Chapter 185: Admiral Austin’s backhand! Check out the guardian giant tree!



The northernmost snow mountain in North America.

A scene of howling cold wind and heavy snow.

Countless snowflakes fell on the ground and were frozen into ice cubes. I don’t know how many years it has been sealed here.

In the stormy snow, two figures were walking hard.

They were wearing thick jackets, and they didn’t know how many layers of clothes were wrapped inside.

But it is too cold here.

If ordinary people arrived at this place, they would have frozen to death long ago.

But these two people can still walk normally here, which shows their extraordinary strength.

And these two people who keep walking in the snow are the two strong players in the Eagle Country Hexagon Building.

General Austin.

And Major General Kevin.

Ding dong ding dong ding dong ~

A loud noise came from the phone on Admiral Austin’s waist.

He summoned a flame to block the roaring wind and snow above his head, and took out his phone.

That was an urgent email from the hexagonal building.

Admiral Austin read it carefully.

The content of the email has two points.

First, Lin Feng completed the trial again.

What’s more, he completed the directional trial, obtained the SSS grade evaluation, and his points skyrocketed.

According to reliable sources, Lin Feng has now been promoted to a rank five gardener.

This speed can be described as breaking the world record.

Everyone was shocked by this.

The second thing is that Lin Feng is now heading to Murong’s house.

According to the inference of the hexagonal building, his purpose this time should be to heal and protect the giant tree.

The giant tree guarding the Dragon Kingdom has been severely injured and it is difficult to participate in the war.

However, in the previous confrontation in the Pacific, the guardian giant tree once showed its shape to help the Dragon Kingdom powerhouse resist the pursuit of the Eagle Kingdom fleet.

According to the investigation, the guardian giant tree, which has been paralyzed for many years, was able to participate in the battle again because of Lin Feng.

Now that Lin Feng goes to Murong’s house, it is probably related to guarding the giant tree.

After reading the information, Admiral Austin turned off his cell phone.

Major General Kevin next to him waited for him to put his phone away, and asked curiously: “What’s the message?”

Admiral Austin did not hide.

“Lin Feng from the Dragon Kingdom once again completed a trial.”

Could it be that “he got an SSS grade evaluation again?”

“Not only that, what he completed was a directional trial.”

Hearing what he said, Major General Kevin was really shocked.

“The directional trial you are talking about is the directional trial as I understand it? The kind of trial that requires a guide?”

He felt incredible.

But Admiral Austin nodded, confirming his guess.

“Isn’t the directional trial limited the number of people? For such a dangerous trial, he can also get an SSS evaluation?

Major General Kevin still seemed unbelievable.

As a high-level powerhouse, he is very strong.

His voice was very loud, even the howling wind did not cover up his shocked voice.

Admiral Austin looked forward faintly.

“Not only that, he has also gained a lot of points, and now his professional level has reached Tier 5.”

Even wearing a thick hat and windshield, Admiral Austin could still see his shock from Major General Kevin’s face.

He can understand the feelings of his colleague.

When reading that email, he thought so in his heart.

“Lin Feng is now going to Murong’s house, probably to heal and protect the giant tree.

When he heard his words, Major General Kevin was shocked.

“Guardian the giant tree? Does Lin Feng want to heal the giant tree? The level difference between them is too big. Even the ninth-order priest can’t heal the injuries. How can Lin Feng heal it well?”

Admiral Austin looked at the mountain top ahead, sighed, and said: “This is hard to say. According to my inference, Lin Feng should not have the ability to heal and protect giant trees.

“But he is a gardener, and he knows guarding giant trees better than those priests.

“Even if he can’t heal the guardian giant tree with his current ability, he can do it sooner or later.”

At this point, Admiral Austin stopped talking.

Major General Kevin understood what he meant.

At that time, the Dragon Kingdom had another weapon of the country.

Plus Lin Feng, who has grown up.

The competitive situation between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom will be completely changed!

He took a deep breath.

“We must not let this happen, right?”

Admiral Austin nodded firmly.

“We came here for this purpose.”

The two of them looked at the distant mountain top together.

There, there are goals for their trip.

Fallen priest, Haskar!

As a ninth-order priest, he finally changed his beliefs and became a believer of the Demon God!

Eventually become a brand-new profession, a fallen priest!

A profession that has never appeared before!

He possesses the skills of two occupations at the same time.

This makes everyone feel shocked!

His skills cooperate with each other and can do all kinds of magical things!

For example, bypassing the inspections on the border of the Long Kingdom, evading the Beidou satellite system in the air, hiding from the detection agencies everywhere, and mixing into the Long Kingdom!

Admiral Austin hopes he can make a deal with himself!

Kill Lin Feng!

In his opinion, as long as the fallen priest Haska is willing to make a move, the top talent of the Dragon Kingdom will undoubtedly die!

Admiral Austin was full of vigor, and bursts of flames ignited on his body.

The frantic blizzard can’t get close to him either!

By his infection, Major General Kevin was also full of vigor.

“Let’s go, let’s go find Haskar!”

After a few brief exchanges, they once again walked to the top of the mountain.

As long as Haska agrees to take the shot, Lin Feng, the pillar of the future Dragon Kingdom, and Yingguo’s future confidant will be stifled on the road of growth!

Longguo, Xinanling.

The Murong family.

Under the leadership of Murong Mingjie, the patriarch of the family, many strong men from the Murong family came to welcome Lin Feng and his party.

The patriarch led a team to greet him personally, which was the highest standard of hospitality in Murong’s family.

The reason for putting such a high specification is naturally not only because of Lin Feng, because he is here to heal and guard the giant tree.

