Chapter 144: None of this is dead? Panicked Hexagon Building!

Through the red portal, Lin Feng returned to the preparation space.

He held the one-handed sword artifact “Dawn” in his left hand, and held a cloud of golden light in his right hand.

He was wearing a pitch-black endless suit, and behind his back spread out crystal wings that exuded a faint green light.

There are two jewels in the position of the eyes, which emit a bright red light.

If there are other testers who see him now, they will definitely think that he is some kind of powerful knight or swordsman class.

No one can imagine that he is a gardener, an auxiliary profession in the eyes of a person.

Lin Feng is still thinking about the situation of this trial.

Dawn has arrived.

The wind and snow have stopped.

The ice sheet was thawed at dawn.

The devil Meritia once again controls her temple.

After the capital of death, another trial space was closed because of his own reasons.

Moreover, the previous deaths were temporarily closed, and when one of the trialists broke through to the fourteenth step, the deaths would be reopened.

But the ice field is permanently closed at dawn.

It seems that he has made a lot of noise again.

It will definitely trigger a series of things.

There are too many things to review and think about in this trial.

He recalled the four Tier 6 pinnacle mages who had appeared in the Dawn Icefield before.

Why are those trialists suddenly appearing in the trial space?

This thing is too unusual.

Also, I’m not proficient in the use of plants, and I don’t pay enough attention to plants.

In this trial, special plants such as enchanting mushrooms and street lantern flowers played miraculous effects.

What about the other plants in the plant book?

Also, my own harvest this time.

Lin Feng looked at the light on his left hand and the dawn on his right hand.

Various thoughts hovered in his mind.

He wants to rehearse this trial.

When Lin Feng was thinking carefully in the preparation space, the trial space boiled over because of the previous notice.

In the world chat channel, countless messages are refreshing rapidly.

Who can “tell me, what is the demon god Meredia? Is it really a god?”

“Fuck! It’s Lin Feng again! He is a second-order gardener, how does he get in touch with these silly characters?”

“Upstairs, he is already a fourth-order gardener.”

“F*ck! What about the Tier 4 gardener? The God Devourer was Tier 14 before! Where can the so-called Demon God’s level be lower now?

“If God gives me a chance to come again, I hope I can choose the profession of gardener!

“Me too!

Upstairs, “Everyone wants PI to eat? How miserable the former gardener is? Don’t you know? Haven’t taken a history class?”

In addition to these testers in the chat channel, there are still many people in the test space following Lin Feng and the chat interface.

In a forest trial space, a frowning eagle countryman was checking the chat channel.

This is Lin Feng again.

As an organization’s focus, we must report such a major event now.

“You must go back and report quickly.

He left a faint voice in the air and transmitted it out of the trial space at the fastest speed.

This eagle nation is just one of many intelligence personnel.

Every organization and force has a lot of intelligence personnel in the trial space to collect all kinds of intelligence.

Lin Feng made such a big noise again, and naturally countless people sent the news.

Eagle Country, Hexagon Building.

There were not a few attendees waiting here for news from Admiral Austin.

It has been another day since they communicated with Admiral Austin, but the other party still has no information.

This makes many people in the conference room a bit impatient.

They are all big shots, and everyone has to deal with many things every day.

They have been trapped in this conference room for four days, I’m afraid the documents to be processed are piled up like a mountain.

But everyone can only wait patiently.

Emma is the most impatient of all.

Her strength is not strong enough, and her concentration is not enough.

Now that she has been waiting here for so long, she naturally feels irritable.

In addition, Major General Kevin has always said that this mission was done by hand.

As a result, I have waited so long and haven’t succeeded in killing the target.

If it weren’t for the high level of people here, and I had to communicate the results of the action to the president, I would have left the field a long time ago.

Emma “Madam, maybe you can take a nap in the back seat? I think you need to get some sleep now.”

We “have already said that Admiral Austin will definitely succeed. The strength of the four Tier 6 magicians is much stronger than Lin Feng.”

Major General Kevin found her irritability and was calming her emotions.

After all, he is also the top of the hexagonal building. Admiral Austin is acting outside and he must maintain internal stability.

After all, Emma is the person directly responsible to the President, so he is still very polite.

After all, if this operation is successful, you and others will be heroes who will save the future of Eagle Nation!

Major General Kevin was still comforting Emma.

The others in the conference room didn’t bother to talk to her.

A strong man like Patriarch John really looks down on people like Emma.

