Chapter 170 Powerful Potion: Enter the Sky Realm!


On the fireplace of the Emerald Palace, the magic flame was beating gently, burning the air with a soft sound.

Lin Feng is sitting on the sofa on the first floor of the Jade Palace, checking one medicine after another.

Those were all rewards he received from the cooperation with the Longguo military and the Trial Space Research Institute.

Lin Feng knows how effective the elixir he has cultivated is.

How effective are the potions refined with these elixir?

He is looking forward to it.

Now, it’s time to verify the harvest.

“This batch of 40 potions is a medium-level sober potion, which can dispel low-level charm spells and has a very strong effect.”

In the video communication interface, Murong Mingyue introduced Lin Feng to the medicines refined by the Long Kingdom military.

Lin Feng nodded symbolically as a response.

Although he doesn’t need Murong Mingyue’s explanation, he still needs to have the most basic respect.

In front of him, line by line comments floated.

[Intermediate Sober Potion, which can dispel charm spells cast by casters below level 5, such as charm spell, sleeping spell, sleeping curse,

[Note: Using extremely powerful elixir as raw material, the effect is strong. The first time it is taken, it can permanently enhance 3% resistance to drowsiness and 3% resistance to dizziness. ”

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Permanently enhance resistance!

Even if it is taken for the first time to enhance resistance, even if the enhancement effect is not good.

But this is a permanent effect after all!

Any permanent gain is extremely valuable.

The most important thing is that now my trial space is only a Tier 3 trial space!

And the medicinal materials used in this batch of medicines were cultivated when the trial space was still at the second level.

The elixir cultivated now will be much more powerful than the last batch of elixir!

He can continue to upgrade the level of the trial space and cultivate a more powerful elixir.

This means that you will have many opportunities to get these powerful potions in the future.

At that time, the resistance enhanced by a bottle of potion will still be a mere 3%?

Lin Feng is very satisfied with the powerful effects of the intermediate sober medicine.

He was looking forward to checking the remaining potion.

“The purple bottles are filled with healing potions, with labels affixed to them, which can quickly stop bleeding and accelerate wound healing.”

“Because the elixir you provided is very effective, the effects of these healing potions have been doubled.”???

Having said that, Murong Mingyue nodded in admiration.

The elixir cultivated by the young man in front of him is too strong.

Almost all the potions in those elixir refineries are far more effective than normal potions.

Lin Feng continued to use the annotation system to check the specific efficacy of the medicine.

[Intermediate healing agents: improve cell proliferation speed, provide more tissue regeneration materials, such as various amino acids, glucose, wound healing speed increased by 2000%]

【Note: Because wound healing consumes a lot of energy and energy, it will become fatigued and weak after repeated use, and it is necessary to supplement sleep.

Lin Feng didn’t look at much, and put them directly into the inventory.

Even if you use the elixir provided by yourself, ordinary potions such as healing potions cannot be used.

However, its medicinal effect is double the effect of ordinary healing agents, and it can increase the speed of wound healing by 20 times, which is enough to satisfy Lin Feng.

“Cure” potions may be quick after use, you may need energy potions over there, they can increase your physical strength and enhance your energy.

Lin Feng looked in the direction Murong Mingyue pointed.

【Intermediate energy potion; it can enhance a person’s physical fitness and restore a certain amount of energy. The ingredients in the medicine can bind to the adenosine in the brain, shield the adenosine receptors and relieve sleepiness. At the same time, it can replenish certain physical strength and eliminate fatigue.

[Note: The energy potion can replenish people’s energy, but it cannot be used continuously! You still have to sleep!)

Seeing these notes, Lin Feng understood in seconds.

This so-called energy medicine is powerful coffee and energy drink, which can relieve sleepiness and relieve fatigue.

It’s just different from coffee and functional drinks, this kind of medicine really supplements physical strength and energy, rather than forcibly overdrawing one’s physical strength.

Used together with the previous healing agents, the effect is excellent.

The combination of these agents can greatly extend their continuous combat capability.

There are so many dangers in the trial, and many times with these potions, you can have more energy to arrange plant defense positions.

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the batch of blue potions on his right.

In the glass bottle, the medicine gave off a faint blue light.

Noting his gaze, Murong Mingyue immediately began to explain.

