Chapter 148 A City Full of Zombies?

In the envelope of a red light, Lin Feng once again appeared in the preparation space.

Like the previous trial, this preparation space has white walls, four gleaming portals, and a light curtain in the middle.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The promotion trial this time seemed to be no different from the other second-tier trials.

He was very impressed with the previous trials in the Death City.

The preparation space at that time was a purple exterior wall with eight luminous portals.

At that time, I found something wrong at the first time.

The comments and experience afterwards also verified my guess.

The huge devourer of gods left a deep impression on Lin Feng.

So that every time he saw the preparation space for the trial, he would carefully check the environment here, hoping to know the clues.

There is no difference in the preparation space for this promotion trial, which let Lin Feng breathe a sigh of relief.

This time the trial is very important, he is the test of his advanced third-level trial.

And Lin Feng believes that with his current ability, he is still very sure that he can successfully complete this trial.

No strangeness was found here, he focused his attention on the light curtain in the middle of the preparation space.

“Promotion trial.”

“Trial Level: Tier Two.”

“The content of the trial is sent to Raccoon City to complete the trial.

The kill list is as follows:

Kill ordinary zombies: 1000.

Kill small circle shadow zombies: 1000.

Kill small flying zombies: 1,000.

Kill the zombies of the ancient giant: 100.

Kill special zombies: hunting zombies: 5 pieces.

Kill crazy zombies: 40.

Kill the rabid zombies: 100.


Kill flying dragon zombies: 10 pieces.

Optional trial goals:

Save the raccoon city world!

“The number of trials is limited; 4.

“Whether to invite teammates: No.

Whether to “open the trial”: No.

Lin Feng carefully watched this series of trial prompts, and did not act rashly.

The content of this advanced task is somewhat unusual.

There are not many zombies that need to be killed, but there are too many types!

Just swept over, and found more than a dozen kinds of zombies.

This is extraordinary.

He was carefully observing the information on the light curtain.

With a comment system, Lin Feng can know many hidden messages from the information displayed on the light screen.

Regardless of any trial, he needs to obtain an SSS-level evaluation.

Understanding the trial information through the annotation system is a very critical step in the early stage.

Because of the former capital of death and the dawn of the icefield, Lin Feng is now particularly concerned about the location of the trial.

His eyes were fixed on the trial site, Raccoon City.

【Raccoon City: A modern industrial city that has fallen into ruins. A city surrounded by mountains on three sides with restricted development conditions. One of the birthplaces of the zombie virus. ”

(Note: There are a large number of zombies in this area, be careful!”

[Note: This place has been hit by nuclear eggs, and the air is filled with radiation and various viruses. Please be sure not to take off the endless armor and attack armor!)

Lin Feng nodded solemnly.

This raccoon city may not be as dangerous as the Dawn Icefield and Death Capital before.

Because of those two places, the annotation system reminds yourself, don’t easily explore the secrets of these two trial spaces.

This time, Raccoon City did not have this warning.

This shows that with his current ability, it is possible to explore the entire Raccoon City.

But at the same time, the annotation system gave a key word.

“One of the birthplaces of the zombie virus.

This is the first time Lin Feng has seen this term.

After so many trials, he has already seen the power of this zombie virus.

This virus can not only infect ordinary humans, but also a variety of weird creatures.

And this virus will cause biological mutations.

Powerful demons like the Devourer of Gods have been infected by the zombie virus, what else can’t be infected by the zombie virus?

One of the birthplaces of such a powerful virus is the trial place that I am going to go to this time, I can’t be too careful no matter how careful it is.

While being vigilant, Lin Feng also had a strong curiosity in his heart.

Is there any secret in this raccoon city?

By investigating in the city, can you know the origin of the zombie virus?

After all, as one of the birthplaces of the zombie virus, this place must have left many things related to the virus.

Lin Feng carefully checked the types of zombies displayed on the light curtain.

It is worthy of a promotion trial, this task is not easy!

The types of zombies to be killed this time were many times more than before.

【Rabies Zombie: Dogs are infected with zombie virus and transformed into zombies. Move quickly and have sharp teeth. ”

(Note: Although the attacking ability is only comparable to that of ordinary dogs, their nails, teeth, and fur all carry zombie viruses. Individuals attacked by them are likely to be infected.”

Seeing this comment, Lin Feng was relieved instead.

What kind of rabid zombies are just zombies turned into by ordinary dogs.

As long as it is not the zombies turned into by those weird creatures, Lin Feng can accept it.

He continued to watch.

He found that most of the zombies that need to be killed in this trial are mutated zombies of ordinary creatures.

But there are many types of zombies that have not been seen before.

