One hundred and seventieth eight chapters enhancement oasis, complete this quest?

I hope oasis.

Lin Feng behind with the Alpha, directly to the big tall tree house.

Boom boom boom.

Lin Feng up until now, Alfa was a wake-up door tree house.


As soon as the Qing Xiang, a tree house door open.

A group of children crying, playing the sound to pass out.

Alpha see explained to Lin Feng said:. “Here is our church, the high priest here.”

“Church usually also responsible for the people who go out to work, hunting and fighting when taking care of children.”

“After all, the children are our future.

She then let Lin Feng surprised.

This local church, but still taking into account the features of childcare.

But think about it, in these last days among the ruins, all too plausible.

Oasis in the hope that people must work together to survive in this difficult environment.

When adults go out to labor, it does require a centralized place to take care of these children.

Church of God of the natural world, and the religious past lives are completely different.

Lin Feng did not want anything more, followed by Alfa into the interior of the church.

The hall of the church, nearly Zhang wooden bed huddled together.

Many wooden bed above have a child.

In some children cried, and some play on the bed.

There’s kids are rolling on the floor, running around.

These children of different races.

Lin Feng cursory glance, it has been found that four or five different races.

Elves, humans, dwarves, lizards …

“Guests ask to come here.

Just Lin Feng looked around the environment when I heard hoarse voice called out from the front.

Lin Feng looked over and saw a white-haired old man stand erect, was standing near the front of the stairs, looking at him solemnly.

That old man looking old, sunken eyes, an excessive physical exertion, physically and mentally exhausted look.

“The high priest, how do you personally down?”

Alpha exclaimed aloud.

“God can communicate with guests, naturally need sincere hospitality.”

That old man looked serious, stepping out onto the front of Lin Feng.

“Trial by His Excellency, I have here a fallen wizard of the heart, may be able to give you help.”

In addition, “I have something important to discuss with you want, please come with me.”

His deep eyes carefully staring at Lin Feng, extending his hand in front of the lead.

To see him look so solemn, Lin Feng Actually, it’s rejected.

He nodded lightly, followed by the other party to the tree house inside the church.

They went upstairs, the high priest would go to Lin Feng greatly within a room.

After sitting down, the high priest personally end the food and drink.

“It is hoped that the deer venison misty oasis specialty, there is hope springs of holy water, please.”

Lin Feng looked at the aroma of venison released into the atmosphere, a little surprised.

[Misty venison roast: a 28 kinds of spices marinated, grilled venison well, very fragrant taste very fresh, a lot of physical strength to supplement. ”

[Note: insist on taking the venison, to improve physical fitness, enhance strength. ”

In Lin Feng view, this desolate sky of the territory, the people here deserve to be very poor, nothing to eat.

I did not think there are still some good things.

But he did not touch it and venison.

Lin Feng may not want to take off the helmet at the time of the Trials.

“The high priest, have something to say, please say so.”

He did not want and the other too polite, just want to know the news as soon as possible the heart of the fallen wizard.

The high priest was silent.

He flashed a struggle on the old face.

“After Mu Dan, who in return, I knew you were powerful Trial of strength, at least better than our people here are much stronger.”

“I know the Trial of Lords are here to find the fallen wizard heart. I want you to do a deal.

Lin Feng did not feel any accident, just raised his hand, indicating the other party to continue.

High priest surface expression is very complex.

He seemed very tangled.

A long time, he finally spoke.

“Sir, in the oasis of hope, there is a heart of the forest, is a natural God-given treasures.”

“The heart is sinking, the core of the forest is a source of energy oasis of hope.”

“I know where the heart of the forest, I would like to ask the Trial of Lords went looking for the heart of the forest, and enhance it with the laurel essence.”

Priest spoke, he took a very tight metal packaging bottle.

“As long as enhance the heart of the forest, hoping to be able to greatly expand the oasis, where we have a greater survival, others are still outside the oasis beings can be saved.”

“But where the heart of the forest where there are too many monsters, with our strength, we can not close it.

“Things can be done, I will put my hope oasis collection of fallen wizard’s heart to the Lord.”

He seems to be exhausted all the strength only to say these words, and then he lay on the seat, he looked tired and blog.

Lin Feng did not know why he would be such a reaction.

The high priest of the performance of some strange.

I do not just want to make a deal with yourself, how he appeared to be doing something bad, like?

What it seems to be the next important decision.

Just the high priest’s discourse, there is a word aroused Lin Feng’s attention.

Enhance the heart of the forest, an oasis will want to expand, many people will be saved.

Lin Feng clearly remember, in the light curtain preparation space, optional content of Trials, is to help aboriginal territory sky new life.

Just as in Raccoon City.

Is this so-called enhanced heart of the forest, is to complete the optional Trial, Trial of SSS level reached way?

Lin Feng slightly bowed his head closer look Priest out metal containers.

[Alloy container; steel, titanium produced container, excellent sealability, you can store a lot of things. Production of high technology, must be extremely advanced civilization created tools. ”

[Laurel essence: the essence of the spirit of laurel trees, with good results. Can enhance the activity of life, heal wounds, improve the speed of recovery. ”

[Note: If taking power +100, +100 stamina, enhance the plant will +100 affinity “!!

Lin Feng frowned.

This is something that is a very nice treasure!

He thought about it.

If enhancing the heart of the forest is really a way to save the aborigines of this world and allow yourself to complete the optional trial, then you have to check it out anyway.

