Chapter 189: A level that has never appeared before? Shocking the world!

Xin An Ling.

Lin Feng evolved the guardian giant tree into an ancient tree of war.

Affected by this, Murongxue also succeeded in improving her strength that she hadn’t improved in a long time.

She became the new ninth-tier peak powerhouse.

In addition, her profession is a special profession guardian.

This directly led to her true combat ability far surpassing other ordinary ninth-level peak powerhouses.

Everyone who realized this was shocked.

The guardian of the 9th-order peak plus the healed guardian giant tree.

The strength of the entire Murong family has been greatly improved.

They are not clear.

The strength to guard the giant tree is more than that.

It has evolved.

The current guardian giant tree has become an ancient tree of war.

The strength is several times that of before.

The most important thing is, because so many years have been looking for a way to save the guardian giant tree.

There is an extremely deep connection between the War Tree and Murong Xue.

This also allows the two to work together to exert extremely powerful strength.

The combination of the two can achieve a 1+12 effect.

Accompanied by Murong Xue and others, Lin Feng and his party left in front of the ancient war tree and returned to the gathering place of Murong’s house.

Here, he received the most grand welcome.

Before that, the Murong family just wanted Lin Feng to experiment.

They didn’t have much hope for Lin Feng’s current situation.

The future of this young gardener is what they are optimistic about.

Who knew that Lin Feng had healed the guardian giant tree unexpectedly.

He helped the Murong family complete the ancestral training in this generation.

It also greatly enhanced the strength of the Murong family.

This move made him a guest of the entire Murong family.

When Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie personally accompanied Lin Feng back to the family, he enthusiastically led him to the guest room.

All those who watched this scene were stunned.

Whether it is outsiders who have not followed the past to check the situation.

He is still the son of the Murong family left behind.

They all didn’t expect that the owner of Lin Feng would be so polite to Lin Feng.

Among the distant crowd.

Many young people in the Murong family watched this scene in shock.

Seeing Murong Xue and Murong Mingjie accompanied Lin Feng.

The entire Murong family is now the two most powerful ninth-tier powerhouses.

All were surrounded by a gardener.

Among them, the most complicated moods are Yu Qingxin and Yingyingjie.

The two of them were the teammates Murongxue chose for Lin Feng at the beginning.

For the safety of Lin Feng at that time, Murongxue hoped to help him upgrade his level as soon as possible.

No matter how hard I thought, Lin Feng has never paid attention to other people, he just wants to challenge the trial by himself.

“Unexpectedly, the little gardener we didn’t look up to would actually become a guest of the family, letting Aunt Xue and the owner of the family personally accompany him.”

Ying Yingjie smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Yu Qingxin’s eyes widened too, as if she hadn’t recovered yet.

The shock to her seeing the scene now is too great.”In less than a year, we were surpassed by him! What kind of promotion speed is this?”

She muttered to herself, as if lost.

Ying Yingjie understands the thoughts of his companion very well.

In their opinion, as a member of a large family like the Murong family, he should have been the proud son of heaven.

Before being asked by Aunt Xue to be a nanny for Lin Feng, they still don’t like this gardener.

How do you know that they have been used so far by the other party in just such a short time.

“I’m not mistaken, am I dreaming?”

“You slap me to see if I am dreaming.

“Ah~! It hurts!”

“Stop making trouble! Patriarch, they are here!”

A group of young children of Patriarch Murong were noisy.

“Speaking of which, Aunt Xue has the best vision. She has seen Lin Feng’s potential so early, knowing that he can save the guardian giant tree.

“You are not talking nonsense, after all, it is Aunt Xue, the strongest group of people at that time, it is naturally impossible for us juniors to have such a vision.

“You forget, among our generation, there are still some who have been very optimistic about Lin Feng from the beginning.


“Murong Mingyue.

“Yes! And Murong Mingyue! Why is she not here?”

