Chapter 162: What kind of monster is this? Analyze the antidote!

A slight tremor spreads in the dark blue channel.

Everyone is advancing in this narrow passage.

The passages within this hive cross and extend in all directions.

Had it not been for Alice to point out the direction, coupled with the reminder of the comment system, Lin Feng would definitely have lost their way.

The whole corridor is very quiet.

The sound of everyone’s footsteps and breathing are obvious.

In this atmosphere, everyone moved forward vigilantly.

Lin Feng didn’t let up anymore, and looked around very vigilantly.

“How long will this go?”

“Who knows this?

“We have been walking for almost ten minutes.”

We “originally only had more than 30 minutes, and now ten minutes have passed, and we don’t know how long those people will live.

Because the surrounding environment is too quiet.

Finally someone couldn’t bear it and started to speak.

Lin Feng frowned.

They are already letting down their guard.

The more such a situation, the more dangerous it is.

This corridor is so quiet, but it is the nest of umbrella companies after all.

There must be accidents here!

But these things have nothing to do with me.

He didn’t care, and led his plant soldiers forward.



What’s up~!

As Lin Feng expected, there was an accident in this quiet corridor.

I don’t know who triggered some kind of mechanism, and loud noises appeared one after another.

With a few loud noises, the corridor has changed!

The wall of the corridor that had been standing quietly moved quickly.

The survivors were scattered by the metal wall!

Many big pits appeared under the tunnel.

“Damn it! There are traps!

“Who triggered the mechanism here!”


Alice “Come on to us!”

Everyone exclaimed, struggling one after another.

Everyone was separated.

Propelled by the wall, almost everyone was pushed into the pit.

No matter how they struggled, they were still pushed into the pit.



Lin Feng’s expression tightened.

He moved the wings on the back of the endless suit.

The faint green light lit up in the corridor.

He flew up and quickly checked the surrounding environment.

Following Lin Feng’s thoughts, all the plant soldiers in the corridor were given a grazing space by him.

The Rose Mage grabbed his arm and flew together.

Lin Feng carefully checked the surrounding environment.

What do you do next?

Looking around for a week, he saw Alice falling down.

This woman seems to know this umbrella company very well!

She was also leading the team before!

Lin Feng didn’t hesitate anymore, and pointed in the direction of Alice.

Send “to there!”

Mage Rose reacted quickly.

Upon hearing Lin Feng’s order, she immediately performed a small teleportation technique.

With a flash of red light, Lin Feng passed through the barrier of the metal wall and fell towards the corridor where Alice was.

He gently moved the crystal wings and rushed towards Alice.

Below, Alice fell at an extremely fast speed.

During the landing, she kept hitting the surroundings of the tunnel, slowing down her speed.

Lin Feng briefly looked at her situation and found that she was not in any danger.


With a loud noise, Alice crossed the corner tunnel and fell into a huge underground space.


Under the slight tremor of the endless suit, Lin Feng followed her and flew into the underground space.

There are metal shelves everywhere in this underground space with many dead bodies hanging on them.

The whole space gives people an ominous atmosphere, which is very disturbing.

Alice rolled on the ground and relieved the impact from her body.

She got up and looked at Lin Feng floating in the air, unable to conceal the shock in her heart.

This person can really fly!

What kind of armor is this?

Boom boom boom!

(ahcb) bang bang bang!

Before Alice could say anything, rapid footsteps rang.

Both she and Lin Feng looked surprised.

The two quickly looked in the direction of the sound.

A few zombies dripping with pus rushed over!

The monster was nearly three meters tall and was full of carrion.

But they acted very quickly, and soon rushed to Lin Feng and Alice.

Bang bang bang!

Alice ignored the conversation and immediately opened fire.

The machine gun spit out flames, and the bullets blasted towards the mutant zombies rushing over.

Upon seeing this, Lin Feng took out an explosive cherry and tossed it vigorously.


With a loud noise, all the monsters rushing over turned into flying ashes.

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

The zombies in Raccoon City are really weak.

With a wave of his hand, nearly a hundred soldiers with frozen watermelon and soldiers with iron skin and high nuts appeared in this underground space.

At the same time he squeezed the War Garden pendant with his hands.

Three plant heroes appeared before him again.

Plant soldiers defended Plant Heroes, Alice, Lin Feng and others in the center.

Alice looked at Lin Feng in shock, her lips coughing and panting, she didn’t know what to say.

This terrible monster!

Lin Feng looked at her and said, “You should know the road? Lead the way.

Hearing his indifferent voice, Alice suppressed her inner shock and pointed out the direction.

Many plant soldiers defended Lin Feng and they moved forward.

“Um, Alice, and the tester, here I am!”

When Lin Feng and the others walked out of the space full of corpses, a middle-aged man’s voice came over.

Lin Feng turned his head and looked around. The middle-aged man who was hostile to him before came over.

He looked very excited when he saw Alice and Lin Feng.

