Chapter One Hundred and Ninety The Dark Plants Unlocked Long ago! There is an uproar in the world!

Trial space, Emerald Palace.

Lin Feng is sitting on the sofa, studying the plant illustrations carefully.

This is how many times he has checked the plant illustration book.

However, there are too many types of plants on the plant book, which is not so easy to check.

This time, he searched the plant illustration book to find dark plants that could be unlocked at this stage.

These plants must belong to the dark department and possess all kinds of weird or powerful skills.

Lin Feng looked for suitable unlock objects one by one.

Everything is ready now, only the east wind is owed.

I only need to unlock the dark things, plus Murong Xue’s help to find the cultivation method of Pupil of Annihilation.

When all the conditions are in place, that’s when you change your job to become a master of meditation!

With the three types of professional skills, he will definitely become an extremely powerful tester by then.

At that time, I will be able to complete the trial as quickly as possible!

With the emotion of expectation, Lin Feng began to earnestly search for suitable dark plants to unlock.

[Bloodthirsty Vine: A dark thing living in the blood hell, capable of absorbing blood to improve itself. The unlocking conditions are as follows: Requires fifth level of gardener level. (Need Moonlight Vine)

[Note: Very powerful plants, but not easy to use in trials. There is too little blood in the zombie’s body, and the bloodthirsty vine cannot exert its strongest strength. ”

[Scorching Flower: A plant with extremely powerful vitality. Survive in the spiritual hell, able to absorb the nutrients of the corpse. The unlocking conditions are as follows: After killing the Orion, let the Big Mouth Soldier absorb its nutrients, and

[Note: The effect is the same as the dark crystal orchid, and it has little effect on the host. ”

Lin Feng frowned.

Until now, almost all kinds of plants are not suitable.

Otherwise, the unlocked item cannot be obtained.

Otherwise, his level is not enough.

When will these plants be unlocked?

At this moment, the comment just now suddenly attracted Lin Feng’s attention.

[Note: The effect is the same as the dark crystal orchid, and it has little effect on the host.

Dark Crystal Orchid?

Lin Feng’s heart flashed!

Is this a dark plant?

He immediately took out a handful of dark crystal orchids, held them in his hands, and watched them carefully.

Notes appeared before his eyes.

After waiting for a long time, the note he was looking forward to finally appeared.

[Note: It belongs to the dark family of plants, one of the conditions for the transfer of the Ming planter is reached. ”


Lin Feng was shocked when he saw this!

There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

This reward obtained long ago can actually serve as a condition for the transfer!

Because it was used too little, I was ignored by myself.

Now that I calculate, I only need to wait for Murong Xue to take over the cultivation method of Eye of Annihilation, and then I can complete the job transfer!

Thinking of the powerful skills he had acquired when he had just changed jobs as a cultivator, he couldn’t wait to get up.

After all, if you can acquire more skills, you will be more confident in the trial space!

One’s own strength can also be stronger, and the self-protection ability is stronger.

With excitement, Lin Feng walked out of the Jade Palace and began to cultivate his own plants.

Plants are his foundation!

Lin Feng was cultivating various plants in the trial space.

The news that he healed the guardian giant tree and let it evolve into an ancient tree of war has reached the ears of the senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom.

At the same time, Long Guo also knew the news that Murong Xue had risen to the top of the ninth rank.

Such news is undoubtedly extremely morale-solidifying and extremely important news.

After discussions among the various senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom, at this moment when the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom confront each other, Xiong Kingdom and other countries are divided into two teams and oppose each other. The news that the guardian giant tree is healed can very well boost morale!

Soon, the major media and propaganda outlets of the entire Dragon Kingdom were preaching this news!

The news of the ancient war tree and the promotion of the Shield of Thorns to the ninth-tier peak was not spread.

But the guardian giant tree received Lin Feng’s treatment, and the news that it has recovered has been spread.

Lin Feng’s head teacher and teacher Liu are watching TV in his home.

But soon, the picture of the TV series was changed, and the picture jumped directly to the news program.

A hostess sitting upright appeared in the screen.

She narrated the news in a very excited and professional tone: “Audience friends, now we are broadcasting an urgent news!”

“I just received the urgent news that the heroic tree of my Dragon Kingdom, the powerful guardian giant tree has been healed!”

“According to the information provided by relevant departments, it is the young gardener who is now in the limelight, classmate Lin Feng, who saves the giant tree!”

“There may be many young viewers who don’t know what kind of plant the guardian giant tree is. Let’s introduce it to everyone here!

“The guardian giant tree is the most powerful plant in the Murong family of the Meritorious Family, and has made great military exploits for the Long Kingdom!

On TV, the hostess was still showing the news emotionally.

Teacher Liu is already like a wooden chicken!

As a high school teacher, he naturally understands a tree of merits like guarding giant trees.

In his impression, it was an extremely powerful sacred tree on the verge of death!

It can be said that that giant tree has made great contributions to the entire Long Nation!

