The 142nd chapter as a thug as a killer? Blows terribly.

At the Third Ring Ranch in Yingguo, Admiral Austin was sitting on an office chair, looking at the horses running freely through the window.

He was waiting for the four sixth-order peak powerhouses who had been teleported into the trial space to return to their lives.

Originally, he thought that the four people would come back the same day the teleportation passed.

But three days have passed since they were teleported into the trial space.

The four wizards still didn’t come back to their lives.

Did something special happen?

Admiral Austin was a little anxious.

According to normal calculations, it should be easy to kill a character like Lin Feng.

At most, it will take some time to find the target. ?

It may only take one face-to-face time to kill Lin Feng.

With the powerful magical attack power of the sixth-order pinnacle mage, and the high mobility brought by “teleport”, it is easy to kill a gardener.

But why haven’t those mages come back after so long?

Is Lin Feng hiding?

But if it is hidden, how can he complete the trial?

Since he dared to participate in the trial alone, it is impossible to hide.

Once he fights with zombies, he should be found by magicians.


A frightening thought suddenly came up in Admiral Austin’s mind.

Did Lin Feng kill four Tier 6 wizards?

This idea only appeared for an instant before it was rejected by Admiral Austin.

He shook his head.

How can this be.

Lin Feng, a small-level gardener, still wants to kill the sixth-level peak powerhouse?

Is there a problem with teleportation magic?

Admiral Austin glanced at the trash can in the corner.

Inside, there was the ashes of Antonio, a ninth-order magician scholar.

Admiral Austin suddenly remembered what happened to Antonio before.

He was rapidly aging, turning black and vomiting blood.

The cost of using this taboo method is far beyond my imagination.

Could it be that the great teleportation technique has also undergone some unknown changes?

The disturbing thoughts hovered in General Austin’s mind.


At this moment, Admiral Austin’s cell phone vibrated.

He picked up the phone and took a look. It was Major General Kevin who called.

He connected to the phone.


“Speak up. It’s safe here.”

“It’s been three days, why haven’t the mission been completed? But what happened during the teleportation?”

On the other side of the phone, Major General Kevin’s puzzled voice came over.

Although Admiral Austin himself is also very confused about this.

But he will not express it on the phone.

He knew very well that although Major General Kevin made this call, there would definitely be 270 other people listening to it.

“Nothing, everything is normal.”

“The four of them have successfully teleported over.”

“It is estimated that it took some time to find Lin Feng. The venue for some second-level trials is very large.

“Wait a little longer, there will be a reply.”

Admiral Austin categorically gave an affirmative answer.

After a brief greeting, the two parties interrupted the communication.

Major General Kevin hung up, smiled and said to the person next to him: “Ms. Emma, ​​you should rest assured now.”

“Since there is nothing unusual in General Austin.

“As long as there is no problem with the transmission, then this task can be completed. It’s just the length of time the task takes.”

Major General Kevin seemed confident.

As long as there is no problem with the teleportation, with the strength of the sixth-order peak magician, the life of Lin Feng will be captured by hand.

For this, he is very confident.

Not only him, but in this hexagonal building meeting room, everyone except the officials sent by the president is very confident.It’s just that Emma, ​​as the president of the country, is still waiting to report the results of the mission to the president at this time.

And I and others also hope that Admiral Austin will have good news.

In this way, his career will be brighter.

When everyone waited in this conference room for three days and still didn’t see Admiral Austin report the result, Emma was a little anxious.

As an ordinary tester, she does not understand the gap between the testers like others.

Although Major General Kevin and Patriarch John had explained this to her before.

But without seeing Admiral Austin’s return with her own eyes, she never felt so relieved.

“Major General Kevin, you said the same before.

“I don’t understand the difference between middle and high-level trials and low-level trials, so I can only wait.”

“I’ll confirm it for the last time. Are you sure that four Tier 6 magicians can definitely kill that Tier 4 gardener?

“Their professional level is only two steps away!”

Hearing her question, everyone in the meeting room laughed.

This Emma is terribly naive.

What does it mean that the professional level is only two steps away?

Don’t talk about two levels.

Two testers play against each other, even if they are only one level behind in their professional ranks.

High-ranking testers are likely to gain an absolute advantage, overwhelming low-ranking testers.

Emma, ​​”Madam, please rest assured, although Lin Feng has some achievements in the past, this time he is facing a magician at the sixth-tier peak!”

