Chapter 200 Special Material Exchange Channel?

Under the peaceful daily life, there are great risks hidden.

The people in the Trial Space Research Institute discovered anomalies in places such as Mars.

It is very likely that there are other testers who come to Bluestar to test.

This means that Blue Star is also a test field.

Although the trial space has been studied for nearly a thousand years.

But everyone knows that there are many secrets in the trial space.

Almost no one can fully know the secret of the trial space.

Will there be strong enemies in the future?

As a trial ground, does Blue Star hide a major crisis?

These are just speculations, and there is no definite evidence.

But Longguo has already begun to plan ahead.

Under the promotion of the institute, Longguo began to vigorously cultivate auxiliary occupations.

As the only gardener in the world, Lin Feng is also the strongest gardener in the world, and he is naturally valued by everyone.

Lin Feng, who was chatting with Lin Zhengde, received a reply from Murongxue.

After a brief conversation, he planned to meet and discuss with the other party right away.

He hopes to use the Devil’s Fruit to open up the channels for obtaining high-end materials such as neutron ingots.

And what Murongxue wants to discuss with him is that Longguo is preparing to focus on training auxiliary professionals.

Lin Zhengde knew that his son was now too strong for a small country.

He is so old, but his professional rank has been caught up by Lin Feng, who is only 18 years old.

This made him realize that the only thing he could do was perhaps only spiritual support.

After a few brief explanations, Lin Feng walked out of the barracks.

With confidence in the fruit of the devil and expectation of the neutron state, he walked to the agreed meeting room.

With Lin Feng’s current strength and importance, Murongxue did not want him to leave the scope of the Peking Barracks.

Here he is the safest.

In a conference room in the military camp, Lin Feng hung up the in-use sign and quietly waited for Murongxue’s arrival.

At the same time, he kept thinking about his next upgrade plan.



Upgrade equipment.

These are the three ways to improve now.

Each path can greatly improve Lin Feng.

Perhaps the most rewarding one is the transfer.

After changing the job as a cultivator before, he gained so many powerful skills.

The tree world is called his strongest skill.

After being transferred to the Mingzhi Master, the power of the Demon God was even more pleasantly surprised.

Devil fruit.

This thing, which is very similar to the Devil Fruit in the previous life, is a powerful bargaining chip for obtaining resources.


Just as Lin Feng was thinking about it, there was a soft knock on the door.

He raised his head and shouted, “Please come in.”

Soon, Murong Xue, dressed in a formal dress, walked in.

The other party still dresses in the usual style, but the look on her face is serious, and it seems that her heart is not calm.

All this made her aura even stronger.

Many times, Lin Feng had to sigh, this woman is really strong.

If it weren’t for my previous life and the rich experience and knowledge in this life, I’m afraid I would really be impressed by her aura.

“I’m looking for you this time because Dragon Kingdom is about to start vigorously cultivating auxiliary occupations, and you have proven your ability, and you will definitely get focus training.”

“The Trial Space Research Institute will cooperate with you to develop the gardener career and increase efforts to enhance your strength. As long as you continue to cultivate more elixir.

“The neutron state element ingots and crystal matrix ingots you mentioned earlier are also possible.

Murongxue is straight to the point.

Lin Feng was taken aback.

I just wanted to talk to Murong Xue and the others, hoping to exchange high-level materials with the Demon God Fruit.

Now that the Trial Space Research Institute is here?

This simply coincides with what I was thinking.

But why is there such a sudden decision?

“Why did you mention this suddenly? Could it be that the situation between us, Eagle Country and those Western countries is more tense than we thought?”

Lin Feng directly asked the doubt in his mind.

He has now dealt a lot with researchers like Murongxue and Chen Huanian.

This group of people like to go straight, and don’t want too many twists and turns.

“We have entered a stable period with Ying Guo temporarily,” Murongxue rubbed her eyebrows. “What we have to be alert to is the danger from other places.”

At this point, she paused.

It seems to be hesitating to talk to Lin Feng.

But soon, she continued to explain.

“Based on our investigations and some speculations, we infer that the current Blue Star may also be a trial ground.

“You have also participated in a lot of trials. You should have been in contact with the aborigines of other worlds.”

“And those trial sites have various crises. If Blue Star is the trial site, then we may also have hidden crises!

“Those crises may even be things that the aborigines of us cannot solve, and we must rely on external testers.”

“This means danger! It is very likely a danger that Dragon Kingdom can hardly resist!”

Lin Feng frowned.

He felt like he was listening to a fantasy story.

Is Blue Star a trial place?

Has other testers come here to complete the test?

Lin Feng didn’t know why Murongxue said that.

But since she said this, it means that the Trial Space Research Institute must have some evidence.

Lin Feng already knows a lot about Murong Xue.

He knew that the other party was not a joke.

His expression immediately became serious.

After so many trials, the trial field will be very dangerous. This is the consensus of all trialists.

Otherwise, this is not a “trial” at all!

Whether it is the “God Devourer” of the Capital of Death.

Or the god sacrifice zombies raging on the ice field at dawn.

All this shows that these places are full of dangers.

So what is the danger of Blue Star, and those who need to come to participate in the trial?

Lin Feng frowned.

At the same time, he was surprised by Murongxue’s attitude.

The other party had always regarded himself as a child before.

