Chapter 158 The Shocked Living Dead! The Sword of Dawn!

The breeze is blowing, and the raccoon city without corpse tides appears quiet and harmonious.

Lin Feng looked at the group of humanoid creatures inside through the window of the warehouse in the distance, feeling a bit of disgust.

After so many trials, ordinary zombies have long been unable to make him emotionally fluctuating.

But this time the zombie named “Makini” appeared was an accident.

They can control humans as their own puppets.

The human beings controlled by them have long since become the living dead. Although they retain their intelligence and can communicate and act, they have already died.

This kind of zombies not only insulted human corpses, but also teased human souls.

Lin Feng looked at the ignorant girl with some sympathy.

Looking at the living dead around her, a faint anger and disgust rose in her heart.

“Mage Rose.

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Mage Rose.


Mage Rose asked suspiciously.

She noticed the abnormality in the voice of the master in front of her, and her nerves tightened instantly!

The Lord can always see something unusual!

“Place a portal next to that girl and teleport her over.”

Lin Feng walked to Master Rose, stood in front of her, and ordered.

Master Rose’s expression tightened.

Without any hesitation, she stretched out her staff and activated the magic through the black figure in front of her.

In the doubtful eyes of the little girl and the living dead, a red portal instantly appeared on the little girl.

With a flash of red light, she appeared in front of Lin Feng.


The little girl’s expression changed, and she instinctively let out a horrified cry.

She looked at the weird plants around in a panic, unable to restrain the fear in her heart.

She didn’t understand, what happened just now!

Why did he appear outside!

This is all zombies outside!

Although those zombies are dead now, there will be other zombies coming soon!

It’s dangerous outside!

Thinking of those horrible zombies, and thinking of her dead family members, the little girl held back her fear and covered her mouth with her hands.

She is now over 10 years old and sensible.

If it’s because of my own shouts that zombies are attracted, it’s not good!

Lin Feng glanced at her, then turned to look at Colonel Maize.

“You took the plant soldiers to capture them all, so many living dead, just to gather information for me.

Hearing his words, the three plant heroes looked surprised!

Living dead!

What does the Lord mean, those companions of this little girl are all living dead?

Although there are many questions in my mind, the three plant heroes have no delay.

They quickly led the iron-skinned high nut wall soldiers and the frozen watermelon soldiers, and the big mouth flower soldiers rushed to the warehouse together.

In the process of rushing to the warehouse, the most delicate Mage Rose glanced pityingly at the little girl who was covering her mouth.

From her look, she didn’t know that she had been living with these living dead.

“What are you going to do?”

“Let go of Angela!”

Monsters”! You monsters! Let go of Angela!

Seeing the plant soldiers rushing towards him, the living dead exclaimed as if their reaction was slow.

Lin Feng coldly watched the living dead howling frantically in front of the plant soldiers, watching them being interrupted by their hands and feet, being bitten by the soldiers with a big mouth, and dragging them in front of him.

On the ground beside him, the little girl Angela was already stumped on the ground, shivering.Lin Feng glanced at her sympathetically, but did not help her.

I just came to this trial space to participate in the trial.

Once you have completed the trial, you will leave, and things in this trial space have nothing to do with you.

Now ordering the plant soldiers to rescue this little girl from the encirclement of zombies is already his greatest goodwill.

She has to go the rest of the way by herself.

“What are you doing! Ah!”

“Let go of me! Let me go! Monsters! You monsters!”

Accompanied by a horrible howl, the big-mouthed soldiers dragged the living dead to Lin Feng’s front.

Lin Feng counted, there were six people in front of him.

There are men and women.

Some of them were exclaiming, some were crying, some were furious, and some were dull.

Their movements and expressions are vivid, as if they were still alive.

Had it not been for Lin Feng’s comment system and knew that these people are the living dead, he would be deceived by these people too.

Follow the prompts of the notes that appeared before.

The living dead controlled by these “Makini” parasite zombies possess intelligence and can communicate.

Lin Feng intends to ask some useful information from them.

“There are far fewer zombies in Raccoon City than the outside world, why?”

