Chapter 182: Upgrading to the next level! Crazyly improved fighting ability!

Trial space, the top of the mountain.

Lin Feng flew down from the Emerald Palace and came to the front of the sunflower field.

In front of him, another reward panel popped up.

Previously, what he had received was the reward obtained from the SSS-level evaluation.

And this time he got the reward for completing the trial itself.

On the panel, a row of options appeared in front of Lin Feng’s eyes.

“Congratulations on completing this trial.”

“Reward Sunshine +2400.”

“Reward test ~ practice points +1200”

“You can choose a prize from the following rewards.

“A Seed of Thorns.

“B Arcane Empire Magic Guide.”

“C name knife: Sky Profound Blade.

“D Arcane amulet.

Lin Feng didn’t check the reward options right away, but glanced at the points rewards.

The more than 900 points left in the promotion trial space, plus the 10,000 points just obtained by the SSS-level evaluation.

Now that I have added the 1,200 points obtained from completing the trial, I am afraid I can directly improve my professional level!

With excitement, Lin Feng began to look at the reward options.

【The seeds of thorns; thorn plants that can evolve. After obtaining it, you can directly unlock all kinds of thorns. Such as lightning thorns, poisonous thorns, restoration thorns

[Note: Although it looks beautiful, it is not recommended! The thorn flower series plants have limited attack at close range and are more suitable for protecting strongholds. Their functions overlap with the functions of many plants. The long range is not as good as frozen watermelon, and the close attack power is not as good as Caiwen. Not recommended!][Introduction to Arcane Empire Magic: The ancient Osera Empire introduction to magic textbook. It not only records many elemental magics, but also many special magics, which are extremely practical. ”

[Note: The host cannot learn magic. But it can be used to unlock special plants! Super cauliflower, moonflower, witch hazel! Highly recommended! You should have realized the power of special plants! 」

Lin Feng looked at the reward options extremely fast.

When he saw the second reward, he was overjoyed.

This magic primer can unlock many auxiliary plants!

In these trials, Lin Feng has fully experienced the power of auxiliary plants.

Whether it’s enchanting mushrooms, shrinking violets, or frozen mushrooms, they all give him great surprises.

In the face of many powerful special enemies, such as god sacrifice zombies, bone giant zombies and other enemies, these auxiliary plants can often play a miraculous effect. ??

Putting away the excitement in his heart, Lin Feng continued to browse the rewards. ????????????????????????????????????????

【Famous Knife: Flowing Fire Blade: A famous knife containing the essence of flame, the blade is full of flames, and the temperature is higher than that of magma. ”

[Note: It can be a good fire stick for the host!)

[Arcane Amulet: A powerful magic circle is carved inside, which can activate the shield and protect the user)

[Note: The shield strength is only slightly stronger than the shield of the Dragon Touch Ring. In the case of enhancing the endless set, the use of this amulet is not strong, and it is not recommended!”

As always, any reward for completing a trial cannot be compared with the reward for SSS-level evaluation.

But Lin Feng also found that the rewards for this trial are much richer.

In this way, he realized that the difficulty of the third-order trial and the second-order trial is different, and the rewards obtained are completely different.

Packed up, Lin Feng chose option B, an introduction to arcane empire magic.

A quaint yellow book appeared in his hands.

He turned to the first page, and what he saw was a section of distorted text.

Even with the translation of the annotation system, Lin Feng would not be able to learn these magic skills on his own like the introduction to physical skills he had previously obtained.

But he was able to show this magic book to other plants.

Soon, Lin Feng planted various plants in the flower fields.

Broccoli, tall tail grass, plum…

All kinds of plants were planted in the flower fields by him.

When the sunlight gave birth to and strengthened these plants, Lin Feng opened the magic book and placed it in front of these plants.

He turned page after page.

During this process, the plants did not change in any way.

But Lin Feng didn’t have any irritability.

When he turned the magic book to the last page, the yellow book suddenly shattered.

Scattered fragments of book pages fell on the plants, lighting up patches of light.

In the shroud of light, many plants began to grow.

Wearing a small black hat and many petals hanging down like intertwined hair, she looks like a strange and powerful witch hazel witch.

There are many spots on the body, and the super cauliflower with two eyes spinning constantly.

Moonglow grass releasing a blue light..

Many plants have mutated.

Lin Feng looked at the plants in front of him, very satisfied.

With them, my fighting ability has improved again!

If it hadn’t been for this long continuous trial, he would have a little bit wanted to participate in the trial again to verify the role of these plants.

Lin Feng opened the Plant Illustrated Book and saw a lot of illuminated icons.

Close the illustration book, and he started to do the last thing.

Upgrade your class level!

Lin Feng opened the [Integration Panel.


“Currently redeemable:

“Professional Advancement: 12130/12000”

“Advanced Trial: 12130/5000”

“Exit Trial: 12130/2000″

Looking at the options for career advancement, Lin Feng took a deep breath.

Advanced career!

12,000 points were consumed instantly!

