Chapter 174 New City! Become a Heresy Hero!



Lin Feng walked on the desolate and boundless sky, occasionally stepping on a few small gravels and making a slight noise.

In that ancient city, after learning that the Elves had descended, he led the plant soldiers to move to the south.

Although the news recorded in the ancient city was 500 years ago, a powerful elf went to find his own race 500 years ago.

But a race doesn’t just migrate randomly. Even after 500 years, you should still be able to find elves in the south.

Maybe you can get the whereabouts of the fallen elf’s heart.

Jian’er’s sky realm is extremely desolate, except for the previous ancient city, no zombies can be seen in the rest of the place.

It can be said that this sky realm is the least trial ground for Lin Feng to encounter zombies.

In other places, whether it is the capital of death or the ice field at dawn, there are massive tides of corpses constantly attacking.

This also makes Lin Feng a little bit difficult.

After all, completing the trial requires killing a large number of special zombies.

He opened his “task” panel.

“Unfinished trial, unable to return.

What if you can’t find a sufficient number of zombies?

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

“Lord, there is another small city ahead. It’s about one kilometer to the southeast.

While Lin Feng was thinking about it, the Fragrant Tree Archer who went to investigate the situation led a team of plant soldiers to report.

Among the three plant heroes, he has the strongest mobility and was sent by Lin Feng to chase him around to investigate the situation.

“You lead the way, we walk over there.”

With this news, Lin Feng refreshed.

Where there are cities, there are traces of residents’ activities.

Whether the residents are human or not, at least sporadic clues will be left behind.

It may be text, it may be a mural, it may be a sculpture.

With the annotation system, I can fully understand the words “Nine-Eight Three” and the murals and get more information.

“Go, let’s speed up a bit.”

Lin Feng couldn’t wait to lead the plant soldiers to the southeast.

The three plant heroes did not have any objections, and followed him to speed up.

With the endless suit, Lin Feng’s speed has been greatly enhanced.

But the plant soldiers could not keep up with his speed.

The speed of the team was restricted by the plant soldiers.

This makes Lin Feng want a vehicle or mount even more.

After finishing this trial, I must find a way to get one.

While summing up, he headed southeast.

Soon, a small city appeared in Lin Feng’s vision.

The town is not big, but the facilities are complete.

City walls, turrets, and watchtowers are all available.

The surrounding walls are covered with sharp triangular protrusions, which are not known whether they are made of iron or bricks, shimmering with dark light.

Lin Feng activated the flying ability of the endless suit.

The crystal wings on the back glowed with a faint green light, flying upwards with his body.

The scene in the small town emerged in front of Lin Feng.

Unlike the last ancient city, the city in front of it has three walls in total.

Each city wall is separated by a moat.

The outer city walls form independent triangular fortresses that surround the main city wall.

The moat hovered at the foot of each wall.

Unlike the previous ancient city, although this city is not big, its construction technology is obviously more advanced.

When flying into the air, Lin Feng discovered that this ancient city occupies a huge area.

The city wall is covered with green lawns, and the triangular city wall forms a small fortress that surrounds the main city.

Being too far apart, Lin Feng can’t see clearly the situation in the city.

But he could see many moving shadows.So many black and crushing figures are enough to show that there are a large number of zombies in the city.

Looking down from the air, the entire small city is like a six-pointed star printed on the ground. The outer layer is surrounded by two circles of protective belts connected by many triangular walls.

Seeing this situation and this scene, Lin Feng’s heart shuddered.

This is actually a “bass!”

In Lin Feng’s memory, in his last life, he had an understanding of this kind of city defense system.

This should be an extremely complete city defense system, which was born to defend against artillery.

The technological level of its former builders is not weak anymore.

If such a city can be captured, the zombies inside cannot tolerate a small country.

Sure enough, the comments validated his ideas.

[Bastion: Also known as the star-shaped fortress, it can also have a good defensive ability in front of the powerful black powder artillery. This bastion is about 200 years ago).

[Note: In the face of the bombardment of the corn cannon, its defense is like dross!]

Through various details, we can see that this small city has a strong defense force.

And there are many zombies inside.

If you want to destroy the zombies without destroying the city as little as possible, you must draw those zombies out.

Landing underground, Lin Feng directly began to issue orders.