“Those potions are magic potions that contain various elements of magic power. After taking them, they can temporarily increase the magic affinity, increase the power of magic attacks, and at the same time supplement the user’s magic power.”

Speaking of this, Murong Mingyue suddenly stopped.

She suddenly reacted. Although Lin Feng in front of him has repeatedly achieved strong records, no one knows his specific fighting methods.

As a gardener, does he need to replenish his magic power and increase his elemental affinity?

Now several people are considered acquaintances, and Murong Mingyue has not concealed it, but directly expressed his doubts.

“Lin Feng, I’m very curious, do you need magic to fight? What is your fighting style?

Lin Feng looked up at her, smiled and replied: “I don’t rely on magic to fight, but magic is really useful for me.”

With the improvement of strength, some of his own secrets can slowly be unlocked.

When you are strong enough to protect your own safety and no longer have to worry about other people’s threats, maybe

After a brief explanation, Lin Feng continued to check the medicine in front of him.

【Intermediate Demon Potion: Contains common magic elements, such as fire element, water element, wind element, etc. At the same time contains special magic elements, such as light elements, dark elements

[Note: It can help professionals to clear the magic pathway in the body, replenish the magic, and within 1 hour after taking it, the magic affinity will increase by 50%][Note: It provides conditions for unlocking the witch hazel female and the flame mushroom, the cold ice mushroom. ”

This last note is the most important.

It can help itself unlock several kinds of plants!

A witch hazel who can use polymorphism!

A flame station that can use flame magic!

Cold ice mushrooms that can use freezing magic!

These three kinds of plants are extremely powerful offensive plants that can cause huge damage to the enemy.

With them, I also have more confidence to deal with the next trial.

After all, the realm of the sky must be a difficult and rewarding trial!

No amount of preparation can be overstated.

Under the introduction of Murong Mingyue, Lin Feng checked all the medicines this time.

Iron skin potion that can enhance the body’s defense capabilities.

A lightning-resistant agent that can enhance lightning resistance.

An agent for hyperopia that can enhance vision.


There are many kinds of medicines, and there are at least dozens of bottles for each medicine.

This batch of medicaments made Lin Feng realize once again that cooperation with the Military Trial Space Research Institute is an extremely cost-effective thing.

After counting all the medicines, he and Murong Mingyue talked about each other and closed the video communication interface.

Meredia’s guidance has been bleak.

Had it not been for the comment system that allowed him to control the time for this guide to dissipate, Lin Feng would not dare to delay it for so long.

But facing the first Tier 3 trial, we must make adequate preparations.

Now that everything is ready, I can participate in the trial.

He put Meredia’s guidance in his hand and clicked on the operation panel.

Detected “Whether the guidance of Wumei Ruitia was sent to the designated trial location of 977: Sky: Realm.”

Lin Feng, who was already prepared for a long time, chose yes without hesitation.


A soft sound.

A cyan portal opened in front of Lin Feng.

Is the portal of Tier 3 Trial in cyan?

After simply observing the portal, he walked directly into it.

The line of sight in front of me was blurred, and soon became clear again.

Lin Feng found himself in a closed space.

There are cyan walls all around, and two portals are shining.

In other words, in this sky realm, the limited number of trials is limited to two people.

As always, Lin Feng carefully observed this preparation space.

With the annotation system, he can get a lot of information among the clues here, which will be of great benefit to his next trial.

He first set his eyes on the huge light curtain in the center of the room.

“Trial level: Tier 3.

“The content of the trial is sent to the sky to complete the trial.

The kill list is as follows:

Kill the ghost zombies: 1000.

Kill the flying eagle zombies: 1,000.

Kill skeletal zombies: 100.

Kill special zombies: Orion: 50.

Kill smoke zombies: 40.

Kill the flying silver worm zombies: 100.


Optional trial goals:

Purify the realm of the sky and help the aborigines regain a new life. ”

“The limit on the number of trials: 2.

“Whether to invite teammates: yes/no.”

“Whether to start the trial; whether or not.

Lin Feng didn’t dare to be careless, and carefully checked all the trial information!

He must use the annotation system to carefully observe all the prompts!

The next trial must be extremely difficult, and he must be fully prepared to deal with any situation!

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