Chapter 180 Savior, Exalted Examiner!

The ground is empty and messy.

The corpses of countless zombies piled up like a mountain.

The remaining muddy pus piled up, forming a foul-smelling river.

Lin Feng’s figure reappeared in the underground space.

All the zombies here have been killed him.

Under the influence of the tree world, all the conditions of the underground cavity are under his control.

After he confirmed his safety, the man reappeared and came to the heart.

That is the heart of the forest.

It is also Harold’s heart.

Lin Feng frowned.

Before that, when he was in that square, the other party wanted to die.

He lived extremely lonely and painfully, hoping to kill him.

But now it seems that his life and death are also related to the fate of the aborigines of Hope Oasis.

From the words of the high priest, Lin Feng clearly knew that by strengthening Harold’s heart, he hoped that the oasis would expand.

People here will live better.

And I can also complete the optional trial to save the aborigines here.

But Harold, in pain, will continue to be imprisoned in the Demon Devouring Tree.

Lin Feng was silent.

Somehow, he suddenly hesitated.

Since he entered the realm of the sky, he has forged an inexplicable fate with this Harold.

Harold was once a hero who was admired by all, leading people to build shelters and being worshipped by everyone.

He was once a prisoner, and was almost executed, and was cursed by thousands of people.

He is the god of nature worshipped by everyone, and influences the Oasis of Hope and countless creatures.

He was also a prisoner imprisoned in the Devil Eater Tree.

In Lin Feng’s view, this is a living legend.

Do you want him to continue to suffer?

Lin Feng stared at the bright heart in front of him, thinking.

The notes popped out continuously.

Soon, several comments caught Lin Feng’s attention.

[Note: You can use the silver apple and the fruit of the dawn to help the devil-eaten tree resist the mutant zombie virus in the heart. The power of the Devourer Tree will be consumed in half. Mutant zombie viruses will be cleaned up. ”

[Note: Plant essence can be used to enhance the power of the devil-eating tree and help it clean up the mutant virus. 】

[Note: You can use the tree world to control the devil-eating tree to squirm, so that Harold’s body regroups.

[Note: The silver apple can be used to repair Harold’s body. ”

[Note: It is strongly recommended that the host use multiple bottles of plant essence to enhance the Devil Eater! The main stem of the Devil Eater will bear fruit! The host can get the seeds of the Devil Eater!]

Seeing this one comment after another, Lin Feng’s eyes flashed brightly! 07

I am a gardener! I am a cultivator after changing my job!

Isn’t it what you are good at to deal with plants like the Devil’s Tree?

Lin Feng did not hesitate, took out several bottles of plant essence and splashed it on the roots of the Devil-Eater Tree.




All kinds of violent sounds quickly rang underground.

Even without the control of the tree world, all the tree roots tremble!

The whole ground began to vibrate quickly!



Harold’s heart, as well as the gems floating next to it, emit a more dazzling light, illuminating the entire hole!

Lin Feng knew that the Devil-Eater Tree was removing the zombie virus from all parts of Harold’s body!

Harold has merged with the Devil Eater, sharing the same system!

Using plant essences to enhance the Devil-Eater Tree is to enhance Harold’s energy.

Lin Feng looked at the countless tree roots trembling violently and nodded.

He flew up. Fly straight out.

All the zombies in the ground were cleaned up, and there was nothing to hinder him.

Soon, Lin Feng came to the underground passage and rushed to the ground quickly.

Because the Devil-Eater Tree was moving, the whole Oasis of Hope began to tremble.

All the aborigines panicked.The high priest was in the backyard of the tree house, looking at the forbidden area with complex expressions.


With a loud noise, Lin Feng rushed out from inside.

Seeing his figure, the high priest looked stunned.

“Experimenter? You came out?”

“Have you strengthened the heart of the forest? You made this change?”

Lin Feng is in a hurry and simply replied: “I will strengthen the heart of the forest, and you are ready for the heart of the elves.

After saying this, he flew out at an extremely fast speed, passed the enclosure of the backyard, and ran away after landing.

Only the shocked high priest looked at his back in confusion.

Lin Feng ignored the horrified gazes of other people, he rushed to the backbone of the Demon Devouring Tree at an extremely fast speed.

After exclaiming after another, he came to the square.

Harold stared blankly at the food in front of him, without moving a bite.

Hearing the sound, he looked at the place where the sound was made.

“Trainer? Didn’t you get called by the high priest to strengthen my heart?”

Having said that, he realized something and said in surprise: “I didn’t feel the effect of laurel essence! You didn’t use it!”

“Are you here to make a deal with me? Are you here to kill me?

“You can’t kill me here, you have to go to where the heart is, Bob.