“Those magicians are very powerful, not to mention that they are all powerful at the sixth-order peak.”

“At this stage (ahcb) is said to be the strongest below high-level, and it will definitely be able to easily kill Lin Feng.”

Emma looked at Major General Kevin with some suspicion.

She didn’t quite believe what the general said.

After all, he said the same before.

These magicians killed Lin Feng easily, and it only takes half a day to have results.

As a result, I waited here for three days.

In order not to leak information, oneself and others must stay here.

But Emma looked around and found that everyone agreed with General Kevin.

Whether it is the mighty and powerful Patriarch John, or the bloody General Louis

In this conference room, there are many powerful people who can be called the Eagle Country, and their opinions are the same as those of Major General Kevin.

Emma can only convince herself of Major General Kevin’s statement.

I just have to wait here for the news of Lin Feng’s death.

Whether it is Major General Kevin in the conference room, Patriarch John, or other strong people.

It is impossible for them to know that the four sixth-order peak magicians with high hopes have become Lin Feng’s free labor at this time.

Lin Feng uses the jungle invisibility technique to hide among the plants.

The four powerful magicians were helping him attack the corpse tide.

These four people were obviously going to be assassins, but they turned out to be thugs to kill the target!

The underground temple in the ice field at dawn.

Lin Feng is still hiding in the body of Enchanting Mushroom.

He has switched to using the tree world and jungle invisibility techniques several times.

After all, every skill has a duration.

The roar of magic continued to spread.

In this underground temple, the magician united with plants to fight against the tide of corpses.

Although the battle is still going on, in Lin Feng’s view, the battlefield situation has changed a lot.

The intensity of the attacks of those zombies has been weakened by half!

Worthy of being a Tier 6 Peak Mage!

The offensive ability is so powerful!

Lin Feng had to exclaim.

After three days and three nights of battle, these mages showed their powerful strength to the fullest.

“Hold on for a few more days, I feel that these zombies will be killed by us!”

“Huh! Although this second-tier trial happens frequently, but it is only a second-tier trial after all, it’s still nothing more than that.”

“After killing these zombies, what shall we do next?”

Go find “Lin Feng! He must not die! He teleported away from the battlefield before, trapping us here, now he must be hiding in that place.”

“Either we kill him, or the zombies kill him, only if he is dead, we can go back.

After a few brief discussions, the four sixth-level wizards increased their magic output and expanded their attack range.

Lin Feng listened to everything they said.

At this moment, he deeply felt the power and practicality of the cultivator’s skills.

If it weren’t for the tree world and jungle invisibility skills, I would have to face four powerful magicians.

Although now I use my skills to let these magicians do for myself.

The situation is also shifting to one’s own favor.

But who knows what will happen next?

Lin Feng didn’t care, quietly waiting for the development of the battle situation, observing the entire battlefield.

In the shadow of the underground temple, there is another person like Lin Feng, quietly observing the changes in the situation.

That god sacrifice zombie!

Her body that had been reduced by Violet hadn’t recovered yet.

At this moment, she was hiding in the dark, staring fiercely at the four magicians.

Her pale face was full of blood, which made her look even more hideous and terrifying.

And her pupils, which were already small, almost disappeared at the moment. Almost only a white eye can be seen on the eyes!

The sacrificial zombies were covered in wounds, and magical breath remained everywhere.

Those four Tier 6 wizards were too powerful, and she was repelled in several assaults!

Under the anti-hidden effect of Lin Feng Street Lantern, she could not sneak attack at all.

After all, this temple is different from Dawn Icefield.Although there are many zombies here, the number is limited!

Other zombies in the ground cannot enter this temple!

At this time, the zombies here have been killed by the four wizards in half.

The god sacrifice zombies are extremely angry!

Although I don’t know the specific reason, as the only special zombie with wisdom here, monstrous hatred filled her mind!

She stared at the four wizards fiercely.

Her attack methods were not effective against the magicians.

But she has one last resort!


She is waiting for the opportunity!

As time passed, the zombies’ offensive strength finally weakened a lot.

They can no longer trap those mages next to the street lanterns.

“Let’s go, according to the current situation, those zombies are not a concern.”

But they will be invisible, without this glowing flower, we can’t see those zombies.

“It’s okay, we walk together, take turns using range magic, as long as there is a zombie close to it, we will be killed.”