I don’t tell myself many things, I just hope that I can improve my strength and rank as soon as possible.

This time, how could she tell herself all these secret things?

Seeing his frown, Murong Xue said, “Don’t be nervous, those things are not what you are thinking about now.”

“Everything is just our guess. Just to plan ahead.

“The most important thing for you now is to improve your own strength. It just so happens that the Institute is willing to increase resource input.”

Lin Feng recovered.

He no longer thinks about the crises hidden in the peaceful scene.

Enhance the strength, everything has the ability to cope.

“How does the institute plan to cultivate?”

Lin Feng asked his own question directly.

“The idea of ​​the Trial Space Institute is to directly give you various special materials to cultivate plants.”

“In today’s world, there are special plants that are cultivated by gardeners.

Except for “the ancient war tree of our house, the fog-poisoned fruit tree of the Tianfan Sect, the silver fire tree of the Gaul comrades-in-arms group, and so on.”

We “will take you to check out those special plants and see if we can inspire you.

“In addition, the top domestic pharmaceutical company, Kehui Pharmaceutical Group will send top alchemists to cooperate with you to jointly develop powerful medicines.”

“Did you need neutron ingots before? Those high-level items are too high in value. They are generally controlled items.”

“But as long as you develop a powerful enough elixir, the Trial Institute is willing to develop exchange channels for you.

“The specific exchange ratio will be discussed in detail later.”

After briefly introducing the general situation of the cultivation plan, Murong Xue looked at Lin Feng quietly.

It seemed that he wanted to wait for him to digest the news.

Lin Feng’s look is a bit weird.

If you cultivate special plants or elixir, you can open up high-level material exchange channels for yourself?

He now happened to obtain the Demon God Fruit through the power of the Demon God.

This kind of fruit that allows people to obtain special abilities after taking it will definitely greatly enhance the strength of the user.

Although they will be subject to certain environmental restrictions, their value is beyond doubt.

Now think about it, everything is so coincidental.

As soon as he obtained the Demon God’s fruit, Murong Xue found it.

Is your luck really so good?

Lin Feng remembered the lucky four-leaf clover on his forehead.

“I am very satisfied with this plan. I really need neutron ingots and other materials. In addition, I did find some special seeds and cultivated special plants during the trial.

With that said, Lin Feng briefly introduced Murong Xue about the fruit of the Devil God.

This miraculous fruit instantly aroused the interest of the other party.

She listened attentively to Lin Feng’s introduction.

When she understood the power of the Devil Fruit, she said nothing.

Lin Feng felt that Murongxue’s eyes looked strange.

In an increasingly solemn atmosphere, he asked: “What’s wrong?”

Murongxue’s expression relaxed a little, and she sighed and said, “You are really a monster. Compared with you, the former gardeners seem to be eclipsed.”

“Not only the gardener, even other powerful professionals, the impact on this world is impossible to compare with yours.”

“And the Demon God Fruit you just mentioned is too magical. If you can really prove its effect, it can be exchanged for several neutron state element ingots.”

When she said this, Lin Feng felt a little strange instead.

He didn’t bring out the real thing, but briefly introduced the effect of the Devil’s Fruit.

Why is Murong Xue so sure of the efficacy of the Demon God Fruit?

But Lin Feng didn’t think much.

Maybe it’s a special situation now.

After all, the other party said that the Trial Space Research Institute must prepare for the hidden crisis that Blue Star may conceal.

What Lin Feng doesn’t know is that for Murongxue now, she absolutely believes in Lin Feng’s judgment as long as it relates to plants.

This has been proved by countless things.

When the giant guardian tree that the entire Blue Star could not heal was reborn in his hands and evolved into an ancient tree of war.

Murongxue’s trust in Lin Feng’s abilities has reached a new level.

She would not doubt the judgment of the other party in matters related to the gardener.

Since Lin Feng said that the Devil’s Fruit is very powerful, (obtained) can give the tester special abilities.

Then there is no doubt.

What she has to consider is how to make good use of these magical fruits, and at the same time plan a suitable exchange plan for Lin Feng, so that he will not suffer.

She hopes to create a win-win situation.

Soon, they began to discuss specific matters in detail.

Lin Feng finally found a way to stably obtain high-order materials such as neutron ingots.

With the effect of the Devil Fruit, Lin Feng is convinced that he can upgrade the endless suit as soon as possible!

According to the description of the comment system, the power of the complete endless suit is extremely amazing.

Coupled with your own powerful plants, you will definitely be able to exert a strong strength!

At the same time, Lin Feng is also looking forward to the inspection arranged by the institute.

He can check out other special plants in the world.

Healing the guardian giant tree allowed him to successfully unlock two powerful plants, the guardian giant tree and the ancient war tree.

Then go to look at special plants such as Silver Fire Tree, Wanlin Bamboo, etc., can you unlock more powerful plants?

As the level increases, various powerful plants are gradually unlocked. Can you build a powerful plant army?

With a longing for the future, Lin Feng returned to the trial space with anticipation.

Time passed slowly in the busy.

The Trial Space Institute speculated that the major crisis at the Institute did not erupt.

But for Lin Feng, there is another danger approaching.

Fallen priest, Haskar!

This powerful Tier 9 master is preparing to sneak into the Dragon Kingdom and kill Lin Feng!

This is the killer copper prepared by Admiral Austin!

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