Chapter 137 Happy cooperation, I will send you on the road!

North of Eagle Country, Third Ring Ranch.

When the four magicians of the sixth-order peak left, the huge blue portal only persisted for a while before it collapsed.

The blue magic light dotted the entire office.

The expression of Antonio, the ninth-order magician scholar, instantly wilted.

His strong muscles gradually atrophy, and more and more age spots appear on his body.

The gray hair started to fall off quickly, and the hair on the head looked sparse.

He seemed to be a few dozen years old all of a sudden.

If the former Antonio was a gray-haired, middle-aged man over half a hundred years old, then he is now an old man Xianglou over a hundred years old. ?

Antonio tried to stand up straight.

“Now that those people have been teleported, you should be satisfied, too.”

We “just wait here for a result.”

“Those magicians killed the target, and the remaining portal magic power on them will send them back.

Antonio spoke calmly to Admiral Austin.

His voice was very hoarse, without any magnetism.

But he didn’t care too much about his aging.

Antonio knew that this should be what he really was.

Before this, it was just a youthful appearance that was forcibly maintained by magic.

Now I used the Forbidden Curse and sent four Tier 6 peak powers to the trial of the Intervention Trial. Naturally, there was a price to pay.

But he has hurt the origin a long time ago, and there is no possibility of improvement.

Now I sacrifice half of my magic power, but I have cleared an obstacle for my country, and at the same time I can leave a name in history.

Antonio feels that he has made a lot of money no matter what.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred.

He felt a choking in his chest and couldn’t breathe at all.

He tried to breathe, but he could only breathe in very little air.

“Qing Qing Qing.”

Antonio’s voice was low and hoarse, and it was extremely painful.


He suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood.

A bright red appeared on the ground.

“Oh, wow~!”

Otonio bent down in pain, curled up and fell to the ground.

The yellow and turbid vomit mixed with blood flowed out from the corners of his mouth, and his entire face was pressing hard.

The age spots on his body are spreading fast.

The already mottled skin is being covered by black.

Antonio felt that his vitality was losing rapidly, and his muscles were rapidly shrinking.

200 bursts of severe pain spread all over his body.

“Ho ho ho~~

He wanted to exhale in pain, but it was difficult to make a sound, so he could only shout hoarsely.

Antonio was shocked.

how so!

I have already expended most of the magic power as a sacrifice, and I am so old!

Logically, I have paid enough!

Why is there such a change now?

Admiral Austin looked at him with goose bumps on his body.

He witnessed the whole process of Antonio’s aging, and saw how painful he is now.

Even with Austin’s sensible and paranoid temperament, he was silent at this time.

Antonio’s appearance made him take a step back.

The price paid by this taboo method exceeded all their imaginations!

A powerful ninth-tier spellcaster has fallen into such a desperate situation!

In Austin’s perception, Antonio’s current magic is quickly fading, becoming more weak and painful.

There was a moment of silence, and a gleam of light flashed in Austin’s eyes.

“Since you are in such pain, then I will send you on the road.

“We will remember your achievements, and I will do what we promised you.”

“From then on, the Congress should publicize your contribution to the Eagle Nation!

After saying this, Admiral Austin burst into flames.

He raised his hands and waved vigorously.

The blue-violet flame was instantly knocked down on Antonio’s body and burned quickly.

Antonio quickly turned into a handful of black ash.

Before death, there was a sense of relief in his eyes.

Austin looked more solemn.

What kind of pain is it to make a ninth-tier powerhouse like Antonio think that death is a kind of relief?

With a light wave of his hand, the black dust on the ground spun into the trash can in the office.

Austin nodded solemnly at the trash can.

“Happy cooperation.”

He looked solemn and serious, as if he was not facing a dead person.

After saying this, he walked out of the room, took out his cell phone, and sent a text message.

That text message was sent to the hexagonal building.

At this time, in the highest-level meeting room of the hexagonal building.

A group of people are here waiting for news.

They were sitting in jeopardy without saying a word.

The ranks of the people participating in this meeting are very high.

Major General Kevin, who previously commanded the ambush of Lin Feng.

Several important representatives of the Eagle Nation military.

The contemporary patriarch of the John family, known as the family of priests.

A representative of the Ande family, where Francis, the ninth-order shadow dancer, belongs.

The ninth-order dark gladiator, the representative of the Dia family in which Vanfriet belongs.

