Chapter 159 Survivor Group! Try to reach out!

In the basement of Raccoon City, a dark basement.

The dim lights flickered slightly.

The monitors lined with several walls are showing pictures from all over Raccoon City.

Here is connected to the surveillance of various places in the entire Raccoon City.

It can be said that most of the raccoon city is now under the supervision of these surveillance cameras.

Among the several displays, a figure wearing a black armor is busy.

There are eight faint green crystal wings behind him, and his eyes are exuding dangerous blood-red rays.

Even if you just look at the figure through the monitor monitor, you don’t face each other directly.

But there is still an ominous and powerful breath coming through the space and paving the surface.

It’s hard to imagine how much pressure you will have to deal with if you face this person up front.

In the screen of the monitor, this powerful black figure is mining and seeding.

I don’t know what means he used to give birth to plants in a large area.

Strange plants grew out.

People in the monitoring room can easily recognize the bodies of these plants.

Every plant looks extremely powerful.

There are blue watermelons with blue light reflecting off the skin.

These watermelons are bubbling with white air, and it seems that the temperature on the body surface is very low.

And the pea-ying with its big mouth.

These peas have four barrels in their mouths, exuding a metallic luster.

There is also the tree stump with “Nine Thirty Zero” burning blue and purple flames above its head, dark and smooth nuts all over, with sharp teeth, purple flowers all over…

No matter what kind of plant, it looks strange and powerful.

The fact is also true.

When the tide of corpses wandering in Raccoon City rushed to the plant positions, all the plants attacked.

Through the monitoring screen, you can clearly see the powerful abilities of which plants.

The watermelon exuding white chill, in the tide of corpses, froze large zombies into ice sculptures and smashed them into ice cubes at the same time!

The pea-ying with the barrel in her mouth can fire four huge peas every time, blasting towards the corpse tide with a powerful impact.

After the peas were ignited by strange tree stumps, they shot through zombies one after another with the burning purple flames.

Whether it is an extremely fast, powerful dripper, or flying zombies flying in the air, they can’t withstand these pea bullets!

The scariest thing is the strange corn cannons.

They can launch powerful corn cannonballs, cause huge explosions in the tide of corpses, and blow up countless zombies!

That fierce flame swallowed the zombies!

The huge shock wave lifted the zombies into the air!

The violent explosion tore the zombies apart!

What and what is this!

Why are these plants so powerful?

The person wearing the jet black armor is like carrying an army with him, constantly expanding his position!



Heavy breathing sounded in this basement.

Many people were shocked looking at the dark figure that kept advancing in the surveillance screen.

Alice “You control all the surveillance here, do you know who this is?”

After so long, someone finally got over.

The person inquiring was named Keriel, a white female with long brown hair.

She is tall, with strong features, wearing close-fitting clothes, and holding a submachine gun in her hand.

Opposite her, there was a woman with short hair and the same face, Alice.

There were many people sitting around them.

These people are male and female, and they look ashamed, but they all look firm.

They are all survivors of this raccoon city.

Everyone is holding all kinds of weapons and looks fierce.

Everyone was wounded and covered with gauze.

Although everyone was injured, their faces seemed indifferent.

In this raccoon city full of zombies, injuries are commonplace.

Facing Claire’s inquiry, Alice frowned.

“Claire, I don’t know who this is. All I know is that he suddenly rushed in from outside.”

Everyone looked at the screen of the monitor in shock and communicated.

“I don’t know if I’m dreaming, how can plants have such powerful power?

Someone couldn’t help talking.

When they spoke, everyone responded.

“My God! What did I see! A cherry that will explode!”

“Have you seen those plants? They actually move!”

As if opening a speech clip, many discussions sounded in this basement.

“Have you seen it? That horrible watermelon! Why is the lethality of a watermelon so high?

“Has this world undergone changes that we don’t know about?”

“Can plants also be infected with zombie viruses and cause mutations? Do we want to grow some plants?”

“Don’t be kidding, this person obviously has some special means, these plants are obviously abnormal.

“The power of this submachine gun in my hand is no better than a watermelon! Have you seen you? That dripper can’t stop the attack of a few watermelons!”

“Did you not see those huge corns? They are too powerful! This is a rocket launcher!”

All the survivors couldn’t restrain their shock, and they had heated discussions in the conference room.

Claire and Alice are obviously the leaders among these survivors, and they occupy the best positions to exchange views.

Since “zombies appeared and experienced the world’s great changes, I thought I would not be surprised anymore.”

Alice fiddled with her guns, frowning.

“Where did this monster come from? Is it in the magical world? Is he using magic?”

The two looked at each other.

