Chapter 183: Look at the guardian giant tree! Affect the hearts of high-level people!

In the teleportation hall of the Peking Barracks.

Many people are waiting here.

There are Murongxue, Ding Wenmo, Xiao Kai, and Yue Leng who are strong in contemporary ninth-level trials.

There are even more powerful men in the military.

Plus some elderly Tier 9 casters who participated in the revenge operation.

This transfer hall is full of high-ranking powerhouses.

These people are waiting for Lin Feng.

Some people are curious about him.

For example, those old ninth-tier spellcasters.

There are also some strong and high-level military personnel.

They have long heard of Lin Feng, the young man’s name.

Although at the beginning, his reputation was not big enough, and his strength was not strong enough.

But he caused a lot of things.

It even involves the struggle between the younger generations of Ying Guo and Long Guo.

It also affected the battle of destiny between countries, and caused the death of four ninth-tier testers of Eagle Nation.

He also completed the trial with the pressure of the four sixth-order peak mages sent by Ying Guo to the trial space in the trial space.

What Lin Feng is doing now has finally aroused the curiosity and attention of many powerful people.

The most important thing is that he promised Murongxue before that after the continuous trial was completed this time, he would come out of the trial space and go to Murong’s house to check the guardian giant tree.

During the previous confrontation in the Pacific, everyone knew the strength of guarding the giant tree.

It is an excellent mobile fortress!

Not only have strong defensive capabilities, but also strong offensive capabilities.

Under the protection of its “Nine-Nine-Three”, the ninth-tier strongmen of the Eagle Nation and their fleet directly gave up the pursuit.

But such a powerful giant tree was seriously injured and it was difficult to continue fighting.

As one of the powerful weapons of the Dragon Kingdom, it has naturally attracted the attention of many people.

If Lin Feng can have to guard the giant tree, he will definitely get rich rewards.

Although there are so many people waiting for Lin Feng, the main reason is that he may be able to save the guardian giant tree.

But a Tier 3 tester, Tier 4 professional can get the attention of so many high-level powerhouses, as well as the attention of the old, middle-aged and third-generation Tier 9 powerhouses. This is also a very incredible thing.

“Xiaoxue, you have been dealing with this little guy named Lin Feng for so long, how sure do you think he can heal your guardian giant tree?”

While waiting, some old man felt bored and asked.

Murong Xue turned her head and found that it was a ninth-order magical scholar, Qian Lu.

He is Murong Xue’s elder, and he has a very good relationship with Murong Xue and her best friend Ding Wenmo. He is the elder who watched them grow up.

Qian Lu’s words aroused the curiosity of everyone in the hall.

Murong Xue didn’t answer immediately.

She was silent, thinking about what happened when she met Lin Feng for so long.

This gardener has been doing miracles.

When I first met him, I was just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and found the last glimmer of hope.

But Lin Feng has repeatedly created miracles.

Up to now, he went to participate in the trial alone, and he wouldn’t even stop it.

He is using actual actions and achievements to prove his strength!

Murong Xue took a deep breath.

“Grandpa Qian, if I first met Lin Feng, I would think he had no ability to save the guardian giant tree.”

“At that time, I was thinking about waiting for him to grow up, at least to a high level, maybe at that time he will be able to save the guardian giant tree.”

Qian Lu watched Murong Xue grow up.

He is familiar with the guardian of this granddaughter.

Although Xiaoxue looked cold and arrogant in front of him, she actually revealed a trace of entanglement and shock.

Qian Lu felt very curious.

“What? Now you have changed your opinion? Do you think this child named Lin Feng has enough power to save the guardian giant tree?”

Although he said this, in fact he himself did not believe in such an answer.

But Lin Feng promised Murongxue that after coming out of the trial space, he would go to the Murong family to check the situation.

Everyone believes that once Lin Feng reaches a high-level gardener, he has the ability to save and protect giant trees.

But no one thinks that Lin Feng, who is now only a Tier 3 tester, has enough strength to save the guardian giant tree and heal it.

After all, the injuries to guard the giant tree are very serious.

Murong Xue hesitated and nodded slowly.

“Yes, I think that since Lin Feng said so, he is very likely to heal the guardian giant tree.”

Before she could finish speaking, there was an exclamation in the teleportation hall.

“How can this be?”

“He’s only a Tier 3 tester! The guardian giant tree now exists at the top of Tier 9!”

Immediately someone refuted the exclaimed person.

“Don’t forget that when the ancestor of the Murong family cultivated the guardian giant tree, he was only a middle-level gardener. The current professional level of Lin Feng is the same.”

“Don’t be funny, the level of the guardian giant tree just cultivated is only level 5. After so many years of growth, what level is the guardian giant tree now?”

The people here are at least high-level powerhouses.

They have their own way of judging the affairs they encounter.

Most people do not believe that Lin Feng can save the guardian giant tree.

Even if he is the only gardener now,

Even if he has already set one record after another.

All this is because of the huge level gap between him and the guardian giant tree.

The guardian giant tree has reached the peak of Tier Nine.

And Lin Feng is just a fourth-order gardener.

His trial level is also only third.

Ding Wenmo was very puzzled when he heard Murongxue’s words.

Based on her knowledge of her own national honey, she knew very well that Murong Xue was not a nonsense person.

And her vision is extremely precise.

She can say such words, which shows that she has a lot of confidence in Lin Feng.

A Tier 3 tester, can Axue have such confidence?

