Chapter 155: Confrontation! One of the Dragon Kingdom’s heritage!

The action taken by Long Guo shocked the whole world.

First, the fishing vessel was triggered, which caused the Eagle Nation to shift its defense focus and put the focus of protection on the younger generation of geniuses.

Next, he used the great teleportation technique to transport many ninth-tier powerhouses to the Eagle Nation, beheading a total of seven ninth-level Eagle Nation powerhouses.

Moreover, none of the ninth-tier powerhouses that were killed were ordinary people.

Some of them are the cardinals of the Holy See, some are popular members of the Eagle Country, and some are senior generals of the Eagle Country.

Although these people have different identities and different forces, they are all important figures in the Eagle Nation.

Moreover, after the Dragon Kingdom powerhouses killed so many important people, they still left four characters at every killing scene.

“Peer revenge!”

Countless Ying people looked at those four words and wept bitterly.

This is tantamount to a loud slap in the face of the senior officials of the Eagle Country.

Suddenly dying so many ninth-tier strongmen of Eagle Nation, Eagle Nation couldn’t stand it anyway.

After Murongxue and others successfully killed the target, they fled back almost unharmed.

But there are still a lot of Dragon Nation’s ninth-tier powerhouses who have gone through arduous battles, and have struggled with serious injuries to kill the target.

After the portal was disturbed, they could not directly return to the Dragon Kingdom through the portal.

After a bitter battle, those ninth-tier powerhouses fought and fled all the way. After all the hardships, they finally fled to the Pacific Ocean.

Many ninth-tier powerful eagle nations led the eagle nation’s navy in pursuit.

Had it not been for this group of escaping Dragon Kingdom powerhouses who had many assassin-type professionals to help everyone hide their bodies, and some summoners and mechanics to provide vehicles, they would not have been able to escape this far.

The combination of various professions, coupled with the Eagle Nation’s surprise, finally let these Dragon Nine ninth-tier powerhouses escape.

At this moment, countless battleships brought the ninth-tier powerhouses to pursue aggressively.

Looking at that posture, there is a lot of going straight into the East China Sea of ​​Long Country, and it definitely doesn’t mean to give up.

The senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom who learned the news quickly mobilized the fleet to take action.

After several days of cultivation, the ninth-tier powerhouses who had gone to kill the Eagle Nation powerhouse before have all recovered their strength.

These ninth-tier powerhouses also boarded the ship together and went to pick up the dragon country powerhouses who had escaped.

In the Pacific Ocean, Longguo’s fleet is sailing at sea.

On the deck of a battleship, Murongxue unfolded his shield to guard the surrounding vanguard forces and other Tier 9 powerhouses.

Everyone looked solemn.

Whether it’s the soldiers in the warships or the Tier 9 powerhouses on the deck, everyone is ready for battle.

No one relaxed their vigilance, everyone tightened their nerves.

The degree of intensification of the contradiction between the Eagle Country and the Dragon Country is unheard of and has never been seen.

Many people think that this time there will be a real battle between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom.

The fighting that broke out between these two strongest countries in the world is bound to affect the world.

Almost everyone has set their sights here, on the Pacific Ocean.

In this atmosphere, all members of the Dragon Kingdom participating in the war must face an all-out battle. ??

Murongxue lowered her head and looked at an empty bottle in her hand.

Beside her, Liu Mei, a Tier 9 Elemental Demolitionist, frowned slightly, looking at the front warily.

“Axue, do you think we will have an all-out war with Eagle Nation this time?”

Hearing her friend’s question, Murong Xue raised her head, moved her gaze away from the empty bottle in her hand, and shook her head gently.

“Wenmo, as I said before, we can’t fight under the current circumstances.”

Murong Xue was very sure to make a judgment.

Unlike Ding Wenmo, who is focused on fighting next to her, as a senior researcher at the Trial Space Research Institute and a senior at Longguo, she knows one thing very clearly.

Now the situation is special, and there is absolutely no real full-scale confrontation between Eagle Country and Dragon Country.

Seeing Ding Wenmo’s suspicious gaze, she explained to her friend: “It won’t be long before the ally of the Dragon Kingdom, the Xiong Kingdom will stand up.”

“By that time, it will not be the situation where the fleets of the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom are facing each other in the Pacific.”

