Chapter 145 The Eagle Country is nervous!

In the conference room of the hexagonal building, Major General Kevin forced himself to stand up.

He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

The situation is very bad now!

Admiral Austin went to find Antonio, the ninth-order magician scholar, and sent four sixth-order pinnacle mages to kill Lin Feng during the trial.

This foolproof taboo method has actually failed!

Not only did Lin Feng not die, he also completed the trial!

He even helped a “devil god” regain control of his own temple, so that a certain trial space was permanently closed!

This means that the things that the Eagle Country adopts taboo methods are very likely to be exposed!

Once the news is exposed, they will face the thunderous fury of the Dragon Kingdom!

This is no joke!

And their plan to continue to use taboo methods to kill the young powerhouses of the Dragon Kingdom has also collapsed!

On the contrary, young people in their own country may face equal revenge from the Dragon Kingdom!

We must start to act immediately to deal with Dragon Kingdom’s counterattack!

If the Dragon Kingdom retaliates, but the Eagle Kingdom is not ready, the consequences will be serious!

Kevin took a deep breath.

What exactly is going on?

Had an accident happened to Admiral Austin?

In fact, the four sixth-order peak magicians did not successfully teleport?

Stabilizing his mind, Major General Kevin called Admiral Austin’s number.

He has a serious look, nervous and expectant in his heart.

He has only one thought now.

Hopefully, General Austin made a mistake.

There was a problem with the teleportation technique.

The four magicians from the sixth-tier peaks were not transmitted to Lin Feng’s trial at all.

If this is the case, the taboo measures adopted by the Eagle Country have not been exposed.

Everything is just a false alarm for them.

How much he had hoped for the successful transmission of Admiral Austin before, now he has much hoped for the failure of the transmission.

The waiting time before the call is connected is now so long.

Major General Kevin waited anxiously.

“Hello? I haven’t heard from here yet, but it must be soon. Calm down, we…

Admiral Austin had some impatient voices from the phone.

Major General Kevin interrupted him directly.

“The trial space reminds me that Lin Feng passed the trial and helped a demon god to close a trial space called Dawn Icefield forever.”

“I’ll just ask you, did you really let the ninth-order magician scholar Antonio teleport the four sixth-order peak mages?”

Major General Kevin took a deep breath after speaking this series of words and added the last sentence.

“I want you to tell me that you made a mistake over there, Antonio failed, and your transmission failed.”

07 When he finished speaking, Admiral Austin was silent.

Anthony “O’s great teleportation technique was successfully used, and the four sixth-order peak mages all entered the trial space.”

Admiral Austin’s hoarse voice came from the phone.

Major General Kevin did not hear the news he was expecting.

He closed his eyes in pain.

“Hurry back, Hexagon Building needs you to preside over the overall situation!”

The situation is “critical, and all of us must act.”

After a long time, Admiral Austin replied on the phone: “Okay.

After hanging up the phone, Major General Kevin raised his head in pain and looked at the people staring at him.

Before he could say anything, an emergency message came again on the screen in front of him.

Major General Kevin glanced at the content of the intelligence.

“The trial space sends out the announcement again. The content is as follows:

“The trialer Lin Feng killed four Tier 6 trialers who broke in illegally during the Dawn Ice Trial, and gave additional rewards to the pupil of Annihilation.”

A short message conveys extremely important information.

Major General Kevin was shocked.

He looked at the people in the meeting room and directly mapped the information on the screen to the big screen in the meeting room.

Everyone saw this message.

Combined with what Admiral Austin said on the phone earlier, these big shots finally determined one thing.

Those four magicians at the sixth-tier peak indeed broke into Lin Feng’s trial space!

“How can this be?”

“A Tier 4 gardener can actually kill four magicians of Tier 6 peaks? What is this mythical story?”

“That’s the four sixth-order peak magicians! Only a short distance can be promoted to a high-level powerhouse! Not the weeds on the side of the road! Just died like this?”In the meeting room, everyone exclaimed.

Although they had guessed before, but when the facts are really before them.

No one can believe the information they see.

The Tier 4 gardener actually killed the four Tier 6 peak magicians.

What kind of fantasy is this?

Most importantly, Lin Feng not only counter-killed the four sixth-order peak magicians, he also successfully completed the trial.

Is this something that people can do?

The meeting room, which had finally calmed down before, was once again plunged into restlessness.

Even if the people in this conference room have seen big winds and waves, they are still shocked.

This is really the worst case.

“The trial space has already reminded that Long Guo must know that some countries use taboo methods to deal with Lin Feng.

“The only good news is that the trial space did not indicate which forces were using illegal methods.

“Presumably, for the trial space, there is no difference between the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom. Everyone is a trial person.

“However, we can’t take a chance. We are likely to face the thunderous wrath of the Dragon Kingdom next.

Major General Kevin looked around the conference room for a week.

Hearing his words and facing his gaze, the people in the conference room gradually became quiet.

