Chapter 152 Quiet Raccoon City? Living!


In the high altitude of the black smoky city, hoarse roars spread from south to north in the air.

Accompanied by a dumb roar, a strong and vigorous figure flew extremely fast in the air.

There were four wings on the back of the figure, and each wing looked like a bat wing magnified many times.

The four wings are stretched, with a wingspan of more than 10 meters.

Those strong legs, open pointed claws.

There is also a skin that looks rough but has amazing defenses.

These characteristics are demonstrating the terrifying power of this huge figure.

On its back, there was a dark figure sitting cross-legged.

This huge flying monster is a flying dragon zombie, and the black figure on its back is Lin Feng.

Wearing a dark endless suit, he calmly rides on the back of the flying dragon zombie and flies towards the raccoon city.

Below, a wave of countless zombies is rushing towards the city.

The black smoke was lifted by the strong wind and rushed into the air, filling the sky above the city.

Even if he was sitting on the back of the flying dragon zombie and flying to an altitude of hundreds of meters, his field of vision was still restricted.

In such a restricted environment, Lin Feng is still carefully observing the environment below.

He dare not care.

According to the prompts of the comment system, Raccoon City is one of the birthplaces of zombie viruses.

In such a place, I don’t know what kind of terrifying special zombies are waiting for me.

Must go all out.

The speed of the flying dragon zombies is very fast.

Lin Feng has been able to see the abandoned highway toll station in Raccoon City.

Lin Feng took out his mechanical watch to check the time.

Counting from when he took off on the roof of the building, in just half an hour, flying dragon zombies brought themselves to the edge of this raccoon city.

“Go down, just fall there.”

Lin Feng pointed towards the suburb of Raccoon City below.

The flying dragon zombie turned his head and glanced at him, then turned his head to continue flying.

It began to slow down its flight speed, and the entire dragon body tilted towards the ground.

Lin Feng slightly activated the flying ability of the endless suit, stood steadily on the back of the flying dragon zombies, and fell towards the ground together.



320 With the sound of an air explosion, the flying dragon zombies landed steadily on the soil in the suburbs.



Nearby, many zombies wandering aimlessly noticed Lin Feng’s arrival.

More than a dozen zombies hobbled towards Lin Feng.

Looking at the zombies rushing towards him, Lin Feng was a little curious.

They are too slow!

That speed is not even comparable to the speed of human running.

Looking at them, Lin Feng thought of the slow-moving zombies he had seen before in the game.



The impact of those zombies seemed to offend the majesty of flying dragon zombies.

It raised its ugly head and snarled hoarsely at the zombies that came on the impact, as if it was trying to scare away those zombies.

But its intimidation did not work.

The group of zombies were slow and staggered, but they still rushed towards Lin Feng unswervingly.


There is no need for Lin Feng to do it himself, the uncontrollable flying dragon zombies have rushed out, smashing those zombies into a pile of mud.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng suddenly felt that raising a few flying dragon zombies was a good choice.

But my main reliance is still plants.

With a big wave of his hand, the plant soldiers teleported out of the grazing space.

Soldiers guarding the front of the iron nut tower.

Frozen watermelon soldiers lined up in the rear.

At the end is the flame tree stump and the machine gun pea soldier matched together.

This is the plant formation that Lin Feng is now accustomed to.

Lin Feng raised his hand again and pinched the war garden pendant on his chest.

A red light flashed, and three plant heroes appeared.

“Captain Corn led a team of soldiers to look around.”

“Xiangmeng Archer is responsible for alerting, and Mage Rose is ready for the portal to deal with emergencies.”

“Yes! Lord!”

After a brief command, the plant heroes began to take action.

Lin Feng returned to his old profession and started to make a living in this suburb.

If you follow the usual planting sequence, plant twin sunflowers and sunshine mushrooms first, and then plant watermelon pitchers and ahcb nut walls.

Then there is the combination of frozen watermelon, machine gun peas and flame stump.

Finally, the corn cannon.

But this time the order of formation of positions is different from before.

Through the last trial at Dawn Icefield, Lin Feng has fully realized the power of auxiliary plants.

There is a good cooperation between plants.

Auxiliary plants like enchanting mushrooms also have miraculous effects against powerful special zombies.

For example, the flying dragon zombies waiting nearby.

Lin Feng glanced at the flying dragon zombies and continued farming.

Charm station, shrink violet, bamboo shoots

Various auxiliary plants are intermingled in the defensive positions.

The plants planted against the iron-skinned and high-nut walls have also been replaced with various melee plants that were only unblocked before.

Cai asked!

Match Flower Fighter!

Master Cane!

These plants have a strong melee ability, and with the iron-skinned high-nut wall, they can gain stronger defensive capabilities.

A line of defense with various plant inclusions was thus established.

“Master! There are only a few zombies cruising scattered around, and there is no tide of corpses.”

“No corpse tide?”

Colonel Corn, who had gone to investigate the surrounding situation, came to Lin Feng and reported to him the situation of the exploration.

Hearing his report, Lin Feng was very surprised.

He stopped the movement in his hand and began to think.

Why is there no tide of corpses around?

This is one of the birthplaces of the zombie virus.

In his original idea, there should be zombies all over here, and there are countless special mutant zombies.

Maybe I have to spend a lot of time to grow plants here and get a firm foothold.

