Chapter 181: A generous reward! Shocking the world!

A soft sound.

In the cyan preparation space, a portal lighted up slightly.

Lin Feng appeared in the portal and came to the preparation space.

With his arrival, the light curtain in the preparation space is changing rapidly.

Lin Feng raised his head and glanced at the light screen where the task reward was being settled, and then continued to check the three rewards in his hand.

One is Harold’s heart of fallen elves.

The other is the heart of the fallen elves given by the high priest.

Both fallen hearts are like brilliant gems, exuding bright light.

The black magic power formed two circles, which kept spinning around the heart of the fallen elf.

But Harold’s elven heart is obviously larger and brighter, and the vitality and dark magic flowing on it are also greater.

With it, I have fulfilled a condition needed to change my job as a meditation master.

He moved his gaze to the bottle in his right hand again.

The encapsulated metal container is filled with laurel essence.

It was originally used to strengthen Harold’s heart.

He repaired Harold’s body with silver apples and the fruits of the dawn, and at the same time strengthened the Devil Eater with plant essences.

This bottle of laurel essence belongs to me!

Lin Feng can still remember that it can enhance many attributes!

Just when it used the comment system to carefully check its own rewards, the trial of the sky realm had been settled.

“Ding! Tester Lin Feng, completed the first task of the third-order trial alone.”

“Kill the ghost zombies: 42,151.

“Kill the flying eagle zombies: 2301.”

“Kill the bone zombies: 4893.

“Kill special zombies: Orion: 125.”

Expand “Oasis of Hope, save the realm of the sky, and complete optional trials.”

“Get a review: SSS!

An indifferent mechanical prompt sounded through the entire trial space.

Countless people suddenly looked up to the sky.

Everyone’s first reaction was: Here again!

Does this give people a way to survive?

After that, they quickly realized something.

Tier 3 Trial!


The chat channel instantly exploded 993!

“Fuck! Come again! Lin Feng successfully participated in the trial again and got the SSS evaluation!

“There is too much time between participating in the trial! If I remember correctly, he seems to have participated in the trial three times in a row?”

“Upstairs, you remember correctly, he did participate in three trials at once.”

“F*ck, don’t you need to rest? As a priest, I can’t always participate in trials like this.”

“There are not ten or eight priests killed by Lin Feng, how can you compare with him!!

“As the God Bless Pastor, I am extremely resilient, and I can heal myself. I usually form a team to participate in the trial, and I can’t participate in the trial continuously!”

“This is going to hang up! As a mechanic, I rely on vehicles to participate in the trial. I also have time to repair my vehicles and machinery. I can’t participate in the battle continuously!”

The chat channel of the trial space is in full swing.

The vast majority of people were shocked that Lin Feng dared to participate in the trial continuously!

And it was three consecutive trials at one time!

I participated in the trial of Dawn Icefield before, and found a demon god Mertia, and let Dawn Icefield be permanently closed.

Later, he participated in the advanced trial and successfully advanced the trial space into a third-tier trial space.

Up to now, he actually participated in the trial again without stopping, and once again received the SSS evaluation!

Such a thing has never happened before!

In each trial space, countless intelligence personnel’s faces were filled with shocked expressions.

They looked at the video record in their hands and couldn’t believe it.

Many people kept playing the video they just recorded, confirming the prompt sound of the trial space.

More intelligence personnel opened the chat channel to view the analysis and opinions of others.

When these intelligence personnel were shocked, they actually felt a touch of numbness.

Since Lin Feng entered the trial space, in these short months, they have heard many trial space announcements.

Almost every time it is related to Lin Feng.

This trial space announcement can only be heard once in many years.

(ahcb) Whether it is Dragon Kingdom or Yingguo, whether it is family or company power, many intelligence personnel are acting again.

They sent back to the real world from the trial space one after another, and urgently sent the information they received back to their respective forces.

It is foreseeable that Lin Feng’s influence will be even higher.

More people will value him more than before.

With the prompt sound of the system lingering in his ears, Lin Feng returned to the Jade Palace from the preparation space.

Sitting on the sofa in the lobby, the operation panel popped out.

“Congratulations for completing the trial and breaking the record.”

Reward “Sunshine +15000.”

“Reward trial points +10000.”

“Special Reward: One Pearl of Last Hope”

“You can choose a prize from the following prizes.”

“A Demon Soul Jade.”

“The Heart of Element B.”

“C Dark Demon Eye.?

“D Alchemy Increasing Catalyst.”

Looking at the information displayed on the panel, Lin Feng was surprised.

The reward this time is too great!

Regardless of other rewards, he was very surprised by the points he got!