He asked his biggest doubt indifferently.

As one of the birthplaces of the zombie virus, there are only so many zombies here, what is the reason?

Is it because of the previous notes that Raccoon City has suffered a nuclear egg attack?

Or is it because there are any special zombies here that caused other zombies to escape?

A monster like the devourer of the gods before, dividing the territory here?

Or is there something special in Raccoon City that caused the zombies to escape?

Lin Feng needs to verify his guess on these living dead.

“You lunatic, what are you talking about, I don’t know, please let me go.”

“Let go of me! Let go of Kuma! Let go of Denton! Let go of Angela!”

Those living dead ignored Lin Feng’s questioning.

They struggled arrogantly and kept yelling.

Lin Feng didn’t want to talk too much nonsense with these parasite zombies.

He stared closely at the living dead closest to him.

As long as the comment system marked out where Makini was on the living dead, he could immediately take action and kill a parasite zombie.

Since these zombies have intelligence, killing chickens and monkeys should be a good method.

The person he was staring at was a white man.

He was beating the big mouth with his left hand, as if he wanted to cut it off.

The digestive juice from Dazuhua’s mouth fell on his hand and corroded a piece of skin, but he didn’t seem to feel it, and he was still screaming angrily.

Lin Feng raised his brows.

It seems that these living dead are after all just puppets controlled by the Makini parasite zombies.

Although they have intelligence, they imitate very much like living people.

But they are dead after all, and they don’t even have the most basic pain.

[Note: The corpse of the Makini parasite is on the bottom of its left rectus abdominis.

Because Lin Feng had been staring at the white man, a more detailed comment about the man soon appeared before his eyes.

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng stretched out his hand, and the artifact “Dawn” appeared in his hand.

Even in a broken state, the straight blade still exudes a sharp light.

The ball of light at the sword grid was spinning, exuding a pale golden brilliance, like the warm sunshine at noon.

It seemed that the danger was felt, the power of the artifact was sensed, and the expressions of all the living dead under control changed drastically.

It seems that even if it is hidden in the body of the living dead, the zombies of the Makini parasite can still perceive the sharpness of the artifact.

Lin Feng looked at dawn unexpectedly.

It seemed that even though it had no effect on him, the demon god Meredia still gave a good reward.

He walked slowly to the white man and stabbed his left abdomen with a sword.

The blade was very sharp, and without any sound, the blade penetrated the man’s body directly.

He stiffened, trembling all over, and stopped moving.


Beside, the little girl Angela could no longer restrain her fear and screamed.

Lin Feng ignored her.

With a strong stroke, dawn cut the middle-aged man’s stomach and the sword slid out.

An ugly fat worm was picked up on the tip of the sword, and the fat body was covered with various tentacles.

Those tentacles are long and short, connected to the middle-aged man’s body.

Lin Feng understood that this Makini used this method to manipulate his living dead puppet.

The little girl Angela opened her eyes wide and stared at the scene in shock.

Her lips squirmed, as if she had seen the most incredible things in the world.

Lin Feng flicked hard, and the zombies of the Makini parasite on the tip of the sword were thrown to the ground.

Before he could make any other movements, a faint golden light glided over that Makini’s body.


Along with golden light, an explosion sounded.

Makini dissipated directly into the air, with no bones left.

A gold thread that was so small that it was almost invisible flowed from the place where it died and into the Sword of Dawn.

Lin Feng watched this scene, a little surprised.

He stared at the Excalibur in front of him again.

[Dawn (broken); artifact! It can cause great damage to undead creatures! Killing undead creatures can get a boost! Undead creatures killed by dawn will cause a bright explosion, damaging other undead creatures. ”

[Note: Dawn needs to kill undead creatures to repair. Current progress 1.356%]

The explosion just now should be the ability of the Divine Sword of Dawn.

That tiny golden thread, is it absorbing energy to repair itself?

It’s not just Lin Feng who is watching the Excalibur of Dawn.

All the living dead who were controlled by Makini were also looking at the Excalibur.