【Machini: The special parasite “Machini” becomes a parasite zombie after being infected with the zombie virus.

[Note: They can control humans, and those controlled by their parasites will maintain human intelligence, use tools, communicate with people, and be careful!”

Seeing this, Lin Feng felt tight!

For the first time he saw a zombies like parasites!

And the ability of this parasite zombie is very strange!

Can it control humans?

The human beings controlled by it can actually retain their own intelligence?

In other words, in this promotion trial, it is very likely that you will encounter humans who can communicate?

And that human being is controlled by the parasite zombie “Mackini”?

Lin Feng is very concerned about this.

As long as a human is still intellect, even if he is controlled by a parasite, he can find a way to obtain more information.

This is a great help for oneself to understand the zombie virus, and it will also be a great help for passing the trial.

[Drip person: Human beings are mutated into zombies after being infected with a special type of zombie virus “Abyss”. The surface of the infected body will be white, and half of the body is liquefied. ”

[Note: This zombie has several variant forms][Crab claw drippers have a huge key-shaped wrist.

[Shooter, dripper, long-range attack. A meat dripper will explode once attacked. ”

【Triangle beasts have three horns on their heads, which are the upper variants of the drippers. ”

Lin Feng frowned.

These zombies are not to be underestimated.

There are three variants of a zombie?

This is also something that has never been encountered before.

At the same time, there is an extremely key word in the notes that gave him a lot of hints.

“A special type of zombie virus, the abyss.

What is this?

There are actually various models of zombie viruses?

0….seeking flowers

In Lin Feng’s mind, the vigilance against zombie viruses is rising rapidly.

This thing is so weird!

If this virus spreads in the real world, then…

Thinking about that scene, Lin Feng shuddered.

After continuing to observe for a long time, he finally saw the types of zombies that needed to be killed this time.

The monsters derived from the virus give the parasitic special zombie “dead monsters”.

A special variant of female humans infected with the “T-Abyss” virus, the “Sea Follower”, a kind of aquatic monster.


Lin Feng carefully studied every kind of zombies and memorized the prompts of the annotation system carefully.

Everything done in this preparation space may have miraculous effects in the formal trial.

After so many trials, Lin Feng has not dared to underestimate any trial.

Lin Feng finally moved his attention to the optional tasks written on the light curtain.

“Save the Raccoon City World!

What does it mean?

Let yourself be a savior?

Lin Feng frowned.

This task information seemed to be endless, making him puzzled.

How to save that raccoon city world?

Do you want to find a way to kill all the zombies?

Or is it to let the zombie virus in that world disappear?

In either case, I’m afraid it will be difficult to handle.

And they all need to consume a lot of time.

It is impossible for a low-level promotion trial to have to work for several years, right?

Thinking hard and meditation did not find any clues, and the comment system did not give any useful hints.

Lin Feng remembered this incident to the bottom of his heart.

Anyway, I can’t find any useful clues now, so it’s better to go to the trial space first.

Lin Feng didn’t waste any more time, and chose to start the trial on the light curtain in the middle of the preparation space.

A dazzling white light was emitted from the surrounding walls and enveloped Lin Feng.

The white light dissipated, and Lin Feng had disappeared from the trial space.

He teleported to Raccoon City!

When he went to participate in the promotion trial, Murongxue also completed the competition trial of the crystallization of fate and returned to her sacred palace.

Before she could contact Lin Feng, a bunch of plants appeared in front of her.

Those elixir, Lingguo, are the results of previous projects that Lin Feng, the military, and the Trial Space Research Institute worked together.

Before Lin Feng was anxious to participate in the advanced trial, he gave these things to Murongxue through the trial space.

At the same time, Lin Feng sent her a private message explaining the ins and outs.

Murong Xue dragged the crystallization of fate in her hand, looking blankly at the plants in the hall in front of her.

Just a cursory glance, she found that the quality of these medicinal materials was very high.

Looking at the elixir in front of him, and remembering Lin Feng who was trying alone in the trial space again, Murongxue had mixed feelings for a while.

Does this guy know how precious these medicinal materials are?

Just throw it here at will, let yourself deal with it?

What kind of trial reward is it that makes him so impatient to participate in the trial?

She thought of Lin Feng going to the trial alone again, and Murongxue became a little angry.

That guy, do you know when it is?

He was attacked by other testers just now during the trial.

Murong Xue’s expression was solemn.

When she decides to deliver medicinal materials, she must discuss with Lin Zhengde, Fan Guang and others, and take strict care of Lin Feng!

Is it really fatal to go to the trial here?

But she didn’t know how much the medicinal materials she was going to give would have a big impact and what kind of disturbance it would cause!

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