There are actually 10,000 points!

In the previous trials, it was impossible to get such a rich point reward!

In Lin Feng’s memory, this is the first time the points he has earned have reached five digits!

With these ten thousand points, wouldn’t he be able to upgrade his professional level again soon?

In this case, he can be promoted to the fifth-order gardener.

Another condition for transferring to Master Wu Zhi has been reached!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng is very satisfied.

He then looked at the special reward.

1 Last Hope Pearl!

Although the reward has not yet arrived, it is not clear what the final hope pearl looks like.

But he clearly remembered that this prop is one of the materials to strengthen the endless suit!

The endless suit has proven its power and practicality countless times.

If you can strengthen it and gain the true perfect body, how powerful will it be?

Regardless of other things, Lin Feng can be sure that the endless suit can definitely fly!

With anticipation, he continued to check the other options on the selection panel.

【Devil Soul Jade: A gem with a peculiar texture that contains the souls of powerful creatures after death, the favorite of Necromancer professions, forging professions can use it to build equipment. Can enhance the ability of equipment. 】

[Note: It is strongly recommended to enhance the endless suit! Fly farther, fly higher! Stronger defense and stronger magic resistance!]

Seeing this, Lin Feng was delighted!

I was happy just now because I got the Pearl of Final Hope, but I didn’t expect the trial space to give myself a bigger surprise!

Although looking at the note reminder, I can’t use the waste soul jade to enhance the endless suit to full body, but it can also enhance many aspects!

Whether it is defense power or magic resistance, or flying ability will be greatly improved.

This is really a windfall.

Although it is the most needed thing for professions such as forge, it can enhance one’s strongest armor.

If it weren’t for the comment system, I’m afraid I wouldn’t choose this reward.

Lin Feng continues to check other rewards.

[Elemental Heart: The core of strength formed by the fusion of multiple elements. Can enhance the ability of elemental professionals. ”

(Note: Not recommended at all! The host cannot use elemental skills! But this thing is very beautiful, maybe it can be used to pick up girls!)

[Dark Demon Eyes: Demon eyes enhanced by the dark aura can fuse with the eyes to gain night vision. Can see the dark magic and murderous aura, helping to increase the energy of the dark system. ”

[Note: If you use it by yourself, it is not recommended! It has no effect on the host! But asuras like Murong Mingyue need it very much! Maybe it can be used to pick up girls! 」

Seeing this, cold sweat dripped down Lin Feng’s forehead.

This shabby comment system!

During this period of time, I have been trying nervously and thrillingly, and I have forgotten the personality of this system.

Too lazy to bother about these unimportant comments, Lin Feng looked at the last option.

[Alchemy Amplification Catalyst: A catalyst with a complex composition that can enhance the medicine produced by the alchemy profession. Can be reused many times. It can enhance the effect of the medicine, and the elixir cultivated by the host has an excellent effect)

[Note: The host itself cannot alchemy, it is too tasteless! Of course, alchemy professions need it! There are many beautiful alchemy professions! Maybe it can be used to pick up girls!)


Feeling helpless, Lin Feng chose option A!

Although the rewards are very generous, he is a headache because of the improper annotation system.

With a soft sound, a black jade appeared in Lin Feng’s hand.

He flew towards the floating garden: Tourmaline Palace.

Soon, Lin Feng came to the tourmaline palace.

A distance of several hundred meters was crossed by him in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng rushed directly to the bottom floor of the Tourmaline Palace and started flying towards the top.

The brilliant blooming flowers flicked across his vision, and he soon came to the top of the tourmaline words!

Suddenly opened up!

At this time, Lin Feng felt that the flight speed of the endless suit had gradually slowed down.

He calculated it silently in his mind.

From the Emerald Palace to the top of the Tourmaline Palace, the flight distance is more than 5000 meters!

It suddenly increased from the previous 200 meters to 5000 meters, which can be said to be a qualitative leap!

The flight ability has been increased by 25 times, and the defense ability must have been improved a lot!

However, these data cannot be tested. Lin Feng took off the endless suit and used the annotation system to view it.

[Endless Suit: Strong defense. Can reduce 40% of magic damage.

It will be repaired automatically by absorbing sunlight.

It can fly at a medium distance with a flying distance of 5,500 meters.

Stamina +200, strength +2006]

Looking at this powerful equipment, Lin Feng’s heart was filled with ecstasy.

The gain this time is too big!

And this time the reward for participating in the Sky Realm trial is more than that!

It’s worthy of a directional trial!

Lin Feng was full of expectations and clicked on the panel.

Received a record-breaking reward.

There is also a reward for completing the trial, waiting for him to receive it!

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