“You now lead the plant soldiers to clean up the scattered zombies around.”

“I will set up a defensive position here, and then bombard the city wall, blasting at least one wall open.”

“After that, you will go to the city to make a noise and lead the zombies inside to me.

Hearing his order, the plant heroes had no objection and led the plant soldiers to act quickly.

The three plant heroes led the soldiers to attack in three directions.




Frozen watermelon, fire dragon grass, flame mushroom and other plants began to frantically attack the free zombies.

Lin Feng came to a place less than 400 meters away from the city wall and started planting plants.

He took out a handful of sunflowers and sunlight mushrooms and buried them in the soil.

After that, Caiwen, Master Sugarcane waited for melee plants.

After unlocking these powerful melee plants, Lin Feng has changed the order of planting plants.

In the case of soldiers with iron-skin and high-nut walls, he will not plant iron-skin-high nuts first, but plant these powerful melee plants first.

After that is the usual frozen watermelon, machine gun peas, flame tree stump and other plants.

This trial has very difficult smoke zombies. This kind of zombie group gathered by tiny flying zombies is not afraid of the attacks of frozen watermelons and peas.

To this end, referring to the recommendations of the annotation system, a large number of flame mushrooms and fire dragon grass were planted.

Add auxiliary plants, such as enchanting mushrooms, shrinking violets and other plants.

With these preparations, the time has come to night.

Seeing the sun gradually setting, Lin Feng rested for a while.

Finally, he began to plant the strongest firepower plant: corn cannon.

At this time, the Colonel Corn, Xiang Meng Archer and Rose Mage who went to clean up the zombies led the team back.



Before Lin Feng could speak, a loud and deafening noise came from the defensive position.

The violent explosion hit many plants.

Many plants were burned to black ash!

A huge shock wave spread across the battlefield, and many frozen watermelons were torn into pieces!

Lin Feng looked surprised and hurriedly looked at the city wall.

In the dimness, the top of the city wall emitted a dazzling fire!

As the fire flashed, something hit the plant position, causing a violent explosion!

An incredible thought arose in Lin Feng’s heart!

Someone on the wall is firing at the position!

Someone is defending the city!

Lin Feng’s expression sank.

No matter what it is that is launching an attack on yourself, whether it is a special zombie or some aborigines.

Now that the opponent has fired the cannon, he must launch a counterattack!

He didn’t hesitate, the crystal wings glowed with dazzling green light.

Corresponding to the brightness of the bright light is his extremely fast flying speed.

Lin Feng instantly appeared at the back of the defensive position.

He started to sow corn cannons frantically!

With the blessing of “diffusion planting”, rows of corn cannons quickly grew up.

Lin Feng looked calm, walked to the corn cannon that was planted first, and took out a few bottles of plant essence.

A bottle of essence was poured out, and the corn cannon began to strengthen quickly!

Seeing the huge corn cannonballs loaded, Lin Feng looked at the city wall and launched an attack!



The sharp sonic boom spread instantly.

The “sky road” formed by tail flames one after another dashed across the sky, illuminating the night, and attacking the city wall!

Boom boom boom!

The dense bombing sounded!

The attack on the city wall stopped instantly.

One after another dazzling flame illuminates the entire night sky!

A sudden explosion quickly knocked down pieces of the city wall!

Countless broken bricks flew high into the sky, and were blasted to pieces by a more violent explosion, and scattered into finer sand.

Rows of walls fell down!

Looking at the vast area in front of him, Lin Feng shook his head.

I thought it was a powerful enemy that would trigger a fierce offensive and defensive battle.

How do you know that when he officially launches an attack, the opponent has no power to parry.

He moved his gaze to the three plant heroes.

“Everything went according to plan. You go in and attract the zombies out.

“The Rose Mage stays here, maybe it’s useful to get the portal.”

After a brief salute, Colonel Corn and Xiang Meng Archer led the plant soldiers to rush out.

When they rushed into the city, Lin Feng also began to expand into the city!

When he came to the collapsed city wall, a moat of nearly ten meters blocked Lin Feng’s path.

When the urging endless suit was about to fly over, he suddenly stopped.

Lin Feng remembered that when he looked down in the air before, the city had three walls.

He just broke through the first city wall.