If it hadn’t been for Emma to be a direct subordinate of the president, with the status of Patriarch John, the other party would not even be qualified to see him.

He closed his eyes, earnestly comprehending the divine power.

He wants to catch up with John Carl and become another top player in the world!

There are many other practitioners who practice with closed eyes just like him.

At this moment, the screen in front of Major General Kevin lit up again.

An urgent piece of information was sent in.

Major General Kevin smiled and left Emma’s side and returned to his seat.

Just glanced at the screen, his calm face changed drastically.

“What? Lin Feng passed the trial? Impossible! This is impossible!”

Major General Kevin fell into the chair, his expression flustered, and his heart was full of unbelievable emotions.

Once again, “Get in touch with some mysterious and powerful characters in the trial space?”

Demon God “Meritia? What is that?”

Austin “What about the general? What is he doing? He didn’t teleport the four wizards into the trial space?”

Major General Kevin patted the table in disbelief, and yelled gaffefully.

His future, his dreams, all leave him at this moment!

Hearing what he said, the expressions of all the people in the meeting room changed drastically.


Many strong men were frightened for a while and couldn’t control their aura.

The powerful momentum burst out!

Emma, ​​the weakest in strength, stood up with a shocked expression. Under the pressure of this powerful momentum, she fell directly on the chair and couldn’t move.


“What are you kidding?”

“Lin Feng tried successfully?

Austin “Didn’t he say that he successfully teleported the magician?”

Waves of unbelievable exclamations echoed in the conference room 0…

When Patriarch John saw Major General Kevin’s gaffe, he came to him in a flash.

He didn’t avoid any taboos, and directly pushed Major General Kevin away and checked the intelligence information by himself.

“The trial space reminds Lin Feng to complete the trial, the demon god Meredia re-takes the temple, the ice sheet is thawed at dawn, and all the zombies are cleared. The icefield trial space at dawn is permanently closed!”


An even more violent aura emanated from his body, and at the same time countless small lightning flashes around him.

Everyone understood his reaction.

What Major General Kevin just said is true.

None of the four Tier 6 magicians could kill Lin Feng.

“How is it possible? A Tier 6 magician can’t kill a gardener? Or four Tier 6 peak magicians?”

“This is absolutely impossible! It is possible that Admiral Austin lied to us!”

“Yes, damn it, his teleportation was unsuccessful!”

The meeting room was in chaos.

Patriarch John opened his eyes.

The powerful momentum enveloped the entire conference room.

At this moment, he is magnificent, under the shining of lightning, like a god!

“Everyone listen to me!”

“The situation is extremely dangerous now!”

“Lin Feng is not dead, the things we used taboo means are very likely to leak!”

“No matter what the accident is, don’t worry about whether Austin’s transmission is successful or not.”

“The situation is urgent now!

“We must deal with the worst case scenario!

The news that we “use taboo means to send a magician to kill Lin Feng with great teleportation is very likely to spread!”

“Take urgent measures immediately!

“Emma, ​​go report to the president!”

Patriarch John looked at Emma.

Everyone’s sights also turned over.

They found that Emma was crushed on the chair and could not move.

Patriarch John frowned.

too weak.

He put away his powerful aura.

Seeing this, the other strong men also slowly gathered their momentum.

Emma stood up angrily.

This group of guys lied to themselves!

What do they say that this operation is foolproof!

2.1 What is the situation?

What did you say before that the sixth-order peak magician must be able to kill Lin Feng, the result?

She looked angrily at Major General Kevin and the others. When she was about to speak, she met Patriarch John’s eyes.

Those eyes had no emotion, but exuded great majesty.

Before the gods, don’t be presumptuous!

Emma’s body is like falling into an ice cave.

What she wanted to say got stuck in her throat and couldn’t say anything. ?

“Go, report to the President! All things must be clarified! Including our views and actions!”

“The situation is urgent now, don’t delay!”

Emma turned obediently and ran out the door.

After being infected by John’s Patriarch, everyone calmed down.

Everyone who attends the meeting here is an elite of the Eagle Country.

They calmed down quickly.

Urgent situation!

No one can be careless!

“Now the Eagle Country is in a state of emergency! Major General Kevin, you come to host it!”

Patriarch John looked at Major General Kevin.

As the supreme officer of the hexagonal building here, Major General Kevin must provoke the backbone.

The situation is urgent now!

Measures must be taken quickly!

The entire hexagonal building must be in action!

The entire Eagle Nation will follow suit!

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