We “four people take turns to release the skills, we can explode the magic power to restore the speed can keep up.

“Let’s go, I can’t wait to kill Lin Feng and go back to receive the reward.”

After a few soft sounds, the four wizards gradually left the plant position and walked towards the depths of the temple.

“I don’t know how Lin Feng cultivated these special plants. In the second-tier trial, the combat effectiveness was amazing!”

Perhaps “it is the effect of lucky four-leaf clover. This is indeed a legend that no one can reproduce.”

“Hehe, but after today, this legend will come to an end.

“What a legend, it’s nothing more than a little guy.”

“Can you make such a big noise and let General Austin use taboo methods?”

“That’s true.

These magicians gathered together, along with lightning and thunder, glacial storms, and walked forward.

As they walked farther and farther, the conversation gradually disappeared.

Lin Feng didn’t show his figure right away.

He was very cautious and continued to use the jungle invisibility technique.

The plants swayed in this hall.

Occasionally, two or three zombies came over, and they would be easily killed by plants.

Lin Feng waited for a long time, but still nothing happened.


Just when he was about to stop using the skill, a loud noise came quickly from a distance.

From the corridor of the temple, an extremely dazzling white light lit up.



The ground began to tremble rapidly.

The strong vibration caused the broken pillars around to collapse everywhere, and the walls that had been broken were shattered.

There was a lot of dust everywhere, and the whole hall was filled with smoke.

Lin Feng was surprised.

what’s going on?

Without any hesitation, he waved his hand and plant heroes appeared.Lin Feng quickly planted and gave birth to iron skin and high nut walls.

He wants to enhance his defenses and deal with the abnormal changes!

However, after he was busy for a long time, the shock gradually weakened.

All visions have disappeared.

The surroundings returned to peace again.

In the end what happened?

Lin Feng frowned, puzzled.

There was silence for a while, and he couldn’t think of an answer.

After checking the situation for four weeks, he started to act again.

He summoned a plant hero, and then moved forward while planting plants.

Although there is no corpse tide now, the god sacrifice zombies have not been resolved yet.

And those four magicians are also extremely powerful.

You must always be careful.

He planted potato mines in some hidden corners, dug some holes and planted bamboo shoots.

Once discovered by the wizards, the plants in these hidden areas are their hiding places.

After I hid myself, the one who greeted the mages was the attack of the self-destructed plant soldiers!

Big deal, think of a way to build a corn cannon position by yourself!

Lin Feng felt cruel in his heart.

He pushed forward all the way.

Whether it is the shrine or the corridors of this temple, he has been planted with plants.

After walking for about an hour, he finally found an abnormality.

In front of him, there is a huge cave.

Remnant eaves and broken walls all around.

The high temperature that has not yet completely dissipated.

The surrounding stone pillars were half melted.

There are also burnt broken rocks.

These things tell Lin Feng one thing, there has been an extremely violent explosion here!

Lin Feng woke up.

I am afraid that this place is the place where the abnormality occurred.

What is going on here?

He watched his surroundings vigilantly.

[The place where the god sacrifice zombie exploded: A god sacrifice zombie just died here, and the powerful divine power in her body opposed the evil power, resulting in a powerful explosion. 】

[Note: Four Masters of Tier 6 Peak have also died here!]

(Note: Divine power, magic power, and demon power are confused here, and the energy is mixed, which is not good for the human body. Don’t take off the endless suit!”

Lin Feng was shocked.

This devastated afterimage was caused by the self-detonation of the god sacrifice zombie?

This power is much stronger than the power of the god servants zombies that have been encountered before!

He then felt a burst of joy.

Those Tier 6 magicians are also dead?

Lin Feng looked around and probed carefully.

After some observation, he verified this fact.

Those sixth-order magicians are dead.

Died with the god sacrifice zombies.

Lin Feng smiled.

What a shame.

“Although you are here to kill me, I still thank you for helping me clear the obstacles in the trial.”

“Happy cooperation.”

After leaving a few words indifferently, Lin Feng started planting plants again.

He is going to push on.

On his waist, there are four dawn beacons floating around.

Lin Feng can feel a traction.

These beacons wanted him to go forward.

What is waiting for me in front of there?

Is it a zombie? Or another enemy?

Or some reward?

Lin Feng remained vigilant and slowly pushed forward!,

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