Chapter I Article 177 of the gods exist in reality? Fallen Heart Faerie whereabouts!

Oasis of hope in a small way, Lin Feng followed Aboriginal Alfa toward the center of the oasis around.

In that direction, with the mouth of said indigenous people are the God of nature Harold’s body.

Body of God on earth?

In Lin Feng view, this is a very weird thing.

And the gods played a few dealings, he realized that the strong level of how powerful.

If that is really the gods in the sky of the territory, they appear in the body here, he should have a dramatic impact is around.

When the gods appear as if swallowed by the entire city vibrate up.

That strong power and influence, and that severe earthquake, Lin Feng to remember now.

The so-called strength of the realm of God’s nature that the sky really is not regarded as gods.

He just opened up at the last day wasteland among an oasis.

Lin Feng believes that if the magic tree to give him a bite, there are enough nutrients to become a zombie bite magic tree, he can do the same thing, even better.

So, he concluded that the power of God’s nature should not be strong.

This made him even more curious.

Along the way, constantly thinking, Lin Feng very quiet.

Alpha see him the way, will not dare to interrupt his thoughts, just quietly lead the way ahead.

Surrounded by trees flourish foliage, lush look.

In this hot summer, hot sun shade cover, creating a cool oasis for people in life.

Lin Feng looked at the dense growth of many giant trees, admiring shook his head.

Most people certainly can not imagine that such a large forest, actually evolved from development with a tree!

The whole forest, only a tree!

Under the leadership of Alpha, after a section of forest roads between, Lin Feng see the distant echoes of a huge square.

A tall tree standing in the middle of the square, tall straight trunk sky!

The top of the giant trees of foliage forming a huge canopy, covered over the entire square.

Even Lin Feng, in time to see the giant trees of this strain, the pace of progress also can not help a little meal.

This tree is also too big!

Lin Feng looked up to the trees, roughly estimate what the diameter of the tree trunk.

The tree trunk diameter of more than at least 20 meters!

Alpha oblique hand outstretched, pointing, said: “! That place is the God of nature Aoluo De tree where you will be able to look up the tree to see him.”

Her voice filled with excitement and worship.

Lin Feng look unto the deserted square, to move on.

Soon, he came to the front of the giant trees.

Line by line comments appeared in his eyes.

[Magic tree trunk bite: bite this entire forest is magic tree developed from the giant trees in front of it is covered tree trunk bite of magic. ”

“Trials are adults, here, the God of nature just above the holy tree.

Alpha false lead right hand, indicating Lin Feng followed her past.

Lin Feng with a strong sense of curiosity, walking counterclockwise along the trunk.

Soon, the scene strange scene appeared in his eyes.

In place of about 40 meters giant tree trunk, with a strange face 993 of terror set in among the giant trees.

The face rotting skin, exposing the blood vessels and Lanrou below.

A no orbital eyes looked dark.

Although there are other eye eyes, but covered with blood stains and black spots on the whites of the eyes, looks very penetrated.

Nose seems to be something to corrosion, and revealing only the bottom two huge holes.

That seems to be a person to be imprisoned in the trunk!

Seeing this, Lin Feng full of surprise.

Make him more surprising is that Alpha reverence and looking at the strange face and said: “! This is what we believe in the God of nature, Harold.”

She turned around and looked enthusiastic when he said: “That’s him oasis of hope opened up, giving us a stable habitat!

Having heard this, Lin Feng was extremely shocked.

This looks very sad freak, Alpha and other aboriginal population is called the God of nature, Harold?

He opened up the hope that oasis?

God of nature is like this?

He was wearing a helmet, Alfa could not see his face.

She gently knelt on the stone floor of the square, pious bowed.

“Trial by adults, please salute to the nature of God! He will respond to your needs! As long as you are sincere, you can get guidance!”

See Lin Feng motionless look, she bit shocked after what seems to realize, and quickly said: “Do not like me to kneel down, this is our believers etiquette.

