Chapter 192 Returning, ready to transfer! The action of Eagle Nation!

Inside the hall of the Emerald Palace.

Lin Feng is sitting alone on the large sofa.

In front of him, many things were placed.

Those were all rewards sent by Murong Xue from the Trial Space Research Institute before.

There are accessories and high-end potions.

But Lin Feng does not have much mood to pay attention to these things now.

His attention was attracted by other things.

On the table, there is a list.

It records the information of neutron state element ingots, endless blooms, and crystal matrix.

During the video communication before, Professor Chen Huanian of the Trial Space Research Institute got in touch with Lin Feng.

From him, he knew a lot of news about the materials needed to upgrade the endless suit.

Under the prompt of the annotation system, coupled with the introduction of Chen Lao, Lin Feng has a deeper understanding of neutron state ingots and other materials.

This is an extremely powerful material.

It can greatly enhance the capabilities of all aspects of equipment.

Whether it is toughness, magic conductivity, or magic reserves.

These materials can play a great role in all aspects.

Therefore, these materials are very precious.

The current source is only high-level trials.

Lin Feng must advance to high-level as soon as possible, and then go to participate in those trials by himself.

If he can complete the trial, he may get enough top-level materials as a reward.

If he is lucky enough, he can even go to the trial place where the neutron ingot is produced.

In that case, he might be able to collect everything in just one trial.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Lin Feng to obtain so many neutron states and other materials directly.

Of course, with the current background of the Dragon Kingdom, there are naturally enough neutron ingots.

But this kind of material is too precious and can enhance a lot of equipment.

Even Tier 9 testers need such materials to forge equipment.

This also means that these special materials cannot be provided to Lin Feng on a large scale.

Before the end of the communication, Chen Huanian smiled and said to Lin Feng that according to the current situation, each of the ninth-tier dragons would have a certain share.

Almost every top master can obtain 10 neutron state ingots.

Lin Feng must prove that he is more powerful than the 12 ninth-order powerhouses, so that Long Kingdom can provide him with so many neutron state ingots.

If you want to add endless blooms, crystal matrix tiles and other materials.

That Lin Feng at least proved that his own value is more than 30 ninth-level masters.

Hearing the number mentioned by Chen Huanian, even Lin Feng himself felt that it was nowhere in sight.

It seems that the most reliable way is to upgrade as soon as possible.

After you can participate in high-level trials in the future, it is the right way to go to the production area by yourself.

Just as he kept thinking, another video communication request came.

Lin Feng opened the request and found that the person who sent the communication was Murongxue.

Although he is still at Murong’s house, he has been in the trial space to sort out the gains of this period of time these days, and he has not gone out to communicate with her.

As Lin Feng connected to the video communication, Murongxue’s tall and straight figure appeared in the video communication.

“What’s the matter?”

Lin Feng has a lot to do now.

As a result, his current acting style is also vigorous and resolute.

Murong Xue said with a smile on her face: “I have found a few ways to cultivate the pupil of Annihilation, we have to go to Beiping as soon as possible.”

Since Lin Feng healed the tree of protection, Murongxue’s attitude towards him has become more gentle.

After so many years of difficult seeking medical treatment, she knew very clearly how difficult it is to treat and protect a giant tree.

But Lin Feng did it.

He completed the transaction between the two parties.

In Murongxue’s view, his family has spent so many years and so much manpower and material resources.

They invited so many ninth-order gods and priests, as well as various plant experts.

But after several generations of hard work and so much manpower and material resources, they still have no way of curing and protecting the giant tree.

So that in the current generation, the other members of the Murong family have given up curing and guarding the giant tree.And Lin Feng did it all.

This made Murongxue feel that her family was making a profit.

She always felt that Murong’s family hadn’t paid him enough.

So when Lin Feng found her, hoping that she could help find the cultivation method of Oblivion Eye, she agreed without any hesitation.

With Murongxue’s position, she quickly contacted several great masters.

Through various transactions, she obtained a total of four methods of cultivating Oblivion Eyes and cultivating items.

After all, there are many ways to practice the special skills of the mage like the pupil of annihilation.

Not every mage can practice successfully.

As a gardener, Lin Feng naturally cultivates even greater.

Although he always said that he was to cultivate plants, Murongxue still made several preparations.

Coupled with her own fixed teammate, Tier 9 Elemental Blasting Master Ding Wenmo’s practice method.

