Chapter 176 An Oasis of Hope Where Hundreds Gather! Meet the Gods!

“Examiner, soon we will reach the Oasis of Hope.

In the desolate wilderness, a crisp female voice sounded.

Alpha took Lin Feng to the Oasis of Hope for several days.

In order to hurry, Lin Feng divided the plant soldiers into two groups.

During the day, a part of the plants led by Colonel Corn carried Lin Feng and Alpha on the road.

Lin Feng and Alpha slept on the backs of the soldiers with the iron-skinned high nut wall, and they were carried forward by the plant soldiers.

At night, the two drove on their own.

Because the firepower of the zombies at night is much stronger than during the day, just in case, you must stay awake on the road at night.

Fortunately, the zombies in this sky realm are mainly concentrated in the city.

Whether it is an ancient city, a modern fortress, or those abandoned modern cities, there are a large number of zombies gathered.

In the wilderness, there are not many zombies.

Relying on this method, after a few days of trekking, Lin Feng and others are finally about to arrive at the Oasis of Hope!

Following Alpha’s reminder, it didn’t take long for Lin Feng to see a huge valley appearing in the distance.

And the dense vegetation on the mountain!

Lin Feng has been in this sky realm for so many days, it is the first time to see the forest!

There are only endless wilderness, cracked rocks, and dusty sands.

It’s just here that Lin Feng finally saw a different landform.

Alpha is much happier than Lin Feng.

Trapped in the fortress for so many days, and after an arduous trek, she finally returned to the Oasis of Hope.

“Examiner, can’t speed up a little bit, we will be able to reach the Oasis of Hope soon!”

Upon hearing her request, Lin Feng did not refuse.

He also hopes that he can find the elves as quickly as possible.

All plant soldiers speeded up immediately.

Soon, the group of them came near the forest.

Just as Lin Feng was about to go inside, Alpha stopped him.

“Examiner, I hope that the oasis has only two entrances, and we must enter through those two entrances.”

“If you enter the oasis in other places, you will be hostile and attacked by the forest.

Hearing her explanation, Lin Feng was very curious.

The trees in this hope oasis are so smart?

Does this forest have its own wisdom?

Or are they under the control of Harold, the god of nature?

With curiosity, Lin Feng followed Alpha to the entrance while looking at the densely wooded forest in front of him.

At this moment, a line of comment suddenly popped out of his eyes.

[Devil-Eater Tree: A tree that grows at the junction of the abyss and the world, extremely rare. It can absorb all kinds of magical powers, expand and grow wildly, and if conditions permit, it can even occupy the entire continent!”

[Note: This entire forest is the same demon-eating tree! The entire forest has grown for more than 200 years! It is still absorbing the nutrients from the zombies and is still expanding!”

Lin Feng’s progress suddenly stopped.

This whole forest is actually a tree?

A devil-eater tree?

Lin Feng’s expression was very surprised.

The annotation system for the devil-eater tree has already been introduced.

When I came to the ancient city in the realm of the sky, the sapling carved on the head of the statue was the Devil-Eater Tree.

He did not expect that he would see a real plant here.

And the development of this devil-eater tree is obviously quite good.

It actually expanded into a whole forest!

Because the helmet blocked the facial expression, Alpha couldn’t see the surprised look on Lin Feng’s face clearly.

She saw the master tester stop, and asked with some doubts: “Master tester, what happened? Why didn’t you leave?

Lin Feng took a deep breath and didn’t say much.

“Keep walking and lead the way.”

Alpha glanced at him suspiciously, and didn’t think much.

She just wants to go home as fast as possible now!

The two walked towards the entrance of the Oasis of Hope at the fastest speed.




Before the two came to the entrance of the oasis, dense and chaotic sounds sounded from the edge of the bushes in front.

Alpha looked stiff.

“Experimenter! There must be a battle ahead! As usual, it should be a zombie attack! Please help us!”

Lin Feng said nothing, he continued to lead the plant heroes and plant soldiers to the front.

Soon, an offensive and defensive battle came into his eyes.

A group of zombies rushed towards the forest.

Lin Feng Lu Wei estimated the number of these zombies, and conservatively estimated that there were more than 2,000 zombies here.

In the direction of the forest, group after group of strangely dressed people are attacking the zombies.

Their races are different.

There are humans with strong bodies and manipulating muskets.

There are dwarves with short stature and a sledgehammer in hand.

There are also fairies with beautiful faces, long pointed ears and a magic wand in their hands.

Although they are of different races, their clothes are very similar.

Almost everyone wears clothes made of green and yellow fabrics, with some things inserted on their backs to form wings-like decorations.

The materials for those “wings” and bladders are varied.