The identity and status of other entourage is also one of the influencing factors.

There are many high-level powerhouses who accompanied Lin Feng and Murongxue to Murong’s house this time, and there are also many high-level military generals.

The Murong family members who greeted Lin Feng and his party included not only the strong in the family, but also outstanding children of all ages.

Behind the crowd, a group of young children from Murong’s family stood here with complex expressions.

Once, Murong Xue publicly selected Lin Feng’s teammates in the martial arts field of Murong’s home.

These younger generations of powerhouses have all participated in the selection.

At the beginning they were very reluctant to become a foil for their peers.

Except for the strongest member of the family, Asura Murong Mingyue, everyone else is very reluctant to participate in the selection.

At the beginning, their strength was stronger than Lin Feng.

I don’t know, but in just over a month, the other party has grown to this point.

At the back of the team, a man and a goddess looked pale and complicated at the battle, at the door of Murong’s house.

The male is Ying Yingjie and the female is Yu Qingxin.

They are all the teammates Murong Xue had found for Lin Feng before.

The two were very dissatisfied that they were chosen to be a gardener’s nanny.

But for Murong Xue’s reward, the two of them still agreed to complete the task.

Where do I know, Lin Feng has not teamed up with them.

Not only that, but the other party has always participated in the trial alone.

By now, he has been promoted to Tier 4 Gardener, Tier 3 Trial.

The two of them have already been thrown away!

They originally believed that they were the children of a big family like the Murong family, and didn’t want to be with Lin Feng.

As a result, the opponent has now become such a big man.

Whether the guardian giant tree as a family heirloom can be rescued depends on Lin Feng’s ability.

Now, even the owner of the family personally leads the team to greet each other.

And he has a group of strong escorts.

Such a huge gap made Gong Yingjie and Yu Qingxin very uncomfortable.

The inner thoughts of the two are very complicated.

If you let them know that Lin Feng’s current professional level is already Tier 5, I don’t know how they will feel.



With a few sounds of engine turning.

Several luxury cars drove towards the Murong family.

Soon, these cars parked on the square in front of Murong’s house.

Murongxue, Lin Feng, a group of high-ranking experts and military generals walked down.

Many soldiers who accompanied the escort were standing up and looking serious.

Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie walked up quickly.

After he briefly greeted Lin Feng and Murongxue, he first went to entertain the important people accompanying him.

He first greeted Xiao Kai, Yue Leng, Fan Guang, Hong Peng and others who were accompanying him.

Then he asked: “I heard that General He takes this matter very seriously. I don’t know if General He is here?”

Major General Hong Peng heard his question and explained: “The general stayed in Peking and did not come over, but he told us that we should pay attention to this matter.”

Murong Mingjie’s spirits refreshed.

The military attaches great importance to this matter, which shows that the Murong family is still valued by the Dragon Kingdom!

Finally, he came to Lin Feng again.

“Little friend Lin Feng, thank you very much for coming during your busy schedule. It is up to you to protect the giant tree if it can heal.

Murong Mingjie now is different from before.

He began to believe that Lin Feng has the ability to save the guardian giant tree and save the strongest trump card of the Murong family.

At that time, with the healed guardian giant tree and powerful Murong Xue, the Murong family’s momentum will surely increase rapidly!

Although he doesn’t think Lin Feng has the ability to heal the guardian giant tree now.

But Lin Feng can at least restore the fighting ability of the guardian giant tree for a short time!

Just like before in the Pacific, let the guardian giant tree play again!

Even in the future, Lin Feng can completely heal the guardian giant tree!

Thinking of the beautiful scene in the future, Murong Patriarch Murong Mingjie’s eyes revealed!

Lin Feng is not familiar with the other party, just nodded calmly.

“Please take me directly to the guardian giant tree.”

This matter dragged on for too long, and he didn’t want to drag it on forever.

Seeing his calm look, many people were filled with doubts.

Does Lin Feng have any hole cards?

Otherwise, why does he appear so calm and confident?

Murong Mingjie hesitated.

This does not seem to be in line with the way of hospitality! (Nuo Nuo Zhao)

Now that there are so many people watching here, the Murong family still can’t lose etiquette.

Just when he hesitated, Murong Xue made a decision for him.

“Let’s do it, the situation of guarding the giant tree is not good, it can’t be delayed forever. Come with me.”

Hearing what she said, no one in the Murong family objected to dare.

“Patriarch Murong, I don’t know if we can follow along?”

Hearing Lin Feng and Murongxue’s words, Fan Guang’s eyes lit up.

He has long wanted to see Lin Feng’s true skills.

Anyone who has dealt with Lin Feng for a long time knows that this guy is best at hiding his strength.

It’s been such a long time now, and everyone still doesn’t know what he passed through to gallop in the trial space!

Looking at Fan Guang’s look of expectation, Murong Mingjie hesitated.

He looked at Murong Xue.

Murongxue didn’t think too much, she looked at Lin Feng directly.

Lin Feng didn’t bother to care about these things.

“Whatever I want, let’s go to protect the giant tree now, hurry up.”

Hearing his calm words, more people were puzzled.

Is he really so confident?

Many people have curiosity in their hearts.

More and more people hope to get the consent of the Murong Patriarch.

The people here are all top figures in the Dragon Kingdom, and Murong Mingjie is not easy to refuse, and Lin Feng doesn’t care about this matter, so he can only agree to it.

Soon, a group of great figures from the Dragon Kingdom followed Murongxue and Lin Feng, and set off for the guardian giant tree!

Lin Feng’s action this time has attracted the attention of all the big figures in the entire Dragon Kingdom!

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