Chapter 172 Civilization Destroyed by Zombies? Doomsday Ruins!


Bang bang bang~

A few soft noises spread far in the wilderness of the sky realm.

The shadow zombie hit by the frozen watermelon fell down.

Lin Feng retracted his gaze and continued to lead the team towards the lighthouse-like building in the distance.

It has been an hour since I came to this sky realm.

He and the plant soldiers fumbled towards the south.

What surprised him was that in this desolate plain, there were only a few scattered zombies.

You know, whether it is on the light curtain of the preparation space, or when you just observe the environment when you see the notes, they are all talking about one thing.

This sky is very dangerous.

But after Lin Feng walked so long, only a few zombies could be seen.

This abnormal situation made Lin Feng’s heart a warning sign.

At the same time, he really realized how troublesome it is to lack mobile tools.

If only you have a vehicle or mount.

Lin Feng suddenly thought of his pet, the Great Wind Wolf.

Khan originally had a mount, but he had been bred into a pet by himself.

He shook his head, no longer thinking about this question.

As the crowd moved forward, the group gradually walked down the rugged rocky slope and came to a relatively flat place.

There are still rocks everywhere, lack of vegetation, and it still looks desolate.

“Corn Colonel, change the formation, let the fire dragon grass, the flaming mushroom soldier and the frozen watermelon change positions.”

“Yes! Lord!

Hearing Lin Feng’s order, Colonel Corn immediately went to make arrangements.

Lin Feng also summoned some of the melee plants such as Caiwen and Master Sugarcane that he had put away before.

“Small lemon shooter, you lead these melee plants behind the iron-skinned nut wall, ready to support you at all times.”

“Yes! Boss!

The Xiang Meng shooter looked straight, and led the melee plants to the front of the line.

Lin Feng looked at those iron-skinned and high-nut walls, thinking.

When I reach this level, I have unlocked a lot of permissions.

Next, you can unlock more plants.

For example, a 980 nut wall with iron sheet as a defense line.

This plant was unlocked by himself a long time ago.

Now, I am fully capable of strengthening them.

After going out, I will find a way to unlock stronger high nut wall varieties.

There are many ways to unlock the Nut Wall in the Plant Book.

Whether it is a titanium alloy high nut wall, a magic stone high nut wall, an obsidian high nut wall or other types, it is much stronger than my current iron sheet high nut wall.

In such a peaceful atmosphere, Lin Feng and his group approached the lighthouse in the south.

It was a long-abandoned lighthouse.

The walls were dilapidated, and the glass in the observation room on the top floor had been shattered.

The lighthouse was covered with creepers, and much of the paint had come off.

At this location, Lin Feng noticed that there was an abandoned city behind the original lighthouse.

The city has an old medieval style. The walls are full of cracks, and there are many moss and vines lying on it.

Lin Feng was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

In modern society, there is no such thing as a city wall for a long time.

[Ancient city: A city that has been abandoned for a long time, has now become a gathering place for zombies! It has been at least 500 years ago. ”

The annotation system did not disappoint Lin Feng and gave an extremely detailed prompt.

Lin Feng saw the reminder about the year and shook his head a little funny.

If you had this annotation system in your previous life, you might become an antique expert or appraiser.

With the annotation system in hand, I must wander around places like Panjiayuan every day.

But in this parallel world, the annotation system can play a more important role!

Bringing the thoughts that popped up in his mind to his mind, Lin Feng led a group of plant heroes and plant soldiers to move on.




Several roars came from inside the city wall.

Lin Feng’s expression condensed.

There is no doubt that there are zombies in this city!

From the intensity of the roar, it can be judged that the number of zombies in the city is not (ahcb) low!

Although it is not clear why they did not rush out of the city, the city has clearly become a den of zombies.

Lin Feng did not rush into the ancient city.

He came near the lighthouse and started planting plants.

“Captain Corn, you and Master Rose led 100 plant soldiers to the ancient city to investigate the situation.”

“Yes! Lord!”

“Okay, Lord!”

Two clean responses, the two plant heroes led a small number of plant soldiers to the ancient city.

The plant heroes will not die. As long as they are within the scope of the War Garden Pendant, the plant heroes are the best explorers.

When the plant heroes moved forward, Lin Feng was not idle either.

He grows bamboo shoots at a very fast rate.

This plant is still unlocked when he is promoted to a Tier 4 gardener.

Bamboo shoots that have been added to the sun can get in and out quickly on the ground.

When attacking, it is a very strong ground thorn.

When planting, it is also a very useful “tiller”.

The grown bamboo shoots quickly drilled in and out of this piece of gravel ground.

Pieces of small stones were broken by bamboo shoots and turned into sand and gravel.

More mud was turned out by it.

Lin Feng planted a few clover and blew out the sand.

What appeared in front of him was a large area of ​​mud.

Although there are many places in these muddy grounds that cannot be blocked by stones, the ground is also full of sand and gravel.

But finally it is possible to grow plants in a large area.

As for those stone grounds, Lin Feng directly placed the newly unlocked key plants on them.

Flower pot of life.

One after another flower pots crawled out of the ground and grew rapidly.

Lin Feng put these life flower pots on the stones and planted plants on them.

Soon, a simple defensive stronghold was built.