Murong Xue finally obtained five cultivation methods for the Pupil of Annihilation.

Those things were sent to Peiping and to the Trial Space Research Institute.

Hearing her words, Lin Feng remained calm on his face, but he was very happy in his heart.


After I got the Pupil of Annihilation, I collected all the props for the transformation of the master of meditation!

When that time comes, you can change your job directly!

New career!

He couldn’t wait to stand up.

“Thank you! I’ll be out soon!

After turning off the video communication, he did not hesitate, and soon teleported out from the trial space.

Now Lin Feng is the only foreigner staying at Murong’s house.

Fan Guang, Hong Peng and others had already returned to their lives.

Anyway, with Murongxue’s guardianship, it is impossible for anyone to be able to move Lin Feng in Longguo.

Soon, a flight took off from Xin’anling and went directly to Beiping!

When Lin Feng eagerly went to accept the practice method of the pupil of Annihilation.

The impact of his healing and guarding the giant tree is still expanding.

Many people have taken action on this.

For example, a vacillating country like Bangguo saw the current strong state of the Dragon Kingdom and immediately began to strengthen various cooperation with the Dragon Kingdom.

The surrounding cherry country and the eagle country are more closely connected.

The Xiong country also began to send people into the Dragon country, hoping to increase cooperation between the two countries.

Over the years, as two countries that have been suppressed by the Eagle Nation, I hope that the Eagle Nation will have various problems.

Now that the strength of the Dragon Kingdom is increasing, Xiong is happy to see it happen instead.

Among the many countries, the most violent response is the Eagle Country.

On the highest snow mountain in North America.

The cold wind howled, frost everywhere.

The endless ice field looked bleak and silent.

Two figures kept climbing the top of the mountain.

These two people are Admiral Austin and Major General Kevin who have been here for a long time.

They need to come here to find the fallen priest, Haskar!

Only he can break through the defenses of the Dragon Kingdom and find a way to kill Lin Feng.

Almost everyone has seen it now.

This little gardener is getting stronger and stronger and has played an extremely important role in the competition among big countries.

In silence all the way, Admiral Austin and Major General Kevin are finally about to reach their destination.

In their vision, a tall statue appeared not far away.

The statue had wings on its back, but it didn’t open, it was just gathered together.

The statue is draped in a robe, one leg is stepped out, and the hands are folded, as if holding something.

Admiral Austin and Major General Kevin looked at each other, and both saw a look of surprise in each other’s eyes.

finally reached.

They are refreshed!

Two powerful auras rose from them.

The wind and snow around were blocked by them.

The two accelerated their speed instantly and ran towards the statue not far away.

As they got closer, the face of the statue became clearer.

That is a god!

The face of the idol is a beautiful face, as if it is not the appearance that humans can have.

Even a highly powerful person like Admiral Austin was lost when he saw the face of the statue.

He and Major General Kevin looked at each other.

The man who made the statue is simply amazing.

Can actually carve such a vivid statue.

Although I don’t know which god this sculpture is.

But Haskar the Fallen Priest is here.

This statue should be the demon he believes in.

If Lin Feng were here, he would definitely recognize it.

The owner of this statue is the owner of the Dawn Icefield, the demon god Mertia!

Dawn the artifact to your own demon god!

But Austin and others are not clear about this matter.

They just feel very excited.

This statue is not ordinary!

The two ran to where they were with an eager mood.

At the bottom of the huge statue pedestal, there is a small square stone house.

A lot of firewood was piled up outside, and I don’t know where it was collected.

When Admiral Austin and Major General Kevin came to the idol not far away, a middle-aged man walked out of the stone house.

The man was full of blond hair and was extremely handsome.

His eyes were very bright, and strange golden symbols seemed to flash across his eyes.

He stood on the ice field where the cold wind was whistling, but he was at ease!

The strong contrast between movement and stillness made him look extremely mysterious.

Fallen priest, Haskar!

In this icy world, both Admiral Austin and Major General Kevin lived very well.

Although they are strong enough to withstand such temperatures, in order not to waste physical strength and energy, they still wear thick clothes.

But Huska in front of him, with a thin piece of clothing tightly attached to his body, can show his strong muscles.

An extremely harmonious momentum rose from his body.

Huskar seemed to get along with the extreme cold all around him extremely harmoniously.