“Trials are an adult you just need to prayerfully on it. As long as God’s nature to feel your sincerity, he will help you!”

She was kind enough to forward to Lin Feng explained.

But Lin Feng was in no mood to ignore the ears heard the explanation.

He was surprised to see the front of the strange face, watching out for comment.

[Fallen elves: The elves who believe in nature are tempted by darkness and eventually fall into the abyss and become fallen elves!)(Note: The fallen elf was backlashed by the Devil-Eater Tree, merged into one, and became a part of the Devil-Eater Tree.”

Lin Feng looked at the scene before him in shock.

This god of nature is not a god, but a fallen elf?

Didn’t he open up an oasis of hope, but he was swallowed and merged by the Demon Devouring Tree?

“Why come to make me sleep again? You guys are getting more and more troublesome.”

A hoarse voice sounded abruptly, looking helpless and a little bit painful.

Lin Feng suddenly raised his head, saw the strange face, opened his eyes, and looked at him and Alpha.

Alpha bowed down in excitement and respectfully bricked his head.

“Master Trial! The God of Nature has responded to you!”

She looked at Lin Feng excitedly, with joy on her face.

After thinking about it, she added: “What the god of nature said is a myth, and it is not the same as what we are saying now.”

“But as long as you comprehend it carefully, you can always comprehend something!”

“Since the gods have responded, they will definitely help you in everything you do!”

Looking at her, Lin Feng frowned.

What does this mean?

That weird face obviously only disliked them for being noisy, why did Alpha think that the other party was responding to them?

Listen to her, what this strange face is talking about is a myth, she doesn’t understand?

Then why can I understand?

Lin Feng was very puzzled.

Is it because you are a gardener? And this elf was swallowed by trees?

Or is it because I have any special props on my body?

He thought.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed.

He remembered the biggest difference between himself and Alpha!

Your identity is a tester!

And Alpha, they are aboriginal people!

With the help of the trial space, I can naturally understand everyone’s words.

But for Alpha and this fallen elf, this is a completely real world, and there may be a language barrier between them!

This idea cannot dissipate as soon as it emerges.

He decided to experiment.

Lin Feng turned his head to look at the strange face that seemed helpless, and tried to say: “Can you understand what I’m saying? This fallen elf.”

Hearing what he said, Alpha stood up instantly, looked at Lin Feng in a daze and angrily, and said, “Exercise person! What do you mean!”

“How can you talk to the great nature god like this! How could the god be a fallen spirit! I think you are…

Before she could finish speaking, the monster on the tree shouted excitedly.

“Are you talking to me? Can you understand what I’m saying?”

Some of his one-eyed eyeballs bulged outward, looking very excited.

Lin Feng nodded calmly, spurred the wings on his back, and flew upwards.

Soon, he stopped in front of the strange face.

“Great! After so many years, someone can finally understand what I’m saying! Great! This is great!”

Seeing Lin Feng flying in front of him, the fallen elves in the tree seemed very happy.

The muscles on his horrible face kept trembling, showing his excitement.

On the ground, Alpha, who saw the two of them communicating, was already stunned!

What did I see?

The god of nature and the tester are communicating!

The tester can understand the oracle!

Not only did he understand the meaning of the oracle, he seemed to be able to speak the word of God!

How can this be?

She opened her mouth wide, her eyes widened, and she raised her head in shock, watching what happened before her eyes.

Suddenly, she realized something and ran out quickly.

The tester can understand the oracle!

I must tell the high priest about this!

She was full of anxiety and excitement.

Lin Feng didn’t care about her movements, just looked at the strange face in front of her.

“My name is Harold! I am an elf! Thank God! You can actually understand what I am saying! Can you talk to me?”

Embedded in the trunk of the Devouring Tree, the terrifying-looking fallen elf shouted excitedly.

Although his voice was very hoarse, Lin Feng could still hear the uncontrollable ecstasy in his words.