Everything turned out to be different from what I had imagined.

After planting plants here for so long, there is still no tide of corpses coming to attack the position.

After thinking for a while, no useful information was obtained.

Lin Feng can only let go of this doubt for a while.

“You and Xiangmeng Archer will go on patrol together. I will expand my position first.”


After Colonel Corn went on patrol, Lin Feng continued to plant plants.

It is better if there is no interference from zombies, and the faster you can build a position.

Moreover, the raccoon city is one of the birthplaces of the zombie virus after all, and there must be many special zombies in it.

The calmer the suburbs, the more types and numbers of zombies in the city center.

Don’t take it lightly.

“Ding! Be careful, not arrogant or impetuous, intelligence +10, will +10.”

The prompt of the comment system sounded.

Lin Feng just paused for a while and continued to plant.

He has become accustomed to the rewards of the system.

With only 10 attributes, he couldn’t make him feel anymore.

He was busy with himself.

When the corn cannon appeared in front of Lin Feng amidst bursts of white light, he knew that it was time to advance!

Just like before in the capital of death, Lin Feng intends to expand all the way in.

The difference from last time is that the original death capital was lined with tall buildings, and there were buildings everywhere blocking the pace of expansion.

And in this raccoon city, there are ruins everywhere, and there are almost no high-rise buildings.

Lin Feng can open the ground with a small amount of effort to expose the soil.

“Ready, let’s expand.”

“You come to me.”

Summoning the plant hero to his side, Lin Feng began to control the corn cannon to fire.


“call out!


Accompanied by scattered screams and explosions, corn shells were launched.

Because the number of zombies was small and there were no tall buildings, Lin Feng did not let all the corn cannons fire at once.

That would cause too much damage, and the raised dust and fog would be too big, which is not conducive to their own planting expansion.


Seeing the dust gradually rising, Lin Feng planted a clover to blow away all the dust.

As the gravel was flying over, the asphalt road was destroyed, and the underground soil was exposed.

Lin Feng started planting plants on the soil.

Without the interference of zombies, he advanced very fast.

It didn’t take long before he arrived in Raccoon City and started heading towards the city center.




When he advanced into the urban area of ​​Raccoon City amidst the roar of artillery fire, bursts of howls mixed with multiple sounds came over.

Lin Feng lifted his spirits!

Is the tide of corpses coming?

It seems that I am heading in the right direction!

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the city ahead.

Boom boom boom.

The ground vibrated slightly.


With a crisp sound, the glass of the distant building shattered.

Countless zombies rushed out of the building.

The plants are about to launch their own plant ammunition.

The battle is on the verge.


“Who can save me~

At this moment, a cry for help came.

Lin Feng’s heart is shocked!

what’s the situation?


Calling for help?

Is there anyone in this trial space?

Is it another professional who entered the same way as last time?

Lin Feng’s nerves tensed.

He looked at the tide of corpses ahead, at the place where the screams came from.

In the raging tide of corpses, a girl riding a motorcycle rushed out!

The girl was nervous and frightened. She was wearing torn clothes and her face was covered with dust and blood.

She saw Lin Feng standing among the plants, wearing a weird black armor, and she seemed to be taken aback.

But soon, the girl rushed towards her.

“help me!”

“help me!”

She called for help in horror and rushed towards Lin Feng.

Behind her, there were countless zombies.

Seeing that Lin Feng did not move, the Rose Mage turned to him and suggested: “Master, I will directly teleport her in. Let the plants fire!”

Lin Feng, who had been standing still, shook his head.

“No, it’s a zombie, that girl is just a corpse controlled by a parasite zombie.”

In front of Lin Feng’s eyes, there are lines of comments floating.

【Machini: The special parasite “Machini” becomes a parasite zombie after being infected with the zombie virus. ”

[Note: They can control humans, and those controlled by their parasites will maintain human intelligence, use tools, communicate with people, and be careful!”

Lin Feng waved his hand indifferently.


Bang bang bang!

Countless plants launched an attack.

The expression of the girl on the motorcycle changed drastically!

“Ah! What are you doing

Before she finished speaking, she was smashed to her body by the oncoming blue frozen watermelon.

Her body had long been decayed, filled with yellowish pus, and there were almost no formed organs.

Seeing the muddy pus splashing all over the ground, the Rose Mage exclaimed.

All the plant heroes looked at Lin Feng.

“Master! Your eyesight is too strong!”

“Master! How do you see the difference between this zombie?”

Facing the surprise and admiration of the plant heroes, Lin Feng just waved his hand indifferently.

“Concentrate and continue fighting!”

“There are so many weird zombies in Raccoon City!”

Upon hearing this, the plant heroes looked solemn.

They quickly led the plant soldiers to fight.

Under the violent firepower of the plants, the plant defensive position has advanced at an extremely fast speed!

In this raccoon city, a fierce battle between plants and zombies has begun!

What is different from the past is that this battle is not about the zombies invading the plant position!

Instead, plants are invading the space where zombies live!

The continuous roars echoed throughout the raccoon city!

Lin Feng led the plants to attack the zombies in this raccoon city.

In the outside world, the ninth-tier powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom also launched an attack against the ninth-tier powerhouses of the Eagle Kingdom!

Because Ying Guo used taboo tactics against Lin Feng, it caused a strong counterattack from Long Guo!

This is an even fiercer battle!

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