Chapter 161 Entering the Hive! Truth! Traitor?


Broken pieces!

With the last few sporadic collisions, all the zombies were killed by the plant soldiers.

A mess was left in front of the entire umbrella company.

In addition to the two armored vehicles that have been on fire, there are many watermelon and pea crumbs on the ground.

These things mixed with pus flowing all over the floor and stumped limbs, which looked disgusting and terrifying.

Lin Feng frowned.

The scents mixed together are too unpleasant.

He stretched out his hand, underground a spore of dark crystal orchid.

Soon, the dark crystal orchid uses carrion and debris as nutrients, and grows quickly under the catalysis of the sun ball.

Before long, the entire battlefield was densely packed with dark crystal orchids, which looked gorgeous and mysterious.

But the survivors such as Alice and Claire sitting on the ground were not in the mood to admire the beautiful flowers.

They looked at the crystal-like flowers that reflected light, and they only felt a kind of fear.

The methods of the man in front of him were too bizarre.

What his plants can do is too incredible.

Claire looked at the submachine gun in her hand, and then at the black armor on Lin Feng’s body.

She was suspicious, even if she shot herself.

Can his bullet penetrate the armor that looks full of ominous aura.

Alice sat down on the ground.

She stared at Lin Feng without blinking.

As a strong person who is fused with “virus and can resist infection to a certain extent, her body functions have long since mutated.”

She kept staring at Lin Feng.

Trying to use his powerful combat ability and rich combat experience to figure out a method that can be the main objective.

In her mind, countless situations were simulated.

But no matter how she calculated, she found that she couldn’t beat Lin Feng.

Because there are too many plant soldiers guarding him.

And he is also wearing extremely powerful armor.

There are eight crystal-like wings behind that armor.

Maybe he can fly!

In that case, it is impossible for him to rush in front of him no matter what.

Through the previous battles, there are also situations seen in the monitoring.

Alice had long understood that the man in front of her possessed incomparable magical power.

What happened to him does not seem to be explained by science.

Since this weird man has wings behind his back, he might really be able to fly.

Therefore, even all the zombies have been wiped out.

But these survivors still dare not act rashly.

Lin Feng looked at the dark crystal orchid that was not far away, and then moved his eyes to the survivors.

“Give me a brief introduction to the world, and tell me your information.”

He was wearing a helmet, and no one else could see his expression.

But everyone can feel a heavy pressure on their faces.

The survivors looked at their leader.

Lin Feng also turned his attention away.

Alice, Claire and others felt the pressure suddenly increased.

“My name is Alice, and I am an aboriginal in this city.

There was no silence for long, and Alice chose to compromise.

With a wealth of combat experience and super strength, she made a judgment easily.

Right now, observing the orders of the strange figure in front of them is the only thing they can do.

“This was originally a harmonious city, a city invested and developed by a biotechnology company’s umbrella company

Under Alice’s narration, Lin Feng quickly gained an understanding of the city.

This Raccoon City was originally a small town, but developed into a city under the investment of the biotechnology company “Umbrella Company”.By accident, the umbrella company discovered a special virus, also known as the Tyrant virus.

That kind of virus is one of the sources of zombie viruses.

Umbrella companies seem to use the zombie virus to achieve some conspiracy.

Later, due to a special accident, the zombie virus leaked and spread.

This also caused countless people in the whole world to be infected, order was destroyed, and the world eventually became a purgatory on earth.

According to the Red Queen, there are only more than 4,000 humans surviving in the entire world.

And in the “bee” and nest of the umbrella company base, there is the only bottle of antidote.

Those antidote can volatilize and self-proliferate, and eventually spread to the world.

At that time, the world will be saved.

“Although this is the case, the umbrella company has very strong technology and strength.

Alice looked at the burning armored car.

“In that armored vehicle, there was a high-level umbrella company, Dr. Yang.”

“I have killed him many times. Every time I killed a clone, maybe it was a clone this time.

“I think this is enough to show how strong their technological capabilities are.”

“It’s better to be more cautious.