But Alice raised her brows slightly and looked very calm.

“Doctor? Come here.”

Lin Feng noticed her expression, combined with the “undercover” said by the Red Queen before, he had some guesses in his mind.

It seemed that it wasn’t just that she had doubts about this man, but Alice had the same idea.

Hearing Alice’s words, the man nicknamed the doctor walked over slowly.

During the walk, he watched Lin Feng’s plant soldiers warily.

Without waiting for them to say anything, Lin Feng pointed to the road ahead and said, “Keep walking.”

After speaking, he moved forward.

All the plant soldiers followed suit.

Surrounded by the plant soldiers, Alice and the doctor also had to start their actions.

After passing a series of long corridors, they came to a platform.

The platform can only accommodate a few people on it, and there is a console on it.

Under Lin Feng’s gaze, Alice and the doctor stepped onto the platform and came to the console.

“Maybe I can look at this console.

Alice looked at Lin Feng and asked for his opinion.

Now the situation is better than others, and she will always ask Lin Feng’s opinion before acting.

Lin Feng nodded indifferently.

The doctor noticed this detail and glanced at Lin Feng vigilantly.

After a while, Alice quickly figured out the purpose of this platform.

“This should be an elevator, we can move from here to further down.”

Lin Feng looked at his plant soldiers and once again received them in the grazing space.

Now, only he and a few soldiers plus plant heroes.

A group of people squeezed on the platform.

Alice launched the mobile platform.

Soon, the mobile platform landed downward.

The platform passed through one space after another, towards the ground.

Soon, a huge frozen space appeared in front of everyone.

It has a large area with many circular containers.

Lin Feng took a closer look, and the comment immediately appeared in front of him.

[Freezing warehouse: Relying on extremely high-tech frozen warehouses, it can put humans in a dormant state and delay death. Until thawed, they can regain their mobility. ”

“This group of bastards! They turned the outside world into a pool of purgatory, but they hide in the freezer!

Alice clearly recognized what these containers were. She angrily said, “Let me plant a bomb here, soon.”

After speaking, she paused the movement of the mobile platform.

“This bomb can destroy the circuit here, and these people will definitely be trapped in it!”

“After we go out, I will detonate this bomb!”

“Wait a minute, I will be soon!

It seems that Lin Feng doesn’t understand the things in this world, so Alice explained a few words when she acted.

Lin Feng did not stop her.

Seeing the densely packed freezer warehouses in this freezer space, he also felt a little bit chilly!

Even if he is not a person in this world.

But seeing that these people are so cold-blooded and want to destroy the entire human civilization for their own benefit, this approach makes him spurned.

His figure flashed, and he came to the freezer that was closest to him.

This is an empty freezer warehouse.

There are several buttons on this freezer, it seems that you can operate it.

Before Lin Feng could observe more, a comment suddenly appeared before his eyes.

[Note: Put the small mushroom in, it will comprehend the profound meaning of the cold! Unlock the frozen mushroom!)

Seeing this message, Lin Feng frowned.

Frozen mushrooms?

Can this thing be used to unlock frozen mushrooms?

This is really a surprise!

With his current intelligence attributes, he quickly figured out how to operate this freezer.

He pressed the largest button and opened the freezer.

The door opened, Lin Feng did not hesitate, and threw a few small mushrooms into the freezer.

Close the door, open the freezer, it starts to run automatically.

Through the special glass, Lin Feng can see that the small mushrooms in the freezer are frozen at a very fast speed.

The water in the small mushrooms freezes quickly, but the body gradually grows larger.

Its body gradually became transparent and glowed with blue light.

Soon, the white frost covered the transparent glass, and Lin Feng couldn’t see the situation inside.

But the frozen mushrooms on the plant book have been unlocked!

Lin Feng was overjoyed.

He has always wanted to unlock Frozen Mushroom, but he couldn’t find such a cold environment.

He had thought about letting other spellcasters freeze his little mushrooms outside, but it didn’t work.

I think the tester I’m looking for is not strong enough.

The unlocking of Frozen Mushroom was put on hold by him.

I originally planned to find a time to unlock the frozen mushrooms later, but I did not know that they would have been unlocked in this raccoon city.

The doctor watched Alice’s movements calmly, and stood by without saying a word.

Alice moves quickly.

It didn’t take long before she installed the bomb.

Lin Feng also unlocked the frozen mushroom and returned to the platform.

The group of people marched toward the ground again.

This time, there was no hindrance.

They went directly to the base of the hive, which is also the control center here.

At the end of the only passageway, a huge iron door was closed tightly.

On the iron gate, the umbrella LOGO of the umbrella company shines.

“There is the core of the hive, the control room!”

Alice looked determined and pointed the gun at the front door.

“Give me a minute and I will turn it on!”

With that, she walked over quickly and started operating on the controller next to the gate.

Lin Feng quietly waited for the door to open.

Finally here!

Once there, I must be able to find the antidote to this bear market!

I finally saw the light!

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