There is also the figure holding the divine sword and wearing the jet black armor.

After a long time, a calm voice came over.

“How did you discover our true identity?”

0……Look for flowers…

“How do you know where it is? How do you kill it accurately?”

Lin Feng followed the prestige, it was a bald black male.

He didn’t mean to answer the other party’s question.

“I repeat my question again.”

“There are far fewer zombies in Raccoon City than the outside world, why?”

“Which one of you answers, who I let go.

His indifferent voice came from under the pitch-black helmet, looking extremely cold.

All the living dead fought a cold war.

The middle-aged man who had just questioned in doubt also fought a cold war.

Lin Feng, who is holding dawn in his hand and wearing an endless suit, looks murderous at the moment.

After a long time, the bald man answered first.

“There is a breath that makes us very uncomfortable, we are not comfortable here. But what caused it, no one knows.”

Lin Feng was lost in thought.

Is there a breath that makes the zombies uncomfortable?

What it is?

He frowned.

It seems that the number of zombies in Raccoon City is so scarce that it has nothing to do with the nuclear egg attack here.

It’s because there is some kind of aura that the zombies are afraid of.Or something that makes them uncomfortable.

what is that?

A special zombie like the Devourer of Gods?

Or a special treasure in the trial space?

Lin Feng pondered.

He did not speak, and all the plant heroes remained silent.

The living dead watched the dawn in his hands, and said nothing.

And the little girl Angela has been stunned by this series of changes.

The companions who have spent so many days together day and night are all living dead!

They have been controlled by zombies!

And who is this armor-wearing person who suddenly appeared?

What monsters are these strange plants around?

She shook her mouth again in horror.

Lin Feng walked to the living dead.

“Is there any contact information between you living dead?”

It seemed that he was frightened by the aura on his body, or suppressed by the breath of the Divine Sword of Dawn in his hand.

These living dead answered his questions honestly.

“No, we control our puppets, and then attract more people to parasitize us.

“There is a competitive relationship between ethnic groups, and there is no unified way of contact.

Lin Feng nodded indifferently.

“The next question, are there any living people in this city?”

“There should be. But we don’t know how many. According to our perception, there is still a breath of living people floating in this city.”

“Are there any zombies with extremely powerful individuals here??

A living dead pointed at the flying dragon zombie who was squatting next to him and said, “The strongest guy here is the kind of flying guy.”

While they are answering questions, Lin Feng has been using the annotation system to verify the answers they said.

The things these living dead said were basically the truth, and only one question answered the lie.

There are ways of communication between Makini, and they can communicate with each other.

In addition, what these zombies said was the truth.

Lin Feng was also a little surprised.

He looked at the Sword of Dawn in his hand.

It seems that the deterrent power of this artifact is quite strong.

“Last question, where is the uncomfortable breath you mentioned before, where is the strongest?”

Without any hesitation, the bald living dead pointed his finger in the direction of the city center.

“over there.

Collected enough information, Lin Feng swung the sword of dawn and pierced the bald living dead with a sword.

“You didn’t keep your promise!”

The living dead next to them were shocked.

Before they could take any action, the plant heroes, who had been highly concentrated, launched an attack instantly.

Under their leadership, the plant soldiers on standby opened fire at the same time.

Overwhelmingly frozen watermelon and bean bullets bombarded the living dead, leaving a piece of debris.

Lin Feng looked at the stench of pus on the ground, then looked at the terrified Angela, thought about it, and threw a piece of dark crystal orchid on the ground.

Soon, the carrion on the ground became the nutrients of the dark crystal orchid.

“Expand to the city center.

Lin Feng gave the order indifferently.

All the plant soldiers moved toward the city center in an orderly manner.

Since these living dead know that the center of Raccoon City has an aura that disgusts zombies, then I have to go and take a look.

In order to get the SSS rating, I can’t let go of any clues in this raccoon city!

Lin Feng, who continued to expand while planting plants, did not know that there was a group of people in a basement in the center of Raccoon City.

Those people are looking at the surveillance screen with shocked faces, looking at Lin Feng who is advancing calmly!

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