Chapter 191 The Hexagon Building is shocked! Dragon Kingdom’s reward!

Under the arrangement of the Dragon Kingdom.

The news of the rebirth of the guardian giant tree spread soon.

But the news that the guardian giant tree has evolved into an ancient tree of war has been concealed.

The news that Murong Xue had become the pinnacle of Tier Nine did not spread.

She received the notice that the senior officials of Longguo hope she can go to Wudang Mountain.

There, there is the real heritage of the Dragon Kingdom.

That is an extremely powerful tester of the Dragon Kingdom.

He once made great military exploits for Long Guo.

He is now practicing in Wudang Mountain.

The strength that this strong man exploded was stronger than that of King Sedum who opened the sky with a punch.

Such a level of power is the true foundation of each country.

When the situation between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom was the most tense before, the two countries once faced each other tens of thousands of miles away.

Whether it is the huge longan revealed in the Himalayas.

He is still a strong person who cultivates in the clouds and mist on Wudang Mountain.

They are all indispensable existence of the Dragon Kingdom.

For Long Guo, their significance is stronger than Wang Jingtian.

Now Murong Xue and the ancient war tree have reached this level!

The Dragon Kingdom suddenly added two top-level existences.

And they can cooperate with each other.

It’s too powerful.

The strength of the Dragon Kingdom has been greatly increased.

Longguo’s confidence increased greatly.

Under such a tense situation, the Dragon Kingdom would naturally release the news that the guardian giant tree has healed.

While enhancing the confidence of our own citizens, it also deterred opponents.

This is an extremely effective plan.

When the news reached Eagle Nation, the senior leaders of Eagle Nation were shocked!

The current strength of the Dragon Kingdom is already strong enough.

They actually healed the guardian giant tree!

Unlike ordinary people, the senior officials of the Eagle Nation naturally know how many guardian giant trees exist!

The record of guarding the giant tree is detailed in the archives of the hexagonal building.

Its condition has always been the focus of the investigation of Eagle Country’s hexagonal building.

In hexagonal building, meeting room.

The atmosphere here is extremely depressing.

Many intelligence personnel were silent.

After a long time, someone finally couldn’t stand the atmosphere here and asked.

“What should we do? Now Admiral Austin and Major General Kevin have gone outside.

We “Are we going to convey the news to the top official who stayed behind?”

Hearing his question, another female intelligence officer shook her head.

“It has been conveyed, but that person can’t be the master. He is not at a level enough. How to deal with such strategic intelligence can only be handled by General Austin and Major General Kevin. I have already passed the news.”

“The level is not enough? Impossible, just guarding the giant tree to heal, how can the level be so high?”

“Because it is the Dragon Kingdom that sent this news, according to the habits of the Dragon Kingdom, when they say that, they must have 020 even more terrifying cards and methods!”

The brief argument ends here!

Everyone knew that what the female intelligence officer said was true.

The Dragon Kingdom is different from all countries in the world.

In the eyes of other countries, the Dragon Kingdom has always had strange habits.

They always like to hide and tuck.

The weapons announced by the Dragon Kingdom will always be the weapons facing elimination.

Their most advanced weapons will never be unveiled.

Internationally, there has always been a joke.

The weapons announced by the Dragon Kingdom must be the weapons of the previous generation.

Announce one generation, hide one generation, develop one.

So, how to judge the real weapon strength and advanced level of the Dragon Kingdom?

In the future, the weapons that can be developed by two generations of technology are the real weapons of the Dragon Kingdom!The other news announced by Longguo basically follow this principle.

Now news from the Dragon Kingdom, the guardian giant tree has been healed.

Then they must have hidden even more terrifying methods!

This has been verified countless times!

Whether it is before the New Yuan Calendar or after the New Yuan Calendar.

Long Guo proved this with his actions.

Thinking of this, the people in the meeting room became even more silent.

“Give up. We have notified Admiral Austin.”

“Next, wait for his decision.

“In addition, I also conveyed the news here to Your Excellency the President in advance. If Admiral Austin has not responded, Your Excellency the President will have other arrangements.

The words fell, and there was only a long silence in this meeting room of the hexagonal building.

No one said another word.

During this period of time, they have not received a piece of good news.

This caused the intelligence personnel of the hexagonal building to become numb.

They can do nothing but continue to gather information.

This incident made these senior intelligence personnel feel very frustrated.

Such things are not only happening in the hexagonal building of Eagle Country.

The same scenario exists in various other institutions.

Once a powerful weapon at the level of guarding the giant tree is cured, the foundation of the Dragon Kingdom will be strengthened a lot.

The balance between the eagle country and the dragon is instantly broken!

It is different from these officials in Eagle Country.

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom was full of jubilation.

It’s not just netizens on the Internet who are happy.

