Chapter 173: A Special Enemy? A Clue to the Elves!

Bang bang bang~



The dense bombardment echoed in the open space in front of the ancient city.

One after another, the blue frozen watermelons exuding the cold were thrown out, and fell into the group of zombies.

The misty white cold froze the zombies around the watermelon into ice sculptures, which scattered into ice cubes in the bombardment.



Fire dragon grass and flame mushrooms spewed countless flames in front of the tide of corpses, burning the zombies.

Those flames joined together and spread in the air, forming a sea of ​​fire.

The flame burned to heat the air, making a snapping sound.

The hot air rose rapidly upwards, and soon ignited the wings of those flying eagle zombies.

The entire vicinity of the ancient city has become a battlefield for zombies and plants!

Lin Feng’s figure swiftly shuttled among the plant positions.

Plant after plant appeared in front of the position.

The entire plant position is expanding rapidly!

With Lin Feng’s current physical fitness, he can grow plants extremely fast.

Coupled with the skill “diffusion planting” gained after the gardener’s level is increased, many plants can be planted at the same time.

Soon, the open space in front of the ancient city was taken by plants!

Lin Feng looked at the tall city gate and shook his head.

He didn’t want to go in directly through the city gate.

Who knows what will be there?

Moreover, this city wall blocked the attack of plants, which was too unsafe.

He planned to demolish the wall on this side of the city gate.

“Xiangmeng Archer, you lead a team of plant soldiers to check if there are important statues near the city gate.

“Yes! Lord!”

Upon receiving his order, the Xiang Meng shooter did not hesitate and quickly led the team into the city.

With the fire support of the plants in the rear, the group of them quickly entered the city gate and inspected it carefully.

It didn’t take long for the Xiang Meng shooter to return to Lin Feng.

“Report Lord! There are no other buildings near the city gate, and there are no other statues, portraits, etc.”

Lin Feng nodded.

He came to the corn cannon position, mobilized a corn cannon, and fired a corn cannonball at the wall of the ancient city.


With a loud noise, the city gate broke!

Debris all over the ground splashed around, and sand and rocks flew high into the sky.

Under the blowing of clover, all the smoke and dust were blown away, and it did not obstruct Lin Feng’s vision.

He did not stop and continued firing corn cannons one by one.

In order not to cause too much damage to the ancient city, Lin Feng did not fire many shells at once.




In the continuous bombardment, the city gate collapsed and the city wall was opened with a big opening.


Roar~!Before Lin Feng could enter the ancient city, a painful roar came from among the ruins of the city gate!

Lin Feng paused and turned his attention to the ruins of the city gate.

Something seemed to be buried in the ruins, and he was struggling violently at this time.

A dirt bag gradually bulged from the piled up broken bricks and soil.


With a soft sound, a dark figure broke through.

The mud and gravel were scattered and splashed, and they were quickly blown away by the clover.

The black shadow rushed towards Lin Feng with a roar.


With a loud noise, the black shadow hit the iron-skinned high nut wall with a crisp impact sound.

The iron-skinned high-nut wall was distorted by the impact, and was knocked into the air. It flew for a long time before landing on the ground.

The black shadow ran back a few steps.

Only then did Lin Feng see the dark shadow clearly.

That is a huge mutant zombie!

He had double horns, a copper ring on his nose, and thick limbs. A pair of hooves diverged steadily and stood in front of the iron-skinned high-nut wall.

Looking at his figure, Lin Feng suddenly thought of the name of a monster.


But the zombie in front of him is obviously not the kind of legendary monster.

He was nearly three meters tall, his skin was rotten, and strips of turbid and yellow pus spread along the wound on the skin.

But through the cracks in the skin, you can clearly see the strong muscles of the zombie.

The muscle fibers of this monster are thick and tough, tangled together to form a huge muscle tissue, which looks strong and powerful.

After so many trials, especially the trial in Raccoon City, Lin Feng knew the characteristics of this zombie virus very clearly.

Zombie viruses will enhance the body functions of the parasites, and at the same time will consume energy.

Once the infected person withstands the erosion of the zombie virus and resists the energy consumption produced by increasing muscle function, then the infected person will be greatly enhanced.

This is true for the flying dragon zombies before, and so is the special human Alice.

The same is true for the huge demon zombie that I saw before, the Devourer of Gods.

And the monster that appeared in front of him now was obviously also a special zombie that had resisted the attack of the zombie virus, and his body had been greatly strengthened.

【Bone giant zombies: Special zombies mutated into bone giants of special races after infection. They have extremely powerful power and are very fast, but they have no other means of attack.

[Note: The muscles of bone giant zombies are very strong, and their bones are very strong, able to withstand extremely strong impact!][Note: The power of this zombie is extremely strong, and the impact power exceeds 20,000 kilograms!]

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng frowned.

If I remember correctly, when I participated in the second-order trial for the first time, the power of the corpse hunter encountered exceeded 5,000 kilograms.

At that time, he killed many of his plant soldiers in one face.

If it were not for the use of the tree world, I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss.

And the bone giant zombies that appeared this time actually exceeded 20,000 kilograms!

It is four times the power of the corpse hunting seen before!


A loud noise!

The bone giant zombie kicked its left hoof forcefully, and the figure quickly disappeared.

The huge force formed a small shock wave on the ground, setting off a large area of ​​soil.

The figure of the ancient giant zombie flashed away, and jumped into the air over the block of the iron skin and the nut wall.

Its speed was too fast, and there were bursts of sonic booms in the air.

Lin Feng raised his mouth and smiled slightly.

If I had just become a second-order gardener, I would have difficulty fighting against this powerful bone giant.

