Chapter 175 Druid? Another news from the gods?

The realm of the sky, inside the star-shaped fortress.

Lin Feng followed the Xiang Meng shooter and walked towards the aboriginal people they found.

He needs to learn some information from the aboriginal people.

Because of the trial space, there is no problem communicating with everyone.

Even if you can’t talk, you can communicate through writing if you have a comment system.

“My lord, it’s in the basement in front, and the aboriginal people are locked in it.”

Lin Feng stepped forward and found a basement in the courtyard of a residential house.

The basement was locked by several levels of iron doors.

Lin Feng took a close look at the exit of the basement, and the iron doors were tightly sealed.

It seemed that those iron doors could not be opened no matter from inside or outside.

You can also see a bunch of messy things beside the basement. There are boxes with door panels, which look very old.

Noting Lin Feng’s sight, Xiang Sagittarius explained: “These things were all on the iron gate at the beginning, leaving only a small gap.”

“When we were investigating here, a shout came from inside, and we found that someone was inside.

The situation is “unknown, we did not act without authorization, please let the Lord decide.”

After listening to his explanation, Lin Feng looked towards the iron gate.

There was this woman who had suffered all over, looking at him with excitement.

The woman’s hair was knotted together, and there was even a lot of dust on it. It looked gray and ugly.

Her face is also dirty, with sweat, oil and dust mixed together, and the lines originally painted on her face make it even more compelling.

But her eyes were bright, and she seemed to see hope.

Lin Feng didn’t understand why she looked at herself with joy, her face was full of surprises.

Could it be that she knew herself?

Or does she know she will save her?

Following Lin Feng’s doubts, a reminder of the Note 07 system also appeared in front of Lin Feng’s eyes.

[Female human: A female human who has acquired a certain degree of resistance, and the body is enhanced by the zombie virus. There is magic power flowing in the body.

(Note: Under the influence of magic power, she has a strong recovery ability. But she is not good at attacking and is not threatening.”

“You are here! Messenger of the God of Nature! Praise you! Thank you for your help!

Finding Lin Feng looking at her, the aboriginal hurriedly bowed and saluted through the iron gate, with a pious and happy expression.

This abnormal reaction made Lin Feng frowned.

The messenger of the god of nature?

Is she talking about herself?

What is the god of nature?

Could it be that this sky realm is the same as Dawn Icefield and the Capital of Death, there are powerful creatures of the gods level?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng frowned even more.

Both the Devourer of Gods encountered in the Capital of Death, or the Demon God Mertia encountered in the Dawn Icefield, are extremely powerful beings.

But the guide of the sky realm was Meredia’s guide, and it was justified by the influence of the gods here.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Feng did not immediately deny his identity.

He asked: “Who are you? Tell me about your basic situation.”

His tone was calm and not enthusiastic.

But the female human seemed to be more pleased.

“My name is Alpha! I’m a forest druid! I’m a person of Oasis of Hope.”

“I accepted the test of the Archdruid two months ago and came out of the Oasis of Hope to find the relics of the lost civilization.”

“I found this fortress and want to obtain ancient relics from here.”

“When I finally sneaked in from the drainage organization of this fortress, I was discovered by the zombies and finally had to hide here.”

“Thank the god of nature! It must be the god who made me meet you! I almost starved to death here!

Thank you “Harold, God of Nature!”

While she was speaking, Lin Feng kept staring at her closely.

One comment after another kept flashing before his eyes.

Through those notes, he was sure that the human named Alpha in front of him was not lying.


Although I have heard the name of this profession in previous games.

In his impression, there is no such profession as a druid in the trial space.

And according to the explanation of the annotation system, the human in front of me is a human who lives in symbiosis with the zombie virus, just like Alice in Raccoon City and flying dragon zombies.

She is not a special professional.

One more thing, why does she think she is the messenger of some god of nature?

Moreover, in what she just said, there was a word that surprised Lin Feng.

Harold, God of Nature?

This is the third time I know this name since I have reached this sky realm.

The first time was in that ancient city.

Harold was called a hero, and he led humans to build a sanctuary.

The second time was in this fortress.

The mural shows that Harold is a fallen man, bringing disaster to the fortress, and people want him to be executed.

But just now, Alpha in front of him was praying to Harold, the god of nature!

Every time the name Harold is known, the identity of the owner of the name is different.

Does this all mean the same elf?

Or is Harold a commonly used name in Sky Realm?

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn’t get the answer, and Lin Feng didn’t bother to cover up, so he asked directly.

“I am not the divine envoy you are talking about. You can call me a tester.

“Tell me about the situation here, and the situation of Harold, the god of nature.”

After saying these words, Lin Feng quietly waited for the answer.

Hearing his question, Alpha was taken aback.

She looked at Lin Feng in surprise, as if she was unwilling to believe what she had heard.

“How is it possible? You can control trees and lead special plants in battle!”

