Chapter 151 Trapped on the roof? Flying dragon zombies!

At the top of a very tall building, Lin Feng wore a pitch-black endless suit, quietly looking into the distance.

Behind him, there are many plant soldiers guarding him seriously.

Three plant heroes guarded him and looked around warily.

Lin Feng’s current location is a neighboring city of Raccoon City.

After he came out of the teleportation space, he was sent to the top of this building.


The sharp alarm has been reverberating in the building.

Countless zombies were attracted over and surrounded the building.

Lin Feng looked down.

Almost endless zombies surrounded the entire building.

This building seems to have been an important institution in the city, and its protection is also in place.

The zombies were stopped outside the wall, and there was no way to rush in.

The sirens in the building have been attracting zombies.

With the powerful vision of the plant heroes, they can see everything nearby clearly.

Under Lin Feng’s order, they have already checked the surrounding situation.

Lin Feng has sent plant soldiers to search the entire building, and there are no living people here.

There are no special zombies in the tide of corpses besieging the building, they are all ordinary zombies.

“Master, based on our observations, there seems to be no special zombies in the tide of corpses below.”

Beside him, the voice of Colonel Maize came.

Lin Feng replied indifferently, and continued to check his surroundings.

The entire city has been paralyzed.

There are blazing flames everywhere.

The strong black smoke was lifted up by the wind and rushed into the sky.

Because of the existence of these black tornadoes, the whole city looks gloomy.

It’s really an abandoned city.

Its function has been paralyzed, and countless zombies are wandering here.

Especially the building where I was, was surrounded by countless zombies.

Lin Feng continued to look far away.

Standing on the top of the building and looking northeast, you can see a mess of ruins.

It was a city that was almost razed to the ground, leaving only the remains of a broken city.

Most of the buildings were destroyed and looked very dilapidated.

There is Raccoon City.

【Raccoon City: A modern industrial city that has fallen into ruins. A city surrounded by mountains on three sides with restricted development conditions. One of the birthplaces of the zombie virus. ”

[Note: There are a large number of zombies in this area, be careful!”

[Note: This place has been hit by nuclear eggs, and the air is filled with radiation and various viruses. Please be sure not to take off the endless armor and attack armor!]

When he was preparing the space before, Lin Feng looked at the comment displayed on the light curtain once again appeared in front of him.

According to the prompt of the comment system, it was a city bombarded by nuclear eggs.

That being the case, it is reasonable for the city to become such a ruin.

And my destination is also there. ?

“Master, what shall we do next?”

Seeing that he hadn’t taken any action, Xiang Meng Archer couldn’t bear it, and asked about his next actions.

“We’re going to kill Raccoon City next. But there are too many zombies here, I want to find a way to kill them

Hearing the words of Xiang Meng shooter, Lin Feng faintly replied.

He is also a little anxious.

He did not appear in Raccoon City, but appeared in the immediate market of Raccoon City.

This means that his first goal is to reach Raccoon City first.

But there are many zombies in this place.

But here is another city!

There is too little soil, it is difficult to have a place to grow plants.

Unless you use the tree boundary to destroy the city’s pavement as before, so that the dirt below is exposed.

Lin Feng frowned, thinking about countermeasures.



Sunny Sunny~

There was a strange sound from high above.

It seems that some strange bird is calling, and it sounds like a bearing that keeps spinning.

Lin Feng frowned and followed the prestige.

In the high altitude, a huge special zombie flew over.

The zombie had a square head with sharp fangs and a strange hoarse cry.

The body has uneven skin, exuding black light.

There are four bat-like wings growing behind them, flapping quickly in the air.

Flying zombies!

Lin Feng was surprised.

This is a new zombie that has never been seen before.

He stared at each other scorchingly.

Soon, the annotation system gave a hint.

【Flying Dragon Zombie: A mutated special monster that has not been completely infected after being attacked by the zombie virus. Now it has been symbiotic with the zombie virus, a strange monster. ”

(Note: The vitality is very strong. Even if the zombie virus in the body is eliminated, the flying dragon zombie body can still survive.”

It turns out that this is the flying dragon zombie!

Lin Feng was still very surprised when he saw the introduction of flying dragon zombies in the comment space.

A monster formed by symbiosis with the zombie virus!

It is not controlled by the zombie virus, but symbiosis with it!

What a terrifying life force is this?

This also reminds Lin Feng of the terrifying monster in the capital of death.

“God Devourer.”

Although the monster was already a zombie, his appearance was different from the dilapidated appearance of ordinary zombies.

Like this flying dragon zombie, it retains a complete biological appearance, and is not covered with stumps and turbid pus all over the body.

The god devourer seemed to have reason.

Just as Lin Feng was carefully observing the flying dragon zombies, the other party also noticed him.

