Chapter 149: A powerful elixir, the counterattack of the Dragon Kingdom!

Xin’anling is lush and lush.

The residence of the Murong family.

Murong Xue brought many medicinal materials from the trial space to the teleportation spire.

As a Tier 9 powerhouse, she has many means, and there are still many ways to bring so many elixir out of the trial space.

The Murong family members were shocked when she watched her bring out so many elixir.

So many kinds of elixir, almost filled the entire teleportation spire.

All the Murong family children in the teleportation spire can feel all kinds of strange powers from those elixir.

The priesthood can resonate with the fruits of the dawn of light.

The magician can perceive magical plants such as magic mushrooms and flame grass.

As for Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng and other medicinal materials, they all exude a strong breath of life, and all professionals can feel the extraordinary features of those elixir.

Under Murongxue’s organization, the Murong family sent many disciples to sort out the elixir.

Because the number and types of these elixir were too many, Murongxue had to mobilize a group of researchers from the Trial Space Research Institute to sort out the medicinal materials.

It also notified the military to send someone over to deliver the elixir.

The quality of those elixir is too high, and the quantity is too large, it is really impossible to deliver it without multi-party cooperation.

Fortunately, with Murongxue’s identity, strength and status as a “two-eight wife”, no one dared to play tricks in front of her.

Otherwise, with the quality of those spirit medicines, I’m afraid that many people can’t resist the temptation to steal some of the medicinal materials.

After the medicinal materials were sorted out, the military and the Trial Space Research Institute sent personnel to transport them back in batches.

Murong Xue also returned to Peiping with him.

However, she did not go back with the people who tried the Space Research Institute. Instead, she went to the Peking Military Camp.

Not only her, but also many strong people also came here.

Murongxue came to the large conference hall of the Peking Military Camp and saw many acquaintances here.

Her regular teammate, Tier 9 elemental blaster Ding Wenmo.

Prior to this, Tier 9 Qigong Master Yue Leng and Tier 9 Berserker Xiao Kai had teamed up together.

There are also other Dragon Nation comrades who surrounded the Eagle Nation powerhouse on the eastern border of the Dragon Nation.

Seeing these people are here, Murong Xue frowned.

She came to Ding Wenmo’s side.

“Wenmo, have you received any news? Is this a big move?”

“After I finished my trial, I came to Peking directly from home, before I had time to get the news.”

Ding Wenmo also replied with doubts: “Like you, I came directly to Beiping after the trial. I don’t know why there are so many strong people here.”

Murongxue looked around for a week, and everyone here was the ninth-tier strong.

Many people are prestigious.

Although his strength is not as good as himself, it is not far behind.

It can be said that the near-ordinary rank nine powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom have gathered here!

Murongxue’s heart shuddered.

Dragon Kingdom has a big move!

Not only her, but the other Dragon Kingdom powerhouses also felt something was wrong.

All the strong are discussing in a low voice.

At this moment, the door of the conference hall opened.

A group of high-ranking military generals walked in.

Following them is a group of people in various costumes.

Seeing the group of people walking in, Murong Xue and Ding Wenmo immediately stood up from their seats.

She and Ding Wenmo looked at each other, and both saw their doubts and shock in their eyes.

And the other powerful ninth-tier dragons, like them, stood up from their seats to show respect.

The group of people who followed the military generals into the conference hall had different expressions.

Those people dress differently, and they seem to be of different ages.

Some people have black hair and black motor oil all over their faces. They look like they just came from get off work in an auto repair shop.

Some people have gray hair, wear a straight professional attire, dignified posture, and concise action.

Some people wore floral cloth jackets, wrinkled and looked very old. In his hand he also holds the waistline covering the stains.

These people look weird, some seem to be still working, and some seem to have retired and are at home leisurely.

Murongxue and the ninth-tier powerhouses all know the group of people who are now entering the conference room.

They are very clear about the extraordinary things in front of these people.

Although these people have different looks and behaviors, they have a few common characteristics.

The true ages of these people are very large.

Even some people have thick black hair without wrinkles.

But they are all old people.

They have almost reached the end of their lives and are about to pass away.

Although their current positions are high or low, everyone is confident and calm.

The most important thing is that they have all made great contributions to the Dragon Kingdom.

These people are all Tier 9 powerhouses!

Powerful Tier 9 spellcaster!

Each one is powerful and has extraordinary momentum!

Many people, who are still Murongxue’s seniors, have taught her fighting skills!

When the old people walked into this large conference hall, everyone involuntarily stopped to communicate and remained solemn.

After everyone was seated, a strong old general first began to speak.