Lin Feng didn’t know what he was talking about.

He flew in front of Harold suddenly, took out the silver apple and several fruits of the brilliance of dawn, and stuffed them into the opponent’s mouth.

“These things are precious, you remember to pay me.

After saying this, Lin Feng’s body fell straight to the ground, left the square, and walked towards the underground passage.

Only Harold looked back at him inexplicably.

At the same time, he felt that the strange fruit he had just eaten turned into a warm stream flowing on his limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

This is?

His one-eyed eyes widened in shock!

Harold felt every part of his body!

After nearly two hundred years, he has once again recovered his perception!

He could feel his heart and his energy core together, far away, itchy.

His limbs are also in four different places along with Bob the Devil’s Eater’s body.

His body doesn’t seem to be far away, it’s just underground under this huge trunk!

What is going on here?

Suspicion, shock, joy, expectation, etc. are rolling in his heart!

Lin Feng resolutely came to the forbidden area of ​​the tree house again. In the shocked gaze of the high priest, he once again rushed into the underground passage.

The underground passage that the aborigines dared not approach, there is no danger in front of Lin Feng!

He rushed into the underground cavity extremely fast.

Here, all the roots of the Devil-Eater Tree began to emit a faint light!

In mid-air, Harold’s heart and the gems beside it are even more like the sun under the ground, exuding dazzling brilliance!

Lin Feng has been observing this heart with the annotation system.

[Harold’s Heart: Variant Zombie Virus Invasion Degree: 70%.

[Variant zombie virus invasion degree: 50%.

【Variant Zombie Virus Invasion Degree: 30%. ”

When the Devil-Eater Tree cleared all the zombie viruses, the entire underground space was completely illuminated.



The sound of violent vibrations spread quickly underground.

Lin Feng did not hesitate, and once again used the tree world:

This time, he expanded his control to the limit!

When he disappeared again, the entire underground space was under his control.

With the help of the powerful abilities of the Devil-Eater Tree and the Tree Realm, everything is under Lin Feng’s control.

Lin Feng felt Harold’s heart, felt the heart of the fallen elf, felt Harold’s left hand and right leg.

Under his control, the roots, stems and leaves of the Demon Devouring Tree began to wriggle.

When using the tree world, Lin Feng suddenly felt like Luo in the previous life comics.

The entire underground cavity becomes its own “ROOM”.

Here, you can control everything.

Lin Feng squirmed all parts of Harold’s body within the sensing range.

Then he manipulated the bodies to lean against Harold’s head on the ground.

Soon, the whole underground was darkened.

With all this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and then lifted the tree world.

Without any delay, he hurried directly towards Harold’s head.

The high priest was stunned as he watched him rush out from the ground once more, heading to the location of Harold’s head again.

The whole oasis of hope was shaking.

A sonic boom was left behind, and Lin Feng came to Harold’s front at a very fast speed.

Without waiting for any action from the shocked fallen elf, he once again used the tree world!

The entire square and everything around it are in Lin Feng’s perception!

He began to control the Devil-Eater Tree to squirm!

Under the powerful control of the tree world, Lin Feng began to strip the Devil-Eater Tree and Harold’s body from the molecular level.

The skin, blood vessels, and muscles of various parts of Harold’s body were assembled with the movement of the Devil’s Tree.

In the continuous earthquakes, Harold’s skin separated from the leaves of the trees.

The blood vessels are separated from the ducts and sieve tubes of the Devil’s Tree.

The internal organs, limbs, torso, and head are gradually assembled together.

Soon, Harold’s body reappeared in the world!

Under the action of the silver apple and the fruit of the brilliance of dawn, his decaying facial muscles began to reorganize, and his skin grew again.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at Lin Feng in shock!

“This, how is this done?”

He looked at the tester in front of him in shock, tears streaming down his eyes!

“This is a miracle! My God! This is a miracle!”

Another exclamation came from behind Lin Feng.

The high priest staggered over, looked at Lin Feng and Harold in shock, and kept talking.

Lin Feng ignored the high priest.

He turned to Harold and said with a smile: “I liberated you, and your fallen elf heart will be rewarded to me.”

When the ground was hollow, Lin Feng perceives that powerful gem.

That is Harold’s heart of the fallen elf, his energy core.

Under the action of the Demon Devouring Tree, that energy core has extremely powerful dark magic power and abundant life energy.

This is exactly the best prop for one’s own transfer!

Lin Feng turned to look at the high priest again.

“I used plant essence to strengthen the Demon Eater tree, so that the effect will not be lower than that of laurel essence. It should expand outward soon.”

“Your bottle of laurel essence is just a reward.

When I checked the notes, the bottle of Laurel Essence that added many attributes was already remembered by Lin Feng.

