Chapter 160 Cooperation? Crazy advancement!



Amid the slight roar of the engine, the trucks slowly approached Lin Feng.

At this speed, these trucks are unlikely to cause any major trouble to Lin Feng.

He quietly looked at the little girls shown on the truck displays.

In front of his eyes, one comment after another floated out.

[Supercomputer-Artificial Intelligence: Red Queen. The main body is the master supercomputer under the umbrella of the Raccoon City Umbrella Company. The computing power is extremely powerful. ”

[Note: The computing power is extremely powerful, and almost all of the Internet-connected electronic devices in Raccoon City are under its control. ”

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

artificial intelligence?


The technological level of this raccoon city is quite high.

And the previous note has mentioned that this raccoon city has been attacked by nuclear eggs.

So how does this supercomputer avoid nuclear eggs?

This raised Lin Feng’s vigilance.

In this raccoon city, there is a certain force that can survive the attack of nuclear eggs.

And his current strongest attack ability is the Doomsday Mushroom, the nuclear egg.

This means that in this raccoon market where there is no rival, I have encountered the first person who needs to be vigilant.

Because Lin Feng has been staring at the Red Queen, and at the same time he has been thinking about things related to the other party, and soon more comments popped up.

[Note: One of the principles of this artificial intelligence: to support the interests of the “Umbrella Company”.

[Note: One of the principles of artificial intelligence; protect humans!)

[Note: At present, the underlying principles of this artificial intelligence are in contradiction, and the underlying logic is antagonizing. Is seeking a self-help plan to sort out the underlying logic problems.

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng frowned even more.

Is this still an artificial intelligence that is antagonizing itself?

One of the principles is to protect the interests of the company, and the second is to protect human beings.

In other words, what umbrella company is the enemy of mankind?

And this artificial intelligence is also developed by that umbrella company.

And the optional mission that I saw in the preparation space before is to rescue the world where Raccoon City is located.

Then if you continue to derive, then the umbrella company is its own enemy?

A force that can preserve a certain amount of strength under a nuclear egg attack?

Lin Feng’s heart tightened.

These notes reveal a lot of information.

Lin Feng’s mind turned sharply, and 07 quickly analyzed the current situation in his brain.

Without waiting for Lin Feng to think any more, the trucks finally came to a halt slowly.

“Hello, outsider, I am the Red Queen of Artificial Intelligence. How do you call you?”

The little girl’s voice came from the display on the truck.

Hearing her voice, Lin Feng nodded slightly.


“Tester? Looks like this is your code name? Then I will call you that way.”

As an artificial intelligence, the Red Queen doesn’t seem to care much about things like names and codes.

She did not entangle whether Lin Feng said his real name.

“Practitioner, time is urgent, I’ll be straightforward. What is your purpose here?”

The little girl on the screen frowned and asked tentatively.

Before Lin Feng could think about how to reply, a new comment popped up.

[Note: The Red Queen is looking for ways to bypass the underlying protection rules and save humanity. Humanity is about to die, time is running out, and the host is strongly recommended to cooperate with it!”

Lin Feng was shocked.


Is this artificial intelligence trying to save humanity?

Mankind is about to die?

Lin Feng’s heart tightened.

In order to get the SSS-level evaluation, you must complete the optional trial.If all human beings are extinct, how can I complete the trial?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng didn’t hesitate anymore.

“The purpose of my coming here is to investigate the secrets here and to save the world at the same time.”

He answered plainly.

The answer like this is indeed Lin Feng’s most true thoughts.

If it is an ordinary person, it must be difficult to believe his statement.

But the Red Queen is not a person, it is artificial intelligence.

And now it seems that the situation is so special that there is a little abnormality in its behavioral logic.

The red queen on the display screen shakes.

In front of Lin Feng, a comment appeared again.

[Note: The Red Queen is calculating the authenticity of the host’s words. ]

As the first artificial intelligence that Lin Feng came into contact with, he was very curious about the other party.

Therefore, the comment system almost gives the most detailed tips.

Through the notes, Lin Feng knew that the Red Queen was calculating a lot of things.

But obviously she couldn’t get a result that could stand the verification, after all, she came from the outside world.

“I have too much contact with you, and there is not enough data to analyze what you said is true or false.

