Chapter 157: Terrifying Dark Crystal Orchid! There are actually a group of living people?





The roar of countless zombies fluttered in the slightly empty raccoon city.

Because of the bombing of nuclear eggs, few high-rise buildings remain here.

Without any cover, the roar of the zombies can spread non-stop in the air.

Massive zombies made strange howls, seeming to fill up the entire empty raccoon city.

Unlike the empty sky, the ground in Raccoon City is a mess.

All kinds of zombies went crazy and rushed towards Lin Feng and his plant position.

“call out!



Various plants attacked frantically.

Countless blue frozen watermelons crossed a parabola in the air, spanning hundreds of meters, and fell into the sea of ​​zombies.

Bang bang bang~!

A dense popping sound rang.

The frozen watermelon exuding white chill collided with the zombie’s head and broke apart.

It is impossible for ordinary zombies to compete with frozen watermelon.

Often a frozen watermelon bursts open and can smash a group of ordinary zombies.

Even special zombies such as drippers and shadow zombies can withstand a shot of frozen watermelon, but they cannot stop the overwhelming frozen watermelon.

The red watermelon juice splashed with muddy pus.

The ground was full of broken watermelon rinds, watermelon, and the broken limbs of the zombie’s broken arms.

The entire downtown area of ​​Raccoon City has almost become a huge meat grinder.

It’s just that all that is crushed is a pile of rotten flesh.

“Lord! There are too many zombies in this urban area, and there are too many dead zombies here. They pile up too high, and it is difficult for us to move forward.”

While Lin Feng was carefully observing the fighting methods of many special zombies, Colonel Corn interrupted his thinking.

Lin Feng deflected his head slightly, and on the dark helmet, the two-pointed lights emitting ominous red light shone on the ground of the battlefield.

As Colonel Corn said, there were countless corpses of zombies on the bumpy ground.

Those complete zombies are fairly easy to clean up.

On the ground are more zombie’s stumps, broken arms, broken organs, broken bones…

Coupled with the broken frozen watermelon and burning peas on the ground, the ground of the entire battlefield looked muddy. 733

As Colonel Corn said, the corpses of zombies are piled up too much, and it is already difficult for him to move forward.

Looking at the battlefield, Lin Feng originally planned to use hot chili peppers to ignite the body, burn it to ashes, and then use clover to blow it away.

But the chill of the frozen watermelon prevented the fire from spreading.

It is difficult to clean up the entire battlefield with flames.

Lin Feng looked at the bloody battlefield, thinking.

What plants can clean the dead bodies on the ground on a large scale?

Plant soldiers can take root in the reverse direction and absorb the nutrients of those corpses.

But there are too many zombies on the ground, and there are only 2,000 plant soldiers in total, which is not enough.

Lin Feng opened his seed column and checked it.

Soon, a plant that had been acquired for a long time but had never been officially used jumped into his eyes.

“Dark Crystal Orchid.”

This special plant obtained during the previous trial possesses incredible abilities.

Darkness 【Crystal Orchid: A plant blessed by the Dark Demon God. It can parasitize in carrion, absorb nutrients and maintain life. Once it results, spores will form and spread to a large area. 】

【Note: Without chloroplast, photosynthesis cannot be carried out. Accompanied by special bacteria in the body. ”

[Note: It can be parasitic on the body of a zombie! It can effectively kill the zombie! It is extremely important!”

The biggest reason for choosing this plant was to deal with special circumstances.

For example, in the desert, if you don’t have soil to grow plants, you can only use the corpses of zombies as the blood of the plants.

Now, although here does not rely on the dark crystal orchid to kill the zombies, but I can use it to clean up the corpses on the ground.

Without any hesitation, Lin Feng took out the seeds of the dark crystal orchid.

It was a bunch of extremely tiny round spores.

Using 10,000 points of sunlight, Lin Feng gave birth to dark crystal orchids.

He planted another clover on the ground.

The huge blades of the clover spun up, agitating countless air currents, forming a gale to move forward.

The round spores drifted away in the wind and fell towards the front of the battlefield.

Many spores fell on the corpse on the ground and soon took root.

Those zombies who are still capable of action are charging fast.

Perhaps the zombie virus on the body still has enough activity, and the dark crystal orchid grows very slowly on the zombies that still have the ability to move.

But those zombies that were broken into countless pieces and lying quietly on the ground were the best breeding ground for the dark crystal orchid.

When the spores of the dark crystal orchid fell on the corpse on the ground, they took root and sprouted at an extremely fast speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, many dark crystal orchids grew in the fiercest confrontation between plants and zombies, and where the corpses accumulated the most.

The rhizome of the dark crystal orchid is very straight and has no branches.

They are very short, like small flowers growing on the ground.

The flower bones are slightly open and will not fully bloom.

The texture is like black glass, dark and translucent, reflecting the sunlight, appearing mysterious and dangerous.

The Rose Mage exclaimed: “What kind of plant is this, it’s so pretty!”

Lin Feng nodded in agreement when he heard what she said.

This kind of plant looks so beautiful, even if it is an ornamental plant, it can be sold at a good price.

Before he could say anything, the changes that followed shocked him.

The translucent dark crystal orchid quickly formed round flower spores, which expanded rapidly under the action of the shock wave of the battlefield.

The spores quickly took root on the rotten flesh on the ground, and quickly formed flower spores and spread out again.

Dark Crystal Orchid expanded rapidly in this way.

Lin Feng just blinked a few times, and there were dark crystal orchids in front of him!