Those violent winds, those ice and snow, it seems that they won’t hurt him.

Looking at this scene, a glimmer of enlightenment rose in Admiral Austin’s heart.

0……Look for flowers…

The strength of this person is so strong!

Even if he and Major General Kevin are added together, they are not opponents of the other party!

Not only did he not feel depressed, but he was very happy.

The stronger the strength of Haskar. The more sure he can kill Lin Feng!

My own trip is really right!

Such a strong man is not only amazing in strength, he also possesses all kinds of incredible abilities.

Admiral Austin recalled the information collected by the hexagonal building.

That was the information collected by Hexagon Building, the top intelligence agency of the Eagle Nation, who spent countless efforts.

Haska became famous at a young age and was once a famous priest.

Although he did not come from the family of John, which is called the family of priests, he is still one of the most powerful priests in the entire Eagle Nation.

But decades ago, he suddenly disappeared from the sight of ordinary people.

Huskar has fallen, has become a believer of the Demon God, and has become a powerful fallen priest!

He not only possesses the skills of the former priests, but also has many other skills.

The opponent can teleport like a mage.

It can also carry out medium-distance fixed-point transmission.

Can use the powerful offensive skills of priests.

It can also control a special kind of flame.

Admiral Austin can control the flame himself.

But he knew very well that his own flame was completely incomparable with the opponent’s.

That is a very special kind of flame.Not only is it powerful, but the temperature is extremely high.

Moreover, immortality will cause extra damage to creatures.

This greatly increased Haskar’s strength in the trial space.

He also killed the zombies much faster.

His strange changes have naturally attracted the attention of many people.


This has aroused many people’s speculation.

Is there a possibility that other professions can also obtain new skill trees?

If Haska’s information reaches Lin Feng’s ears, he must be able to guess what happened to Haska.

He changed his job.

But apart from Lin Feng, other people in this world still don’t fully understand the mystery of the transfer.

For the time being, this is just a secret known to Lin Feng alone.

Admiral Austin raised his hands and signaled that he was not hostile.

The surrounding Major General Kevin looked at him, and they followed suit and opened his hands.

The two rushed towards the stone house where Huskar was at extremely fast.

“I’m Austin, General at Eagle Country Hexagon Building. I came to you because there is an extremely important matter to discuss.”

In order not to irritate the opponent, Admiral Austin took the lead in expressing his intentions.

Hearing his words, Haska’s eyes flashed, and he stood still and did not move.

He was waiting for the approach of two outsiders.

Soon, Austin and Kevin came to the stone house.

After they approached, Haska said indifferently: “What are you doing here? If there is nothing important, don’t disturb me building the temple.”

Both Admiral Austin and Major General Kevin stayed for a while.

They looked at each other.

“Are you going to build a temple here? In this icy place?”

Having said that, Austin saw the huge statue.

He stopped talking immediately.

The opponent has already built such a huge statue.

Then it is possible for him to build a temple.

But who will come to worship?

This is the top of a snow-capped mountain that is rarely populated!

Haskar seemed to see their doubts.

He folded his hands together, the palm of his left hand was placed on the back of his right hand, and his expression was pious.

“I recently received my god’s revelation!”

“The battle between my god and the dark lady of the other demon god is over!”

“Occupy again!

“Conveyed the enlightenment to us!”

“As long as the sincere people are willing to wash away the evil undead creatures in the world, they have the opportunity to join the sect of my god!”

“Dawn of the gods will surely shock the world again!”

“If you want to join my god, how can you be blocked by the severe cold?”

Every time Haska uttered a word, he would exchange the positions of his hands, which seemed to be a special ritual.

There is a strong momentum rising from him!

Admiral Austin and Major General Kevin looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other’s hearts from their eyes.

Huskar’s strength is far beyond their imagination!

Just the soaring aura on him made the two of them feel terrified!

This is much stronger than the strength shown in their profile.

Is this all related to the return of the gods in the opponent’s mouth?

At the same time, a sense of excitement surged in Austin’s heart!

Do you have the opportunity to join this Dawn Sect?

Can I also acquire new skills?

And Huskar’s strength is so strong, isn’t he sure that he will kill Lin Feng?

Thinking of this, he was very excited!

It seems that I have really found a way to eradicate Lin Feng’s confidant heart!

As long as Haska makes a move, he will be able to catch it!

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