The iron-skinned and high-nut wall is the first, and behind it are densely dense melee plants and auxiliary plants.

Cai asked, Master Cane, Match Flower Boxer…

Melee plants of various “combat schools” circle around.

Looking at them, Lin Feng had a whim.

If the plants were to compete with a low-level melee trialer, what would the final result be?

And behind the melee plants are frozen watermelons and corn cannons.

Finally came to an open place where plants can be planted. These corn cannons can come in handy again.

After accumulating sufficient numbers, the saturation blow of the corn cannon can be said to be Lin Feng’s greatest confidence in participating in the trial.

Bang bang bang!



Before Lin Feng could think more, a series of footsteps and roars came over.

He looked forward and found that Colonel Corn and Mage Rose led the plant soldiers to explore the way back.

Behind them, many zombies rushed out of the ancient city.

Lin Feng’s expression condensed.

Various strange-shaped zombies appeared in his field of vision.

Some were small, with their backs facing down, and zombies like apes were chasing flexibly.

There are bird zombies hovering high in the sky, constantly flapping their wings.

These zombies are very big, looking like birds of prey with spreading wings.

It is different from the small flying zombies that sprayed venom and attacked in the air like huge worms before.

These flying zombies are obviously the same as the flying dragon zombies previously encountered in Raccoon City, and they are better at fighting solo.

In addition to these flying raptor-like zombies, the zombies in the sky also had bursts of gray smoke.

Lin Feng squinted his eyes.

If I expected it well, these gray smoke are the so-called smoke zombies.

They are called smoke zombies, they are actually many tiny flying zombies gathered together.

And those zombies of birds of prey hovering in the air should be flying zombies.

Looking at their long beaks, Lin Feng affirmed his thoughts.



With more and more zombies, the ground began to shake slowly.

Looking at so many zombies, Lin Feng didn’t hesitate to use the corn cannon.




Boom boom boom!

Corn cannon shells roared out one after another.

Their long tail flames left long marks in the air, slamming into the tide of zombies with extremely high kinetic energy!


The violent explosion sounded continuously.

The fierce explosion instantly swallowed countless zombies.

No matter it is the shield bear zombies with strong impact, or the extremely fast ape zombies, or other kinds of strange zombies, they cannot escape the bombardment of corn cannons.

The warm air wave swept away in all directions.

Because the temperature was too high, even the flying eagle zombies hovering above were affected.

The bodies of several flying eagle zombies were ignited by high temperature, and they fell towards the ground with flames and heavy smoke.

After several flying eagle zombies fell to the ground, Lin Feng discovered that there were no feathers on the wings of these flying eagle zombies.

They seem to have mutated. The wings are not covered with feathers, but scales.

Layers of scales were arranged unevenly, protecting the wings of the flying eagle zombie.

The corn cannon attack has achieved amazing results.

The zombies who rushed out of the ancient city with the plant heroes were almost killed, only some smoke zombies still maintained firepower.

After the gray smoke in the sky passed through the blast wave caused by the corn cannon, there was still a lot of residue.

Looking at the smoke that swept through, Lin Feng made all the fire dragon grass attack.

The emerald green fire dragon grass shook and seemed to be inhaling.



Accompanied by several sounds of air squeezing.

Pieces of red flames crossed the iron-skinned high nut wall, toward the smoke.

A huge sea of ​​red fire appeared in the sky!

The smoke zombies were silent and burned to ashes!

Looking at the sea of ​​flames sweeping through the air, Lin Feng was very satisfied.

The hints of the annotation system make sense.

This fire dragon grass has a miraculous effect on smoke zombies.

He looked back at the corn cannon again.

I don’t know how many zombies are hidden in the ancient city ahead.

Still bombard the past with saturation blows all the way!

Just like before in the capital of death!

Lin Feng did not hesitate to plant corn cannons in large quantities.

As if seeing his plan, Rose Mage hesitated and stepped forward.

“Report Lord! We found a lot of traces of human life in that ancient city.

Although “they are all very distant traces, there are many sculptures and portraits, and some written records.”

“Maybe the Lord can obtain more information through those things, which will help the Lord to find the heart of the fallen elves.”

Hearing her words, Lin Feng gave a pause.

On the way to this ancient city, he had already talked to the plant heroes about the goals of this trial.

Among them, the props that are related to the transfer of the Mingzhi division are the most important.

Now I am not familiar with this sky realm.

With an annotation system, I can find useful information through those sculptures and words.

If you use a corn cannon to smash it directly, those things will disappear.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng no longer planted corn cannons.

“If this is the case, then we will push the plant position all the way through.”

“Corn Colonel, you command the corn cannon to relieve the pressure on the front.

“Xiangyuan Archer. You lead the plant soldiers to the front and provide time for me to expand my position.”

“Mage Rose, you are standing near me, always pay attention to using the portal to deal with unexpected situations.”

After giving orders to the three plant heroes, Lin Feng glanced towards the ancient city.

There, you may be able to get information about the realm of the sky.

Maybe you can find news about the heart of the fallen elves.

I must advance as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng did not hesitate anymore.

His figure began to walk through the battlefield quickly!

The current situation is back to the situation he is most familiar with!

Plant it!



Ahead, that ancient city may be the first key to reveal the secrets of this sky realm!,

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