The carrion, stumps and broken arms all over the ground, and plant debris are all taken as their nutrients by the dark crystal orchid.

There are dark crystal orchids everywhere!

The Rose Mage was about to speak, and she was shocked to see their terrifying reproduction speed.

“What kind of plant is this! This is too scary!”

Colonel Corn couldn’t restrain his shock and exclaimed.

The expansion speed of Dark Crystal Orchid can be said to be the fastest expansion among all Lin Feng plants.

When everyone did not react, it had spread all over the battlefield.

What’s more terrifying is that they don’t just grow on the carrion on the ground.

Those ordinary zombies that are still charging, those jumping drippers, and even flying zombies that pass by inadvertently at low altitude.

In the wounds on their bodies, the dark crystal orchids began to germinate, grow, spores, and spread.

Lin Feng and the others watched as dark crystal orchids grew from the cracks in the brain of a rushing zombie.

Those crystal orchids crawled all over the bodies of zombies, flooding their bodies.

Some zombies got stuck in their joints and fell directly to the ground.

Some zombies’ minds were filled with dark crystal orchids, and their heads were directly pushed down from their necks.

The stomachs of other zombies burst, and piles of dark crystal orchids fell out of them. (ahcb)


Spread frantically!

With the help of the Dark Crystal Orchid, the speed of the plant defense line to kill the zombies is getting faster and faster.

Mage Rose covered his mouth, looked forward in shock, and looked at the black flowers all over the street.

Colonel Corn put down his corn machine gun and murmured.

“This is too exaggerated, this is too exaggerated…

Lin Feng sniffed.

Even if he was wearing an endlessly armed helmet, he could still smell a strong fragrance of flowers.

That is the fragrance of dark crystal orchid!

Although plants and zombies are still fighting fiercely, the pressure on the entire battlefield has been reduced by half!

Lin Feng looked at the dark crystal orchids everywhere and smiled.

nice one!

With the help of this plant, one’s own advancing speed will be greatly accelerated.

You don’t need to work hard to clean up the corpses all over the ground, and it’s very convenient to open up a large area of ​​land for planting your own plants.

In this way, Lin Feng moved forward at an extremely fast speed.

In the process of advancing, he encountered various zombies.

The surface of the body is white, half of the body is in a liquid state, maintaining a human shape, but the brain has sharp teeth protruding, more like a monster dripper.

There is also a special infection, a tumor monster grows on the side of his body, and the sarcoma takes the initiative of the body to the death monster.

There are also zombies formed by many animals being infected, such as giant python zombies, ferocious zombie dogs, and flying zombie cockroaches

But no matter what kind of zombies it is, it can’t stop Lin Feng from advancing.

The zombies in front gradually became fewer.

Lin Feng’s advancing speed becomes faster.

He frowned slightly, thinking.

This Raccoon City didn’t know what was going on, it was clearly one of the birthplaces of the zombie virus.

But the number of zombies here is not as good as in the capital of death, dawning ice field and other places.

Every time after a period of fighting and annihilating a group of zombies, he can get a period of breathing time.

This surprised him very much.

This trial seemed a bit too simple.

The promotion trial in Raccoon City can be said to be the easiest trial among so many trials that Lin Feng has experienced.

Such difficulty obviously does not meet the identity of Raccoon City as the origin of the virus.

Has something happened here that caused the number of spreading zombies to drop sharply?

Lin Feng thought of the previous comment about Raccoon City.

This place has been attacked by nuclear eggs.

The tide of corpses in front of him disappeared. As he slowly thought, an abrupt shout caught the attention of Lin Feng and all the plant soldiers.

“Mr. over there! It’s safe here, please come over!”

The voice was crisp and lively, and it seemed out of place in the same environment as this doomsday.

Lin Feng was shocked!

There are still living people here?

He instantly thought of the woman calling for help he had met before.

That carrier controlled by the parasite zombie “Mackini”!

Lin Feng turned his head and looked at the place where the sound was coming from.

It was a building resembling a tightly sealed warehouse.

Several gaps were opened in a window that was covered.

Several people looked at themselves.

Several comments appeared in front of Lin Feng’s eyes instantly!

Looking at those notes, his heart tightened!

[Human girl: a 14-year-old skinny human girl!][Note: The body is special, and it has developed a certain resistance to the virus! Of course, it is only against the ordinary zombie virus in Raccoon City!)

This comment gave Lin Feng a lot of hints.

The zombie virus in Raccoon City is just a normal zombie virus!

That is to say, there are many types of zombie viruses?

Also, this little girl can develop special resistance in the body to resist ordinary zombie viruses.

Can humans develop special resistance to resist those mutated zombie viruses?

Such thoughts flashed in his mind.

He looked at the people around the little girl.

There are serious middle-aged men, women who look at him nervously, and old people who are shocked and surprised.

【Machini: The special parasite “Machini” becomes a parasite zombie after being infected with the zombie virus.

[Note: They can control humans, and those controlled by their parasites will maintain human intelligence, can use tools, communicate with people, be careful!)

[Note: Except for the little girl who called you, everyone else is no longer human! They are just zombies!]

Lin Feng’s heart is tight!

All around this little girl are zombies?

Looking at the little girl with a look of expectation and curiosity on her face, and the living dead with different looks around, Lin Feng’s expression was cold.

The people around the girl were already dead, but she didn’t know it!

Whether it is this raccoon city or the special zombies in this city, it really is very secretive!

If it weren’t for the comment system, I would never see their tricks!

He stared at the Makini carefully, thinking inside.

There are so many Makini here, maybe from their mouths, they can know some information about Raccoon City!

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