The flying dragon zombies were obviously excited because they found their prey.

It turned its direction, rushed towards the building at a very fast speed, and rushed towards Lin Feng.

Plant heroes such as Colonel Corn waited, and the corn machine guns, magic wands and other weapons in their hands had been aimed at the flying dragon zombies.

Looking at the figure hovering in the air, Lin Feng’s heart moved.

Aren’t you worrying about how to get to the raccoon market?

Isn’t there a mount to be delivered now?

“Stop! Don’t kill it! Try to control it!”

Hearing his order, the plant heroes said that they withdrew their hands in different places.

“I want to catch it with the enchanting mushroom!”

Lin Feng raised his hand and collected half of the frozen watermelon soldiers who had packed the roof.

He raised his hand again with a wave, and many soldiers with the iron-skinned high nut wall built a solid line of defense.

Nearly a hundred flowery soldiers and more than a dozen enchanting mushroom soldiers appeared on the top of the building.

The plant heroes who heard his command also instantly understood his thoughts.

They were also waiting for the flying dragon zombies to attack.

Everything is ready, the flying dragon zombies are less than a hundred meters from the top of the building.

“Mage Rose! You will teleport the enchanting mushroom soldiers to the dragon zombies!”

“Understood! Lord!

“Colon Corn! Lead the Corps to entangle the flying dragon zombies!”



With the flying speed of the flying dragon zombie, the distance of 100 meters blinked and reached.

Lin Feng looked at the huge flying dragon zombie with its mouth wide open, and rushed towards him at an extremely fast speed.

Its four huge wings flapped quickly, and its two sturdy claws splayed vigorously, seeming to want to hold it down directly.

Lin Feng smiled slightly, spurring the endless armed wings.

The faint green crystal wings exudes a faint light and shook slightly, and he was dragged by the endless suit and moved upwards for more than ten meters.

The flying dragon zombie obviously didn’t expect Lin Feng to fly!

The situation was urgent. It could no longer control its strength and rushed towards the top of the building.

The big-mouthed soldiers rushed in desperately, opening their big mouths and biting at the claws and wings of the flying dragon zombie.



The power of the flying dragon zombies is very powerful, and many plant soldiers have no resistance and are directly photographed into a pile of mud.

But they also successfully reduced the flying speed of flying dragon zombies.

Rose mage raised his wand and pointed it to the side.

A portal appeared directly beside the enchanting mushroom soldier.

A red light flashed, and the charm mushroom was teleported to the back of the flying dragon zombie.

The enchanting mushroom soldier had just teleported out and immediately activated the skill.

As soon as it flashed, it turned into a row of pink mist that filled the air and exploded.

The flying dragon zombie was directly shrouded in this pink mist, sucking all the mist into his body.

Lin Feng watched the flying dragon zombies vigilantly, watching the changes.

Soon, the speed of the zombie slowed down, gradually stopped flying, and landed on the roof.

Lin Feng saw this and directly controlled the endless suit and landed on its back.

The flying dragon zombies did not resist.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng’s mouth raised slightly.

It succeeded.

As long as you catch this flying dragon zombie, you can go to Raccoon City.

With a big wave of his hand, all the plant soldiers were taken into the pasture space by him.

Holding the War Garden Pendant tightly, the three plant heroes also disappeared.

Lin Feng lightly ordered: “Go, fly to the northeast.”

But to his surprise, after hearing his order, the flying dragon zombies did not act.

Isn’t the charm mushroom not working?

Or does this flying dragon zombie resist the charm to a certain extent?

(Good money)

Before Lin Feng could think more, the flying dragon zombie turned his head and stared straight at him.

He found that he could see the zombie’s expression clearly.

This flying dragon zombie is very puzzled.

Is it confused about its own behavior?

Isn’t the charm mushroom not successful?

Lin Feng frowned.

He stared at the flying dragon zombies, hoping that the annotation system could give himself a hint.

The annotation system did not disappoint him.

A few lines of small white print appeared in his sight.

[Charmed flying dragon zombie: Be charmed by the charm mushroom and obey the host. ”

[Note: As a zombie, the intelligence of the flying dragon zombie is not high, it does not know “where is the northeast.]

(Note: The host, please direct the enchanted flying dragon zombies with gestures!)

Seeing these two comments, Lin Feng’s mouth twitched slightly.

Actually because of this?

He stretched out his right hand and pointed his finger at Raccoon City among the puzzled gazes of the flying dragon zombies.

“Go, fly over there.


After a short reply with a hoarse voice, the four wings of the flying dragon zombie flew forcefully.

Lin Feng sat on its back and flew towards the raccoon city!

This is the birthplace of the zombie virus and the destination of my trip!

When you get there, you can complete the trial by yourself, advanced Tier 3 trialer!

The trial has officially begun!

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