Branches, ivory, antlers, bones and more.

Looking at the dressing of those people, Lin Feng suddenly remembered the dark green crystal wings behind his endless suit.

It really looks like the same style.

After briefly observing the situation, Lin Feng stretched out his hand and waved.

He planted corn seeds on the ground.

Under the rapid birth of sunlight, more than a dozen corn pitchers appeared on the ground.

Alpha from behind watched his movements in shock.

You deserve to be the tester, so many powerful plants can be planted just by raising your hands!

Lin Feng didn’t bother to care what she thought.

He quickly bred those corn pitchers into corn cannons.

His actions also aroused the attention of both sides on the battlefield.

The tide of corpses soon split into a tributary and rushed towards him.

The aborigines shouted anxiously: “People over there! Run away! Come here! These zombies are hard to deal with!

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the remaining plant soldiers gathered in the herdging space appeared neatly in line.

Seeing this magical scene, everyone looked surprised.

what happened?


Broken pieces!


Before those people could react, a loud noise instantly concealed everyone’s voice.

The plants are attacking!

The dragon grass and the blazing mushroom spewed one piece of flame after another, forming a large sea of ​​fire in front, submerging the zombies in it.

A pungent burnt smell spread across the battlefield instantly.

The explosion caused by the corn cannon swallowed the zombies in an instant.

Countless stumps and broken arms were flying in the air, and they were shredded into smaller fragments and scattered in all directions.

Rows of zombies fell.

The situation on the battlefield is instantly reversed!

The aboriginals, who were originally serious, even anxious and frightened, looked at the scenes before them in shock.

What is this?

Are those seas of fire, what advanced magic?

The blue watermelon with amazing coldness is a new ice magic?

And what caused that amazing explosion?

Does this person carry equipment such as cannons and rockets before the end?

Alpha opened his mouth even more, unable to close for a long time.

Although Lin Feng cleaned up all the zombies in the star-shaped fortress before, when she rescued her, she already knew that the “Experimenter” must be strong.

But what she never expected was that Lin Feng was so powerful!

This is simply carrying an army with you!

After briefly checking the battle situation, Lin Feng calmly walked towards the aborigines.

After so many hard battles, these zombies in front of him are no longer in his eyes.

This tide of corpses is too weak.

Against the backdrop of flames, refrigerators, and explosions, stumps of limbs and broken arms, pus and dark blood splashed all over the sky, and a figure in black armor came towards him.

All the aborigines felt an ominous and ferocious aura against their faces.

The elves took a step backwards unconsciously.

The dwarves swallowed continuously.

Humans kept wiping the cold sweat from their foreheads.

Everyone looked at the figure in front of them in shock.

No one spoke.

Alpha broke free from the shocked emotions, and when he saw this scene, he hurried over.

“Uncle Mu Dan! I’m Alpha! I’m back!”

She stepped forward happily.

Still immersed in the strong shock brought by Lin Feng, these people watched Alpha come and did not recover for a long time.

After a long time, someone said in surprise: “Alpha? Are you back? I thought you failed in the Druid trial.”

Only then did the aborigines reacted and surrounded them happily.

Alpha patted his chest, and then said in fear, “I was trapped in the star-shaped fortress to the north. Fortunately, I met the Master Trial and saved me.”

Speaking of this, she felt like introducing to everyone: “This is the master tester, he came from the far north, and he came to the oasis to ask the elves to ask about something.

“You have also seen his strength, he can use the power of nature! I want to take him to meet the Lord Harold, the god of nature!”

Hearing her words, everyone refocused their attention on Lin Feng.

“Trial? It doesn’t look like a person’s name.

Someone murmured.

“Could it be that like sacrifices and ascetics, can’t tell other people their names at will?”

There are many people talking about it.


Uncle Mu Dan in Alpha’s mouth, a strong dwarf glared at the others and walked up with a light cough.

“Trainer, your strength is very strong, you solved the trouble for us, coupled with the natural power you used, you must be favored by the god of nature.”

Mu Dan stepped forward and stretched out his right hand.

“Welcome to the Oasis of Your Hope, you can call me Mu Dan.”

Despite Mu Dan’s composure, Lin Feng can still feel the fear of the other party.

He stretched out his hand and shook hands with the opponent.

“I’m from the far north, you can call me a tester.”

“I’m here to inquire about the whereabouts of the fallen elf’s heart. I don’t know if you can provide me with a clue.”

Lin Feng started straight to the point and directly stated his purpose.

Hearing what he said, these aborigines were obviously taken aback.

All of them looked at the last male elf standing.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng also looked over.

That is a middle-aged male elf.

The handsome face was full of surprises, and at the same time there was a look of determination.

A sense of vicissitudes of life can be seen from his face.

