Chapter 143: The Artifact! A sunny day after 5 years!

The whole underground temple is quiet.

Occasionally, a few remaining gargoyle zombies rushed over and were easily killed by Lin Feng’s plants.

Without the interference of zombies, Lin Feng’s advancing speed is very fast.

But he didn’t care about it in the slightest.

He planted plants meticulously and pushed forward.

Everywhere he went, whether it was a corridor or a temple, he was planted with plants.

The dawn beacon hovering around his waist surrounded his body, emitting a pale yellow light.

A weak traction came from the dawn beacon, leading Lin Feng forward.

They are leading themselves!

Lin Feng is quite sure of this.

He didn’t feel anxious, and moved forward steadily.

Soon, he was led by the dawn beacon to a square.

The square is huge, with a huge fountain in the middle.

Even if the surrounding area is very dilapidated, Lin Feng still sees the grand occasion here.

Looking forward along the square, there stands a large hall.

This is the tallest temple that Lin Feng has encountered since entering this underground temple.

Lin Feng felt the thrust of the dawn beacon and seemed to eagerly want him to enter the hall.

“My lord, this temple is so big, it is very likely that it is the main hall of this temple.”

Colonel Corn led the way with a bunch of frozen watermelon soldiers and iron-skinned nut wall soldiers.

Seeing this majestic temple, he reminded vigilantly: “I don’t know what monsters will be in this temple, please be careful!”

Lin Feng nodded, did not enter the temple hastily.

There is such a large area outside the main hall, and I have to make good use of it.

He planted rows of corn cannons outside the main hall, and summoned nearly a thousand explosive cherry soldiers and hot pepper soldiers.

Rose “Mage, you go in and have a look.

With everything ready, Lin Feng, surrounded by the soldiers, ordered the three plant heroes to go to the main hall to investigate the situation.

After all, only the War Garden Pendant still exists, and the three heroes have immortality.

Master Rose, Colonel Corn, and Xiangmeng Archer did not hesitate, and walked into the majestic hall with hundreds of plant soldiers.

Soon, the Rose Mage came back and returned to life.

“Master, there is only one idol inside, which looks like a reduced version of the huge idol on the dawn ice field.

“There is a boundary in the middle of the idol that divides it into two halves, exuding black air on one side, and glowing golden light on the other.”

Lin Feng frowned.

He did not rush in.

On this dawn ice field, I have seen too many invisible zombies. To be on the safe side, I’d better be careful.

Lin Feng planted several street lantern plants in the ground and summoned them to become plant soldiers.

“You take these street lamp grass soldiers to look inside the hall again.

“Yes! Lord!”

Master Rose did not hesitate, and walked into the hall with many Deng grass soldiers.

Lin Feng’s eyes followed closely behind them.

In his vision, a strange scene appeared.

The street lamp grass soldiers approached the gate of the temple, and the light they emitted could not illuminate the scene in the temple.

When the Deng Cao soldiers walked into the gate of the main hall, they turned into a pool of fine sand.

The Rose Mage was shocked.

But she was nothing unusual.

Lin Feng smiled faintly.


There really is something weird in this temple.

There is no need to venture in at all.

“All of you come out first.

He gave the order.

All the plant soldiers walked out of the temple.Lin Feng planted a bunch of street lantern flowers, enchanting mushrooms, and reduced violets on the square, laying out the entire plant position as a golden soup.

He turned his head, smiled, and said, “Shoot! Blow me up!”

“call out!

Boom boom boom!

Rows of corn cannons quickly fired corn cannonballs.

A violent explosion sounded from the ground.

The explosion caused a huge vibration, and the whole ground was humming.

The powerful shock wave set off a huge storm.

The clover planted by Lin Feng began to rotate, all the smoke was blown away, and the entire plant position was not affected in any way.


With the continuous bombing of corn cannons, half of the towering main hall was directly bombed.

A sharp howl sounded from the temple!

The cry revealed bursts of despair, reverberating in the ground.

Lin Feng paid attention to the surrounding environment and avoided the falling rocks above his head, while increasing the bombardment intensity.