A strong curiosity arose in his heart.

This so-called god of nature is not a god, but a fallen spirit.

His name is Harold.

He was swallowed by a devil-eater tree.

When I first came to the realm of the sky, the statue in the Tucheng I found was carved with an elf hero named Harold.

There is a sapling on top of his head, it is the Devil-Eater Tree.

Later, in the star-shaped fortress where Alpha was saved, I saw a mural again.

On the screen, a group of people are about to execute a prisoner named Harold.

These Harolds are all elves, with a tree around them.

Whether it’s a sapling above your head, or it’s being swallowed by the Devil-Eater Tree.

What is the relationship between them?

A speculation emerged in Lin Feng’s mind.

He began to communicate with Harold.

Soon, the other party’s words verified his guess.

“I am glad that after so long, I finally met someone who can talk to me!”

“Can you talk to me?”

Harold begged excitedly.

Lin Feng nodded and asked, “What is your situation? How did you become like this?”

Harold seemed to hold back for a long time, and had something to say.

Hearing Lin Feng’s question, he answered very quickly.

“That’s a long story.

“This tree is called Bob, and it’s a strange tree I once saved.”

“Later I was infected with the zombie virus. Thanks to the help of this tree, I withstood the zombie virus infection.”

“Because of the zombie (ahcb) virus, my scalp began to rot. I put this strange tree on top of my head.”

“At the time, I felt that it and I saved each other’s lives. As an elf, I stood against a tree sapling.

Harold said this, murmured as if lost in memory.

After a pause, he continued to introduce his situation.

“I was looking for my own ethnic group, and the only strange tree Bob who stayed with me was this strange tree.

“But later, when we fought against the zombies, I suffered more and more injuries, and I don’t know if this tree was stimulated by the zombie virus and grew faster and faster.

“One day I was seriously injured and fell to the ground and fainted. When I woke up, I found that Bob had already taken root on the ground.”

“And I am also trapped here by it.”

At this point, the muscles on Harold’s rotten face trembled.

Lin Feng could feel his sad mood.

Harold took a deep breath.

“I have been trapped here by Bob for a long, long time. It has become one with me, provides me with nourishment and sustains my life.”

“But I am an elf after all! I am not a tree!”

“For so many years, I have been trapped here. The zombie virus is invading my body. Bob is fighting the virus. They treat my body as a battlefield!

“And me, the pain is extremely painful!

“I don’t know how long I have been trapped here, and Bob has grown bigger and bigger, and this wasteland has gradually become a forest.

Bob “is my only friend, and all the weird people outside think I am a god.”

“In the beginning, there were people who could talk to me and we helped each other.”

“But with the passage of time, the languages ​​spoken by the descendants of these people have become more and more strange, and I can no longer understand them.”

Lin Feng just asked one question, and Harold talked a lot.

He has a hoarse voice and a fluctuating expression, sometimes agitated and sometimes sad.

Lin Feng is like a silent listener, quietly listening to the strange face in front of him telling his experience.

“Sorry, I haven’t spoken to anyone for a long time, and I’m a little excited.”

It seems that I finally vented my heart, anguished, and it seemed that I finally had enough to say.

Harold looked at the silent Lin Feng and apologized to him in a bitter tone.

Lin Feng shook his head.

He could feel the despair and pain of this elf.

The people of Blue Star were transferred to various professions, killing zombies in the trial space.

For them, zombies are just monsters that exist in the trial space.

But for the aborigines in these trial spaces, the zombie virus is their biggest nightmare.

Both Alice and others in Raccoon City, or Harold in front of them, are suffering from the zombie virus.

And places like the capital of death have long been ruined by zombies and the entire civilization has become a dead city.

Lin Feng was silent for a moment.

Thinking of his previous experience in the ancient city and the star-shaped fortress, he asked curiously.

“I saw a statue in an ancient city before. It was an elf with a sapling on his head.

There is a written record in the “Ancient City” that Harold was a hero and led them to build a shelter.