“At that time, it will be the Eagle Nation confronting the maritime forces of the Dragon Nation and the Bear Nation at the same time.”

“Under such circumstances, the two sides will definitely not be able to fight.”

Hearing her explanation, Ding Wenmo nodded thoughtfully.

“Then we acted with great fanfare this time to save Li Ming who was hunted down? We will go back after we save people?”

Murong Xue shook her head again.

“On the one hand, we must rescue Li Wen and the others, on the other hand, we must show our strength.

“This is to allow other countries in the world to see the strength of our Dragon Kingdom, and they dare not intervene in such a chaotic situation and come to make trouble.

“At the same time, let us rest assured that we have the strength to fight against Eagle Nation.

Hearing these explanations, Ding Wenmo all kinds of magical elements flew around his body.

“Axue, with you here, we will definitely be able to rescue those companions.

As for “showing my strength, I am ready, and I will reward those people who have made great achievements in the country!”

Ding Wenmo’s eyes glowed with confidence, and magical elements happily revolved around her body.

Not only her, but the other Dragon Kingdom powerhouses around them are also full of vigor.

They are all ready to fight!

Murong Xue looked at the comrades around him and smiled.

She looked at the empty bottle in her hand again.

This time, Dragon Kingdom needs to truly show its strength.

It’s not just them these ninth-tier powerhouses, and it’s not just the weapons of the Dragon Kingdom’s army.

There are also some real heritage of the Dragon Kingdom, which will also be revealed in this battle.

Whether it’s the hidden powerhouses.Still those newly developed weapons.

Or try the research results that the Space Institute has been hiding before.

Even, some of the heritage of the Dragon Kingdom…

Only in this way can it frighten the Eagle Nation and at the same time frighten the other nations that are staring at it nearby.

Murong Xue said nothing, quietly looking at the empty bottle in her hand with a serious expression.

Ding Wenmo next to her gave her a curious look, but did not disturb her.

My best friend has always been a wise general. Not only has great strength, but also extremely high wisdom.

Maybe she is thinking about something big.

In this case, you just need to stay close by yourself.

In such a tense atmosphere, the fleet continued to sail forward.

“call out!


As the fleet sailed, a sharp voice gradually came over.

All the ninth-tier powerhouses are refreshed!

They all looked forward, while extending their perception forward.

The military’s radar also began to scan.

“Find the target! At 60925 meters ahead, you need a high-energy response!

“There is a fleet pursuing at 100083 meters ahead!”

An urgent voice came from all the communication devices worn by the ninth-level strong.

Everyone looked happy!

Still chasing!

Moreover, after such a long distance, those ninth-tier dragons should have no worries about their lives!

Everyone mobilized their own strength.

Suddenly, strong winds, flames, lightning, ice crystals…

Various visions of this kind appeared around the battleship.

Almost all the ninth-tier powerhouses have used their own flying methods.

White wings of light stretched out behind Murongxue, and under Ding Wenmo there was a cluster of constantly changing elemental lights.

Everyone is ready!



With the sound of waves, the ninth-tier dragons with the strongest flying ability have set off.

They need to rush to the ninth-tier powerhouses who are fleeing to cover them back to the battleship.

Streams of light separated from the battleship and shot out.

The ninth-tier powerhouses dashed across the sky, set off a wave on the sea, and galloped all the way.

They are fast.

It didn’t take long for Murongxue and others to see the fugitive powerhouse ahead.

Everyone’s heart sank!

Those ninth-tier strong people are hurt too badly!

Some people have broken their legs, and some have broken their hands.

There is a huge wound on the body of “Some People”, and the beating organs can be seen inside.

They all almost lost the ability to move, relying on the vehicles of the Tier 9 Mechanic and the pet beast of the Tier 9 Summoner to escape for their lives.

Those vehicles were already in bad condition and were barely flying.

Behind them, there are many warships pursuing.

On the decks of those battleships, you can obviously see many ninth-tier powerful Eagles!

The Eagle Nation has lost too many Tier 9 powerhouses over the past period of time, which makes them not daring to let the Tier 9 powerhouses fall off the fleet.

But from the previous more than 40,000 meters, directly chasing this distance, it is enough to show that they are moving fast, and it is also enough to show how exhausted the ninth-tier powerhouses who flee.