She frowned slightly.

“Xiaoxue, I hope your judgment is correct.”

Qian Lu, a ninth-order magician scholar, said with some expectation: “I haven’t dealt with Lin Feng. I don’t know his true ability.”

“But judging from the news received recently, the potential of this little guy named Lin Feng is very strong.

At this point, Qian Lu stopped talking.

But what he meant was obvious.

He also doesn’t think Lin Feng can save the guardian giant tree now.

After all, the plant that can be extremely powerful can become the existence of the Dragon Kingdom.

But he is still very optimistic about Lin Feng’s future.

Among the high-level powerhouses here, many are from various families.

When they heard Qian Lu’s words, their hearts were shocked.

This Lin Feng has been valued by a big boss.

Everyone is paying attention to him.

My family should also start to act.

Even Lin Feng cannot heal the guardian giant tree now.

But his energy is already great.

In the process of waiting, everyone was idle and started to chat.

Many people are discussing whether Lin Feng can protect the giant tree.

“I still think this gardener named Lin Feng cannot save the guardian giant tree. After all, the level difference between them is really too big.”

“My opinion is similar to yours, but as Qian Lao said, Lin Feng is very likely to save the guardian giant tree in the future.

“This is too far away. In the future, who knows when the future will come? Who knows if the guardian giant tree will be able to hold it?”

When everyone was discussing, a Tier 7 mechanic frowned and said what was in his heart.

The companion next to him immediately interrupted what he was saying and motioned with his eyes.

That seventh-order mechanic just woke up and looked at Murongxue and others apologetically and somewhat fearfully.

Murongxue, Ding Wenmo and others just glanced at him, and didn’t care what he said.

In fact, except for Murongxue, almost everyone else thinks so.

They are not optimistic that Lin Feng can heal the guardian giant tree this time…

“Don’t forget, Lin Feng is gaining momentum right now. In his situation, he might be able to become a Tier 9 powerhouse within ten years.

“Moreover, the situation of guarding the giant tree is getting better and better, and it was able to shoot in the Pacific before.”

“Although the guardian giant tree immediately lost its ability to act, I am sure that it will be able to last until ten years later.”

Someone stood up and argued with the mechanic.

It’s a pity that the other party was a little afraid of offending Murong Xue, and knew that the current senior leaders of the Long Kingdom hoped to heal and protect the giant tree.

So the mechanic smiled sullily, but didn’t answer the conversation.

In a cafe in the teleportation hall, General Fan Guang and Major General Hong Peng from the Beiping Barracks accompanied an old man.

That old man is the top figure in the military, General He.

Fan Guang and Hong Peng looked at each other helplessly.

Originally, with the status of the old general, it was impossible for him to come to this teleportation hall to wait for a junior.

But his ancestors once fought with the guardian giant tree.

General He Lao himself is a powerful warrior.

He has been thinking about guarding the giant tree.

Hearing that Lin Feng agreed to check the situation of the guardian giant tree after he came out this time, he immediately became interested.

Whether it is a top young talent like Lin Feng or a powerful combat plant like the guardian giant tree, General He is concerned about it.

Looking at the discussions among the many strong men over there, he also became interested.

“Fan Guang, Hong Peng, the two of you also know a lot about Lin Feng. Tell me, how sure is he to save the guardian giant tree?”

“If it can’t be saved, how sure is he to stabilize the injury of the guardian giant tree?

Hong Peng thought for a while and said: “According to my contact with Lin Feng, this is a young man who is extremely capable but does his own way.”

“Although he does not abide by discipline a bit, his ability is beyond doubt. The profile can also show that he is very proud.”

“If it’s me to judge, I don’t think Lin Feng can directly heal the guardian giant tree, but it can definitely be done to extend its lifespan.

“When Lin Feng grows into a ninth-level gardener, he will definitely be able to heal and guard the giant tree.”

“In other words, by the time he reaches the eighth level, he may be able to heal the guardian giant tree.

Hearing Hong Peng’s words, General He nodded with satisfaction.

“If it’s like what you said, that’s a very good thing.”

“If he can really save the guardian giant tree with 2.1, that would be a great achievement for my dragon country.”

“At that time, no matter whether it is organizational or military rewards, there will be no shortage of them.

General He laughed very relievedly.

Hong Peng hurriedly browsed tea to the old general.

Fan Guang, who was seated next to him, frowned slightly and did not speak.

Seeing his appearance, General He was a little curious.

“Fan Guang, what’s the matter? Just say it if you have something to say.”

Fan Guang quickly let go of his brows, hesitated, and said, “Old Ho, according to my judgment, I guess Lin Feng is 80% sure that he can heal and guard the giant tree.”

Hearing what he said, General He and Major General Hong Peng were both startled.

They didn’t expect Fan Guang to say that.

That’s just a Tier 3 tester.

Is he so confident and difficult?

The two looked at each other.

They did not expect Fan Guang to think differently from theirs.

But there is another person who has the same idea as Fan Guang.

That is Murong Xue.

The two of them happened to be the people who had the most contact with Lin Feng.

Thinking of this, the two suddenly had a doubt in their hearts.

That Lin Feng, what did he do to make Fan Guang and Murongxue expect so much from him?

With such questions, they looked at the teleportation room expectantly.

Everyone is waiting for Lin Feng’s arrival!

Even if he doesn’t know whether he can save the guardian giant tree, he is the only hope after all!

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