds of different colors here.

At the same time, these seeds are kept growing with sunlight energy.

He hopes that these seeds can germinate as soon as possible, so that he can see what special plant it is.

After all, you can get them every time you upgrade.

In addition, the comment system is also mysterious, and there have been no new hints.

Lin Feng’s curiosity has reached its peak.

After all these seeds can be planted, he really can’t wait!

They stopped growing.

Little yellow and white flowers bloomed.

In Lin Feng’s expectation, this plant no longer has any changes.

At the same time, a note appeared in front of Lin Feng.

[Note: Fruits are being bred!)

Lin Feng frowned at this short comment.

What’s the meaning?

After waiting for a long time, give yourself a result like this?

You continue to grow!

Lin Feng felt that a black line appeared on his forehead.

This comment system also does not give a detailed explanation.

It’s just being bred.

Conceived huh?

What kind of plant is this?

Why is there no information?

He took a deep breath.

There is no other way but to continue to wait.

At the same time, a strong sense of expectation floated in Lin Feng’s heart.

The more you wait, the more it explains the extraordinaryness of this mysterious plant.

Because the seeds of this plant will only appear after the gardener has advanced.

After so long, Lin Feng encountered all kinds of special creatures.

Whether it is the demon god Meritia or the demon god Angles just now, they are all talking about the extraordinary aspects of the gardener profession.

After this period of trial, I have already understood this matter.

The annotations in the annotation system keep reminding myself that the gardener is an extremely special profession.

Especially, the gardener who is on the right path.

Lin Feng has never understood what the demon gods mean.

But he knew very well that the gardener was very special and very strong.

And these mysterious seeds that I will get every time I upgrade or change my job must have something extraordinary!

Putting intense curiosity and anticipation into the bottom of his heart, he no longer looked at the vines in front of him.

He raised his head and looked at other seeds of various shapes floating in the air.

These are all plants that the demon god Angelius just traded to him.

This time, the comment system quickly gave comments.

【Demon Fruit Seed: A wonderful seed born under the influence of the chaotic power of the Demon God. Can bear all kinds of magical fruits. Because of the chaotic nature of the power of the devil, the effect of the fruit is completely different. ”

[Note: As a manifestation of the power of the Demon God, the person who uses the Demon God’s fruit will gain different abilities. The specific ability depends on the power attribute of the Demon God in the fruit. ”

(Note: Because it is a manifestation of the power of the Demon God, users will be disgusted by some natural gods. For example, in Blue Star, users of the Demon Fruit are disgusted by the ocean and lose their strength in the sea. On Mars, they will be disgusted by the air. , The surrounding air will escape from their surroundings.)

Seeing this string of comments, Lin Feng’s forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

What’s the situation?

what happened?

What special seed is this?

Lin Feng felt 10,000 alpacas rushing past in his heart.


Devil fruit?

Can the user acquire special abilities?

Will be rejected by the gods of nature?

Will the blue star be disgusted by the ocean and lose strength?

Lin Feng felt his forehead beating.

f*ck, what a ghostly fruit of the devil!

Why don’t you just say that you are a devil fruit?

Is this thinking I haven’t seen sailing?

Because the sense of immediate vision was too strong, Lin Feng kept complaining in his heart.

This is so funny.

He never expected it.

It has been so long since I have traveled into this world.

How come I saw such an instant sense of sight again!

Lin Feng feels that he is unable to complain!

But at the same time, a feeling of joy gradually emerged in my heart.

As long as it is someone who has watched sailing, who doesn’t know the power of devil fruit?

Now that I can grow this alien version of the Demon God Fruit, it is simply a great good thing!

Although Lin Feng himself does not want to take such fruits easily….

After all, this kind of fruit has some big side effects.

It is still somewhat different from the comics of the previous life.

In different places, they will be repelled by different natural elements.

If you are in the ocean trial space somewhere and are disgusted by the ocean, how can you participate in the trial?

If you were disgusted by the air during the trial, wouldn’t it just die from lack of oxygen?

This side effect is a bit big, and Lin Feng doesn’t want to use it lightly.

His greatest reliance is the gardener profession, which has unlimited possibilities but extremely relies on luck, and a comment system that eliminates all uncertainties.

All other things are foreign objects.

But the Devil Fruit is still a very powerful plant.

You can plant it and trade it to others!

If many auxiliary professions have eaten the fruits of the Devil God and gain powerful attacking capabilities, at the moment, they will be greeted with a smooth journey!

In this era, strength is what everyone desires.

I can use this life-changing opportunity to exchange special resources!

Endless blossoms!

Neutron ingots!

Crystal matrix!

These precious materials to enhance the endless suit are all what you need.

Since the Dragon Kingdom has enough resources, he can use these Demon God’s fruits to exchange it!

More importantly, I have a very suitable channel for me to connect with those sellers!

Murong Xue!

Try the Space Institute!

You can contact buyers through them!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng is full of motivation.

He had already experienced the power of the endless suit.

When I was trying out, many times I relied on an extremely strong defensive suit to withstand various attacks.

In the eyes of Murongxue and others, after every trial, she was unharmed, just a little tired.

But I know very well that many times it is the credit of the endless suit.

This endless suit is only a semi-finished product.

After I have found all the upgrade materials, once the endless suit is upgraded, its power must be very strong.

Lin Feng is looking forward to the true power of the endless suit and has no doubts.

After these 2.2 transactions, he has understood what level of material the neutron state element ingot, endless bloom, and the crystal matrix ingot are.

He has saved the guardian giant tree and proved his ability.

At this time, Dragon Kingdom is only willing to provide some endless catalysts experimentally.

And Chen Huanian told himself that unless he can prove that his energy is comparable to a dozen or twenty rank nine powerhouses.

Otherwise, it is impossible to give yourself so much material.

It’s the same when communicating with Demon God.

You need an elixir containing time and space power to deal with yourself.

At this stage, my only plant related to time and space is the spatial tree.

All these things prove one thing.

The neutron ingot is extremely precious.

And it takes so many materials to synthesize the evolved endless suit, and its ability must be very strong.

Strengthening the endless suit can be said to be the most important goal of becoming stronger at this stage.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng once again looked at the Devil Fruit Seed in front of him.

This is the first key to obtaining materials such as endless ingots.

Lin Feng planted the Devil Fruit Seed in the garden.

After that, he directly teleported out from the trial space.

Go to Murong Xue to communicate.

As a senior of the Longguo Trial Space Research Institute, she must be able to give herself advice on the transaction of the Demon God Fruit!,

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