Chapter 184: Shocked masters! Admiral Austin’s backhand!

In the teleportation hall.

Numerous Tier 9 powerhouses and other high-level military personnel are waiting patiently.

They are chatting.

Murong Xue and Ding Wenmo waited with solemn expressions.

There was a soft noise.

In everyone’s eyes, a calm-looking young man walked into the hall steadily.


With a soft noise.

Everyone stood up and looked at the incoming young man.

They were extremely surprised.

For a long time, Ding Wenmo asked Murongxue next to him in surprise: “Axue, isn’t Lin Feng a Tier 4 gardener? When was he promoted to Tier 5 professional?”

Not only shocked her.

Murong Xue couldn’t believe it herself.

Lin Feng actually upgraded again?

Everyone here is a high-level powerhouse.

Their perception is very keen.

The high-ranking powerhouses and other testers are not on the same level at all.

Lin Feng’s professional level has improved, his breath has changed, and his strength has changed.

These high-ranking powerhouses immediately perceive the strength of his breath.

“This is Lin Feng? Is he really promoted to a Tier 5 professional?”

“Yes, how could the Shield of Thorns and the others recognize the wrong person.

“Then this promotion speed surpasses Wang Jingtian, Murong Xue and other top powerhouses?

“Yes, he has surpassed them a long time ago. Not only is he promoted faster than contemporary powerhouses, he is promoted faster than everyone before.”

Those strong people talked a lot.

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Why are there so many people here?

He looked suspiciously at several of his acquaintances 07.

Both Murong Xue, Fan Guang and Hong Peng looked at him with shocked eyes.

Through the discussions with other people just now, Lin Feng knew exactly what they were surprised at.

His promotion speed really surpassed other people’s expectations.

Let alone them, even Lin Feng himself was surprised.

After all, he didn’t expect that there would be so many trial points in the sky realm.

The SSS-level evaluation points and the points obtained by completing the trial are added together, allowing him to directly upgrade to a professional level.

All of you present here are high-ranking powerhouses, and they soon calmed down their moods.


General He looked at Lin Feng, and he didn’t know what was going on, and a sense of satisfaction suddenly rose in his heart.

He laughed heartily.

Perhaps it is a sigh, there are people who will succeed in the Dragon Kingdom?

Murong Xue also took a deep breath and walked over.

“Lin Feng, I didn’t expect your promotion speed to be so fast!”

“Could it be that you got a lot of points in this directional trial?”

After all, she is a Tier 9 trainer who has experienced many battles.

Many trials have been completed in the trial space.

The same goes for the others here.

Most of them are familiar with the environment of the trial space.

you could put it that way.

Ordinary high-level powerhouses may not have participated in orientation trials.

But the ninth-tier strong must have participated in the orientation trial.

Hearing what Murong Xue said, all of them reacted.

“So his level has increased so quickly because he just participated in the directional trial? But in my image, the points of the directional trial can’t be so high?

“He just increased the trial space and consumes 5,000 points? Now it is a Tier 4 gardener who is upgraded to Tier 5, and he needs 12,000 points? A directional trial can give him so many points?”

The ninth-order berserker Xiao Kai and the ninth-order qigong master Yue Leng and others were discussing incredibly.

For a long time, Murong Xue, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

“You forgot, participating in his trial has always been evaluated at SS level or above. In the directional trial just now, the evaluation obtained is even SSS.”

All the ninth-tier powerhouses looked at the same room.

They reacted instantly.


Lin Feng not only participated in the orientation trial, he also received an SSS-level evaluation!

And he is also a gardener!

At this moment, everyone looked at Lin Feng with different eyes!

This kid has a big secret!

He must have hidden his true strength!

Everyone looked at Lin Feng in shock, feeling incredible.

General He Lao has more experience than others.

He carefully observed Lin Feng’s situation and found many clues.

This young man not only participated in the orientation trial, but also obtained the SSS-level talent as simple as that.

He has a calm breath and a calm expression.

There are so many high-level powerhouses here, just the aura revealed by everyone unconsciously intertwined, it is enough to make an ordinary Tier 5 professional feel pressure.

But Lin Feng is very calm.

The most important thing is that he just participated in a dangerous orientation trial, but he was not injured!

He is a gardener, his own combat ability is limited!

Even if he cultivated some powerful healing plants in his trial space, it can greatly increase his recovery speed.

But he is not a medical profession after all!

Lin Feng is neither a doctor, nor a priest of God’s blessing, nor a priest of darkness.

How did he recover so fast?

Or is he not injured at all?

Obtained an SSS-level evaluation in the orientation trial, and still not injured?

is it possible?

General He held his breath.

This little guy named Lin Feng has a big secret!

Thinking of this, he suddenly became vigilant!