Those strong Eagle Nation also saw Murong Xue and others, their expressions changed drastically.

Countless lights gleamed on the decks of those battleships.

Seeing this scene, Murong Xue looked cold.

The white light radiating from her body suddenly deepened.

The holy white light gradually transformed into golden light.

A huge light shield carved with exquisite patterns appeared behind those ninth-tier dragons who escaped!???

The huge light shield exudes golden light, with various exquisite patterns carved on it, which looks sacred and inviolable!

The powerful aura exploded from Murong Xue and the golden light shield at the same time!

Guardian Tier 9 skills!

Fearless Divine Shield!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!



The Holy Shield just unfolded, and the attacks of the ninth-tier strong of the Eagle Nation followed one after another!

On this empty Pacific Ocean, all the ninth-tier powerhouses let go of their hands and feet, and truly began to perform their stunts!

The violent tornado appeared out of thin air, rolling up countless sea water, forming a huge waterspout!

The bottom of the tornado swept the sea, forming a whirlpool, and the violent sea tornado stretched into the air, straight into the sky!

Connected to the sea below, and clouds above, this huge sea tornado slammed into the Holy Shield!

The ninth-order skill of the element mage, the hurricane roars!

The ice element with “stable characteristics” became violent under the mobilization of the ice master and the element mage.

The temperature of the entire battlefield dropped suddenly.

The rough sea level froze in an instant, and the kilometer sea surface was frozen into an undulating ice lake!

The violent waterspout that swept across was frozen into an ice sculpture before it hit the golden sacred shield!

Tier 9 ice magic, everything condenses!

Jingle Bell!


A series of crisp noises came out, and the huge frozen tornado in the sky shattered under the confrontation of the two magical powers of wind and ice!

Countless ice flakes scattered all over!

But no one in the entire battlefield was looking at this frozen fragment.

More fierce battle broke out!

The fire element becomes more violent!

A huge wall of fire suddenly appeared one after another, hovering in the air!

The intense high temperature instantly evaporated countless seawater, and a “hot spring rain!”

Tier 9 fire magic, even the sky flame wall!


Surrounded by the scorching water vapor, the huge wall of fire hit the holy shield and exploded.

Sparks flew everywhere, and the entire battlefield was illuminated brightly!

Murongxue’s eyes glowed with golden light, golden wings spread out behind her back, and she came to the back of the Holy Shield.

Under the blessing of her power, the powerful flame magic did not kill those wounded Dragon Kingdom powerhouses.

The entire holy shield doesn’t move at all!

Unlike before, Murong Xue used her real strength at this time!

It is also a Tier 9 skill, the fire wall that connects the sky and earth can’t cause any damage to this golden light shield!





A huge black, bloody light flashed across the sea.

The berserkers, berserkers, convicts, shadow dancers and other melee professions of the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom have burst out of full strength.

They rushed across the sea at extremely fast speeds, with huge sword lights flying in the air, waving, and fighting each other.

Every ninth-order melee strong is running on the sea, and huge waves will be set off behind him.

Any time a match, it will set off thousands of water splashes!

Whether it is a melee job or a long-range job, they are all around the Divine Shield, fighting frantically!



Boom boom boom!

There was a dense and sharp sound of breaking through the air.

The battleship of the Long Kingdom arrived and blasted against the battleship of the Eagle Kingdom.

Countless rockets and shells were launched from the battleship, covering the air!

The huge explosion sounded densely.

The sea level was stirred by these explosions, which set off waves that covered the sky and scattered the sky.

Warships hovered, fighters fought against each other, artillery bombarded, and gun smoke filled everywhere.


There was a huge splash of water.

A huge black shadow appeared on the sea.

The shadow approached the sea surface at an extremely fast speed, splashing out!

It has been thousands of meters long, with a ferocious look, and the scales of the dragon of the gods!

Tier 9 summoned beast, god sea scale dragon!



Before this god sea scale dragon could dominate, a sharp sound echoed on the battlefield.

In the air, a huge shadow covered it.

A giant bird with a huge body, wings covering the sky, and a golden light all over its body, descended from the sky, carrying a golden flame and rushing toward the god sea scale dragon!

Ninth-order transformation technique, the incarnation of the phoenix!

The entire battlefield is chaotic!

The roar, the explosion, the scream, intertwined in the air!