“The Red Queen said that your goal is to save the world? Then you and we should have the same goals.”

“You are strong, we know the situation well, I think cooperation is the best way.

Alice said a lot, but this last sentence may be her focus.

Facing Lin Feng and his army of plants, the survivors were very passive.

She can only use this method to enhance her importance.

Lin Feng didn’t comment on what she said.

The other party can’t really believe in himself.

But it doesn’t matter, they are too weak, and you don’t need to care too much about their opinions.

And Alice is right, she needs people who are familiar with the situation.

More importantly, there is a comment system to monitor their situation, so you don’t have to worry about them lying.

“In that case, let’s go.”

He nodded lightly, then waved to Colonel Corn.

The latter suddenly understood.

He led a group of plant soldiers directly to the survivors.

The meaning of the slope is already obvious.

Everyone looked dark.

But they have no resistance and can only move forward with the plant soldiers.

Lin Feng asked the soldiers with the iron-skinned high nut wall to lead the way, and he led many frozen watermelon soldiers behind.

In addition, there are various plant soldiers such as the Big Mouth Flower Soldier, the Machine Gun Pea Soldier, and the Shrink Violet Soldier.

A group of people marched toward the umbrella company mightily.

To Lin Feng’s surprise, he did not see any guards here.

How is this going?

He is full of doubts.

As the enemy’s base camp, there is no defense outside?

Doesn’t this umbrella company still have the ability to preserve itself under the nuclear egg attack?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng glanced at Muzhi Space.

In it, there were a few Doomsday Mushroom soldiers sitting quietly.

The plant soldiers opened the way, and everyone gradually approached the hive.

Even when he walked to the heavy gate, he did not encounter any resistance.

Lin Feng’s spirit is tense.

He paid attention to everything around him.

The safer the environment, the more likely the enemy will launch a surprise attack.

But to his surprise, even if everyone passed through the heavy door and walked into the hive, they still did not encounter any resistance.

Lin Feng frowned.

Soon, everyone came to a hall.

The light here is dim, and the surrounding walls are made of heavy alloys, which look exceptionally strong.

The plant soldiers in Haohao Tangtang almost crowded this place.

Plant heroes and survivors are watching the environment carefully.

At this moment, a red light flashed, and a red holographic image appeared in front of everyone.

A little girl with long hair and waist appeared in the central area of ​​the hall.

Artificial Intelligence Red Queen!

Everyone’s eyes focused on it.

“You are all here!”

“You have kept your promise, then I will also tell you what I know”

Having said that, the Red Queen took a look at Lin Feng specially.

“Even in the presence of you, a tester of unknown origin, I can only tell the information together.”

“Because our time is really running out. There are only more than 3,000 humans in the whole world still surviving. We must act quickly.”

She did not give other people a chance to speak, and directly started to introduce the current situation.

Everyone is listening to it quietly.

As early as a long time ago, a video of the meeting minutes of the senior executives of the umbrella company was uploaded to her database.

The senior officials of the umbrella company believe that the world’s wars, nuclear proliferation, global warming and other crises are all caused by humanity’s recklessness.

If it continues, sooner or later all humans will die together.

It happens that now I have a “virus, it can come in handy.”

As long as all the senior officials of the umbrella company can freeze their bodies and hibernate underground.

After that, they retain the necessary materials and the knowledge and tools to restart civilization.

Finally, they let the work virus spread around the world, so that everyone except them became zombies.

Finally, they released the precious antidote and let it wipe out the zombie virus in the whole world.

In this way, this virus-cleansed world belongs to the umbrella company.

One of the principles of the Red Queen is to safeguard the interests of the company.

The second principle is to protect humans.

The two principles are now in conflict.

So it can only ask survivor Alice and the others to save humanity.

But now there is one more variable, that is, Lin Feng.

But now the Red Queen has no choice but to believe that Lin Feng’s purpose is to save the world, as he said.

After listening to its explanation, Lin Feng was speechless for a while.

Why are these umbrella companies so stupid?

What kind of fusion theory is this?