The news that it was seriously wounded and was about to die is the sad news for all Longguo people who understand its merits.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful ancient tree was actually cured!

What makes Teacher Liu feel incredible is that the person who healed this tree is his student, Lin Feng, who has just graduated!

This year’s college entrance examination champion!

This incident shocked him so much that he opened his mouth and couldn’t speak for a long time.

“I have a little one~”

Suddenly, a cheerful music suddenly sounded.

Teacher Liu’s expression lifted.

My cell phone rang.

He hurriedly took out his cell phone and took a look. It was Principal Wang of Minglu Middle School who called.

“Hello? Principal? This is Liu…

“Did you watch TV? Did you watch the news?”

Before he could say anything, Principal Wang’s excited words came out of the microphone.

Teacher Liu was taken aback, and immediately reacted, and said: “I saw it, Lin Feng healed the guardian giant tree!”

“Yes! That’s it! I have decided to promote Lin Feng as an outstanding graduate of our school!

Teacher Liu was not surprised when he heard Principal Wang’s words.

After all, Lin Feng learned from Minglu.

He has done such a big thing, it can be said that he has won honor for Minglu Middle School!

But President Wang’s next words never thought of him.

“In order to prove that the education Lin Feng received in our school has played an extremely important role in his growth, I need you to write a memoir.

Teacher Liu was stunned.

“I write a memoir?”

“Yes! You write me more detailed memories, highlighting the advantages of Lin Feng and our school, do you know? As soon as possible, I will let the teaching director set the banner first.”

After saying this, President Wang hung up the phone impatiently.

“Principal? Principal? Principal!”

Teacher Liu kept calling, but no sound came from the phone.

He looked at the phone dumbfounded, and his heart was mixed!

Unexpectedly, after graduating for so long and having been a class teacher for so long, there will be a day to rewrite my memoir!

And it’s me as a teacher to remember my students!

This thing really made him helpless!

Never thought that I still have such a day!

For a while, he didn’t know whether he should cry or laugh now.

Lin Feng saved the protection of the giant tree, not only shocked the teacher Liu, but also made Minglu Middle School show off.

Countless people in Longguo were shocked.

On Houlang Weibo, several hot searches related to this have been on the hot search list.

“[The 18-year-old gardener creates another miracle! The guardian giant tree reappears in the world!”

“The guardian god tree is healed! The healer is Lin Feng!

“The disadvantaged profession makes another glorious! How did he do it?

Striking news was spread by the NP Shock Department.

The giant guardian tree that had been silent for hundreds of years also reappeared in everyone’s sight.

On Houlang Weibo, many people were shocked.

“My God! It turns out that our country still has such a powerful sacred tree! If it weren’t for the news today, I wouldn’t know about it!”

“My Dragon Kingdom has been standing in the forest of the world for so long, relying on the selfless dedication of these powerful people! The gardener of the Murong family is truly a legend!”

“Fuck, Lin Feng is a man who does great things!”

Upstairs, “Yes, did you know? Lin Feng has achieved so many achievements, did you understand this?”

“3G surfing is fast!”

“GG ​​is also surfing the Internet~!”

“How is the scenery of Zhiyuanxing?

Some were ridiculed, some were shocked.

Through the recent news and popular science of various big V, many people know the existence of the guardian giant tree.

Only then did they know that Dragon Kingdom still has such a powerful sacred tree.

Although the “Stone Buddha” of the Professional Forum once mentioned this matter, the influence was not high at that time.

Now, under the instigation of the senior leaders of Longguo and the propaganda of major media, almost everyone has re-acquainted with the giant guardian tree.

They know its formidable strength and brilliant combat exploits.

(At the same time, I also know the past of guarding the giant tree. I know that this tree has been silent for many years due to injury.

The more they understand the guardian giant tree, the more they understand what a great thing Lin Feng has done.

“Fuck! There are so many things God Bless Pastor can’t do, but Lin Feng can do it! Is this the top pick in the college entrance examination? I want to be a student!

“You don’t think that the priests and botanists who heal the giant tree guarding the wounds are not academic masters? They are also top talents!”

“Yes, yes, you can’t ignore anyone’s efforts! The above step is too LOW.

“F*ck! If my child wants to choose a career in the future, I will let him choose according to his own hobbies! I also want him to be another Lin Feng!”

“You upstairs are thinking of pi to eat!


The whole Longguo network became lively because of this news.

Coupled with the recent continuous participation of Lin Feng in the trial, he became the fastest advanced third-level trial person.

He has become a frequent visitor to hot search.

It is even a figure on the cusp of the tide of fishing boats!

The fact that Lin Feng healed and guarded the giant tree not only made the people of Long Country enthusiastic, but also deeply touched.

It also made other countries, especially Yingguo people feel threatened!

At this stage of the fierce confrontation between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom, the news from the Dragon Kingdom is very obvious!

Don’t say it is unpredictable!

The strength of my Dragon Kingdom is very strong! The background is very deep!

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