“Will he interfere with our plan? Seeing his direction of action, he seems to be heading for the city center? He is heading in the direction of the hive!

“The hive is our destination! As the nest of the umbrella company, the antidote under the hive makes us the east color we must find!”

Claire asked the companion next to him seriously.

Faced with her question, Alice was lost in thought.

The current situation is too bizarre, even if she has experienced big ups and downs, she is a little at a loss.

The reason why these people gather here is to go to the center of Raccoon City to find the antidote to the umbrella company that developed the zombie virus.

Through the artificial intelligence “Red Queen” of Umbrella Company, Alice and the others already know the secret of the zombie virus.

The zombie virus is a virus developed by the biotechnology company “Umbrella Company”.

It became a tool for umbrella companies to control the world.

At the same time, Alice and the others also knew that there was a bottle of antidote hidden under the umbrella of the umbrella company. That was the only hope to save the world.

Together, they wanted to go to the base camp of the umbrella company to find an antidote.

As a result, when they were still setting up a defensive position here, Alice, who was checking the surveillance, suddenly called everyone over.

Only then did they discover that a strange character had appeared in the ruins of the chaotic Raccoon City.

He quickly killed the zombies in Raccoon City through strange plants.

No, that can’t be described as “kill”.

That weird figure is “swiping” the zombies in Raccoon City, really expanding its position!

What impact will this sudden special character have on the tasks of oneself and others?

Will there be any strange changes?

Can he help himself and others?

Or is it possible that he could become the enemy of himself and others?

Everyone is arguing here, thinking about 0…


As they kept discussing, a strange sound rang.

On the monitor next to it, the whole picture quickly turned red.

A red little girl appeared in the monitor.

Alice “I will try to contact this person.”

All the survivors looked at the little girl on the screen.

Red Queen!

The artificial intelligence of the umbrella company!

With powerful computing power, almost all smart devices in the entire Raccoon City can be mobilized!

It is it, telling Alice and other survivors that there is an antidote to the zombie virus in the nest of the umbrella company!

Although the Red Queen has strong abilities and excellent computing power, she is an artificial intelligence after all.

Due to the restriction of multiple rules, it cannot directly release the antidote to the zombie virus by itself.

Also because of the restrictions of the underlying rules, it must protect humans.

Finally formed a strange situation.

The Red Queen concealed the high level of the umbrella company and revealed the antidote to the zombie virus to Alice and the survivors, hoping that they could release the zombie virus.

Now that the raccoon has appeared in the market, the variable Lin Feng, the Red Queen has to act.

“After my calculations, this newly emerged weird individual is extremely powerful.”

“The plants he grows are all plants that don’t exist in this world. Although they have the shadow of some plants, they are definitely mutant species!”

“As he expands, he will definitely affect the power structure of the entire Raccoon City!”

We “must get in touch with him! Identify enemies and friends as soon as possible!”

“He is too dangerous for you to contact him. Let me talk to him.”

Hearing the explanation from the Red Queen, everyone was silent.

They have long discovered the power of Lin Feng through surveillance video.

I am also worried about whether it will affect the actions of myself and others.

Now that the Red Queen goes to contact each other, it may be the best result.

“You said that you are sure of the enemy and friend, so what if it is the enemy, what if it is the friend?”

Alice looked at the Red Queen and asked a question.

“If he is a friendly party, then we will get the antidote and the possibility of saving the world will be greatly improved.”

“If he is against the law, according to his demonstrated strength, we can give up saving the world.”

The Red Queen confessed the cruel answer.

2.1 All survivors were shocked.

They looked at each other and had nothing to say.

“There is no need to discuss it. His strength is too strong. Once the other party becomes an enemy, we have no room for resistance.”

“I’m connecting to the monitor in front of that weird man.

“You wait for my news.”

After saying these words, regardless of what these survivors thought, the Red Queen disappeared.

It directly connects all the electronic devices that are still in operation on the street in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, who is expanding, takes action!

In the ruins of the city in front of him, several trucks moved slowly.

A display screen is tied to the back of those trucks.

I don’t know how those trucks were saved from the nuclear egg attack in Raccoon City.

Through the comment system, Lin Feng found that those trucks were not driven by drivers.

The pictures displayed on all the screens on the truck are the same.

In the red picture, a little girl is shown.

What’s this?

Lin Feng curiously looked at the advertising screen ahead!

Someone is controlling these trucks?

Other survivors?

Those trucks came slowly at a very slow speed.

Lin Feng quietly looked at the display screen in front of him, waiting for the other’s actions.

A dialogue between the tester and the aborigines of the test space is about to unfold!

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