Chapter 147 The Son of Destiny? Advanced Trial!

Affected by the two previous test space reminders, many countries and forces have begun to take action.

The Dragon Kingdom is the force that reacted most violently.

The young talents of this country were targeted twice in a row, which made Longguo angry.

Peking, barracks.

Major General Hong Peng was looking at the documents in front of him with a gloomy expression.

Sitting in front of him was Fan Guang who was urgently transferred from the Baisha Barracks.

Fan Guang himself was the commander of the Northwest Army. He was transferred to the Barracks of Baisha before, and now he is transferred to the Barracks of Beiping.

All these reassignments are to protect the next generation of young people in the Dragon Kingdom.

The core of the young generation protected is Lin Feng.

This young man who has repeatedly accomplished miracles.

Fan Guang said with some emotion: “General He is really angry this time, this matter has caused a big deal.”

? One of his legion chiefs who led the legion to fight the alien beasts in the northwest desert has now been transferred to Peking.

Now their most important task is to protect the young people who were mobilized to Peking at this time from harm.

“Hmph, before the Eagle Country dared to infiltrate the Baisha City of Long Country to attack Lin Feng, now some people use taboo methods, and of course they are furious.”

Major General Hong Peng looked cold. ?

“I dare to use such methods. If I can find out who is the initiator, I will definitely put aside his stomach to see how courageous he is.”

Fan Guang is also cold in his eyes.

This “taboo method” is called taboo.

Not only is the requirement for large teleportation extremely high, the cost of teleporting into the trial space is extremely high.

More importantly, it is likely to cause extremely bad effects.

Once a certain force launches taboo tactics to target the enemy’s younger generation, the enemy will use its own way to rule its own body.

It is very likely that the hatred will deepen, and neither side will be able to stop it.

The end result is that both parties will fall into an embarrassing situation where there is no successor. ?

“As far as I can see, it is the good deeds done by the gang of Sun thief in the Eagle Country. Otherwise, why did they transfer back to the fleet again and declare the country into a state of emergency.”

Fan Guang scolded bitterly.

When he was in Baisha City before, the people of Eagle Country sneaked in and ambush Lin Feng under his nose.

He always remembered this hatred.

277 Now that Lin Feng is attacked in the trial space, Fan Guang suspects that it was made by Yingguo.

Coupled with this emergency situation, Eagle Country is now changing frequently, and even declared that the country has entered a state of emergency, which is almost self-confessed.

Major General Hong Peng looked at Fan Guang in front of him and shook his head.

Unlike Fan Guang, who fought against mutant beasts in the Northwest Desert, Hong Peng himself resided in Beiping.

In the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, he has a much higher vision than Fan Guang.

“Until there is no definite evidence, it is difficult for us to draw conclusions.

“It’s also possible that other forces deliberately led us, Dragon Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom head-to-head, and that secret force wants to take advantage of the fisherman’s profit.”

As for “You said that the Eagle Nation has entered a state of emergency, Fan Guang, what you don’t know is that the Eagle Nation has actually been in a state of emergency.”

At this point, Major General Hong Peng also laughed and shook his head.

Fan Guang frowned and asked, “What does this mean? What does it mean that Ying Guo has been in a state of emergency?”

Major General Hong Peng knew that his colleague was not good at this, so he began to explain in detail.

It turns out that under the Eagle Nation’s own system, they are competing for elections by multiple forces.

The president selected by one faction will be checked and balanced by the other faction.This also leads to insufficient power for the elected president, and it is very likely that he will not be able to get an overview of the situation.

The only way to give the elected president sufficient power is to put the Eagle State into a state of emergency.

In a state of emergency, the power of the President of the Eagle Country has been elevated a lot.

Because of this, the Eagle Country was in a state of emergency all the year round before the new calendar long ago.

By now, Eagle Country has changed 243 presidents.

The Eagle Country has also declared a state of emergency 300 times.

For more than 920 years since the emergence of the trial space, Eagle Country has been in a state of emergency for a total of 900 years.

