The 154th chapter is equal revenge! Killing seven ninth-tier powerhouses in a row!

In the northeastern part of the country, Als City.

Here is the largest church in the northern part of Eagle Country, Cavlim Church.

In order to demonstrate the majesty of the gods, this church was built on the high Oers Mountain.

Flying objects are not allowed in the airspace near Mount Ols.

Everyone must go to the church from the mountain road below.

Besides, except for those who are over 60 and who are already aging or those who are physically inconvenient, the rest of the believers are not allowed to take transportation and must walk into the church to worship.

Today is the day of rest at Cavelim Church.

Without the endless stream of believers in the past, Kavlim Church seems even more mysterious.

The cardinal bishop of Cavlim, the ninth-order Ash Mage Brandon ended his sermon on several big capitalists, and returned to the church under the protection of a group of Vatican guards.

As the cardinal bishop, he rides in an extremely magnificent carriage.

This carriage is snow-white, covered with silver decorations, red ribbons and golden bells, making it look sacred and extraordinary.

Riding in such a carriage in this era not only does not appear to be backward, but also reveals a heavy atmosphere of the times.

With everyone watching, Brandon got out of the carriage.

Many guards of the Holy See packed their magic weapons and looked at the cardinal archbishop with reverence.

He drew a cross on his chest and prayed lightly.

After that, he looked around and nodded kindly.

All the guards of the Holy See excitedly saluted in return.

After everyone had replied, Brandon maintained the majesty and demeanor of the cardinal and walked slowly towards the church door.


At this moment, a red portal suddenly opened and stopped between Brandon and Cavelim Church.

From the portal came out four extraordinary dragon “April 20″ nationals.

The moment he saw them, Archbishop Brandon’s expression changed.

Without any hesitation, he subconsciously used teleport.

A white light enveloped his body.


With a soft sound, the white light that had just covered Brandon suddenly shattered, revealing his slightly panicked face.

It is also the ninth-level magic of Ash Mage, and the space is shaking!”

Before Brandon could use other skills, three silver circles appeared, covering a hundred li.

Rune Array Master’s ninth-level skill, “Space freezes!

Seeing these three indeterminate silver rings, Brandon was shocked.

He knew that with this ability to block the surrounding space, he couldn’t use teleportation skills such as “teleport” and chaotic “teleport”.

Unless you can break these circles and let the solidified space “flow again.”

But in front of him, there were four Dragon Ninth-rank powerhouses.

Everyone is a strong man with a name and a surname!

As a ninth-tier powerhouse, Brandon clearly knows who the people in front of him are.

Tier 9 Berserker, Xiao Kai!

Tier 9 Ash Mage, Li Wen!

Tier 9 Rune Array Master, No Rujun!

Tier 9 Demon Swordsman, Wang Hua!

Under their obstruction, he himself couldn’t have time to break the ring that blocked the space.

There was a bitter smile on Brandon’s mouth.

I have to face the four ninth-tier powerhouses!

The horrible killing intent carried by those people pressed the guards of the Holy See to the ground, unable to move.

A faint blue magic shield rose up beside Brandon.At the same time, he tried to persuade the enemy in front of him with words.

“Xiao Kai, you are crazy! You actually sent four ninth-tier powerhouses to invade our Eagle Nation! Hurry up, we…


No one talked to him at all, the berserker Xiao Kai and the magic swordsman Wang Hua attacked with lightning speed and bombarded Brandon’s magic shield.

The powerful impact directly pushed Brandon to the silver ring of “space solidification”.

Even with the cushion of the magic shield, a mouthful of blood spurted out of Brandon’s mouth.

He bit his teeth with blood remaining and chanted a spell quickly.

He must fight back!

Colorful rays of light gleamed on his body. Form a twisted magical cyclone.

If you look carefully, although those cyclones are not large in size, the colored air currents in them are all tiny dragons in the shape.

It has wings on its back and is spread over dragon scales. ??

Ash Mage’s ninth-order magic, the dragon demon is floating!

Perceiving the danger, the berserker Xiao Kai and the magic swordsman Wang Hua retreated instead.

Red blood emerged from Xiao Kai’s body. Not only did the blood not scatter, but instead it solidified into a monster blood-red leather armor, which was attached to the outside of his armor.

The red arrogance enveloped Xiao Kai’s body, and the big sword in his hand swung more fiercely.