The military and the senior officials of the Trial Space Research Institute are also very excited.

They never imagined that Lin Feng, a Tier 5 gardener, could actually heal the guardian giant tree of Tier 9!

Everyone is optimistic about Lin Feng’s future, but no one believes that he can complete such a difficult (ahcc) task now!

But he proved everything with his actual actions!

This once again strengthened Long Guo’s importance to Lin Feng.

Soon, they began to accelerate their actions.

Lin Feng suddenly got a notice from Murongxue.

The senior executives of Longguo’s Trial Space Research Institute wanted to communicate with him on video in the trial space.

He did not refuse.

He knew very well in his heart that he healed the guardian giant tree and cultivated so many medicinal materials for the Dragon Kingdom.

It’s time for the other party to contact him.

Suddenly, a video communication light screen popped up in front of Lin Feng, who was meditating in the Jade Palace.

He fixed his eyes and found that the communication contact was Chen Huanian.

Seeing this name, Lin Feng was shocked!

Chen Huanian, one of the leaders of the Longguo Trial Space Research Institute.

He once led the development of the combat system of the magic swordsman profession and the shaping knight profession.

He can be said to be a leading figure in the profession of Long Country Research and Trial.

He is also the leader of the Chen family in Peking.

Before going to the Sunshine Restaurant in Baisha City, Chen Xu, who represented the Chen family to communicate with Lin Feng, was Chen Huanian’s nephew.

Because of Chen Huanian, the Chen family has become a top family.

His theoretical research has cultivated a large number of outstanding magic swordsman professions and capable knights for the Dragon Kingdom.

His name is recorded in the textbook.

In the library of Minglu Middle School where Lin Feng studied, there is also a bust of Chen Huanian.

Lin Feng respects such people very much.

He didn’t hesitate to click on the video communication.

An energetic white-haired old man appeared on the video communication interface.

In front of Lin Feng, line by line comments showed Chen Huanian’s information.

[Seventh-order astrological sacrifice: a profession of faith similar to priests, but they do not believe in a specific god, but in the endless starry sky, the belief is passed down to the world, and the truth that controls all things. ”

[Note: This astrological sacred sacred star power flows around the body, the speed is extremely fast, and the amount of star power storage is extremely exaggerated! The strength is extremely powerful! Dangerous!”

Seeing these notes, Lin Feng’s heart was stunned.

It is indeed a professor who has made such an achievement.

Even if he puts most of his energy on research, he is still a high-level powerhouse.

Coupled with his so many years of research, and Longguo’s investment.

It is not to be underestimated to convert the benefits brought by some research results into strength at will.

“Hello, classmate Lin Feng, this is Chen Huanian.

From the video, there was an angry voice from Old Chen.

Lin Feng looked serious and said seriously, “Professor Chen, hello.”

“I’m here to contact you this time. There are two things. One is to see the young talents who are the most popular in my Dragon Kingdom, and the other is to talk to you about rewards.”

It can be seen that Chen Huanian is also a resolute temperament.

He went directly to the topic without two sentences after connecting to the communication.

“You have made a great contribution to the Dragon Kingdom this time. Together with the elixir provided before, it has given us a great surprise and has a great effect on my research.”

“With the cooperation of the military and the Trial Institute, we have prepared something for you. I want to discuss the specific arrangements with you.

With that said, Chen Huanian enthusiastically took out the sub-lists and showed them in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a closer look, and those listed on the list were all rewards prepared by Longguo for him.

Those rewards are varied.

A strong tattoo can enhance one’s own strength.

There are special accessories that can enhance his defense capabilities.

There are also various high-end medicines.

Including Lin Fengshan’s Dragon Blood Potion that has been Kaikai before!

His eyes were instantly attracted by those lists!

If there are other people here, they will be very surprised to see this scene!

What an identity is Elder Chen!

To show such a trivial thing as a reward, actually want him to come in person?

But Chen Huanian was very interested.

In his opinion, the young people who are leading the way in video communication are the most outstanding young people in this generation of Long Kingdom, not even one of them!

He has made a series of incredible achievements that have attracted his attention long ago.

In addition, Murongxue, who is also a top scientific researcher of the Trial Space Research Institute, praised Lin Feng so much, which also attracted his attention.

Chen Huanian wanted to meet Lin Feng a long time ago.

It’s just that one of them is busy researching, and the other has been participating in the trial in the trial space.

This time Lin Feng came out of the trial space and at the same time healed the guardian giant tree, which instantly attracted Chen Huanian’s attention.

The taxpayer also knew before that the Trial Space Research Institute had been planning a reward for Lin Feng.

In addition, he successfully cured the guardian giant tree this time, which naturally attracted the attention of the Dragon Kingdom.

This will be exhausted after hard work, and he specifically wants to come and see this outstanding young powerhouse of the Dragon Kingdom through the trial space!

