Chapter 156: The secrets of the nations are revealed! The efficacy of the medicine has been increased hundreds of times?

Even the harbor is a busy scene.

The entire harbor was taken over, and countless soldiers poured into the harbor to prepare for battle.

From time to time, warplanes passed by in the air, leaving a long tail flame.

The sirens continued to sound, and the entire seaport entered a state of combat.

The armed forces of the sea, land and air are standing by.

It’s not just Lianhaigang.

Long Country, Northwest Desert.

The ground trembled.

The ground that was originally covered by yellow sand showed many large black circular pits in the tremor. At first glance, they were artificial holes.

Dongfeng silo!

Dongfeng Express is ready to wait!

To the west of the Dragon Kingdom, the Himalayas.

A loud dragon roar echoed in the air.

In this unmanned ice and snow secret realm, a mighty avalanche broke out.

Countless snow rolls down above the peak.

In the gap of the rolling ice and snow, you can occasionally see a pair of huge golden eyes!

Tier 9 special summoned beast, holy dragon of frost!

On Wudang Mountain, 10,000 meters high in the sky, endless clouds are surging endlessly.

Under the shining of the sun, between the clouds and the clouds, the sea of ​​white clouds burst out with colorful rays.

The constantly surging clouds gradually gathered, and gradually, the white clouds formed a huge figure sitting in the air.

Below, a series of exclamations came out.

All the good men and women who visit and play on Wudang Mountain salute to the sky to show their piety!

In their eyes, this is a celestial phenomenon!

Perhaps it represents the manifestation of Taoist ancestors!

The tourists and Taoist priests below would not know that the giant with huge white clouds in the sky was opening his eyes slightly and looking in the direction of Lianhai Port.

It can also be said that he looked at the direction of Eagle Country!

In the East China Sea of ​​Longguo, in the Northwest Desert, in the South China Sea, in the northern Xinjiang, in the plateau, in the plain

Everywhere, there are visions!

Long Guo began to show his own heritage!

This is a warning!

The same scene also appeared in Yingguo’s land.

In the ocean on the east and west sides of Eagle Country, two huge ocean vortices suddenly appeared, and the diameter of each vortex was more than several kilometers!

Eastern Eagle Country, Redstone Natural Park.

The underground fountains erupted suddenly one after another, and many water jets rose into the sky for a long time.

Various places in the southeast, northwest and northeast of the Eagle Kingdom also have anomalies, which are distantly opposed to those of the Dragon Kingdom.

Other countries have not allowed the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom to be more beautiful than before.

The ninth-tier powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom broke out in an earth-shattering battle in the center of the Pacific Ocean, and the entire Pacific Rim countries were affected!

The great war that broke out in the Pacific Ocean directly triggered severe earthquakes and tsunamis.

Fortunately, it is now a new calendar with room for trial. All countries have sufficient capacity to deal with such natural disasters.

In the country of cherry blossoms, on the east coast, a beautiful figure stands high in the sky.

Holding a two-person high brush in one hand and a piece of talisman paper in the other.

The soaring waves hit the cherry blossom country.

The figure standing in the sky drew a black rune in the air with a pen in one hand and a talisman in one hand.

The rune zoomed in quickly, and soon turned into a black giant net, covering the entire East Bank!

All the waves are frozen, break down into tiny droplets in the air, and fall into the sea.

No matter how turbulent the tsunami is, it cannot break through the giant black net!

One stroke to block the huge waves!

On the southeastern shore of Bear Country, a bear-back warrior stood on the beach, calmly watching the huge waves pressing on the sea.

The huge waves were getting closer and closer, and the bear country soldier spit out his cigar and took off his gloves.

His eyes changed color, and his already blue eyes glowed with orchids!

A blue chill flew from his hand.

The cold air became bigger and bigger in the air, and soon came into contact with the huge waves that swept across.



There was a crisp sound.

A huge wave more than ten meters high freezes at a speed visible to the naked eye and stands still!The chill quickly spread out.

The entire bear country’s seaside sea surface was frozen!

The power of one person, the frozen sea!

Long Country, even the seaport.

Amidst the nervous waiting of medical staff and soldiers, a huge shadow approached the coast.

That is a giant tree thousands of meters high.

There is a golden light shield outside, and the surface is exuding a towering giant tree of bronze color.

The branches and leaves of the giant tree are extremely luxuriant, and the giant tree comes to the shore of the harbour, covering almost all the warships under the shade of the tree.

The people on the shore opened their mouths wide and looked up at this huge monster, their faces full of shock.

Inside the guardian giant tree, Murong Xue, who was controlling all of this, moved her heart, and everyone moved out of the guardian giant tree.

She took out the wooden whistle before and blew it gently.

Oh oh oh ~!

The melodious whistle was flying in the air.

Huge spatial fissure traverses the air connecting the harbor.


Seeing this scene, the guardian giant tree shook, as if it was explaining something.

An uncomfortable feeling arose in everyone’s hearts inexplicably.