“Later I came across a fortress with murals in it, depicting a scene of people judging an elf.”

“If I didn’t guess wrong, these Harolds, are you all?”

Harold on the giant tree widened the one-eyed in surprise.

“I didn’t expect you to come from such a far place?”

“You are right, I am the Harold in those carvings, haha, it’s a long-lasting memory, I don’t remember these things anymore, haha.”Although he was smiling, Harold’s voice became more bitter.

Lin Feng couldn’t help being very curious about the elf in front of him.

He was once a hero who was admired by all, leading everyone to resist monsters and build shelters.

He was also tried and almost killed.

I don’t know how he escaped that trial.

In the end, he came here, merged with this devil-eater tree, and was imprisoned here.

He is regarded as a god by the people of Hope Oasis, do those people know how painful their god is?

How long has the time passed since the beginning of the ancient city?

500 years? 800 years? 1000 years?

How legendary is this elf named Harold in his life?

“I’ve been talking about my business, and talk about you too. Is there anything wrong with you coming here?”

“I see you followed that little girl here, and you must also want to ask “God? Maybe I can really help you.”

Hearing Harold’s words, Lin Feng lifted his spirits.

As a strong man who has lived for so many years, the other party may really help him find the heart of the fallen elf!

“I’m looking for the heart of the fallen elf, I have a great use. Do you know where it is?”

Harold’s eyes widened.

“The heart of the fallen elf? Haha, then you can find the right place. My energy core is the heart of a fallen elf.”

Lin Feng looked at Harold abruptly.

The other party took a deep breath.

“Do me a favor! Do me a favor, and I will give you the heart of the fallen elf!”

“My body and heart don’t know where it was moved by Bob. Now I feel itchy, something seems to be shaking it.”

“Help me find my heart and destroy it! Kill me!

Hearing this, Lin Feng’s heart was filled with astonishment.

What does it mean?

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the elf before him in shock.

The muscles under the opponent’s decaying skin trembled, and his eyes were firm!

“Kill me! Set me free: the heart of the fallen elf is yours!

“For so many years, I finally met someone who can understand what I said! I beg you to kill me!”

“My body is protected by Bob, you can only find my heart and kill me!”

“Please let me free!”

Hearing what he said, Lin Feng stood in the air in a daze, unable to say a word for a long time.

This elf is actually begging to die!

At this moment, the effect of the short-distance flight ability of the endless suit reached its limit, and it dropped.

Lin Feng had just landed, and a shout came.

“Experimenter! The high priest wants to see you!

“He said he has a heart of fallen elves and can give it to you!”

Alpha flushed, and ran over with excitement.

Lin Feng suddenly turned his head.

“Experimenter, can you please go and meet the high priest with me?”

Alpha saluted Harold respectfully, then turned to look at Lin Feng.

From above, Harold’s hoarse voice was also heard.

“That outsider, long-lost friend, can you agree to my request?”

Alpha thought that the gods were issuing oracles, and saluted respectfully again.

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

“People here ask me to go, I’ll go there first, and I’ll come to discuss the deal with you later.”

After saying this, he followed Alpha and walked outside.

Although Alpha could not understand the words of the gods, he could understand what Lin Feng said.

She admired and looked at Lin Feng in shock.

As expected, a powerful tester who can control plants!

He must be the same as the God of Nature, who is a strong man using the power of nature!

Can actually talk to the gods about trading!

Is he actually the incarnation of a certain god?

Lin Feng didn’t care about her thoughts.

He was still thinking about Harold’s request.

Do you want to find his heart and kill him?

Kill this legendary character to get the heart of the fallen elf!

Also, didn’t the elves of the Oasis of Hope say that there is no heart of fallen elves here?

Why did another one appear in the hands of the high priest, and why is he willing to give it to himself?

Lin Feng frowned and followed Alpha.

In front of him, a majestic tree house appeared.

The so-called high priest is inside!

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