Moreover, after completing the high priest’s transaction, oneself can also obtain a fallen elf heart.

It is a very good deal to be able to complete the trial and obtain treasures.

But Lin Feng frowned as he looked at the high priest’s ambition.

Why does he have such an attitude?

Did he lie?

But I stared at him for so long, and the annotation system did not give any hints in terms of heartbeat, blood pressure, etc.

The other party did not lie.

So what is he nervous about?

Afraid of not agreeing?

Lin Feng noticed something abnormal.

He thought for a long time and finally found the source of the abnormal feeling.

Alpha just saw himself talking to Harold.

As the high priest of a temple, the other party has no interest in someone like himself who can talk to the gods?

From the moment he entered this huge tree house, the other party was just talking about the transaction.

Doesn’t he care about his god Harold?

Seeing Lin Feng’s silence for a long time, the high priest finally couldn’t bear to ask: “I don’t know if you are willing to cooperate with I Hope Oasis?”

Lin Feng was silent for a while and nodded.

Enhance the relationship between the heart of the forest and complete the optional trial, which is related to the SSS-level evaluation. You must go and take a look.

The heart of the fallen elf is also a reward that he cannot refuse.

Tell “how do I get to where the heart of the forest is.”

Hearing what he said, a hint of surprise flashed across the tired face of the high priest.

“Thank you, Examiner!”

“The heart of the forest is under the Oasis of Hope, and the underground passage is in the forbidden area in the backyard of this church. Please follow me.”

He stood up suddenly, thanking excitedly.

Lin Feng didn’t say much, took the laurel essence directly, and followed him out.

When going from the tree house to the backyard forbidden land, I saw him a lot of aborigines.

There are many aborigines with wounds lying on the bed in the corridor of the church, receiving treatment.

0……Look for flowers…

They are full of dark red blood, and they seem to have gone through a big battle.

Nearby, many followers of the God of Nature in green clothes are treating the wounded.

Even though they were seriously injured, the aborigines were still talking to each other, seemingly not worried about their own situation.

Seeing the high priest and Lin Feng, they all struggled to get up and salute.

The high priest quickly ordered them to lie down.

“Your Excellency, please forgive them for being rude. They have just gone through a big battle and are being treated.”

Hearing what he said, Lin Feng asked: “A war? Is it the entry of zombies again?”

He still remembered the zombies who came to attack the Oasis of Hope when he came.

“Yes, now the entire continent is basically occupied by zombies, except for the Oasis of Hope.”

“Every once in a while, we have to face attacks from zombies.

“However, fortunately there is an oasis, and we can still thrive.”

Lin Feng glanced at him slightly.

Unlike Alpha and others, the high priest of this temple did not thank the God of Nature.

He was just thanking Oasis.

From the very beginning to the present, Lin Feng has always had a feeling.

This so-called high priest of the temple does not seem to worship the nature god Harold too much.

An idea suddenly rose from his heart.

This high priest, knows Harold’s true identity?

He knew that the other party was not a god, but just a fallen elf swallowed and fused by the Demon Devouring Tree?

Once this idea appeared, it was difficult to get rid of Lin Feng’s heart.

All the way to the backyard, he saw many aborigines.

This so-called church is not so much a place dedicated to the god of nature, as it is a multifunctional service organization.

A service organization that integrates the functions of nurseries, hospitals, libraries, and chiefs’ offices.

On the way, he met many aboriginal people who were weak and weak.

Some of them are tortured by diseases, some are seriously injured, and some are malnourished.

But what makes Lin Feng strange is that they all seem to be hopeful.

Lin Feng asked his doubts.

“These aborigines seem to be in bad condition, why are they still hopeful?

The high priest sighed a little, then sighed wearily.

“They are just a small part of this oasis of hope. Most people live well, have food and clothing, and everyone works together.”

“In the Oasis of Hope, we can live normally. Outside, it is already a purgatory on earth.”

Lin Feng thought of the desolate scene on the way to Hope Oasis, and nodded in agreement.

It is indeed very lucky to have an oasis as a sanctuary in this kind of apocalypse.

Soon, under the leadership of the high priest, Lin Feng came to the so-called backyard forbidden area.

In a tree house that hadn’t been here for a long time, a huge underground hole appeared in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng roughly calculated that this cavernous underground might allow dozens of people to go underground together.

“This is the underground passage leading to the Oasis of Hope, and the heart of the forest is underground!”

“There are many monsters below, and they are powerful.”

Having said this, the high priest turned his head and looked at Lin Feng sincerely.

“According to the report of Mu Dan and others, I know that your Excellency is strong.”

“But the underground environment is congested and dangerous, please be careful!”

Lin Feng glanced at him deeply and didn’t say much.

He clenched the war garden pendant tightly.

A light flashed, and Colonel Corn, Fragrant Tree Archer, and Rose Mage appeared in front of him.

Seeing the three weird plant heroes, the high priest was startled.

But he quickly calmed down.

“You deserve to be the tester, there are such magical subordinates!”

Lin Feng ignored his admiration and summoned hundreds of plant soldiers.

Surrounded by a group of subordinates, they walked toward the depths of the earth.

The heart of the forest, Lin Feng’s next goal!

As long as you enhance it and let the Oasis of Hope spread out, you can complete the optional trial and at the same time obtain the Heart of the Fallen Elf!

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