Giant waves, flames, ice, lightning, gusts…

All kinds of element magic are sweeping the battlefield!

Coupled with the battle between huge monsters, melee professional fights, and battles between battleships

The entire battlefield is filled with smoke!

Murongxue opened the Holy Shield to guard the severely injured Tier 9 masters, but could not evacuate to the Dragon Kingdom and could only be trapped in place.

She looked at the seriously injured Tier 9 powerhouses, gritted her teeth.Can’t wait any longer!

If it drags on, their bodies will no longer be able to hold them!

Murong Xue took out a wooden whistle of invisible material and blew it hard.


The sharp and melodious whistle spread through the air.

The entire battlefield seems to be stagnant.

A spatial crack spanning thousands of meters appeared in the air!

The space crack split quickly, and a huge figure came out of it!

Guard the giant tree!

Relying on Lin Feng’s life energy balls and plant essences, the guardian giant 543 tree barely recovers its mobility!

It is thousands of meters high and nearly one thousand meters wide!

Countless thick branches stretched out to cover the sky and the sun!

The bronze-colored bark exudes a simple luster, blocking the attack of the powerful Eagle Country!

The huge shade of trees enveloped the entire battlefield!

Guard the giant tree, fighting form!


A strange sound sounded.

All the powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom have been sucked into the body of the guardian giant tree!

With a flower in front of Murongxue’s eyes, she arrived in a bright space.

This is the inner space that protects the giant tree!

There are black inner walls all around, covered with tree patterns.

There are strange flowers on the top of the head, exuding a bright light.

In the air around, there was a light curtain surrounded by tree branches, showing the situation outside.

Murongxue’s expression was serious, her eyes glowing with golden light.

As soon as she stretched her hands, the power in her body was connected and transmitted to the guardian giant tree.

A huge golden light shield instantly enveloped the guardian giant tree!

“If you launch an attack on this light curtain, you will directly bombard the body of the guardian giant tree!”

“Help protect the giant tree against the enemy!”

All the Dragon Kingdom powerhouses looked at the surrounding environment with shocked faces.

After hearing Murongxue’s explanation, they suddenly realized.

Everyone has heard of the name of the giant tree guarding the Murong family, but it is the first time they have seen the real thing!

Isn’t this tree seriously injured and unable to move?

Why is it still so strong?

Although there are various doubts, no one is entangled in this matter now.

Everyone launched their own long-range attack!

Countless powerful magics are launched from the branches guarding the giant tree to the outside!

At the same time, the huge branches of the giant tree stretched out, frantically beating the outsiders of the Eagle Country and those warships!

All the shells were shattered!

Without checking for a while, many Eagle Country powerhouses were drawn into the sea!

All the Eagles were shocked!

What is this!

Such a big tree?

Dragon Kingdom still has such a hole card?

Some strong people quickly reacted.

This is the famous guardian giant tree of the Dragon Kingdom!


The commander-in-chief of the Eagle Country’s operation reluctantly ordered: “With the guardian giant tree, we can’t successfully intercept it!”


Although not reconciled, these eagle country powerhouses tried to attack the guardian giant tree and found it difficult to cause enough damage to it.

Murongxue’s holy shield protection, coupled with the defense of the giant tree itself, made these ninth-tier powerhouses feel like they couldn’t start!

If they are given enough time, they will surely be able to break the defense of the guardian giant tree.

But the Dragon Kingdom also has many ninth-tier powerhouses!

They will not give the Eagles a chance!

Murong Xue, who was guarding the giant tree, knew that guarding the giant tree would not last long.

She controlled the guardian giant tree, wrapped the Dragon Kingdom fleet outside, and returned to the Dragon Kingdom at an extremely fast speed!

Those strong eagle nations watched as the guardian giant tree withdrew, not chasing it.

Seeing no one was chasing him, Murong Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

On the way back to the Dragon Kingdom, everyone paid attention to those who were seriously injured in the ninth rank of the Dragon Kingdom.

All of them are unconscious!

The situation is critical!

Everyone is anxious.

Murong Xue looked at the situation of the wounded briefly, and her heart was tense!

Can such a serious injury be rescued?

When they were rushing on their way, Long Guo was in the base of Lianhai Port, Long Guo’s medical team was already ready!

It’s up to them to save those ninth-tier powerful dragons!

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