Murongxue knew that this special voice was the guardian giant tree expressing souvenirs.

It missed the feeling of fighting.

She felt sour inexplicably.

In this wonderful sound, the guardian giant tree entered the huge space crack and disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone breathed out softly.

In front of the giant guardian giant tree, everyone seemed too small.

Murong Xue looked down at the wooden whistle in her hand and put it away.

She took out the empty bottle that she had read several times before.

That is the empty bottle of plant essence given by Lin Feng.

There will be hope.

With that special gardener, there is hope for everything.

The guardian giant tree must be able to be rescued successfully and must be able to return to the battlefield.

She murmured in her heart.

“Medical soldier! Hurry up!”

“Here! Wounded! Seriously injured!”

“Hurry up, don’t waste time!”

When the guardian giant tree finally disappeared, everyone recovered.

Only then did they think of those who were seriously injured and comatose at the ninth rank of the Dragon Kingdom.

Must be treated quickly!

“God Bless Pastor! Let’s first send a high-level divine blessing technique!”

“Pay attention to the Ghost Swordsman and Demon Swordsman among them, they can’t be healed with God’s Blessing Technique!”

“Let the Dark Magister cast Dark Energy Healing! Hurry, hurry!”

“Bed preparation!”

“The operating room is ready!”

All medical personnel began to act.

Divide the injured into categories, according to factors such as occupation, degree of injury, physical condition, etc., and take emergency treatment.

Afterwards, the injured will be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Other medical non-personnel are all around to help.

Looking at the busy medical team members, Ding Wenmo felt heavy.

She quietly turned to Murong Xue and asked, “Axue, how many people do you think they can save?”

“There is definitely no problem in rescuing them. After all, all kinds of high-tech medical facilities are complete here, and there are so many high-level auxiliary professionals. But

Murong Xue was silent in the middle of speaking.

She doesn’t know how many of these ninth-tier powerhouses can recover their strength.

Their injuries are too serious.

Rescuing them will naturally not be a big problem.

These people are Tier 9 testers after all, and their physical fitness has been tempered and strengthened countless times, and they have already reached the point of inhumanity.

But also because of this, their body structure has long been different from ordinary people.

Every muscle fiber, every nerve, every bone of everyone is full of strange power.

Some people are filled with the magic power of various elements, some people contain the power of blood, and some people rely on the power of space…

Having received such severe injuries, it is difficult for professions such as God Bless Pastor to repair their bodies.

It is very likely that they will not be able to regain their strength during their heyday.

Even if an auxiliary profession like God Bless Pastor helps them regenerate with severed limbs, the rebirth limb is likely to be just an ordinary limb, not the powerful limb of the ninth rank powerhouse.

This state of energy imbalance in the body will cause them to be unable to use all their abilities.

Taking a deep breath, Murong Xue explained these things to his comrades in arms.

Hearing her explanation, Ding Wenmo was also silent.

After a long time, she said: “With the current strength of our Dragon Kingdom and our medical level, we will definitely be able to rescue these wounded patients to the greatest extent.”

The other ninth-tier powerhouses nearby looked at each other, but couldn’t speak.

In the end, the ninth-order qigong master Yue Lengqiang struck the spirit and made a joke.

“Maybe early retirement is also a good choice, so that I have more time to spend time with my wife and children.”

Lianhaigang Hospital, Intensive Operating Room.

There are not only a variety of high-tech equipment, but also many powerful magical medical equipment.

The medical staff here are cardio-cerebrovascular doctors, psychiatrists, surgeons…

They are also priests of gods, dark magisters, and paladins

Everyone is nervously treating the severely injured Tier 9 powerhouses.

In an operating room, the body of a ninth-order shadow dancer has been repaired.

The chief surgeon wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said solemnly: “Use the medicine one by one!”

“Show life potions!”

“After that is the repair potion!”

“It’s a magic potion!”

“Finally is the A-level magic potion!”

He ordered hastily.

Time is tight, and the rhythm cannot be slow.

The surrounding assistant doctors nervously opened a bottle of potions and injected them into the body of the nine-order shadow dancer.

Everyone stared at the Ninth-Order Shadow Dancer nervously.

“It must be effective!”

“Restore! Restore! Restore!”

The little nurse nearby couldn’t bear the strong pressure, and read the thoughts in her heart.

But no one glanced at her.

Everyone’s eyes were focused on the lying Nine-Order Shadow Dancer and the detection instrument next to it.

Suddenly, someone discovered an abnormality in the instrument.

“Director Wang! Instrument! Look!

Hearing this exclamation, everyone looked at the instrument.

“How is it possible? The new body and the original body are directly connected!”

“His magical circuit was successfully reshaped! The magical power directly began the cycle!”

“The shadow magic in his body is rising rapidly! It has exceeded expectations!”

Everyone was stunned!

This ninth-order shadow dancer is quickly recovering his strength!

According to this situation, the magic circuit in his body has been connected, and the magic is circulating.