The blood-red sword aura bombarded Brandon’s magic shield, causing ripples.

The scattered Sword Qi Division once went to the guardian god of the Holy See who could not move nearby, and directly blasted a huge blood hole.

The guard of the Holy See fell to the ground without eating without a sound.

Brandon bleeds from his mouth, but the colorful magical cyclone is ready, and the Dragon Demon Wandering is about to be released.

A black sword light flashed by, as if cutting through the day, cutting the magical cyclone surrounding Brandon’s body in half!

The magic swordsman Wang Hua also tried his best to shoot!

Brandon’s magic shield shattered directly, and the blue magic fragments flew towards the surroundings.

Brandon looked pale, but smiled.

Although the magic shield was broken, his magic was ready to succeed!

The dragon demon floats, release!


The colorful magical cyclone exploded.

Those tiny magic dragons instantly grew bigger and turned into hideous magic dragons, opening their mouths to spit out the dragon’s breath, burning everything around them!

Flat stone roads, gorgeous horse-drawn carriages, humble guards of the Holy See, and even silver rings that lock the space.

Everything around is within the burning range of this dragon’s breath.

The temperature rose sharply, the air scorched and twisted, and the ground softened into mud.

Brandon could clearly feel that everything around him was burned out.

Even the sacred and majestic Kavlim Church!

And the entire top of Mount Ols where it sits!

But this terrifying magic did not hit the enemy!

Neither Xiao Kai nor Wang Hua knew how to escape the attack of magic!

Bishop Brandon’s face changed drastically.

But the “space solidification” has been destroyed, and he can use teleport or chaotic teleportation.

Before he could move, a bright lightning fell from the sky, across the hot air wave, separated the burning flame, and struck Brandon’s body!

Ash Mage’s ninth-order magic, the god of thunder punishment!

The power of the thunder was so powerful that it directly smashed the peak that had been exploded by the dragon and demon once again.

The blue magical shield that Brandon called out again was directly scattered, and countless electric arcs flashed on the magic robe he was wearing, and the entire robe began to melt.


A miserable howl sounded from Brandon’s mouth.

His magic power dissipated directly, he kept wailing, and died under the bombardment of thunder.

In the distant air, Mo Rujun, a Tier 9 Rune Array Master, stepped on a purple magic array, floating in the void.

Both of his hands stretched out a huge palm composed of magic power, dragging the berserker Xiao Kai and the magic swordsman Wang Hua.

It was he who took the shot just now, dragging the two out of the “Dragon and Devil Floating” attack range.

Beside them, the ninth-order Ash Mage Li Wen, who was covered in lightning, looked serious, watching the dilapidated Mount Oers.

After a long time, his expression relaxed.

“The target has been killed.

The four of them all breathed a sigh of relief.

A burst of red light flashed, and the previously dissipated portal reappeared in front of the four.

They walked directly into the portal, leaving only a mess of Mount Olls.

When everyone left, the portal spread out, and the red magic elements formed four characters in the air.

“Peer revenge!

A powerful ninth-order Ash Mage, and also a respectable red-clothed archbishop, died so easily.

Died under the attack and killing of four other 9th-order powerhouses.

This is not a fair battle.

This is a serious revenge!

The southern border of Eagle Country, in the downtown of Berkeley.

A serious congressman was giving an impassioned speech at the top of a building.

Franklin, a ninth-order elf knight, is also a German congressman.

She is beautiful, tall and plump, wearing a white professional suit, giving people the feeling of a strong woman.

At this time, she was preaching her election speech with a serious look.

In the surrounding buildings, many windows have been opened, and there are many people listening to the lecture.

On the streets below, many people from the Eagle Country were listening, cheering from time to time.

I don’t know if they were cheering for the content of Franklin’s speech or applauding for her appearance.

“If I am elected in the future, I will become a reliable shik and will do my best to solve your problems.”

First of all, “it is the medical problem. We need medical personnel. Only enough medical personnel can provide better medical services for our people.”

“If I am elected, then the municipal finance will allocate funds to improve the treatment of all medical workers in the city!

Franklin raised his hands, and when he talked about the emotion, his whole body was excited.

She danced and gave a generous speech on the stage.

The people around also cheered with her speech.

At this moment, the keen sensitivity of being a ninth-level powerhouse made Franklin raise his head 0…

At the same time, a strong warning sign rose from the bottom of her heart.