The people sitting here are also the elites of the Eagle Country.

After experiencing the previous panic, they also forced themselves to calm down.

The situation is critical now, and no one can continue to panic.

“Everyone, the situation is urgent now. As a senior in the intelligence system, I am issuing some orders temporarily.

“The situation is critical, please cooperate.

“Emma went to report to the President, but when the President officially signs the order, it is likely to be too late to deal with Dragon Kingdom’s revenge.”

“We must prepare first.”

When he said these words, his expression was firm and there was no trace of decadence.

My dream of getting promoted and getting rich was shattered.

But I must cheer myself up!

Major General Kevin first turned to several representatives of the Chinese military.

“General Miller, please be ready now to reduce your combat power and respond to the offensive!”

“I think after Emma reports to the president, the order to mobilize the army will be passed on to the army immediately. You have to make preparations first.

Although Major General Kevin has long been transferred from the military system to the intelligence agency of the hexagonal building, he still has inextricable connections with the military.

The situation was urgent at this time, and the military representative, General Miller and others, did not care about Major General Kevin’s overstepping.

The military representatives saluted and left the conference room together.

They have to prepare early.

“Every family owner, please go back and make preparations early.”

“First recall the outstanding disciples of the family and protect them.

At least “Recently, those young people can’t participate in trials anymore.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Whether it is Patriarch John, Patriarch Dia, Patriarch Ande…

All the high-ranking clan forces expressed their leadership.

Even though many of them are stronger than Major General Kevin.

At this moment, these elites finally showed their due quality.

The situation is urgent and we must act quickly.

Even if Major General Kevin didn’t say it, they would do it.

The young people of the family must be protected from retaliation.

We “The Hexagon Building will also urgently notify other family powers and chaebols who have not come to the meeting.

“Our young generation is already at a disadvantage, and we must ensure the safety of our outstanding young people.”

Seeing that all the family strength and group strength agreed with him, Major General Kevin gave the last order.

“Temporarily block news

“Only for the people in this room and we will inform the consortium later to know the current situation.”

“If the news is leaked, everyone will suffer.”

“If anyone leaked out, I found out, then

He didn’t say much, but everyone understood what he meant.

When he gave the order, everyone started to act.

They must prepare first to prevent Dragon Kingdom’s revenge.

The entire hexagonal building was a sensation.

Eagle country also took action.

These high-level elites of the Eagle Nation demonstrated their strength and abilities in application.

But they only notified the big families of this urgent news, and only recalled the children of the big families.

It is impossible for those civilian geniuses to receive news when the news is temporarily blocked.

But here, no one cares about this.

On the other end of the phone, in the office of the Three Rings Ranch, Admiral Austin looked at his cell phone sluggishly.

He was shocked.

After hanging up the phone for so long, he couldn’t calm down by himself.

How can this be?

Obviously, I saw the four sixth-tier peak magicians walk into the portal!

The tragic situation of the ninth-order magician scholar Antonio appeared before his eyes.

He was too old in just a few minutes, then turned black and vomited blood.

If the great teleportation technique is not successful, why would a Tier 9 powerhouse become so miserable?

This is the price of using the great teleportation technique and interfering with the trial!

But now Kevin actually tells himself that Lin Feng has passed the trial?

Not only did he pass the trial, he also let a trial space be permanently closed?

Everything is the same as the previous trial space called “The Capital of Death”?

According to this situation, Lin Feng has not only completed the trial.

He is likely to get an SSS rating again!

So what is it for me to be busy here?

However, how did a Tier 4 gardener kill the magicians of the four Tier 6 peaks?

That’s a Tier 6 peak tester!

That’s a magician!

Possessing teleportation and a powerful profession with various attack magic!

They are very strong both in pursuit and attack capabilities.

It is impossible for Lin Feng to defeat them anyway!

In the end what happened?

Admiral Austin stood there for a long, long time in this office.

In any case, he could not calm the shock in his heart.

He thought of the last words of Major General Kevin again.

Urgent situation.

Now that Lin Feng has succeeded in the trial, the Dragon Kingdom will definitely know that there are four sixth-order peak magicians involved in his trial.

Even if he didn’t know the reason, the senior management of Longguo definitely knew what happened.

They will definitely investigate!

Once the Dragon Kingdom knows that the Eagle Kingdom has adopted taboo methods, once it will retaliate!

The impact of this incident is too great!

The situation is urgent now!

Not only is he facing trouble.

The entire Eagle Nation is in trouble!

Admiral Austin cheered up, pushed open the door of the office, and went out.

He must quickly return to the hexagonal building to deal with the next emergency!

The country affected by the two hints that have spread throughout the entire trial space is far more than the Eagle Country.

The senior officials of Longguo knew this news, but they were also furious.

Those two prompts clearly conveyed a message.

Someone used taboo methods against Lin Feng!

Actually sent a Tier 6 trialer to break into Lin Feng’s trial!