He let the plant soldiers throw explosive cherries.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

The strong explosion masked the sharp howling.

Finally, the entire temple was overwhelmed and collapsed.

The ruined walls were broken, and the gravel dust splashed everywhere.

The entire temple seems to have been plowed once!

In the dust of the sky, there is a trace of light that is dying, but it has persisted.

Lin Feng was very curious, watching the bright light.

[The idol of the demon god Mertia; the power of the demon god Mertia and the demon Mephala are facing each other in the idol, and it has been maintained for nearly ten thousand years. ”

[Note: The host can touch the idol to help Meritia overcome Mephala. ”

Looking at the comment, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

What’s the meaning?

The comment is to walk up to touch that idol by yourself?

At the same time, intense curiosity spread in his heart.

Demon God Meredia?

Demon Mephala?

Are they fighting each other?

This world is getting more and more interesting!

It seems to be far bigger than I thought!

This trial space also seems more and more mysterious!

Lin Feng let the corn cannon bombard for some time before ordering the plants to cease fire.

When the clover blows away the dust, Lin Feng asks the street lamp grass soldiers to find the way first.

The street lamp grass soldiers successfully walked to the vicinity of the god statue, illuminating the ruins.

There is a ruined wall all around.

Under a huge stone pillar, there is a pool of black fleshy mud.

Lin Feng looked over.

[Snake Demon: Mephala’s men. Able to release dark enchantments and manipulate people’s hearts. Has been bombarded into mud by the host!]

Lin Feng felt relieved when he saw this comment.

Guarded by heroes such as plant soldiers and rose mage, he slowly approached the idol.

The idol was one person tall, and it was indeed a reduced version of the idol of Meritia.

Whether it is the folded wings, the raised hands, and the beautiful face, they are exactly the same as the gods seen outside.

The only difference is that there is a one-handed sword in the double hall held by the statue.

The body of the one-handed sword was dull, and it looked very dim.

But at the position of the sword grid, there is a round ball, radiating a touch of golden light.

[Dawn (Broken): An artifact! It can cause great damage to undead creatures!]

Lin Feng raised his brow slightly.


This is the first time I have seen an artifact since entering this trial space!

He looked at the one-handed sword curiously.

This sword hilt and sword body seem to have two completely different forces fighting each other?

Lin Feng turned his attention to the statue itself.

Half of the idol was surrounded by darkness, and the other half was shimmering.

There seem to be two forces in the body that are fighting each other!

Prompted by the annotation system, Lin Feng stretched out his hand and touched the hand of the idol under the guidance of the dawn beacon.

The face of the idol changed suddenly.

An angry expression appeared on her face in the dark side.

Even though only half of his face was moving, Lin Feng could still feel the anger and condescending majesty.

“Mortal! You are offending Mephala’s majesty!”

“Stop your actions! Otherwise, you will face cruel punishment!”

A sharp female voice appeared directly in Lin Feng’s mind, threatening him.

Hearing this threat, Lin Feng’s mouth curled slightly.

“just you?”

He sneered slightly. ?

With the prompt of the comment system, he continued to stretch out his hand without any hesitation.

A gentle touch came.

Lin Feng put his hand on the palm of the god statue, holding the hilt of the divine weapon “Dawn” together!

He felt a warm current gushing out of the hundred skeletons of his limbs, converging into a larger warm current, and passing into the idol through his fingers.

In that idol, the two forces were evenly confronting each other.

And this warm current from Lin Feng’s body became the last weight to break the balance.

The idol is bright and prosperous!

“Dawn” shines brightly, and a golden sword light rises into the sky!

Lin Feng even felt the golden light pass through the thick frozen soil above his head!

The golden sword pierced the boundless darkness!

The entire underground temple is illuminated by golden light!

Just like that ten thousand years ago!

The darkness was quickly defeated!

“Damn mortal! Mephala remembers you! Ah~~!”

A vicious and painful scream came out from the disintegrating darkness.

“It’s okay, she was suppressed by me in the depths of the Demon Abyss, it is impossible to do anything to you.”