On the other hand, Chen Huanian also wants to cooperate with Lin Feng.

With his rich career development experience, if he can cooperate to successfully develop the career of gardener, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the strength of the Dragon Kingdom!

He knew that Lin Feng must have his own secret.

But the atmosphere of the Dragon Kingdom has always been this way.

They will not ask Lin Feng to force these things to be contributed.

The institute will cooperate with him, develop together, and share the results.

Lin Feng has been staring at the list in front of Chen Huanian, with a focused expression.

A note appeared before his eyes, analyzing these rewards for him.

Seeing his concentrated expression, Chen Huanian nodded appreciatively.

“This is the giant horned rhinoceros demon pattern, the strength that can be strengthened when tattooed on the body.”

“This is the iron pillar shell magic pattern, tattooed on the body can enhance the defense power.”

Chen Huanian introduced the rewards they prepared to Lin Feng with great interest.

Subject to the “Magic Weave Master’s professional level and skill characteristics, you can only choose one kind of tattoo on your body.”

“These are the two choices we have selected after synthesizing a lot of information. The detailed information will be passed to you later. You choose.”

“This is a magic ring, which can enhance magic power. I don’t know whether you gardeners need to use magic power, but the magic ring can also enhance intelligence, and it must be useful to you.

Lin Feng looked at the list in front of him seriously, but did not listen to what Chen Huanian said.

He has an annotation system to get more detailed information.

All his attention was focused on some of the key items in that list.

That is not the reward list, but the next cooperation list.

The trial space is willing to provide some extremely special materials to help Lin Feng cultivate plants.

What he had said with Murongxue before had been conveyed to the Trial Space Research Institute.

They knew that Lin Feng must have hidden other special plants.I also know that the conditions for growing plants are very strange and complicated.

Now, the trial space is willing to provide special items and try to see if special plants can be cultivated.

If there is a special eating plant, Lin Feng must ensure the benefits of Longguo.

He will give half of the plants he cultivated to the research institute!

Among those special items, several things attracted Lin Feng’s attention.

Neutron states!

Endless catalyst!

Crystal matrix!

Lin Feng looked at the names and was happy.

He clearly remembered the materials needed to upgrade the endless suit.

1 Endless Pearl, 120 Neutron Ingots, 69 Endless Blooms, 4 Endless Catalysts, 3 Crystal Matrix Bricks.

The previous trial in the Sky Realm had already rewarded a Pearl of Final Hope.

Now, the three materials of neutron ingots, endless blooms, and endless catalysts have also arrived!

Lin Feng moved his gaze from the award list to Chen Huanian again.

“Old Chen, I don’t care much about other rewards, but I want some special materials.”

Chen Huanian’s expression moved.

“You said.”

“I saw that the list said that we need to cooperate more in the future and need to cultivate more plants?”

Chen Huanian smiled when he heard him say this.

Worthy of being such an outstanding young man.

Seeing the list, the cooperation items and research projects that are the most concerned, instead of paying attention to the rewards.

But Lin Feng’s next words shocked Chen Huanian.

He pointed to the list and said, “I want 120 neutron ingots, 69 endless blooms, 4 endless catalysts, and 3 crystal matrix bricks!

When he first spoke, Mr. Chen didn’t have much reaction.

When Lin Feng said that he needed 120 neutron states, Chen Huanian was already a little uncomfortable!

How much does he want for such precious materials?


Chen Huanian was shocked!

Next, what Lin Feng said made him less and less calm.

The shock of Chen Huanian’s heart gradually appeared on his face!

He can’t stretch it anymore!

What does this young man want?

He wants endless blossoms, an endless catalyst, and crystal matrix bricks!

Does he know what level of material this is!

This time Long Guo was able to provide him with these materials for his plant cultivation experiment, which is already a bloody!

There are even more special materials!

Listen to that number!

69 endless blooms!

When is the endless quantity counted with two digits?

4 endless catalysts?

3 crystal matrix tiles?

What the Trial Space Research Institute can provide Lin Feng is a crystal matrix ingot!

Not a crystal matrix brick!

A crystal matrix brick requires nine crystal matrices to be synthesized!

Chen Huanian opened his mouth slightly.

For a long time, he looked straight at the young man in front of him, and said in astonishment: “Do you know what else you are talking about?”

Lin Feng’s heart sank when he saw his expression.

Is the request made by myself too much?

Seeing his expression, Chen Huanian knew that this young man didn’t even know how high his demands were.

He began to introduce these materials.

From what he said, Lin Feng knew how exaggerated his request was.

But at the same time, he understood the origin of those powerful materials more clearly, and knew what he should do next!

Advance as soon as possible and go to the high-level trial!

In the high-level trial, there is a chance to get these special materials!,

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