“It seems to be going to the trial. Didn’t Long Guo just sign a contract with Ying Guo? She got permission and immediately went to participate in the trial.

When someone said this, all the young people were silent.

Among the younger generation in the family, the person with the best vision is precisely the strongest among the younger generation.

And now the strongest person went to participate in the trial just after he was unblocked.

My group of people are still watching the excitement here.

They looked at Lin Feng, who was accompanied by everyone in the distance.

The strongest among this generation has just come out of the trial space.

He has just completed three consecutive trials.

Compared with these people, the effort of myself and others seems to be a bit far behind.

Thinking of this, many people got hot on their faces and gradually left.

They also have to go to the trial space!

In the distance, Lin Feng, accompanied by Murong Mingjie and Murong Xue, did not pay attention to these peers.

He went directly to the waiting room.

When everyone was sitting down, Lin Feng explained the situation to Murong Xue.

The people here are all senior figures in the Long Kingdom, and he doesn’t have to worry about some secrets being leaked.

Guardian “The giant tree is now healed, and it has now evolved. You can call it the ancient tree of war.”

As soon as his voice fell, a cry of exclamation came from everyone’s mouth.

“What? Evolved?”

“Can such a powerful guardian giant tree evolve?”

“Ancient war tree? What kind of species is this? Lin Feng, did you cultivate it?

“The huge changes in guarding the giant tree just now shocked me. I am still wondering how the special plants of Tier 9 have such a powerful power. It turns out that it has evolved.

Murong Mingjie, who is also a rank nine powerhouse, shook his head with emotion.

His heart is extremely excited!

Ancient tree of war!

At the same time, a strong curiosity rose from his heart.

How strong is the ancient war tree after advanced?

In his heart, curiosity is full.

Looking around, this is not the high-level military, the family representative, or Lin Feng, the man who healed and guarded the giant tree.

Sooner or later, these people would know about it, and he simply asked his doubts.

“Lin Feng, may I ask, how strong is this ancient tree of war?”

He has a solemn expression. Although he is speaking to a younger generation, his tone is as if he is discussing with his peers.

This is no wonder.

Not to mention other things, just Lin Feng healed the guardian giant tree is enough to win the respect of the entire Murong family.

What’s more, he is still full of potential, and now he has obtained Murongxue’s guardian contract.

“The specific strength has to be tested by you, and I don’t know its true strength.

“But its level should have reached the peak of Tier Nine, and there is even a chance to advance to Tier Ten, but I don’t know how to do it.”

Lin Feng didn’t evade in the slightest, and talked freely.

Everyone was shocked by what he said.

There is a chance to upgrade to Tier 10!

A level that has never appeared before!

Although I know this is just an expectation.

But after all, it is an extremely shocking thing.

Although this was said from a population under the age of 20.

But no one doubted the correctness of what he said.

He has used his own actions to prove that he is the real expert in the field related to special plants.

Thinking of this, several god blessing pastors and botanists are curious about Lin Feng’s methods.

“Mr. Lin Feng, I would like to ask you, in what way did you learn about the protection of the giant tree?”

“None of us saw any other actions by you. Just after a few glances, you seem to understand the problem with guarding the giant tree.

The botanist asked everyone’s voice.

Facing their curious eyes, Lin Feng smiled and said nothing.

He can’t tell the other party that he has a comment system.

But when he reached his current position, he didn’t actually need to explain anything to others.

Looking at him, those botanists and priests of God blessed were very sorry.

But they know very well that Lin Feng must have some trump cards and jerk.

Such a trick cannot be disclosed casually.

The highest-ranking Pastor Li couldn’t restrain the doubts in his heart, and asked a question that he cared most.

“I would like to ask Mr. Lin, how exactly did you save the guardian giant tree? What skills did you use?

His face was full of curiosity.

Thinking of something, he hurriedly waved his arms: “If there are any secrets that can’t be told, then forget it, I’m just curious.”

Although he said that, who could tell the curiosity on his face.