Now fly directly inside, maybe there are other people or zombies controlling the artillery on the wall further inside.

The plant position must be expanded!

He opened the seed bar, took out one water lily one after another, and began to plant it.

The planting of water lilies is extremely simple, just put them on the water surface, they will automatically grow roots and root down 0…

Under the urging of sunlight, soon half of the moat was filled with water lilies!

The plant position continues to expand!

Lin Feng didn’t want to wait for those enemies to attack first this time.

When there was still some distance away from the second city wall, he directly fired the corn cannon.




As Lin Feng’s firepower became more and more abundant, the attacked city wall collapsed.

At this moment, Colonel Corn led a massive tide of corpses from the inner city towards this side.

Lin Feng flew high into the sky, observing the number of zombies.

He found many zombies that he had never seen before.

Those zombies still maintain the shape of a human, but they actually carry a lot of equipment!

They are wearing broken, rusty plate armor and holding pole weapons.

Lin Feng carefully identified those weapons, they looked like matchlocks or flintlocks!

Zombie who knows how to use tools?

He was a little surprised.

Is it the same as Raccoon City, what kind of living dead controlled by a zombie parasite, retains the intelligence of a lifetime, and can use human tools?Lin Feng doesn’t have much time to think.

A large number of zombies rushed to the defensive position!

But Lin Feng has now burst into the city wall, he does not want to launch the corn cannon indiscriminately.

In this case, all I can rely on are aggressive plants such as frozen watermelon and fire dragon grass.

Thanks to the promotion of professional level and trial level, all his plants have been strengthened.

Even if those zombies can use weapons, facing Lin Feng’s plants, they don’t have any ability to resist.

Everything went smoother than Lin Feng thought.

Over time, after three hours of fighting, almost all the zombies in the entire city were brought to the battlefield and killed by Lin Feng.

Although there were some small omissions, everything seemed to be going well.

After almost all the zombies were killed, Lin Feng led the plant soldiers to move towards the city.

The town is not big, and Lin Feng quickly explored it without anyone blocking it.

To his surprise, most of the internal buildings here were destroyed.

There are ruined walls everywhere.

This is the exact opposite of the city defense system after it has been preserved.

Lin Feng easily understood the reason for this incident.

This star-shaped fortress was breached by zombies from the inside!

Fortunately, there are still many murals and sculptures in these ruins.

I don’t know if humans in this sky realm have the custom of using these things to record daily or special events.

But Lin Feng was able to get a lot of information from the wreckage of these buildings.

What surprised him most was that he got the information about Harold the Elf and the Devil-Eating Tree that he knew before!

On a mural, there is a figure tied to a pillar.

There are countless people shouting angrily on the side.

Below, there is a large line of characters.

The font is square, completely different from the text seen in the ancient city before.

[Kill him! Heresy! Harold! He is possessed by a monster! He is not a human! He brought misfortune to us in 2.1! Kill him!-2351)

Seeing the above record, Lin Feng was surprised.


Isn’t this the body carved by the statue of the city I passed by before?


Among the sculptures in the previous city, Harold was clearly recorded as a hero.

As an elf, he led humans to build a city to resist powerful monsters.

Why did he become a heresy when he arrived in this city?

Still possessed by monsters?

What is this talking about?

Moreover, this line of text says that Harold is not a human being.

As an elf, he is of course not a human being, isn’t this point can be distinguished by just looking at his ears?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng took a close look at the mural.

The person in the picture tied to the pillar does not seem to have pointed ears.

In other words, I can’t see his ears at all.

Is this no painting?

Or is this Harold another Harold?

Lin Feng suddenly became interested in this elf named Harold.

At this moment, Xiang Meng Archer came to him.

“Lord, we found an aboriginal over there, who seemed to be a human, but her hands were locked up, and I didn’t let her go without authorization.

Hearing his report, Lin Feng was surprised.

In such a city with zombies everywhere, there are still living people?

“take me to.”

Xiangshu Sagittarius didn’t say a word, and led Lin Feng to the place where he found the aboriginal.

Lin Feng is looking forward to it.

With the aboriginal people here, you will definitely be able to learn more!

Moreover, if there is a living person, there is very likely another living person in this sky realm.

As long as you continue to explore, you will soon be able to discover more aboriginal people and let yourself know more about the world!

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