Therefore, although the Eagle Nation’s actions here are very unusual, the Dragon Nation still cannot be sure that it is the Eagle Nation that uses taboo methods.

Fan Guang opened his mouth wide as he listened to Major General Hong Peng’s explanation.

“This, this, why is this state of emergency in Yingguo such a trifling matter?

“Can you do this in a state of national emergency? Isn’t it true that Eagle Country has always been in a state of national emergency?”

Hong Peng also shook his head helplessly.

?? Who is the Eagle Country is such a wonderful country.

“The framework of their country was formed a long time ago. After so many years, it has not kept up with the times. It is not surprising that there are various problems.

“So although Eagle Country is the biggest suspect now, we can’t be sure that they did it.”

Fan Guang nodded helplessly.

How could there be such a weird country!

With a sigh, he looked at Hong Peng and asked: “Then we can only wait for the intelligence department to investigate the news now?”

Hong Peng replied: “Our most important task now is to protect the young people in Peking.”

“The others have been called out by us from the trial space, and there is no problem with safety. But there are two people who are more troublesome.”

“Hirota who went to the trial alone before and Lin Feng who is still in the trial space now!”

“These two guys, one is still lying on the hospital bed, the other has just been attacked, and they haven’t come out in the trial space.”

The priest “Hirota is now in much better condition, and I am transferring him to a military hospital.

“As for Lin Feng, he can only wait for him to come out of the teleportation space.”

At this point, Major General Hong Peng shook his head.

He and Fan Guang looked at each other, and both saw complex emotions such as regret, anxiety, shock, etc. in their eyes.

The priest Hirota, who is also a leader of the younger generation, participated in the second-order trial alone, but ended up with a broken arm and a leg.

Although the achievement of Guangtian was not considered to be a remarkable achievement in the eyes of Fan Guang and Hong Peng.

But after all, they are also outstanding among their peers, and at the same time a priest who is one of the strongest professions in the trial space.

But he went to participate in the trial alone, and the final result was miserable.

Fortunately, Hirota has enough points.

He consumed all his points in exchange for the right to withdraw from the trial.

As a second-level tester, after all, he is still in the ranks of low-level testers.

Although it can’t be resurrected for free like a Tier 1 trialer, you can still get some trial space protection by consuming a lot of points.

Therefore, the priest Hirota saved his life.

But he was seriously injured and lay in the hospital as soon as he was teleported out.

On the other hand, Lin Feng, who is also a second-tier tester, as an auxiliary professional “gardener”, has challenged the second-tier test by himself again and again.

Comparing the two of them, the gap is a bit big.

Fan Guang couldn’t help but said: “Who is not good at Guangtian, why should I learn Lin Feng?”

“Maybe this is a young man. If he thinks Lin Feng can do it, then he can do it himself.

Major General Hong Peng shook his head again.

“Hey, although Hirota is a genius, he really can’t compare with monsters.

In the future, “lead it well. Our top priority is to keep these people under our noses and take good care of their safety.”

Hearing Hong Peng say this, Fan Guang agreed.

He said: “I’ll get people to bring these young people to the barracks, and you will arrange specific protective measures for the barracks.

The two heads of the Peking Military Camp (ahcb) simply divided their jobs and started their respective actions.

And one of the two young strong men they talked about before, the priest Hirota, is recuperating in the ward.

He closed his eyes tightly, but his eyelids twitched slightly, and it seemed that he was not sleeping well.

The injury he suffered in the trial space was so severe that although he had been treated in the hospital, he still looked very miserable.

Both hands of Hirota were bandaged and fixed to his chest, unable to move.

His left leg was intact, but his right leg was completely broken below the knee.

Now he has a special crystal box on his right leg, which covers all the parts below his knee.

Inside the crystal box was a section of calf that was growing and developing.

That is the physical regeneration technique performed by the special profession “Priest God Bless”.

After all, Hirota is not an ordinary person, he is a priest, with supernatural power in his body.