Lin Feng didn’t sell Guanzi either.

He shrugged and said, “I have received a lot of rewards in the trial space. There are many plant treasures that can heal the guardian giant tree.”

At this point, he said nothing more.

The others suddenly realized.

They just remembered that Lin Feng had participated in so many trials in the trial space and got all SSS-level evaluations.

Even though he did not get the SSS evaluation a few times, he has done one big thing after another.

I am afraid that the rewards for supplementing the trial space will not be less.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Lin Feng to obtain various special treasures.

Just like the lucky four-leaf clover on his forehead.

Thinking of this, everyone’s eyes turned to Lin Feng’s face, staring at the faintly glowing four-leaf clover on his forehead.

Seeing that everyone had finished talking, Murong Mingjie, who could not wait to test the strength of the ancient war tree, stood up.

“Thank you very much Lin Feng for your help, we will definitely remember your favor.

“There will be gifts to be given next, please accept them!”

“Family affairs are so many, I will leave here and not be accompanying.”

In the eyes of everyone’s understanding, Murong Mingjie packed up everything, got up and walked out.Murong Xue did not follow.

She knew that the Patriarch was going to test the strength of the ancient war tree.

Although she is also very curious, she has opportunities in the future.

Seeing that everyone was about to leave, she stopped Lin Feng who was about to go back.

“Lin Feng, thank you, you saved the guardian giant tree and helped our family complete the ancestral training.”

Her expression is very sincere.

Before, he was just a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Never thought that everything will develop towards the best situation in the end.

Lin Feng actually rescued the guardian giant tree.


It has only been less than three months since he reached a cooperation with himself.

Thinking of this, Murongxue herself felt extremely shocked.

Lin Feng just smiled faintly upon hearing this.

“Happy cooperation.

“I still have a lot of things to do next. If there is nothing to do here, I will return to Peiping. I still have very important things to do.

Murong Xue was shocked when she heard the words.

“Didn’t you just finish the trial? Is there anything important to do?

Lin Feng thought for a while.

He looked at Murong Xue in front of him.

[Guardian contract signer: Both parties have enhanced recovery ability, damage transfer, and the other party will take part of the damage suffered by the host. ”

Having already concluded a guardian contract, I can trust her even more.

Lin Feng directly put forward his request.

With my current relationship with Murong’s family, I can indeed ask them for help.

“I recently got some inspiration for growing plants. I need the cultivation method of the Oblivion Eye, and I need some dark treasures.”

Murong Xue frowned slightly.

“The Pupil of Annihilation is a skill that only magicians need to cultivate. Why would you think of using it to cultivate plants? You can’t cultivate.”

Lin Feng can understand her thoughts very well.

If it weren’t for the comment system, it would be impossible to know that unlocking plants requires so many weird requirements.

Whether it is a machine gun Pea that needs to be unlocked with a reward medal.

It is still necessary to ask Mr. Luo to teach legal knowledge in order to evolve the corn cannon.

There are also all kinds of weird plants.

Their unlocking methods are too strange.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn’t help laughing.

Plants “have many strange ways of cultivating. I am still in the research stage. I will succeed in the future. You will all know.”

After Lin Feng said this sentence, he didn’t say more.

Murongxue didn’t know the bottom line.

She was just afraid that Lin Feng would practice indiscriminately and hurt her body.

As long as he doesn’t really cultivate by himself, then no matter what he wants to do with Eye of Annihilation, he should help him.

Thinking of this, she promised to help Lin Feng find a training method for Pupil of Annihilation.

After a brief exchange, the two went back to rest each.

Lin Feng is looking forward to it.

With the cultivation method of the Annihilation Eye, he also has the Devil-Eater Tree and the Heart of the Fallen Elf.

Next, as long as I unlock another dark thing, I will be able to change my job to become Master Wu Zhi!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng entered the trial space through Murong’s teleportation spire!

He must prepare early!

He will soon be able to unlock dark plants!.

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