Chapter 150 Bullying the small with the big? Do the big if you want to do it!

The entire large conference hall of the Peking Military Camp was silent.

Whether it is the senior military leaders of the Long Kingdom sitting in the chair.

It was also the many old Tier 9 spellcasters who were sitting in the front seats and seemed very calm.

Or the ninth-tier powerhouse of Longguo sitting in the rear.

They were silent and lost in thought.

The relationship between Dragon Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom is very tense.

The Eagle Nation actually dared to take taboo measures against a world power such as the Dragon Nation, which shows that they have been desperate.

Such things are absolutely impossible for Longguo to endure.

Therefore, the Dragon Kingdom will definitely fight back.

This is something that everyone knows very well.

But how to retaliate?

What should we do?

Murongxue, Ding Wenmo and others looked at each other.

Their hearts are full of doubts.

“Axue, do we have to resort to taboo means to retaliate equally.”

Ding Wenmo raised his eyebrows, patted his friend’s shoulder lightly, pointed at the elderly spellcasters sitting in the front row, and asked suspiciously.

In her opinion, these ninth-tier spellcasters have already been called, and the Dragon Kingdom is likely to decide to use taboo methods.

“Actually, I don’t know too well. We are probably in a dilemma now.

Hearing a friend’s inquiry, Murongxue did not give an affirmative answer. .

“What does this mean? The dilemma? Where is the difficulty? Can’t we retaliate back?”

As an elemental blaster, Ding Wenmo is more adept at fighting and doesn’t know much about situation analysis.

“I will give you a brief analysis.

“If our Dragon Nation also uses taboo methods against Eagle Nation, and the two big countries no longer care about the opinions of outsiders, it will be a disaster for the young people of both countries.”

“Either the outstanding young people of the two countries were killed by the intruder during the trial.”

“Another possibility is that neither of our two countries are young for the strong to try. Then they will not get the experience and cannot advance. Our two countries still have no future.

“If it is done in this way, it is very likely that it will lead to a lose-lose result.”

Regardless of whether “it is us or Eagle Country, we will all lose our future.”

“Furthermore, and I don’t want our Dragon Kingdom to take such measures

At this point, Murong Xue was silent.

Although she didn’t say anything, as her regular teammate and friend, Ding Wenmo knew what she wanted to say.

She also looked at the casters who were sitting in the front row and dressed differently.

She knows everyone in it.

That is their predecessor.

It is a ninth-tier powerhouse.

Is the caster.

Still the hero of the Dragon Kingdom!

They used to want to be the same as they are now, active in the trial space and on the battlefield, fighting for the Dragon Kingdom! Fighting for the people!

The friendship between Murong Xue and these old powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom is already very deep.

And Ding Wenmo, who is an elemental blaster in 07, has a deeper affection for those strong in front.

It’s not just friendship.

There is still a strong friendship between them.

Ding Wenmo looked over one by one.

Sitting first in the front row, the person wearing a red woolen hat is Granny Ding, a ninth-order Ash Mage. She has taught herself several variants of flame blasting.

She was injured in her early years, and now she is very afraid of the cold.

Even if the summer is not over, she still wears a woolen hat.

The second place is Grandpa Qian. He has jet-black hair, but he is more than 200 years old.

His great, great, great-granddaughter is the same age as himself.

She was also a trial teammate who teamed up with herself and Murong Xue, and then she died in a trial.

Grandpa Qian also taught himself how to feel the “heart of annihilation” and taught himself to call the “elemental will”.

The third place is,

Looking at it, Ding Wenmo felt a sore nose.

If taboos are taken, then these people…

With Ding Wenmo’s understanding of these people, they would certainly not care about sacrificing their lives.


Taking a deep breath, Ding Wenmo looked at Murong Xue. .

“Axue, what should we do if we don’t take taboo measures? Can we only give up revenge against the country?”

Murongxue shook her head again.

We “must fight back against Eagle Nation, otherwise it will be even worse.If “Long Nation does not reciprocate revenge, Eagle Nation is afraid that it will attack our young people even more vigorously. After all, they don’t have to bear the consequences.”

“Moreover, this will also cause a series of other serious consequences, which are even more unacceptable results for the Dragon Kingdom.”

“In my opinion, we are now in a dilemma.

Hearing the analysis of his friends, Ding Wenmo also felt dilemma.

