Chapter 171: Master Ming Plant? Massive special zombies!

In the cyan preparation space, Lin Feng frowned.

In front of him is a light curtain showing the situation of this trial.

What surprised him was that in the kill list on the light curtain, no ordinary zombies were seen!

Almost all kill targets are enhanced zombies.

Lin Feng carefully checked the kill list, and there were many zombies he didn’t know.

The kill list was extremely long, and it was impossible to remember all the types of zombies when it reached the first page of the light curtain.

Lin Feng discovered for the first time that the original light curtain can turn pages!

With his current strength, the number of zombies killed in each trial cannot be counted.

But this time even Lin Feng had to feel a little frightened!

There are too many types of zombies!

It is indeed a special trial place that requires a guide to be able to teleport!

But even if the kill list is so long, Lin Feng has to be patient and watch it carefully.

With a comment system, he can get a lot of extra tips.

Every time you get more information in this preparation space, you will have more confidence in subsequent trials.

He drew the light curtain to the front and looked at the trial site.

[Sky Realm: A dirty land contaminated by zombie viruses that causes chaos, full of various mutant zombies! Maybe there are aboriginal people living! Extremely dangerous!)

[Note: In the realm of the sky, you may be able to get the key item “Heart of the Fallen Elf!”

Lin Feng was surprised.

He caught two keywords!

Master Mingzhi!

Heart of the Fallen Elf!

Since knowing that he can still transfer, Lin Feng has recorded all the transfer information in his mind a long time ago.

When he changed jobs as a cultivator, the skills he gained greatly enhanced his strength.

Whether it is the tree world, the pasture space, or the activation of plants, the skills are extremely practical and help him successfully complete the trial.

If he hadn’t had a variety of powerful skills and plants, it would be impossible for him to challenge the trial alone. In the end, he achieved great success and achieved SSS-level evaluation.

In his memory, according to the description of the annotation system, Mingzhi is an extremely powerful profession.

Unlike cultivators and other occupations, the plants planted by Master Wu Zhi are very strange.

But the abilities of those plants are very peculiar, and they also possess powerful offensive capabilities.

In the plant illustration, there are many plant unlocking conditions that need to be transferred to Master Wu Zhi.

For example, the powerful blood sucking vine can entangle the enemy and drain the blood of the enemy.

The absorbed nutrients will increase the power of the blood sucking vine.

Lin Feng quickly opened the [Occupation] panel and stared at his occupation.

Soon, line-by-line comments were revealed.

[Gardener: A powerful all-rounder, it can cultivate both auxiliary plants and combat plants. Can be advanced into.

[…Advanced: Lingzhi Master, need…)

…Can be advanced: natural caller, need…)

Lin Feng began to search for job transfer information one by one.

Soon, he found the comment he wanted.

【Dark Planter: With his powerful life energy, he ventured into the dark and the power of the nether, and finally successfully cultivated a special career of dark plants. Able to use all kinds of weird plants, the combat power is extremely powerful!”

[Note: Conditions for job transfer: The gardener, etc., reach level 5, cultivate a special dark type plant, unlock the dark type middle-level plant, and the training method of “annihilation”, pupil” and “heart of darkness.” “Obtain any dark energy core.

[Note: Dark energy core: Any core that stores and invokes dark power is counted. For example: Heart of Fallen Elf, Heart of Dark Machine, Heart of Zombie

A large number of annotations instantly flooded Lin Feng’s vision.

He patiently searched for the information he needed.

Soon, the most important information was screened out by him.

It seems that I need to complete one more task in the sky realm.

Find “Heart of Fallen Elves!”

Lin Feng once again put his eyes on the light curtain.

[Fallen elves: The elves who believe in nature are tempted by darkness and eventually fall into the abyss and become fallen elves!)

【Heart of the Fallen Elf: When the fallen elves break through, the life energy and dark energy in the body conflict with each other, and the energy core is finally formed. Enriched magic power flows through it.

Can I see the fallen elves in this sky realm?

Need to kill him and get his energy core?

Or is it that I can see the zombies turned into by the fallen elves?

All kinds of speculations circulated in Lin Feng’s mind.

But in any case, it is very likely that I can really see the elves, and see this legendary race.

These unexpected comments surprised Lin Feng, but also made him look forward to it.

Although he didn’t really know what kind of profession Mingzhi was.

But just through the description of the notes, you can also know the power of this profession!

Lin Feng changed his job as a cultivator, and his personal experience let him know that this is a very strong career.

This cultivator is definitely no worse than the cultivator!