Why do the senior executives of these high-tech companies seem so abnormal?

But this is just a matter of trial space after all.

Lin Feng didn’t bother to care about the aborigines of this world.

Anyway, just complete the trial by yourself.

“You still have the last 37 minutes to find the antidote, and you can save the last 3,000 surviving humans. This world will be left to you.

Alice “Come here, I have something to tell you alone.”

At this moment, the Red Queen called Alice over.

Alice looked around, especially after looking at Lin Feng and her friend Claire, and walked up.

The Red Queen’s voice rang softly in Alice’s ears.

“You may have an undercover by your side, be careful!”

Alice was silent on her face.

She seemed to have noticed something a long time ago.

Lin Feng’s current basic attributes are extremely powerful.

Both physique and intelligence have been enhanced a lot.

Although the Red Queen has lowered her voice.

But he still heard clearly what the other party wanted to say.

He raised his brows.

Have an undercover around?

Lin Feng immediately remembered the previous comment.

Among the survivors, there is a person who is extremely hostile to himself!

It seems that the man is undercover.

Lin Feng didn’t change his expression, but kept an eye on the hostile middle-aged man.When Alice returned to the team of survivors, the group moved deeper into the hive.

They walked a long way forward, but still did not encounter any defensive forces.

This makes Lin Feng puzzled.

At the same time, the warning signs in his heart rose sharply.

If it weren’t for coming here to find an antidote, he would definitely not come to this enemy’s base camp.

It’s his style of doing things to flatten this place with plants outside.

A group of people moved forward slowly.

In this process, Alice, a former employee of the umbrella company, played a huge role.

She has pointed out the way forward for the team many times.

This makes Lin Feng very lucky to choose to cooperate with this group of survivors.

With her presence, I can save a lot of time.

Time is pressing, and I don’t know how long other humans in the world can hold on.

Lin Feng and others are moving faster and faster.

Everyone came to a long corridor.

This is a regular octagonal passage, and the surrounding walls are made of alloy casting.

The surrounding lights emit blue light.

When he came to such a place, Lin Feng frowned.

It’s too small.

The own plant soldiers couldn’t make a formation inside.

Seeing him stop, everyone immediately stopped.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on him.

Lin Feng was silent for a while and waved his hand.

Almost all of the plant soldiers present were taken into the herding space by him.

(Nuo Li Zhao)

In addition to the three plant heroes such as Colonel Corn, Rose Mage, and Xiangbang Archer.

He only left 300 plant soldiers.

In addition to the iron skin high nut wall soldier and the frozen watermelon soldier, he kept a lot of special plants such as the big mouth flower soldier and the shrinking violet.

The entire space suddenly became a lot empty.

When the survivors saw the plant soldiers around them suddenly disappeared, they all exclaimed.

“What about those monsters? Why are there so many missing?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, those plants! Not monsters!

“What kind of magic is this? Aren’t we in the real world?

“Even incredible monsters like zombies can appear, so what magic is there in the appearance of this kind of magic.”

Everyone looked at Lin Feng with surprise.

They couldn’t contain the shock in their hearts.

Alice and Claire looked at each other, and both saw incredible emotions in each other’s eyes.

How exactly is this done?

The two looked at each other.

Let’s go”.

Lin Feng gave orders to the plant heroes.

Colonel Corn led the soldiers of the Iron Skin High Nut Wall out in the lead.

Master Rose stayed with Lin Feng and acted with him.

Her short-distance portal is a very useful skill.

Lin Feng has verified this many times.

Therefore, he wanted to let the Rose Mage stand behind to deal with emergencies at any time.

The survivors took the weapons in their hands and followed the plant soldiers and walked towards the passage!

Lin Feng has a hunch.

Under the leadership of Alice and others, they will soon reach the center of the hive!

There, there should be that bottle of the only antidote!

With a comment system, you can parse the bottle of antidote yourself, just like you parsed the dragon blood potion before!

In this case, you can have more means to deal with the subsequent trials!

He is full of expectations for the next trip!

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