“But now there is no time! Mankind is about to become extinct! I can only take risks!

“You appear out of thin air, and your abilities are incredible. Your plants are not like plants that should appear in reality.”

After “simple calculations, I think you should have no intersection with the people in this city. At the same time, you are zombies, enemies and non-friends.”

“I can only choose one option with a relatively high success rate among the few options.”

“Almost all humans in the world are infected by viruses. There are currently 4,425 humans, but they are almost under attack from zombies.”

“You must go to the “beehive”, the base of the umbrella company, to get the only antidote! The antidote can spread and multiply through the air, and it is enough to destroy the zombies around the world!”

After speaking these last words, the figure of the Red Queen disappeared in the red screen.

Replaced by a map of Raccoon City!

Lin Feng’s current location, the location of the umbrella company, and the topography of the entire city are all revealed in the map.

With Lin Feng’s current attributes, his memory is very high.

Soon, the maps on the screen were memorized by him.

Lin Feng nodded. After that, he ignored the Red Queen and started to expand.

He wouldn’t be so easy to believe the words of an artificial intelligence who met for the first time.

Even if the comment system prompts that this artificial intelligence is consistent with its own goals, there is no way to immediately verify everything it says.

But this artificial intelligence at least pointed out a way forward for itself.

Lin Feng looked towards the location of the raccoon city center, and then started to advance!

After all, plants are their greatest support!

As long as the plant position is advanced to the center of the raccoon, he has the capital to fight people.

Since the umbrella company can survive the attack of nuclear eggs, its strength cannot be underestimated, and it has very powerful technological means.

You must act cautiously.

With a clear goal, Lin Feng expanded the plant position very fast!

In addition, the zombies in Raccoon City are attacking intermittently, so that he has a lot of free time to plant plants and advance plant positions.

Just in case, Lin Feng also planted a lot of doomsday mushrooms and summoned them into plant soldiers to be included in the grazing space.

After all, your next opponent is not ordinary, so you still have to be careful.

During this process, the Red Queen’s truck has been following.

She urged Lin Feng several times, hoping that he could go directly to the old nest of the umbrella company, the hive.

But Lin Feng ignored her.

Without plants, his fighting ability is greatly reduced.

The plant position must be expanded.

Fortunately, the zombies in Raccoon City are not constantly attacking like the previous trial grounds.

Here, he has enough time to plant plants.

Coupled with the effect of the “diffusion planting” skill, he can grow plants in a large area, and he is advancing faster and faster.

When Lin Feng planted enough corn cannons, he already had enough firepower.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

In the process of advancing, he also encountered many waves of corpses.

But those zombies couldn’t resist Lin Feng’s progress.

With enough corn cannons, the zombies in Raccoon City have almost no enemies.

And not far away, Fengchao had already appeared in his field of vision!

It was an inverted cone-shaped building with a huge body and many floors.

According to the prompts of the comment system, there is still a huge space under the building.

Your destination should be inside.

It must be impossible to grow plants in that.

But it doesn’t matter, you can lead the plant soldiers to rush in.

Lin Feng continued to advance.

In the process of advancing, he found an abnormality.

The closer to the base camp hive of the umbrella company, the fewer zombies.

When he got close to the hive, he couldn’t even see a zombie.

The lair of this umbrella company actually makes zombies so scared?

Lin Feng suddenly remembered something.

When she rescued the little girl Angela before and found the group of living dead, she asked a lot of questions.

The group of living dead once said that there is an aura that disgusts them in Raccoon City.

Affected by that breath, the zombies in Raccoon City are all walking out.

The breath of driving away zombies, could it be from here?

Is it the only antidote to the zombie virus that the artificial intelligence Red Queen said before?


Bang bang bang!

Da da da!

While Lin Feng was thinking deeply, a violent gunshot and engine roar rang out.

He turned around and saw a group of people rushing towards the hive.

The group consisted of men and women, led by two women with submachine guns.

Behind them were many humans with guns, all of them seemed to be survivors of this raccoon city.

Lin Feng looked at the past curiously and found that although these people were holding guns, they were not gun fighters.

Behind this group of survivors, there are many zombies chasing, they seem to be driven and attracted by something.

Further away, Lin Feng saw two armored vehicles roaring and driving towards the hive.