Lin Feng is looking forward to the next trial!

Taking a deep breath, he continued to check the information on the light curtain.

Except for those special zombies, he did not get any other notes from the trial site “Sky Realm”.

Lin Feng no longer focused on the trial location, he turned to carefully study those special zombies.

[Bone zombies: Infected by zombie virus, almost all muscles have been extremely strengthened, and finally the muscles are reduced in size and close to the bones, making them look like walking bones. ”

[Note: The muscles of the skeletal zombies have been greatly strengthened, the movement speed is very fast, and the reaction speed is also very agile!)

[Smoke zombies: The zombies made by the infection of tiny beetles gather together like smoke. ][Note: The individual movement speed of this beetle zombie is very fast! Very small! Conventional plant attacks cannot attack them! It is time for plants such as fire dragon grass and hot pepper to shine!)

Because there are too many types of zombies that need to be killed this time, Lin Feng took a long time to record these comments.

Fortunately, with his current disposition, instead of feeling boring, he looked at these notes very seriously.

Soon, Lin Feng got a lot of useful information.

He began to adjust the types and quantities of plants in the grazing space.

Lin Feng summoned a large number of life flower pots from the grazing space and placed them on the ground of the prepared space.

Using these life flower pots, he planted many fire dragon grass, Caiwen, master sugarcane, and flame mushroom.

In the preparation space where the cyan brilliance was flashing, except for the two cyan portals and the central light curtain, other places were filled with various plants.

After these plants had grown up, he then replaced the machine gun peas and flame stumps in the grazing space.

According to the previous note, in the realm of the sky, a range of continuous fire attacks such as fire dragon grass can play a greater role.

After all, when I first entered the realm of the sky, I could only rely on the plants in the grazing space to gain a foothold.

Adjusting the types and proportions of plants can help you gain a firm foothold faster.

Before getting the life flowerpot, Lin Feng could not adjust the plants in the grazing space in the preparation space.

It can be said that the special plant of life flowerpot not only makes him no longer restricted by the urban topography.

It has improved its fighting ability in all aspects!

Ready for all this, Lin Feng took a deep breath.

He moved the light curtain to the last page and clicked “Yes” on the “Whether to start trial” option.

A cyan light appeared out of thin air, wrapping Lin Feng in it.

While the light flickered, his figure disappeared from the preparation space.

In the cyan preparation space, only two portals where brilliance flowed, and a light curtain displaying trial information.

As the blue light gradually dissipated, Lin Feng gradually regained his vision.

As instinctively, he squeezed the War Garden Pendant, and accompanied by a ray of brilliance illuminating the front, three plant heroes appeared in front of him.

Under the protection of the plant hero, Lin Feng looked at the surrounding environment.


This was the first feeling he had in his heart when he looked at his surroundings.

Lin Feng and others are located on a small hillside.

He can see far away.

The surroundings are desolate.

There is almost no vegetation in sight.

I could only see a few withered weeds sporadically sticking out of the cracks in the sand.

The whole land looked deserted and silent.

The ground is full of hard rocks, and the dark rocks are covered with scratches.

The scratches vary in depth, as if they were cut by the sharp claws of some animal.

Lin Feng tentatively lifted his foot, exerted force on his thigh, and violently kicked the rock in front of him.

The rocks did not move.

This surprised him a little.

Although he didn’t exert any effort (for the promise of money), he still knows how strong his strength is now.

The kick just now was enough to break ordinary rocks.

But the rock in the sky is still there.

There are countless scratches on these stones.

Where did this come from?

What can make scratches on such a hard stone?

With such doubts, he continued to stare at the rock in front of him.

[Scratches of the flying silver worm zombies: The body of the flying silver worm zombies is extremely hard, and the claws are even harder. They often sharpen their claws on this iron rock. ”

Flying silver worm zombies!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng’s heart became more vigilant.

The zombies in the realm of the sky don’t seem to be easy to deal with fainting.

Looking at the surrounding environment, except for a barrenness, he only faintly saw a lighthouse-like building in the south.

It seems that this sky realm is the same as the icefield at dawn before, and you must let yourself explore it.

Lin Feng waved his hand and summoned all the plant soldiers in the grazing space.

Under the escort of plant soldiers and plant heroes, a group of people marched towards the lighthouse to the south.

This barren sky is waiting for Lin Feng to explore!

In this special trial, not only can you complete the trial, get massive points, but also get the heart of the fallen elves!

Lin Feng is looking forward to the trial of this sky realm!

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