Although the priest can regenerate his limbs, it takes more time.

Suddenly, Hirota opened his eyes suddenly, small beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his chest rose and fell rapidly.

He looked at the unfamiliar ceiling above his head, the expression on his face looked terrified, but it looked a little sluggish.

He was awakened by the nightmare again.

It has been five days since he came out of the trial space, and Hirota has not recovered yet.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he would recall the tide of corpses all over the sky in the trial space.

Countless small flying zombies flew over from the air, blocking the sunlight and blocking the clouds.

Hirota only felt that a huge shadow above his head was pressing on him!

There is no escape, no escape!

On the street below, various zombies rushed over.

No matter how he attacks, it doesn’t have much effect.

Too many funerals!

The surging tide of corpses engulfed him directly!

Even after so long, those zombies’ withered yellow teeth, broken limbs, and muddy pus are still vivid.

The last scene of the trial in his memory was the scene where endless zombies drowned him.

So Hirota can’t fall asleep now, and can only fall asleep with the help of drugs.

He was awakened by the nightmare and looked at the ceiling above his head blankly, thinking about it in a daze.

He recalled that when he had just decided to challenge the trial alone, he met the armed craftsman Dai Hui.

At that time, I expected to meet Dai Hui again in the teleportation hall after completing the trial.

I look forward to seeing admiration and shock from his face.

But I failed to complete the trial!

My own challenge did not succeed!

When he came out of the trial space, his miserable appearance must have been seen by Zai Hui!

Hirota only felt that he was extremely ashamed.

A strong sense of shame spread in his heart.

He thought about the news he heard later.

Lin Feng passed the trial by himself again.

This is the first time the opponent passed the trial alone?

How did he resist the surging tide of corpses, and how did he complete the trial?

Is there really such a big gap between himself and him?

Obviously he is a second-tier tester, why can he try one after another and get SSS evaluation?

Is the gap between people really so big?

The more Hirota thought about it, the more depressed.

He closed his eyes in pain, two lines of tears streaming down the corners of his eyes.

Outside the ward, Elemental Mage Li Yuxing was shocked, covering his mouth, hiding outside and daring not to make a sound.

That priest Hirota actually cried!

This is Hirota!

Whether it is strength or talent among the peers, they belong to the strongest echelon!

While shocked, Li Yuxing had a faint understanding in his heart.

Guangtian was hit by Lin Feng.

Li Yuxing didn’t know exactly what happened to Hirota in the trial space.

But she knew one thing clearly, Hirota was very strong, but he failed.

Lin Feng completed the trial.

This only shows that Lin Feng is stronger.

Thinking of what he did when he first saw Lin Feng, Li Yuxing was momentarily ashamed.

Inside and outside the ward, both of them were ashamed of being self-righteous.

Peking Barracks, Hong Peng and Fan Guang are also waiting for him to come out of the trial space.

The whole world started to scroll because of him.

But Lin Feng himself has no time to control these ups and downs.

He is sorting out the gains in the trial space.

The elixir cultivated in cooperation with the military and the Trial Space Research Institute has matured.

In the radiance of the morning light, the silver apple tree has also bear fruit.

Plant activation skills also produced many plant essences.

Lin Feng sorted these out, ticked out a part and put it in the inventory.

Through the trial space, the remaining part was given to Murong Xue.

Sent her a private message, hoping that she can deliver these previously negotiated materials to the military.

She also told her to remember to use plant essences to maintain the life of the giant tree.

?Finally, Lin Feng sent a private message to his father Lin Zhengde and Fan Guang.

The letter briefly explained the situation, saying that he has received special rewards, time-sensitive, and he must upgrade quickly.

When everything was ready, he opened the (Integration) panel.


“Currently redeemable:

“Professional Advancement: 5930/12000”

“Advanced Trial: 5930/5000”

“Exit Trial: 5930/2000”

Lin Feng did not hesitate and clicked on “Advanced Trial”.

With a flash of red light, he disappeared from before the Emerald Palace!

A new test awaits him!

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