Chapter 197 The mysterious seed can finally be planted?


When Lin Feng activated the skills of the Demon God’s Power.

A strong tremor suddenly spread from the position of his heart to his whole body.

The surrounding sky became darker inexplicably.

An extremely special wave spread throughout the tourmaline palace.

Various plants with elven characteristics swayed wildly, as if strong winds were appearing.

But Lin Feng did not feel any breath of wind.

To be safe, he put on an endless suit.

The enhanced defense of the endless suit has been improved a lot, and it can bring him enough protection.

In the tremor, Lin Feng quietly waited for the demon’s response.


In front of him, a black light door appeared.

A soft voice came from the door.

“Huh? There’s a little guy here calling me.”

The voice is full of magnetism, and the person who cannot be heard is male or female.

Lin Feng was not surprised.

For a demon god, it is unknown what the body is.

I don’t know whether it’s gender or not.

Lin Feng stood quietly on the spot, with no other actions.

He just waited quietly for the other person to speak, waiting for the light gate to change.

“Little guy, I am

When the magnetic voice was speaking, I didn’t know what happened, so that the voice was interrupted.

Lin Feng frowned.

What’s going on here?

There was an accident with this Mingzhi master’s skills?

“Meritia? Why did you appear? This is my God’s Domain!”

From the light gate, the neutral voice suddenly came.

Lin Feng lifted his spirits.

He heard a familiar name.

Meredia, the demon god who dawned on himself an artifact.

Although this artifact has no effect on oneself, it is a artifact after all.

Besides, although he helped her win the confrontation, he also demolished her temple.

Lin Feng thought of the shrine that he had blasted down, and also thought of the guidance given by the other party to allow him to successfully participate in the trial of the sky realm.

This indirectly helped him change his job to become a meditation master.

Perhaps, it is a good choice to cooperate with the demon god Meredia.

The comment system also reminded that although she is a demon, she hates undead and zombies.

Cooperating with her may be the best choice right now.

“This person is destined to me.”

On the other side of the light gate, the melodious voice of the Demon God Meredia also came over.

It seems that it is the same as my own idea, feel that I am a good partner for cooperation?

“Fate with you? What’s your idea? You will actually send a clone to my god’s realm for a human being?”

“Angles, this human being is a believer in my fancy, and he is in charge of my divine weapon.

“Your divine tool? Dawn? You actually give dawn to a human? Not an elf, not an angel, but a human?”

“He will be in charge of my divine weapon and sweep an unclean enemy! He is the one I fancy!”

“If that’s the case, let it be to you, remember to owe me a love, and use the Arcane Sacred Crystal to pay it back.


Small voices kept coming from the black portal in the sky.

Lin Feng’s expression is a little weird.

Was this the way the demon gods traded like this?

However, he is also more willing to cooperate with familiar demon gods.

After all, he had gone through the Dawn Icefield trial before, and he had a deeper understanding of the demon god Meredia.

He knew that the other party was fair.

Just when Lin Feng waited for Meritia to communicate with him.

Another voice came from the black light door.

“Wait, this person is also predestined with me, I can give you the holy soul crystal, Angles.”

This sudden change not only surprised Lin Feng, but the two demon gods on the side of the black portal were also shocked.

“Azura? What day is it today? Why are you here too?”

The demon god named Angles exclaimed.The demon god Meredia was angry in his tone: “Azura! This is my believer!”

Dawn Demon God Azula did not flinch: “I know very well that this human being does not believe in gods! He is not your believer!”

Hearing the conversation over there, Lin Feng’s expression became even more weird.

Is this a new Demon God stepping in?

Dawn Demon God Azura?

Lin Feng was deeply impressed by this demon.

The reason why he can directly upgrade from the second-order gardener to the fourth-order gardener is still relying on Azura’s rose to advance.

The other side also cultivated the stamina-enhancing plant, the Glory of Morning.

In Lin Feng’s view, maybe this Dawn Demon God is also a gardener?

However, the level gap between the powerful gods of that level and him is too far, and he can’t guess it now.

He waited quietly.

Anyway, I just test my skills.

Just wait and see the changes.

When the two demon gods were arguing, Angles laughed strangely.

Haha “Haha! This is really interesting! You will actually argue for a human!”