She pulled her hair gently, she didn’t know what Long Guo should do.

In the final analysis, the enemy that Dragon Kingdom is encountering now is an enemy with sufficient strength, shamelessness, and unscrupulous means.

Eagle country can be hysterical, but Dragon country can’t.

“Then is it possible for us to directly engage with Eagle Nation and break out a war?”

After thinking about it, she thought of this possibility.

Since the Dragon Kingdom must have revenge, and can’t use taboo methods, is it possible to directly come to a great power war?

Murong Xue was silent for a moment.

In her view, Long Guo was caught in a dilemma. It was necessary to do it without using taboo methods, so it had to find a solution elsewhere.

The Eagle Nation must be wounded, and they must not dare to use taboo methods.

The relationship between the two countries has reached such a deadlock, and the only means that can be used is to launch a war.

With the current strength of the Eagle Nation and the Dragon Nation, if a war breaks out between the two, it is very likely that the entire world will be involved.

This is something that must be taken seriously.

The two stopped discussing, waiting for the explanation of the old general He Wen.

After waiting for a while, General He Wen estimated that everyone had already digested the information he had said before.

He looked around the conference hall and said again: “In response to Eagle Country’s methods this time, we decided to fight back.”

Everyone felt tight.

Ding Wenmo said nothing.


Dragon Kingdom’s counterattack!

Peer-to-peer revenge!

It is very likely to use taboo methods too!

Everyone focused on the elderly spellcaster in the front row of the large conference hall.

The cost of using taboo methods is likely to be the lives of these people!

The lives of these heroes of the Dragon Kingdom!

No one made a sound.

There are mixed feelings in the hearts of all contemporary ninth-tier powerhouses.

Silent and sad emotions echoed in this large conference hall.

Only the words of Old General He Wen continued to ring in the conference hall.

“After our research, we formulated a counterattack plan!”

We “will not kill the young talents of Eagle Country.

“We want to directly kill the ninth-tier powerhouse of Eagle Nation!”

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the audience!

Even the rank nine experts who had been straining their nerves before, could not help but exclaim.

“What does Old General He mean?”

“Kill the ninth-tier strong in Eagle Country?”

“Instead of killing the young powerhouses in Eagle Country?”

“The ninth-tier powerhouse is not so easy to kill!”

The decision made by Longguo’s senior management was really unexpected.

Everyone thought that when Long Guo reciprocated revenge, Long Guo instead targeted those ninth-tier powerhouses?

Exclaiming bursts of exclamation popped out of the mouths of these strong men.

Seeing this reaction from everyone, General He Wen was very calm.

He knew exactly how shocking the news he was talking about.

In this large conference hall, except for those military representatives who have known the cause and effect for a long time, only the few old Tier 9 spellcasters sitting in the front can maintain a calm and composed look.

Many participants have already stood up in shock.

Didn’t use the taboo plan to kill the younger generation of Eagle Country?

It is to directly kill Ying Guo’s contemporary top powerhouse!

What does it mean?

As strong as Ding Wenmo and calm as Murongxue, he also squeezed his palms, pressed his lips tightly, and waited for the explanation of the old general He Wen.

Although Murong Xue guessed that a war between the two countries would break out, she did not expect that the target of the Dragon Kingdom would directly be the opponent’s Tier 9 powerhouse!

Not a confrontation between soldiers!

It’s not an armed conflict!

It’s not about using the army to fight!

It’s an attack against the ninth-tier powerhouse of Eagle Country?

She waited for the explanation from the old general He Wen.

“The Eagle Country uses taboo means to send trialists into the trial space in order to compete for future victories.

“Why are they doing this?”

“Two reasons. One, they are very strong now. Two, they have insufficient potential in the future.”

“We are different from Eagle Country. Our current strength is very strong, and our future potential is also very high.”

Having said that, the old general He Wen smiled confidently, and the atmosphere of the killing just eased somewhat.

“The Eagle Nation is strong now and weak in the future. They want to kill our future and win for them.”

“Why should we fall into their pace, why should we reciprocate revenge?”

We “should analyze our own situation.

“My Dragon Kingdom is strong now and will be strong in the future,”

“In that case, do a big vote now!”

We “will fight back, but we will not kill young people. What is the big deal to bully the small?”

“This is a method used only by those unconvincing Eagle Nation waste firewood.