Before she could move, the ground trembled.

Except for the tall building where she is located, whether it is on the street full of people, or those buildings with open windows and many audiences, all have been translated a few hundred meters away.

Rune formation master ninth-level skills, move mountains and fill the sea!

Franklin looked surprised.

A powerful momentum rose from her body!

As the emerald green light flashed, a beautiful figure appeared.

Elf knight summoned beast, unicorn!

Franklin rolled over and sat on the unicorn and quickly lifted into the air!

Before she could take any other actions, a black and purple mask appeared, trapping her in it.

Shadow Knight’s ninth-order skill, shadow imprisonment!

At the same time, there was a meteorite with flames dragging a long tail flame in the sky. Smashed at her!

Elemental Demolitionist’s ninth-level skill, meteorite descends from the sky!

Franklin looked desperate.

Dark green magic power poured out of her, and countless magic swords madly impacted the dark and purple shadow imprisonment, but it was of no avail!She has no way to break through the imprisonment before the meteorite bombardment!


“Oh my God!”

“Oh, God!”

The people who were moved away showed horror and screamed!

Even if they were moved away, but at such a close distance, the explosion and shock waves caused by the meteorite bombardment were enough to shred them!

In the desperate eyes of everyone, a white light appeared, covering all civilians in it!

The thin light wall emits a white light, although it is thin, it is extremely strong!

Guardian Tier 9 skills, Holy Shield protection!


The violently burning meteorite dragged a long tail flame and bombarded Franklin’s body with extremely high temperature.

Her body was torn apart and her eyes were wide open.

The green magic power dissipated directly, and the fierce flame swallowed her body.

The entire building was blasted into a pile of debris, leaving a huge crater.

And the civilians are unscathed!

In the high air, a huge blue portal opened.

In front of the portal, Tier 9 Elemental Demolitionist Ding Wenmo stretched out his hand to support Murong Xue who was deligent.

Around them, there were two other Dragon Nineth-order powerhouses, the ninth-order shadow knight Wu Jun, and the ninth-order rune formation master.

Ding Wenmo looked at Murong Xue with some worry, and asked, “Axue, are you okay?

Using the Holy Shield to protect against the shock wave of the meteorite he summoned, he didn’t know how Murong Xue was in his current state.

“I’m fine, after all, I didn’t pick you up with a meteorite head-on, so don’t worry.

Murong Xue shook her head weakly.

The ninth-order shadow knight Wu Jun next to him frowned.

I don’t know why we are not allowed to hurt civilians. I see, anyway, fighting will break out sooner or later. If we don’t get it right, we will finally fight 2.1. What’s the scruples.”

He was very dissatisfied and frowned.

Upon hearing this, Murong Xue explained: “It is impossible for all the people to fight. After all, among the world’s major countries, besides us and Yingyi, there is also a bear country by the side.

“After all, our Dragon Kingdom is different from Ying Guo. We will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

“In addition, Xiong Guo, as our firm ally, will definitely not stay out of the matter.”

“We kill the strong in the Eagle Nation, and only when the innocent is not harmed, can the Neng Nation intervene.”

“The Eagle Nation cannot face us and the Bear Nation at the same time, so a full-scale war will certainly not break out.

“Under such circumstances, we must make all preparations so as not to leave a trace of flaws.

“We must let the Dragon Kingdom stand on the moral high ground. After all, if you do not occupy the high ground of the fishing vessel, your enemy will occupy it.”

Hearing her explanation, Wu Jun smiled apologetically.

“You still know a lot, I still obey the high-level orders, and I’m done.”

Ding Wenmo stopped sensing the surrounding situation and said: “The target’s sensing disappeared, it should have been successfully killed, let’s go back.”

Everyone nodded and got into the huge blue portal in front of them.

The blue portal broke in.

On the ground, people were screaming and calling for help.

The flame caused by the meteorite is guided by the strange magic power to form four characters.

“Peer revenge.

Such battles are happening in various places in Eagle Country.

In the same day, the ninth-tier powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom launched a surprise attack on the ninth-tier powerhouses of the Eagle Kingdom!

A total of more than a dozen teams of Tier 9 powerhouses were sent to Eagle Nation, and finally seven Tier 9 powerhouses of Eagle Nation were killed!

The world situation has become more tense!

Countries such as the bear country, the cow country, and the Gaul country that have been watching the show have also started to take action!

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