“Is he the reincarnation of a certain Holy Spirit? I’m also interested in him. Azula, Meritia, this is my realm of God, let me communicate with him.”

When the magnetic voice fell, the entire Dark Portal became full of black clouds.

“you dare!

Angles “! I took note of this!”


In the voice of the three demon gods, the dark door gradually opened.

A cloud of black mist emerged from the door.

“Little guy, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Angles, an elegant demon.”

As the black clouds gush out, Angles’s neutral voice full of magnetism comes out.

“You can actually make Azula and Meritia so important at the same time, I’m afraid…

Halfway through his words, Xia stopped.

“Gardener? Dark planter? Cultivator? Are you a gardener on the right path?


“No wonder, no wonder, hahaha.

Angles seemed to have discovered something that shocked him extremely.

He laughed wildly, his voice reverberating throughout the trial space.

At this moment, it was completely different from the polite appearance before.

Even though his body did not appear in the Emerald Palace, that powerful aura still shrouded the entire palace.

The sunny weather suddenly became clouded.

Angles shows the devil’s demeanor!

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

This sentence is again.

Gardener walking on the right path.

What exactly does this mean?

Whether it is an annotation system.

Or these powerful demon gods.

They all seem to know the extraordinary profession of a gardener.

On the contrary, the gardener himself did not know what had happened.

“Master Mingzhi, formally introduce, I am Angles, the demon god of grace and shadow.

“Tell me your name.”

Lin Feng frowned.

In front of him, a line of comment appeared.

[Angles: Grace and Shadow Demon God. A demon with a crazy personality, sometimes an elegant, erratic temper. Powerful and unpredictable. ”

[Note: You can’t tell him your name in person! Otherwise, you will be in danger of being manipulated by Angles in a crazy state!)

Lin Feng’s vigilance has been raised to the highest level.

In his opinion, the current situation is a bit bad.

This does not seem to be a demon who is too friendly.

Far inferior to Meritia.

“Why didn’t you answer?”

“You call me, what’s the matter?”

“Tell me your name.”

Lin Feng followed the prompts of the comment system and did not speak.

He didn’t want to tell this mysterious demon god his name.


The tone of the demon god Angles gradually increased.

But Lin Feng didn’t want to talk to him more.

With the reminder of the annotation system, it is absolutely impossible for him to tell the other party his name.

The air suddenly became depressed.

“Hahahahaha~! Interesting, interesting!”

“It seems that you know something about me, Angles, and deliberately didn’t tell me your name?”

After a long silence, Angles changed his tone again.

He no longer uses my own name, and he no longer uses you to refer to Lin Feng.

This reaction made Lin Feng more vigilant.

He is really a demon with chaotic style.

“I won’t ask your name anymore, you call me, what’s the matter?”

Lin Feng hesitated.

He was actually just to test his skills.

But I can’t speak directly to a demon god.

After all, the other party is moody.

After thinking about it, he put forward his own needs.

“I need neutron state element ingots, endless blooms, crystal matrix ingots and other materials, do you have them?”

“Huh? You actually need something like this? Aren’t you a gardener?”

Hearing what he said, Angles raised his own question.

Lin Feng did not explain.

He was very wary of this demon’s attitude.

He didn’t want to say much other than the necessary dialogue.

Seeing his silence, the other party seemed to be able to understand his attitude.

“I naturally have such materials. I have as many as I want.

Hearing what he said, Lin Feng still did not answer.

The other party will definitely make a request.

Facing the moody demon god, one must be vigilant! Be vigilant again!

“Well, I think your current strength is not enough, and you can’t cultivate the spiritual things I want.

“But you will definitely get this ability in the future.”

“When will you be able to cultivate” the fruit of space-time capabilities, use it to exchange endless blooms, neutron state element ingots and crystal matrix ingots with me. ”

This time, Lin Feng did not refuse.

In his opinion, his goal has been achieved.

He has verified the skill of Demon God’s Power.

It now appears that this skill is full of risks and uncertainties.

It’s better to be careful yourself.

What Angles said is a plant that contains the “power of time and space”.

Lin Feng suddenly remembered the space tree under the Jade Palace.

Maybe it’s what Angelos needs?

Keeping this in mind, Lin Feng is planning to stop the skill.