“Moreover, if such behavior is not controlled, it will be extremely harmful to the future of the entire world.

“Using such taboo means has never been the style of my Dragon Kingdom!”

“If you want to do it, just do it!

If you want to kill”, kill the ninth-tier strongman of Eagle Nation!

The tone of the old General He Wen is decisive!

“Based on the current comparison of the strengths of the two countries, the worst result is that we and the Dragon Kingdom are now both losers!

“But it doesn’t matter! Because we have a future! Our young generation is outstanding!”

On the other hand, “the younger generation of Eagle Country, although their strength is good, they are absolutely impossible to match us.”

“Once the Eagle Nation’s current strength weakens, they will not have enough ability to threaten our younger generation.”

“This battle, we will win!”

“It will be difficult for us now, but we will win the future!”

“On the contrary, it is reciprocal revenge, and taboo methods are used to target Eagle Nation. Young people on both sides cannot grow up. We can only end up with a loss for both sides.”

Everyone was silent.

After a simple analysis by the old general He Wen, they quickly understood the considerations of the senior management of Longguo.

From the perspective of the senior officials of Longguo, and Yingguo killed each other’s young people, causing both sides to dare not let young people participate in the trial. The final result is that both countries lose their future.

On the contrary, it is to do a big deal now. The Dragon Kingdom directly finds a way to kill the ninth-level strong of the Eagle Kingdom. This is the most correct choice today!

Just as the old general He Wen said, the Dragon Kingdom can definitely win the future!

Murongxue, Ding Wenmo and others looked at each other, and they all saw extremely shocking emotions in their eyes.

This decision was too unexpected.

In addition to the uncontrollable shock, Murong Xue also had worries in her heart.

Everyone knows one thing very clearly.

The ninth-tier powerhouse is very strong!

I want to kill the ninth-tier powerhouse of Eagle Nation, how to kill it?

After a brief discussion, everyone fell silent again.

They continued to focus on the old general He Wen.

After all, according to Longguo’s practice, since this decision has been made, it should come up with a supporting action plan.

Sure enough, General He Wen did not let everyone down.

Earlier, “When we were on the border of the East China Sea, we surrounded the ninth-tier powerhouses of Eagle Nation and killed several ninth-tier powerhouses.”

“This aspect weakens the current strength of Eagle Nation, but also gives us inspiration. We have enough strength to kill the top strong!”

In addition, “Shangyingguo used taboo methods, which gave us another hint.

We “can completely use the large teleportation technique on a large scale, and hit the Eagle Nation by surprise!

“The teleporter who breaks into the trial will be backlashed by the rules of the trial space. Even the caster will lose his life.

“But in the real world, there will be no punishment other than a large amount of mana consumption for using the big teleportation technique!”

“In normal times, the big teleportation technique cannot escape the multiple detection methods of the big countries.

“But it’s different now. We all decided to break through directly and kill the ninth-tier powerhouse of Eagle Nation. Then do we care about exposing our whereabouts?”

“Send the operatives into the territory of Eagle Nation, kill the ninth-tier strong, and then immediately return.

“This is the general process of this plan. The specific implementation plan will be given later.”

“Now if you have any questions, you can raise them and let us talk.”


No one spoke in the entire conference room.

What the old general He Wen said was too shocking.

Actually went directly to kill the ninth-tier powerhouse of Eagle Country?

A direct outbreak of the top confrontation?

This is a little bit inconsistent with Long Country’s acting style!

Murong Xue and Ding Wenmo looked at each other again.

“Axue, if that’s the case, do Grandpa Qian and the others don’t have to sacrifice themselves?”

“Yes! Although the big teleportation technique consumes mana, as long as you don’t teleport and interfere with the trial space, you won’t be backlashed by the trial space!”

Both of them were very excited and very happy.

A middle-aged swordsman with strange tattoos all over stood up.”General He, how do we know the location of those ninth-tier eagle nations? How can we determine their location?”

General He smiled proudly.

“Our satellite system is very strong, and our intelligence system is also very strong.”

“Through big data analysis, we can basically determine the scope of the target personnel’s activities.

Our “support professionals are also many. Through the predictions of the star scholars, holy prayer sacrifices and other occupations, the location of the target can be basically confirmed, and the error is no more than 100 meters.