A strong force rose in the air, poured in from his limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and poured into Lin Feng’s body.

He felt his pores relax and his tight muscles began to relax.

A wave of power poured into his body.

He seems to understand a lot of things.

More gardener skills and planting knowledge emerged in his mind.

As if he had already practiced it many times, countless knowledge was mastered by him.

Lin Feng opened his eyes.

The temperament of the whole person has become different.

His already handsome face is more delicate, and his skin is delicate and smooth.

I’m afraid that no matter which woman it is, she will be very envious of Lin Feng’s skin.

When Lin Feng became serious, a murderous breath grew from him.

The Great Wind Wolf was frightened by the endless suit before, and now he felt the solemn aura of his body, and he did not dare to come over.

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

From this moment on, I entered a whole new realm.

Tier 5 gardener.

Any Tier 5 professional can be regarded as the backbone of the entire society.

Feeling the condition of the body, Lin Feng opened the skill panel and started to check the skill with the comment system.

As he expected, all his skills have been enhanced!

The multiple birth plant now has an 80% chance of triggering!

This greatly increases the planting odds of plants such as twin sunflowers and triple launchers!

In addition, similar cultivation can also be applied to more plants.

Lin Feng wanted to test the effect of his skills immediately.

Forcibly resisting the excitement in his heart, he continued to check the skill list.

Diffusion planting skills not only increase the chance of triggering, but also increase the effect of the skill.

Now the trigger probability of spreading planting has reached 10%, and the number of copies has reached 100 times!

In other words, once the skill effect is triggered, Lin Feng plants a pea shooter and can harvest 100 pea shooters!

The plant skills have also been enhanced.

The effect of plant essence has increased more than ten times!

0.……Look for flowers…

However, Lin Feng did not randomly test the essence produced by this skill.

He didn’t want to waste such precious things.

He continued to check his skills.

Now all skills have been enhanced.

Lin Feng’s strongest attacking skill, the tree world, has been improved in all aspects!

【Tree Realm: Turn your area into a special enchantment and become the master of the enchantment. Can control all plants in the enchantment. ”

(Note: Current skill range: 20000M*20000M*1000)

[Note: Current skill duration: six hours)

Not only the range of control has been greatly improved, but the duration of the skill has doubled!

Seeing this number, Lin Feng was overjoyed.

With the current ability of the tree world, as long as you are in the forest, you can become the king of the forest!

After working hard for so long, I finally reached this state!

He was extremely happy!

The things that surprise Lin Feng are yet to come.

The upper limit of the number of all soldiers has been changed from 2000 to 4000.

The size of the grazing space has also directly doubled.

This is an extremely huge improvement for Lin Feng.

As for water exploration and jungle invisibility, the improvement is not big.

But these two skills are auxiliary skills used in special circumstances, and the impact is not big.

Scanning the skill panel again, only one new skill appeared in Lin Feng’s eyes.

This surprised him a little.

In the past, every time you level up, you will get multiple new skills.

He looked away from him.

[Summon a sea of ​​trees; under the invocation of magic power, a sea of ​​trees can be quickly spawned! Used in conjunction with the tree world, it greatly enhances the host’s attack ability!”

[Note: Only certain tree species can be spawned by the sea of ​​trees. For example: Devil Eater!]

Lin Feng saw this skill and stood up suddenly!

This really made up for his biggest shortcoming!

I have greatly enhanced my fighting ability!

Lin Feng couldn’t help laughing.

Without hesitation, he flew directly to the Tourmaline Palace in the Hanging Garden.

Using all plants and trees to clear up a space, Lin Feng directly used Summoning the Sea of ​​Trees!



The ground trembled and the mud splashed.

The sunlight points collected by Lin Feng are rapidly consuming.

Green saplings emerged from the ground and grew at an extremely fast rate!

Soon, a spurred forest appeared in front of Lin Feng!

The outer skin of the Devil Eater was bronzed and looked unusually hard.

Lin Feng’s heart was thrilled!

With this skill, coupled with the use of the tree world, his frontal combat ability has been greatly improved!

After calming his mood, Lin Feng organized the trial space. After harvesting the elixir he cultivated, he was planning to leave the trial space.

He suddenly remembered something.

Lin Feng opened the inventory and found a seed.

[A mysterious cyan seed may be used in the future. ”

[Note: The profession of a gardener cannot be that simple! It is even more difficult to become a cultivator now!)

Lin Feng felt cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Still this set!

The mysterious seed that will appear every time you upgrade and change your job, I don’t know what it is!

After studying for so long, there is no research on the effect, Lin Feng simply doesn’t bother to care about these seeds.

He collected all the seeds, opened the panel directly, and teleported out the trial space!

After three consecutive trials, he is finally going out!

Lin Feng’s main purpose for going out this time is to go to Murong’s house to check the guardian giant tree!

At this time, I should have the ability to treat this giant tree!

Maybe I can get the cultivation method to protect the giant tree, and once again increase my strength!

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