Depending on the situation, the two armored vehicles and the survivors who flee in front were not the same.

Those survivors were too embarrassed, with wounds all over their bodies.

They were chased by zombies in the rear, while being driven by armored vehicles.

Lin Feng found a strange emblem on the two armored vehicles, which looked like an open umbrella.

The same sign is also found on the Hive building.

Those people obviously also discovered Lin Feng.

All survivors acted for a while.

They seemed to be suffocated by Lin Feng and the plants around him.




The roar of zombies and the roar of armored vehicles awakened those survivors.

They are in a dilemma.

The leading short-haired woman hesitated and shouted to Lin Feng: “Don’t attack! The Red Queen should have told you before that our goals are the same!”

Lin Feng frowned upon hearing this.

The Red Queen didn’t tell him so much.

The other party only told him that there is an antidote to the zombie virus in this hive, and it hopes that it can come here to grab the antidote and let the antidote evaporate.

The Red Queen didn’t say that there are other survivors who have the same purpose as herself.

Moreover, he has the help of plant soldiers and plant heroes, and he does not need to accompany those survivors.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, gunfire sounded.

Everyone was taken aback.

Those survivors looked vigilant, and some of them couldn’t control themselves, and launched an attack on the surrounding zombies.

Lin Feng frowned.

The two armored vehicles were thinking of attacking him and the survivors ahead.

He waved his hand.Several corn cannons were launched instantly.




Two huge explosions came.

The speeding armored vehicle was hit head-on by two corn shells.

Two huge sparks burst out on the ground!

The violent explosion engulfed the armored vehicle and the zombies behind, and the blue-violet flames burned.

The fierce shock wave spread outward, directly tearing a group of zombies to pieces.

Even at a distance of several hundred meters away from 947, the group of survivors were knocked to the ground by the shock wave.

Teams of plant soldiers rushed out.

With the fire support of the plant position, the surging tide of corpses was immediately intercepted.

Large tracts of zombies fell and died.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng and the plants around him with horror, as well as the burning armored vehicle!

The strength of these plants is stronger than what the surveillance video shows!

Now that he had already shot, Lin Feng didn’t bother to hesitate.

Under his order, Colonel Corn and others led the plant soldiers to launch an attack.

The zombies following the survivors fell to the ground one after another.

The survivors sat down on the ground and watched in amazement at the plant soldiers sweeping the tide of corpses.

Lin Feng simply looked at the battle situation and found that the advantage was great, so he stopped paying attention to the battlefield.

He walked to the group of survivors.

Everyone looked at him nervously!

Many comments appeared in front of Lin Feng.

The vast majority of people are ordinary humans.

But the few people in the lead have merged with the zombie virus and have mutated.

It’s just that the mutation of zombies is dominated by zombie viruses, and the mutation of these survivors is dominated by humans.

Among this group of survivors, two people caught Lin Feng’s attention.

One of them is their leader, a short-haired woman.

Human female: a human clone, fused with “the virus has not been infected into a zombie, but a mutated human being. The form of existence is very similar to that of a flying dragon zombie.

Is it a clone?

The technology in this raccoon city world is quite developed!

As for the other survivor who caught his attention, he was a middle-aged male.

[Human female: fusion “The virus was not infected into a zombie, but a mutated human being. The existence form is very similar to the flying dragon zombie.”

The man has no other special features, but the comment system gave a hint.

[Note: Strong hostility to the host!]

Lin Feng frowned.

The attitudes of the other survivors were revealed on their faces.

They are shocked, confused, and terrified.

But only this person, in addition to those emotions, has a strong hostility towards himself.

Lin Feng took a close look at the other person and stopped paying attention to him.

Because he is too weak.

Such a person, even if he is hostile, poses no threat to himself.

Everyone was silent.

There was only the sound of plants killing zombies all around.

Lin Feng waited for the plants to clean up all the zombies here.

He has some questions to ask these survivors.

The survivors who fell to the ground looked at him nervously without saying a word.

As if waiting for the trial!

Lin Feng turned his head to look at the base camp of the “Umbrella Company” not far away, fresh fruit.

The night is getting darker.

The hive building is like a monster entrenched in the dark night, quietly waiting for the prey to enter its mouth.

The antidote to the zombie virus is inside!

There is my next destination!

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