Among the idols, the ethereal voice of the demon god Mertia came.

0……Look for flowers…

Under a burst of light, Lin Feng and the plant heroes flew upwards at an extremely fast speed.

The thick frozen soil above the head opened a huge passage, and they passed through the passage at an extremely fast speed and rose into the sky!

Before leaving the ground, Lin Feng faintly heard two voices.

“Meritia, you owe me a kindness.”

“Azura, I only owe this mortal a kindness.”

Lin Feng frowned.


Dawn Demon God Azura?

The cultivator of the radiance of dawn?

Then the power that came out of my body was the power remaining when I used “Azura’s Rose” to jump steps before?

Or did you eat the fruit of the “Flower of Morning” to increase your physical strength?

Before he could have any reaction, he had gone straight up into the sky and came to the huge idol of Meredia.

At an altitude of several thousand meters, Lin Feng looked around and found that the ice sheet had undergone tremendous changes.

The howling cold wind disappeared, and the heavy snow that had been flying before also stopped.

The dark clouds in the sky are slowly dissipating!

Sunlight after sun shines through the gaps of the dark clouds to the vast earth!

The ice on the ground is melting fast!

After tens of thousands of years, the sun shines again on this land!”At dawn the ice broke the ice, the demons retreated, and everything returned to the right path.”

“Mortal, all this is your credit.”

Meredia’s ethereal and pleasant voice spread throughout the dawn ice field.

“A new day has begun, and you are the messenger of this dawn, bringing this dawn!”


“Take “Dawn, to eradicate the fallen souls in the dark corners of this world!”

“Wave it in my name and spread my sanctity to more places!”

The magical instrument “Dawn” with golden light appeared in front of Lin Feng!

Lin Feng looked at the artifact in front of him, then looked at the face of Meritia.

“Well, I’m a gardener. Give me the sword, and I can’t use it! Why don’t you change your reward?”

Lin Feng tried to discuss with the demon god.

Being a gardener, he relies on plants to fight!

Although I wear the armor of the endless suit, it looks like a melee professional, but I don’t want to use a sword to slash zombies!


Meritia said nothing.

Lin Feng didn’t know what to say.

He felt an awkward atmosphere spreading around him.

It is estimated that the demon god Meredia did not expect that he would encounter such a situation.

I gave the mortal in front of me an artifact!

He is still bargaining!

He actually hates it!

Lin Feng scratched his head.

His hand armor creaked softly on the helmet.

“The light of integrity guides you forward!”

After a long time, Meritia’s ethereal voice sounded again.

At the same time, a golden light appeared in Lin Feng’s hands.

One golden light is the artifact “Dawn”, and the other golden light is a golden ball.

Before Lin Feng took a closer look, he was placed on the ground in front of the idol in a burst of bright light.

He found that the dawn ice field had changed drastically.

The frozen soil on the ice sheet at dawn has melted to a halt.

The ground that was previously covered by frozen soil was exposed!

The melting ice water gathered together under the traction of a mysterious force, forming a huge lake.

Lin Feng remembered that this idol was on a hillside before.

At this time, after the frozen ground melted, Lin Feng found out that his location was a thousand-meter high mountain!

How deep is the frozen soil before?

How long is the blizzard of this dawn icefield?

In a short period of time, the vast expanse of frozen soil was thawed, how strong is the power of this demon god?

With sighs, Lin Feng clicked on the [Task] panel.

“The trial mission has been completed. SSS-level evaluation is currently available. Will you send it back?”

Lin Feng chose “Yes”.

A portal appeared in front of him.

With Meritia’s reward, Lin Feng walked into the portal.

“Ding! Because of the change caused by Lin Feng, the second-tier tester, the demon god Mertia regained the temple, and the ice sheet was thawed at dawn, and all the zombies were cleared. The icefield trial space at dawn was permanently closed!”

The sudden prompt sound resounded throughout the entire trial space!

Everyone was shocked!

Damn it!

There is no end!

Lin Feng is here again!

Last time I made a “God Devourer”!

What kind of “Devil God Meritia?”

What is this and what?

The entire trial space is boiling again!

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