0.………for flowers…

Angles’ words sounded again.

“I noticed that you have a special seed in your body. It looks like the energy is amazing and contains all kinds of power.”

“I will give you a few seeds with different powers, and you can see if you can successfully cultivate them.

“As a reward, I need a batch of elixir that enhances the basic attributes to nurture my believers.”

This “deal is a good deal for you, and it is also the beginning of our cooperation.”

“Master Mingzhi, do you agree to this deal?”

What he said made Lin Feng very puzzled.

A seed with special energy?

What does that mean?

He hurriedly opened the seed column, and found no strange seeds.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng opened the inventory again.

Sure enough, a seed that hadn’t been seen before was lying quietly in the inventory.

[A mysterious blue seed may be used in the future.

[Note: The profession of a gardener cannot be that simple! It is even more difficult to become a cultivator and a cultivator now!)

Sure enough, there is another seed like this!

Every time you transfer and upgrade yourself, there will be seeds!

He raised his head and looked at the dark clouds rolling in the sky.

Does he know the function of this seed?

Lin Feng was a little puzzled.

Every time I level up, I can get this seed.What does it do?

But Lin Feng didn’t want to ask Anglis.

This Demon God seemed a bit crazy, and Lin Feng didn’t know his way of doing things.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng agreed to the deal.

He just wanted to get rid of this demon quickly.

When he agreed to the deal.

Under the guidance of a mysterious force, a large number of elixir planted by Lin Feng flew into the black portal in the air.


Several seeds of different shapes floated in front of him.

“Hahahahaha! Happy cooperation!”

“Master Ming Zhi, you are very interesting, I look forward to the next deal with you!”

“The next time you use this portal, remember my breath and you can communicate with me!

Heiyun withdrew towards the black portal.

A cloud of black smoke condensed and did not dissipate.

It seems that it was deliberately left by the demon god Angles.

Lin Feng’s vigilance instantly improved.

He stared at the black smoke.

[The breath of the demon god Angles; holding this thing, when the power of the demon god is used, it can be directed to summon Angles. ”

[Note: There is no other effect, you can rest assured to hold it. ”

Seeing this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that when using the power of the demon god, you still have to be careful.

In case the moody demon god is summoned, it will be in trouble.

It seems that the original notes were not wrong.

The profession of Mingzhi Master is to rely on his own life energy to be strong enough, to constantly die, and to test frantically on the edge of death.

Exhale gently.

Today’s experience is a bit peculiar.

Who could have imagined that there would be three demon gods vying for themselves and trading.

Although in the real world, the major tester families and pharmaceutical companies are crazy and want to cooperate with themselves.

But he never expected that even the Demon God would fight to cooperate with him.

In fact, it’s not only that he couldn’t think of it.

It is impossible for anyone else to think that such a thing would happen again.

The rank gap between gods and humans is too big.

Even the current level of the strongest Blue Star is only Tier 9.

And the ranks of the demon gods are at least fourteenth ranks.

Calm down.

Lin Feng looked up at the many mysterious seeds floating in front of him.

One of the purple seeds attracted his attention.

That seed was exactly the same in all aspects except the color of the seed he obtained after each level up.

【A mysterious purple seed, planting mysterious seeds of all colors together can have a wonderful harvest. )

Lin Feng saw this, but he didn’t react for a while.

After watching this note for a long time, he suddenly woke up.

What’s the meaning?

It’s not a conventional comment.

Lin Feng has repeatedly confirmed that the content of the comment may not be useful in the future?]

Rather, 【planting with other seeds, you can have wonderful harvests.

Do you want to plant all the mysterious seeds together?

According to this statement, I finally collected them all?

Can it be planted?

Lin Feng’s curiosity was instantly suspended!

After so long, every time a career advances or changes, you will get this mysterious seed.

What can be grown?

Lin Feng can’t wait to take out all the mysterious seeds!

Seven seeds of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple touched together, and there was no change.

Except for the different colors, these seeds look nothing special.

But Lin Feng is looking forward to it!

This kind of thing, there must be a big secret!

Looking forward to it, he chose a sunny place and planted all the seeds!

The sun ball was thrown down like flowing water.

What will it grow?

Lin Feng is looking forward to it!

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