The high priest also calmed down a little.

He raised his hands and saluted Lin Feng.

Although he didn’t know what the plant essence Lin Feng was talking about was.

But he hoped that the great changes in the oasis could still be sensed.

The ground is shaking and the forest is expanding.

The trees around are growing fast.

“Thank you! Your Excellency Tester! I feel the changes in the Oasis of Hope! All this is your credit!”

“Please let me give you my most sincere thanks!”

He raised his hand and took out a gem.

“This is the heart of the fallen spirit I treasure, please keep it!

Lin Feng was not polite and took the gem directly.

Although he has obtained Harold’s heart of fallen elves, he does not have too many such treasures.

This is what he deserves.

At this moment, the main trunk of the Demon Devouring Tree shined brightly.

Everyone looked at the trunk of the Demon Devouring Tree.

Its tall canopy began to glow green.

Amidst all the eyes, a huge flower bone grew out and bloomed in the air.

The strong fragrance of flowers spread across the Oasis of Hope in an instant, spreading to the surroundings!

Among the shocked eyes of everyone, the giant flower quickly withered, and the result!

A devil-eater tree fruit fell.

【Devil Devouring Tree Fruit: Contains Devil Devouring Tree seeds, which can be planted. ”

Lin Feng flew up and took the fruit in his hand.

Although it turned out, the floral scent became stronger.

Lin Feng saw in the air that the Oasis of Hope was expanding rapidly.

That is an extremely terrifying speed!

He never thought that plants could grow outward at such a speed!Through the several tree worlds just displayed, Lin Feng has enough understanding of this devil-eater tree.

Its main force has been helping Harold fight against the mutant zombie virus.

Lin Feng’s silver apple, the fruit of dawn, and those

He opened the [Task] panel.

“The trial has been completed, and SSS-level evaluation is currently available. Will you send it back?”

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

This trial made him understand something.

The task of trial space is complicated.

It’s not just about killing zombies.

It also has many other tasks.

There are various tasks to be accomplished here.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng did not hesitate anymore, and 993 chose “Yes”.

In the shocked eyes of Harold, the high priest, and the aboriginal people in the distance, a cyan teleportation array suddenly opened.

Along with a blue light, Lin Feng disappeared in front of everyone.


The ground is still shaking constantly.

The Devil Eater tree named Bob is still expanding.

The zombies of the entire continent, no matter on the ground or under the ground, no matter what kind they are, have become the nutrients for the Demon Devouring Tree.

No zombies can resist.

Hope the oasis expands rapidly!

With the help of Lin Feng, the fate of all the aborigines in the entire sky has been changed!

After so long of fusion, the fallen elf Harold was able to perceive the state of Bob the Demon Eater.

He said incredulously: “How did this happen? Bob is expanding! I can feel that it is expanding rapidly! It is twice as large as before! But it is still expanding!”

The high priest opened his mouth wide and looked at Harold abruptly, at the god who had sheltered them for many years.

The rotten body of this elf is constantly repairing.

The muscles under his skin seemed to glow.

Seeing him, the high priest was very shocked!

how did you do that!

In their shock, the Devil Eater Tree began to expand wildly.

Most areas of the entire continent have become the territory of the Oasis of Hope.

Some elves were hiding in a hole in the ground, struggling to survive, and suddenly found countless giant trees growing around them, bringing countless fruits and abundant life ability.

The magic circuit inside the elves is reconnected to the forest, supplemented by natural magic, and quickly recovered.

He looked around in shock.

A dwarf was besieged on the top of the mountain, and countless zombies attacked from the surrounding area.

He was weak and closed his eyes in despair.

But he did not feel the bite of the zombies.

When he opened his eyes suspiciously, he found that his surroundings had changed.

It was originally an empty and deserted mountain top, but now it has become a dense forest!

All the zombies have disappeared!

Such things happen in various areas of the sky realm.

Lin Feng successfully changed the destiny of countless people.

And Harold, who broke away from the god of nature and started to experience life as his own, erected a statue for Lin Feng.

The entire statue is carved from precious obsidian.

One is wearing black armor with eight diamond-shaped crystals on the back forming a pair of magical wings.

On the helmet, the eyes are inlaid with two red gems, emitting a misty light.

In front of the statue, a huge stone stele was erected.

A line of large characters is written on the stone tablet.

“Salute to my savior, the savior of the world, and the tester!-Harold, 2937.

Because of his inscription, countless people in later generations chanted the name of the tester.

People in the sky realm no longer believe in the god of nature.

They have a new faith.


The god who changed the world!

God of Recovery!


However, Lin Feng is not clear about all this.

He returned to the preparation space, and what greeted him was a reward for completing the trial!

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