Hearing General He’s answer, the middle-aged swordsman sat down with a smile.

Sure enough, Longguo’s high-level leaders have long been prepared and will not let the actions go wrong.

“General He, the ninth-tier powerhouses of the Eagle Nation should be under heavy protection, and in their Eagle Nation, it may be that our people are besieged. What should I do?”

Soon, someone raised another question.

“Ah, we are different from Yingguo. Although their power is very strong, there are too many people who control the power, which causes the power to be scattered.”

“With their organizational skills, it is difficult for the ninth-tier powerhouses across the country to cooperate to do one thing.

“But our Dragon Kingdom can.

“As long as the location of the target is determined, we can dispatch ninth-tier powerhouses that are several times more numerous.

“However, there are too many power groups in the corresponding country, and the power structure is too complicated. It is difficult for them to mobilize enough ninth-tier powerhouses to act together.

“The number of Tier 9 powerhouses they can convene in the first time is impossible than the number of Tier 9 powerhouses we convened.”


“This is the gap between the two countries’ organizational capabilities. At this point, they are bound to lose.”

“In terms of national organizational capacity, no country can compare with our country.

General He was calm and composed and confident.

This is also the consensus of everyone, and no one doubts it.

Everyone asked a lot of questions, and gradually fewer and fewer people asked.

At the end, almost no one asked any more questions.

At this time, Yue Leng, the 9th-order qigong master who had participated in the competition trial with Murongxue and the others, stood up for the crystallization of fate.

“General He, I have only one question. Since our advantage is so great. Then why didn’t we act earlier and kill the ninth-tier strong in Eagle Nation earlier?”

“What is the success rate of our operation this time?”

Yue Leng had a delicate face and a serious expression.

He has always been an extremely calm person.

When Murongxue and Ding Wenmo were in the preparation space of the Death City before, when they were planning to fight to the death, Yue Leng was the only one who sang the opposite.

It was Yue Leng who prevented them from taking risks and saved them from dying in the mouth of the devourer of the gods.

At that time, in his opinion, Murongxue, as a top powerhouse and guardian of a special profession, was undoubtedly important to the Dragon Kingdom. It was a crystallization of fate that was not worth the risk.

And now, when everyone no longer has any doubts about the actions of counterattacking the strong of the Eagle Nation, it is also Yue Leng who has stepped up and raised a more acute question.

Everyone knows his character and is not surprised.

Everyone moved their eyes to General He Lao.

Old General He Wen seemed to have thought of something and smiled.

“Because our advantage was not so great before.

“We used to have many outstanding young people, and there should be many outstanding young people.”

“We have Murong Mingyue in Long Country, with Hongfeng, and…

“Eagle Country also has many young and powerful people, and I can often hear their names.”

“Loke the Dark Raider, John Crowder the Priest, and many others.”

“However, haha, but they are all dead now, then my Dragon Kingdom will naturally have a big advantage.

Although “My Dragon Nation has always been strong, but the overall strength of the Eagle Nation has always been half a catastrophe.”

“But because of the little guy named Lin Feng, our younger generation suddenly became dominant, hahaha.

Having said that, the old general He Wen couldn’t restrain his smile.

The vast majority of people in this large conference hall gave a knowing smile.

“And this Lin Feng is too noisy. In just six months, I have heard his name many times.”

“Because of his influence, in Baisha City, the Eagle Kingdom died two ninth-tier powerhouses lurking in the Dragon Kingdom.

“In the East China Sea, they have died so many ninth-tier powerhouses.”

“Such tossing, our advantage has emerged.”

“I have to say, this Lin Feng is really the lucky star of my Long Country.”

Hearing his explanation, the atmosphere in the entire large conference room gradually eased.

Ding Wenmo, Xiao Kai, Yue Leng thought of Lin Feng’s deeds and they were very amazed.

Only Murong Xue had a headache.

This guy, in such a dangerous situation, tried again on his own.

Or continuous trial alone.

What a fate!

She frowned slightly, very worried.

And the protagonist discussed by these 9th-tier powerhouses participating in the conference, Lin Feng, is currently in the raccoon city, conducting his own promotion trial!

As long as you can successfully complete the trial, you can successfully advance to a Tier 3 trialer!

My own trial space will also change a lot and get a big improvement.

With such expectation, Lin Feng is very vigilantly exploring the raccoon market in front of him!

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