Moreover, four Tier 6 powerhouses were transmitted at once!

What does it mean?

This is picking the Dragon Kingdom!

Long Guo was furious.

The state machinery began to work violently.

Major General Hong Peng in Beiping Military Camp is taking orders from his superiors.

“Furthermore, an order has been sent from above. It must be investigated carefully! It is necessary to know which force has acted!”

“The teleportation tester needs the ninth-tier caster to use the magnification teleportation technique to break into the trial space!

“That ninth-tier spellcaster needs to pay a heavy price! It’s probably his life span!”

“There are not many forces that can mobilize Tier 9 trialers, and there are even fewer forces that can spend the lives of Tier 9 trialers!”


“You must find a force to do it!”

“Not only you have to start action, other departments have also started action!”

“In addition, be wary of that force attacking other genius testers of our Dragon Kingdom!”

“There are many good seedlings in your Peking Barracks! Don’t pay any more!”

The old general on the phone was obviously very angry. Through the phone, Major General Hong Peng heard the uncontrollable anger of the other party.

Major General Hong Peng didn’t say much, he just took orders.”Yes! Guarantee to complete the task!”

His eyes were also full of anger.

No matter who it is, if you dare to do such a thing, you have to pay a price!

The entire Beiping military camp was in action.

All young talents were recalled.

Just in case, during this time, everyone is prohibited from participating in the trial.

Not only the Peking Military Camp, but the entire Dragon Kingdom began to take action.

No matter which department it is, it is operating at high speed!

It is not just the Dragon Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom that are affected by this incident.

Other forces also began to vibrate.

Gaul, Provence, the manor of the Odell family.

Odell Solomon, the owner of the Odell family, was in the owner’s office, looking at the documents in front of him with shock.

She had been thinking about whether the Odell family would use special means 273 to kill Lin Feng by a similar method.

After all, Lin Feng is not dead, and the face of their Odell family cannot be saved.

It is absolutely impossible for other forces to think that the Odell family will have no combat effectiveness after the death of Kai’Sa.

Solomon had hesitated before.

Although she has reached an agreement with a ninth-order dimensional walker, she has also arranged two sixth-order peak devils.

But she did not make up her mind.

How did you know that there was such a shocking news!

Someone has already done it!

Someone sent a Tier 6 powerhouse into Lin Feng’s trial space!

Most importantly, Lin Feng killed four intruders and completed the trial!

Solomon was in shock.

Opposite her, Odell’s Patriarch’s Secretary also looked incredulous.

For a long time, she asked for instructions: “Patriarch, according to this information, there is already a taboo method to deal with Lin Feng, and it has failed.

“Then do we still do it?”

“If you do it, the two Tier 6 Peak Demon Enchanters we prepared before will not be enough.”

There was silence for a while, and Solomon raised his head.

“Now Dragon Kingdom will definitely take action. Let’s not make extra moves and just watch the changes.”

This “event shows that Lin Feng’s efforts are not just our family.”

“Although Lin Feng killed four Tier 6 powerhouses, he faced more enemies.

“Since the four Tier 6 testers can’t kill him, then arrange more Tier 6 powerhouses.”

“If we can’t find so many Tier 6 peak powerhouses with suitable levels and strong strength, then cooperate with other forces!”

“Everything needed for the transmission is ready, but don’t act. We are trying to contact other forces that are hostile to Lin Feng.

“Be prepared and wait quietly for the opportunity.”

Internationally, Germany and the Dragon Kingdom have made big moves one after another.

The Eagle Country entered a state of emergency.

Many big families have summoned the young genius of the family back to the family residence.

Many well-known young strong men are prohibited from participating in the trial.

The fleet that had been cruising around was recalled to the country.

Countless warships patrolled the coastal waters of Eagle Country.

The army has entered a state of preparation for war.

Martial law began at the port.

Economic activity has also begun to be restricted.

The President of the Eagle Country declared that the Eagle Country has entered a state of emergency!

Affected by these things, many people have noticed something wrong.

Many people are beginning to accumulate emergency food and daily commodities.

Although many people cannot know the exact news, they can detect the abnormality.

The entire Eagle Country has fallen into a tense atmosphere!

All countries in the world are staring at every move of Eagle Country.

Their unusual actions have made all countries feel a little confused.

What happened?

The news soon reached the Dragon Kingdom.

Longguo’s senior officials immediately took action.

They began to investigate the causes and consequences of the incident.

Especially to investigate whether there is a connection between this series of actions of the Eagle Country and the “taboo incident”.

After all, the Eagle Nation is still the strongest country in the world, and the Dragon Nation has to act cautiously.

At the same time, Long Kingdom is also preparing various countermeasures!

And Lin Feng, who caused this series of events, is in the trial space at this time, checking his own gains from this trial.

Especially the artifact “Broken Dawn”, and the mysterious ball of light given by the last demon god Meredia!,

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