He ignored the gazes of other people, and asked Lin Feng in surprise: “Are you looking for fallen elves? Why are you looking for them?”

Lin Feng only saw surprise from his face, but did not see other emotions.

Originally, he also guessed that there should be some contradictions between the fallen elves and the elves.

But looking at the face of the other person, this doesn’t seem to exist.

Lin Feng thought about it.

According to the situation just now, the strength of these aborigines is not strong.

They cannot pose any threats to themselves.

And here is the forest area, and the oasis of hope is a devil-eater tree.

In this kind of place, with the skill of the tree world, he is almost invincible.

And my understanding of the heart of the fallen elves only comes from the notes, I need the help of these people.

After a brief thought, Lin Feng decided to directly state his needs.

“I look for the fallen elf for the heart of the fallen elf.”

Hearing what he said, the others hadn’t reacted yet, but the middle-aged elf looked shocked.He blurted out: “The heart of the fallen elf? What are you looking for?”

Lin Feng just looked at him quietly, without meaning to answer.

Seeing this scene, the elf thought for a while, and said: “I hope that the oasis has fallen elf, but there is no fallen elf heart.”

After all, he introduced Lin Feng to the heart of the fallen elf.

From what he told, Lin Feng knew his name, Elva.

In the difficult environment of the sky realm, the aborigines are tortured.

In order to deal with zombies, the aborigines used the most powerful means.

The abuse of various nuclear eggs and forbidden spell magic has caused this world to become the ruins of the doomsday.

The zombie virus spreads everywhere, and the magic affinity of the elves is very strong.

With the help of magic, elves are often not easily infected.

But natural magic, life force, and zombie virus will fight in their bodies.

In this case, many elves were infected with zombie virus and suffered a lot.

In order to suppress pain, many elves will accept the dark magic, transform their bodies, and offset the pain.

In the sky realm, the confrontation between the aborigines and zombies for nearly a thousand years has made it natural for the elves here to accept the magic of darkness.

Because of this, there is no tension between ordinary elves and fallen elves.

And the heart of the fallen elves must be the energy core that the fallen elves can nurture with a certain level of strength.

But in the current Oasis of Hope, there is no fallen spirit capable of reaching this level.

Even if there is, such a strong person is afraid it is impossible to hand over his energy core.

Lin Feng frowned when he heard this.

The situation is not so good.

Judging from the situation along the way, this hope oasis is already the most prosperous place in this area.

There are not even strong enough fallen elves here, and I’m afraid it is even more impossible to have such a strong in other places.

Moreover, even if there is such an elf, do you want to fight him and kill him to get the heart of the fallen elf?

Seeing that he did not respond, the middle-aged Elva said: “You are so fit with nature, why don’t you ask the god of nature Harold?”

Hearing this, Alpha was also very excited and said: “Yes, yes, yes! I always think that you (Nuoqian Zhao), the tester, fits well with the God of Nature! Please go and meet the God of Nature!”

Not only the two of them, but others also agreed.

“Yes, I think the god of nature can give you enough hints.”

“Yes, right, right, let’s say, people have done us a great favor, how can we not take him there to entertain him.”

Hearing their rushing invitations, Lin Feng thought for a while and did not refuse.

In the forest, he has the skills of the tree world, and he is very confident.

Judging from the current situation, the power of the god named Harold is not strong.

He just relied on a devil-eater tree to open up an oasis.

As long as you give yourself a devil-eating tree, and enough sunlight and zombies, you can open up a larger forest.

Without hesitation, under the warm invitation of everyone, Lin Feng followed them into the oasis of hope.

Knowing that he was a little impatient, Alpha suggested, “Examiner, or I will take you directly to the God of Nature.”

“Uncle Mu Dan went to inform the clan elders and the high priest, you also have to prepare.”

Others also noticed Lin Feng’s anxiety, thanked for the help before, and all agreed to Alpha’s proposal.

This makes Lin Feng somewhat different.

In his impression, the high priests of any religion must always worship the gods in the temple.

How do you listen to them, the sacrifice is not in the temple?

“Your clan elders and high priests are not usually in the temple?”

Hearing Lin Feng’s doubts, Alpha chuckled slightly.

We “There is no temple here, the great god of nature is in the oasis of hope.

Hearing this, Lin Feng was shocked!

what’s the situation?

The gods are in the oasis?

Is the main body decorated in the forest?

Not a god?

Lin Feng frowned tightly.

Because the strength displayed by this god is not strong, he is not too cautious.

A strong curiosity arose in his heart.

God in reality?

What kind of existence is that?

With strong curiosity and anticipation, Lin Feng followed Alpha and walked towards the center of the Oasis of Hope!

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