“Controlling nature, this is the authority of the God of Nature! You can summon such a powerful plant, and you can get the allegiance of so many plant soldiers. Besides the messenger of the God of Nature, who else can do all this?”

Lin Feng knew why this Alpha was so happy when he saw him.

It turned out that the plant soldier and the Xiang Meng shooter caused her misunderstanding.

At the same time, he also had a strong curiosity about this god of nature.

Gods that manipulate nature?

Is the other party also a gardener?

Top gardener?

Or is it a special gardener after the other party has been transferred?

Nature caller?

Spirit planter?

With various questions, Lin Feng asked: “Answer my question and introduce the situation here.”

On his black helmet, two red gems emit red light, looking at Alpha indifferently.

The invisible majesty rises in Lin Feng’s body.

Alpha seemed to be frightened by the momentum, and sat down on the ground as soon as his legs were soft.

It seems that at this time, she really realized that Lin Feng may not be the messenger of the gods.

Panic began to appear on her face.

“Uh, uh, our situation here is like this, I come from the Oasis of Hope, where we are…

She stammered to introduce.

Through her introduction, Lin Feng finally got a general understanding of the situation in the sky.

This is a world that was invaded by zombies very early.

There are all kinds of magical races here, as well as many powerful monsters.

In the early days, the zombie virus did not spread quickly.

Because the strength of the aborigines is also very strong.

The fight against the zombie virus has lasted for many years. In Alpha’s memory, it has been at least a thousand years since the first zombie was discovered to the present.

Along with the battle with zombies, human civilization is also developing rapidly.

Their level of science and technology has developed rapidly, and the fastest-growing one is the military level.

In the most glorious time of human civilization, they developed powerful weapons such as nuclear eggs, power armor, exoskeleton, and laser swords.

But in the end, mankind was still defeated by zombie viruses, and they were attacked from within.

Humans with nowhere to go eventually launched a nuclear-egg war, which turned the world into a wasteland.

It is difficult for human beings to be reborn in such an environment.

And she comes from the Oasis of Hope, and belongs to the new generation after the end.

The doomsday oasis is a forest in the south.

Harold, the god of nature, is the god of the forest.

It was the powerful Harold who influenced nature and transformed a forest with powerful divine power that brought hope to the aboriginals here.

So the forest was also named the Oasis of Hope.

In the current oasis of hope, all races help each other, struggling to survive in this doomsday.

At the end, Lin Feng raised his brow.

All races help each other?

Are there elves in it?

That is my most important goal now.

Also, the power of the gods is just to carve out an oasis in the apocalypse?

Although it is not clear how powerful the gods are, in terms of the strength of the gods that Lin Feng has contacted, their ability is definitely not just to do this.

While feeling puzzled, Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

If you give yourself time, you can open up an oasis in this wasteland.

With only this ability, that god of nature would not pose a threat to oneself.

“There are many races living in the Oasis of Hope? Are there any elves?

Alpha’s expression brightened.

“Yes! The elves are the most devout believers of the gods of nature, and they shoulder the heavy responsibility of caring for the gods!”

“For so many years, many wandering elves have rushed to the Oasis of Hope from various places in the mainland and reintegrated into the race.”

Speaking of this, Alpha looked at Lin Feng in surprise and said: “You are also a wandering elf, so you can manipulate plants like this? Do you also want to reintegrate into the ethnic group?”

She became excited again.

Lin Feng shook his head.

“Are there any fallen elves?”

Alpha looked surprised.

“Fallen elves? Are those elves who are infected by zombies and have to use dark magic? I hope there are a few oases, but not many.”

Hearing what she said, Lin Feng was overjoyed.

Hope there are fallen elves in the oasis!

“Let’s make a deal. I will save you. You take me to the Oasis of Hope. I have something to do with the Elves.

Although he denied his identity, the aboriginal Alpha seems to firmly believe that people who can manipulate plants are believers in the god of nature.

Lin Feng didn’t bother to explain to her, anyway, as long as the other party takes him to the Oasis of Hope.

Through the comment system, he was very clear about the strength of the woman in front of him.

She could not pose any threat to herself.

After signalling Alpha to stay away from the iron gate one after another, Lin Feng directly exploded the iron gate with an explosive cherry.

Under the sunlight, Alpha walking out of the underground warehouse seemed even more compelled.

Lin Feng motioned to Master Rose to take her to take a bath by the moat, and then planted a batch of plants for her as food.

Biting into the sweet corn and watching Lin Feng operate fascinatingly, Alpha’s eyes were full of admiration.

“Experimenter! Your ability will definitely shine in the Oasis of Hope. I think even the patriarch and high priest will value you very much!

Lin Feng ignored her praise.

After Alpha replenished his strength, he said lightly: “Lead the way.”

It can be seen that Alpha is homesick.

She hurriedly led Lin Feng out of the fortress and rushed to the Oasis of Hope!

Lin Feng is also looking forward to it.

I’m one step closer to the heart of the fallen elves needed for job transfer!

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