This veteran general Murongxue and they all know him, this is the veteran general of the Long Kingdom Army, He Wen.

He is also Fan Guang’s immediate boss. He was the one who scolded Fan Guang on the phone because Lin Feng went to the trial alone.

The people here are all my Dragon Kingdom elites, and everyone knows each other, so I don’t waste time accepting each other.

“This time we gather everyone together, there is only one thing.

“I have recently appeared in Longguo, an extremely good young man, Lin Feng, who is very capable and has a lot of noise.”

“Before, someone used taboo methods to send four Tier 6 powerhouses to break into Lin Feng’s trial, trying to kill Lin Feng.

“Fortunately, this little guy is very capable. Not only did he kill four Tier 6 powerhouses, he also completed the trial.

Nor “know how this little guy did such an incredible thing.”

Having said that, Old General He Wen shook his head in admiration.

Other people have the same expression.

Even those who have no intersection with Lin Feng have to pay attention to Lin Feng.

He created a miracle this time.

“After our investigation for this period of time, we can already confirm that the force that used taboo methods before is the Eagle Country.”

At this point, General He closed his eyes and his face was murderous.

Murongxue and other Tier 9 powerhouses raised their brows, and they were all shocked.

It’s really Ying Guo!

Those high-level Eagle Nation actually used taboo methods in order to kill a gardener?

They really don’t worry about information leakage?

Are they really not afraid of Dragon Kingdom’s revenge?

The most important thing is that they are really not afraid of Dragon Kingdom also starting to use taboo methods?

Although these ninth-tier powerhouses were also shocked, none of them spoke 0…

They are all top powerhouses who have seen strong winds and waves, and can control their emotions well.

The entire large conference hall was silent.

Only a faint murderous intent spread and reverberated in the air.

“Various departments have conducted detailed investigations and analyses on this, and we have a clearer understanding of the ins and outs of this matter.”

The voice of Old General He Wen sounded in the conference room again.

“Lin Feng had previously awakened the special monster gods of the fourteenth order in the trial space, the Devourer, and killed the ninth-order powerhouse such as John Carl of the Eagle Country. ”

“The families of those strong people are dissatisfied with the death of important members of their families, so they want to kill Lin Feng, so as to restore face.

“Under the alliance of Ying Guo, these families sent people to plan an attack against Lin Feng.

The previous “attack in Baisha City and the siege on the border of the East China Sea were all caused by this incident.

“When all the methods were ineffective, the Eagle adopted a taboo method.”

“After our analysis, there are two reasons why they are so bold.

“One is that the young people of our Dragon Kingdom are too strong. Geniuses like Lin Feng and Murong Mingyue have unlimited prospects.”

“Although there are many outstanding young people in the Eagle Country, they were killed too many when they attacked Lin Feng before.”

“Although I don’t know who it is, there are people in Yingguo’s senior level who have seen the huge advantage of our Dragon Kingdom in the next few decades. So they jumped the wall in a hurry.

Second, “In these years of competition, the high-level powerhouses of the Eagle Nation, especially the ninth-level powerhouse, have died too much.

“So the Eagles have decided to use taboo methods now.

“According to our analysis, these Eagles will not only use taboo tactics against Lin Feng, but I’m afraid that the outstanding young people of our Dragon are on their list of strikes.”

“Those young people are the future of my Dragon Kingdom! They are the pillars of the future of my Dragon Kingdom 2.1!”

“Using taboo methods to kill the young people of our Dragon Kingdom is destroying the future of our Dragon Kingdom!

“This is absolutely forbidden! This incident touched the inverse scales of my Dragon Kingdom!”

Speaking of this, the old general He Wen looked serious, and saw no more smile on his face.

As if to make people digest the information just said, General He Wen closed his mouth.

Everyone felt tight.

The impact of Eagle Country’s actions is very bad.

It was also obvious that Long Guo was furious.

Everyone is thinking.

Murong Xue looked at the old Tier 9 powerhouses sitting in the front row, suddenly startled in her heart.

Did the senior management of Longguo decide to implement reciprocal retaliation?

The Dragon Kingdom should also use taboo methods to attack the young people of the Eagle Kingdom?

Are those old Tier 9 spellcasters ready to sacrifice?

Murongxue felt the vest-cool.

She looked at the old seniors who were smiling indifferently in front of her, and her heart was sour.

However, the plan made by Longguo’s senior management is far beyond her imagination.

What Old General He would say next made her even more surprised!

It also shocked all the ninth-tier powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom here!

It has a profound impact on the entire world structure!,

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