But at this time, such enemies are no longer in his eyes.

Lin Feng waved his hand, and many plants moved into action.

The shrinking violet soldier emits a yellow light, shining toward the huge black shadow falling from the sky!

Charm stood in the air and burst open, and bursts of crimson mist full of charm enveloped the bone giant zombies!

The frozen mushrooms were crushed by Lin Feng, a biting cold air spread in the air, and the white terrifying cold air instantly swept the air!


Under the shroud of multiple attacks, the bone giant zombies let out a painful cry!

Its body was quickly covered with a layer of frost, and white frost spread on its body.

The turbid pus flowing on the body surface was quickly frozen, and yellow icicles hung on its body surface, and were quickly covered by more white frost.

The action of the bone giant zombies became stiff!

The crimson mist enveloped its body, turning into bursts of pink streamer rushing towards its body.

The movement of the bone giant stopped completely and fell like a black stone.

Under the shining of the narrow violet yellow beam, its frost-covered body quickly became smaller, and soon it was only the size of an ordinary human.


There was a muffled sound, and the bone giant zombies fell straight in the plant position, smashing the ground out of a large pit, and raising a piece of dust.

Several fire dragon grasses were crushed into a pile of mud.

But this giant bone giant zombie has also lost the ability to fight.

“Keep on there.

Lin Feng didn’t bother to control this zombie.

It has been shrunk, Violet has become smaller, and it has lost its strength while shrinking in size.

Such zombies have no meaning to manipulate.

When the bone giant zombie’s stiff figure walked away, Lin Feng directly killed it with a few corn cannons.

After doing all this, Lin Feng led the plants towards the ancient city.

“Master Rose, take me to the place where you found the statues and murals.”

Lin Feng gave orders while planting plants.

I don’t know if it was during the siege, the zombies basically rushed out to fight against the plants.

The number of zombies left in the city is very small now.

Amid the sporadic plant bombardment and the roar of zombies, Lin Feng leisurely surveyed everything in the ancient city.

“Master, turn this corner and you will see a square where there are many murals and a strange statue.”

0……Look for flowers…

Master Rose pointed to the corner ahead and introduced Lin Feng.

Nodding calmly, he walked over.

Crossing a corner, a square appeared in front of Lin Feng.

This seems to be the place for gatherings in this ancient city.

Compared with other places, this place is obviously more prosperous.

The surrounding buildings also appear taller.

According to the previous annotation system, this city has experienced wind and rain for at least 500 years.

Many buildings in the region have already begun to collapse.

But many buildings around the square have remained intact.

Lin Feng can also understand the state of the sky through these buildings.

His attention was instantly attracted by the statues on the square!

The statue had a tree on its head and was wearing a wide robe.

The look is firm and the face is handsome.

Most importantly, he has a pair of long pointed ears!


This statue sculpts an elf!

Lin Feng instantly thought of the purpose of his trip!

Heart of the Fallen Elf!He walked quickly to the statue and examined it carefully.

The elf statue pointed to the distance and held the sapling above its head with the other hand, seeming to say something impassioned.

[Moonlight Elf: A race that is in harmony with nature, has a very high magic affinity and strong physical fitness, and is a very strong race. ”

There was a glimmer of Lin Feng’s heart.


Sure enough, it is an elven clan.

As he continued to observe the statue, another comment emerged.

[Devil-Eater Tree: A tree that grows at the junction of the abyss and the world, extremely rare. It can absorb all kinds of magic power, expand and grow wildly, and if conditions permit, it can even occupy the entire continent!)

Lin Feng was surprised.

This is how the Devil Eater Tree is so powerful!

According to the legend, the elves like nature, did he cultivate this Devil-Eater tree?

He looked at the statue carefully and didn’t get any other information.

On the base of the statue, lines of words are engraved.

Lin Feng didn’t recognize the twists and turns of the text.

At this moment, a line of comment appeared before his eyes!

[A powerful hero! Harold! Overcome all obstacles and lead us to open up this shelter! Let us praise him!-2123)

Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

The annotation system can actually translate these words!

He quickly searched carefully, hoping to find more written records.

But the engraved text of the statue only has this line.

Lin Feng shifted his target and walked to the mural.

After so many years of wind and rain, the mural is a little fuzzy.

Lin Feng looked carefully.

On a mottled wall, there are carved murals, which seem to be telling a story.

In the first picture, many humans gather together, surrounded by many hideous monsters.

An elf with messy hair led the crowd against the monster.

In the second mural, there is a sapling on the elf’s head, leading human beings out of the encirclement.

In the third mural, the elves lead mankind to open up wasteland and build villages.

In the fourth mural, the village built by the elves develops into a city.

The remaining murals are mottled, but they all describe the great achievements of the elf.

Lin Feng carefully inspected the murals, and soon he made new discoveries.

A few lines of fine print were carved on the wall.

[The hero Harold established the Sapling City to provide us with shelter! But his people and the elves are all in the south. He left us and went to find the people! Let us bless him! He will always be our hero!]

Seeing these notes, Lin Feng must be in mind.

There are elves in this world!

More than one!

To the south, the gathering place of elves.

Now, Lin Feng’s ultimate goal of participating in this sky realm trial has changed.

He must obtain the heart of the fallen elf!

This is related to the transfer of the post of Ming Planter!

Lin Feng looked towards the south.

My next goal has been determined!

No matter what is there, you have to check it out for yourself.

He waved his hand and took the lead out of the city.

The plant heroes and plant soldiers followed his footsteps and marched toward the south.

In that direction, there are clues of the elves and news of the heart of fallen elves!

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