It won’t be long before the powerful self-healing ability of the ninth-tier powerhouse will be attracted!

It can be said that this ninth-order shadow dancer must regain his strength!

“Why is it so fast?”

“What’s the matter? Could it be that Director Wang’s meridian repair technique has improved again?”

Everyone looked at the chief surgeon with admiration.

But the chief surgeon frowned and said nothing.

He knew very well that these visions were not his own credit.

He carefully checked everything around him.

Whether it’s the equipment used, the doctor who assisted him in the operation, and all kinds of medicines.

Soon, he discovered the anomaly.

In his perception of magic power, whether the demon potions he used before, or the repair potions, all exude a special aura.

“These medicines seem to be different from the medicines we used before?

Director Wang, the chief surgeon, picked up the empty medicine bottle in doubt and checked it.

He had dealt with these medicines for many years, and soon he discovered the difference.

Under the medicine bottle, there was a line of small print.

“Enhanced No. 1 potion. Specially supplied by the Trial Space Research Institute.”

Director Wang frowned.

He found the difference.

“Does anyone know what the words written on this potion mean?”

He passed the medicine to everyone in the operating room for inspection.

A doctor remembered something and explained: “This medicine was only issued this month.””This is a potion made by the elixir cultivated by the Trial Space Research Institute and the gardener Lin Feng.”

“I only sent a part of it to our hospital not long ago.

Hearing his words, Director Wang’s eyes lit up.

This is it!

Gardener Lin Feng!

No wonder!

Only the elixir cultivated by a special professional gardener can have such an effect!

“You send the patient to the ICU, I will immediately report to the dean!”

He ran out in a hurry!

In the Dean’s Room of Lianhaigang Hospital, Dean Zhao Hang was pacing non-stop.

He is nervous.

The people who received treatment in the hospital this time were all big figures in the Dragon Kingdom, and they were all powerful ninth ranks.

Once there are three long and two short, he not only has no power, but has had it.

He prayed to heaven and muttered to himself.

“God bless you! Let more ninth-tier powerhouses recover their strength!”

He paced non-stop.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Dean Zhao’s nerves are tense!

Did something happen?

He frowned and was anxious.

The people outside seemed to be more anxious than him, and before he could respond, he pushed open the door directly.

“President Zhao! We have discovered a batch of special potions! The efficacy is a hundred times stronger, and the effect is very good! It can restore the strength of those VIP patients to the greatest effect!”

A middle-aged doctor with a delighted look rushed in.

Dean Zhao looked startled.

He didn’t react until the middle-aged doctor rushed in front of him.

“Director Wang, what you said is true? What kind of medicine is it?

“Is there still in our hospital? Is there enough stock now?

Dean Zhao greeted Director Wang anxiously, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and asked anxiously.

“Not a potion, but a batch of potions!

(The king’s) are all potions refined from special medicinal materials provided by the Trial Space Research Institute!”

“According to our calculations, the current stock is not enough for those ninth-tier powerhouses! Must be mobilized!

Dean Zhao’s mind changed sharply.

A batch of medicines were discovered in the hospital, which has a miraculous effect on restoring the strength of the ninth-tier powerhouse!

The stock of this batch of medicine is not enough now!

Must be mobilized immediately!

He reacted instantly.

“Director Wang, I will immediately contact the people from the Trial Space Research Institute.

“Dean, I saw the senior of the Trial Space Institute who was with me before, Your Excellency Divine Shield of Thorns, I want to contact her directly!”

Hearing Director Wang’s words, Dean Zhao’s expression was lifted!

“Walk around, let’s go find her right away!”

The wind was blowing under his feet, and a green air current swept him and Director Wang, and flew towards the window together.

The two fell directly from the window and quickly rushed to the repair room of the ninth-level strong man.

They flew directly in the air and arrived at Lianhaigang Barracks at the fastest speed!

Murongxue, who was communicating with many ninth-tier powerhouses in the large conference room, looked at Dean Zhao and Director Wang who rushed in front of her, feeling baffled.

If everyone hadn’t known the two senior leaders of Lianhaigang Hospital, I’m afraid they would have been pushed to the ground now.


All the ninth-tier powerhouses staying in Lianhaigang knew about this.

The panacea jointly cultivated by the Trial Space Research Institute and Lin Feng has miraculous effects!

The elixir refined potions he provided can effectively restore the injuries of Tier 9 trialers and help them reconstruct the magic circuit!

The whole seaport was a sensation.

It is the most important thing to restore the strength of those injured Dragon Nation ninth-tier powerhouses!

The Long Kingdom military and the Trial Space Research Institute have begun emergency deployment of Lingyao County!

In another way, Lin Feng left a deep impression on the minds of many ninth-tier powerhouses in the Dragon Kingdom military and trial space!

But he had no way to notice the outside world at this time.

He is now in the downtown area of ​​Raccoon City, killing all quarters!

Almost endless special zombies are coming!

Lin Feng gradually expands the plant territory, and is getting closer and closer to the hidden secrets of Raccoon City!.

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