This kind of good seedling, can’t let other people harm him!

He instantly became serious, and looked at everyone in the surrounding hall with alert.

He must write down all these people!

At his age, at this level, he has long ceased to count on his own strength improvement.

He only hopes that Long Guo can develop well and get better and better.

And young people like Lin Feng are his greatest hope!

The people here are all high-ranking powerhouses.

They suddenly felt a breath of majesty spreading in the hall.

Everyone was shocked.

They quickly turned their eyes to the source of the breath.

There, an old general who stood erect looked majestic and stared sharply at everyone.

A breath of iron and blood rose from his body!

Everyone looked at him in surprise, wondering why this old general suddenly became so serious.

Many people bowed their heads slightly.

“Lin Feng is an outstanding young man in Longguo, and his potential is huge.”

“I don’t want him to have any accidents before he grows up, you guys, do you know what I mean?”

The high-ranking powerhouses in the hall were shocked.

They realized one thing again.

Lin Feng’s potential and strength have been recognized by General He Lao.

If he had been valued by Qian Lu, a ninth-order magical scholar before, it was tantamount to opening a hole in the social circle of high-level professionals.

Then he is now valued by General He, which is enough to show that Lin Feng is really valued by the military!

This is completely different from before!

Many people bowed their heads slightly, indicating that they understood what He Lao meant.

Although Lin Feng didn’t know what Old General He meant by saying this.

But through the other party’s words, the reactions of the people present and the prompts of the annotation system, he knew the other party’s goodwill.

Seeing that everyone understood what he meant, General He’s expression relaxed.

“Lin Feng, you go to Murong’s house this time, don’t put too much pressure on it.”

“Seeing your real person, I have confidence in you.

“Even if you don’t heal the giant tree well now, you will surely heal it well in the future.”

General He looked at Lin Feng, who stood calmly in the teleportation hall in front of him, and was very satisfied.

Lin Feng raised his right hand and saluted.

General He was even more relieved.

Seeing that they stopped talking, Murong Xue came over.

“Lin Feng, are you going back to Murong’s house with me directly?”

Lin Feng nodded.

“I’ll talk to my father for a few words first, and then I’ll go to Murong’s house with you.”

Murong Xue had no objections.

Lin Feng briefly met with Fan Guang and other military leaders. After a few words of greeting, he went back to the barracks to find his father.

To Lin Feng’s expectation, Dad Lin Zhengde didn’t say much to him.

Originally, he was still a little worried about whether he would try to get the other side’s preaching after repeated trials on his own.

Who knows that Lin Zhengde didn’t say much, but just told himself to pay attention to safety.

Lin Feng, who was relieved, once again gave him a few fruits of the brilliance of the dawn, and then left the barracks.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Feng and Murong Xue and many high-ranking military generals went to Xin’anling and went to Murong 997.

Lin Zhengde did not send off his son.

After everyone had gone, he sat down in the room.

He is still a little weird.

Lin Feng actually has such a big influence now!

Look at the people who just came with him!

So many high-ranking powerhouses, so many high-ranking military officers!

In addition to the ninth-order guardian Murongxue he had seen before, he also saw the ninth-order elemental blaster Ding Wenmo.

There is also the Tier 9 Berserker Xiao Kai.

Rank 9 Qigong Master Yue Leng!

Ninth order%…

So many Tier 9 powerhouses!

The purpose of their coming is actually to escort Lin Feng!

Although the most important factor was because he was going to heal and guard the giant tree.

But being able to receive such treatment is enough to show that his son is extraordinary!

Lin Zhengde thought about how he looked at so many powerful people before, but now he is a little confused!

He also saw many senior military officials.

Whether it is his army commander Fan Guang or Major General Hong Peng, they are all high-ranking military officers he has never seen before!

Most importantly, I also saw General He Lao!

This is a legend in the entire military!

Lin Zhengde took a deep breath.

Now Lin Feng is better than himself in terms of vision and strength!

Lin Zhengde found that he didn’t seem to have enough ability to preach to Lin Feng.

Although he has sufficient qualifications and standpoint, his ability can’t keep up.

Lin Zhengde was a little lonely and a little excited.

“Wenhui, do you know that our son is also a strong man now. He is now a Tier 5 gardener. There is still such a big social circle.”

Maybe “We really have to rely on our son to get you back!”

Lin Zhengde was a little sad, but also a little expectant.

Not only these people in the Beiping military were shocked.

As the news spread, more people were shocked by Lin Feng’s record-breaking speed of improvement.

Knowing that Lin Feng is now going to heal and protect the giant tree, countless people are paying attention to him!

Such an increase in speed brings not only the attention and admiration of everyone to Lin Feng, but also hidden dangers!,

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