Before, it was these people who were discussing whether to use taboo methods in the hexagonal building.

Except for General Austin, who is now at the Third Ring Ranch, everyone else has arrived.

In addition, the contemporary president of Eagle Country also sent several officials to participate in this meeting.

At that time, almost everyone disagreed with General Austin’s plan.

But the follow-up news made more of them recognize one thing.

The current national strength of the Dragon State is booming, while the national strength of the Eagle State is beginning to decline inexplicably.

They have to use such methods.

When General Austin goes out to implement the plan, everyone needs to wait here.

On the one hand, these people are big figures in the Eagle Country. Once an accident occurs in Admiral Austin, they can react quickly and deal with the accident.

On the other hand, General Austin did not want his plan to be leaked.

When the plan has not yet been implemented, there is no need to manage it so strictly.

Once the plan is implemented, we must strictly prevent the leakage of information.

At this time, a screen in front of Major General Kevin lit up.

He leaned in front of the screen and saw that there was a text message sent over.

“Successful transmission.”

Seeing those four words, Major General Kevin looked relaxed.

Others have been staring at him.

After Major General Kevin let out a breath of relief, Patriarch John asked: “How is it? Admiral Austin succeeded?”

Major General Kevin nodded and said: “The text message says that the four sixth-order peaks have been successfully teleported.”

Patriarch John also nodded in relief.

The lightning that had been faintly flashing around him also dissipated.

An official sent by the president to supervise asked: “It’s just that the person has been teleported? Hasn’t it been killed successfully?”

This is a female official named Emma.

She is just a Tier 4 trainer, and her career level is not high, only Tier 5.

So she didn’t know much about the trials of Tier VI trialers, nor did she know what Admiral Austin had planned.

She plays more of a role as a microphone, and needs to inform the President of the Eagle Country in detail.

So Emma must ask everything clearly.

“In fact, it’s almost the same. Once the four strongmen of Tier 6 peak, once they teleport over, Lin Feng will undoubtedly die.”

Major General Kevin explained.

Although he did not agree with General Austin’s views before, he did not agree with his plan.

But the negative news sent one after another convinced him.

And Emma is the president’s person after all, Major General Kevin and Admiral Austin are both officials of the Hexagon Building, and they (ahcb) are on one side.

So in any case, Major General Kevin must say a few words for Admiral Osti.

Moreover, the goal of General Austin’s plan is not just Lin Feng.

On his list of kills, there are many other geniuses from the Dragon Kingdom.

After the success of this plan, Emma reported the situation to the President. After the President approved the next plan, they could begin to kill other Dragon geniuses.

“This answer is too rigorous. After so long, has it just been transmitted? Didn’t kill Lin Feng?”

“The plan you are implementing is very risky, and you must carefully verify any step.

“Before the final results come out, no one can be sure that Lin Feng will die.”

Emma lacks sufficient understanding of the trial space, and does not have a clear understanding of the strength of the sixth-tier peak trialists.

But she is a member of the president, and in the face of areas she doesn’t know, she must act steadily and can’t make any mistakes.

“Since the plan has not been successful, then I think we should all stay in this conference room and it would be better not to go out.

Emma added one last sentence.

Major General Kevin smiled and nodded.

“Of course we understand this truth, but the four sixth-order peak powerhouses are all mages. They will definitely be able to kill Lin Feng.”

He seemed extremely confident.

“So, Emma, ​​just wait to report the good news to the president.”

When “this mission is completed, the president can approve the next plan.”

We “can also send testers in a large area to kill the Dragon Kingdom genius.

Major General Kevin is optimistic about the mission situation.

And in this conference room, most of them are powerful people of various forces.

They all know the strength of the sixth-order peak tester.

Everyone is very confident.

Emma still shook her head.

“Everyone here is a strong tester, you must have a better understanding of the trial space than me.””I wonder if you are willing to analyze it for me?”

Major General Kevin readily agreed.

He is in a good mood now.

As long as the task of killing Lin Feng is completed, those top families will owe a favor to the high-levels of their hexagonal building.

And if the task of killing other Dragon Kingdom geniuses is also completed, then their achievements in the hexagonal building are unparalleled.

In the view of Major General Kevin, as long as the four Tier VI powerhouses successfully teleported, it is a certainty to retrieve Lin Feng’s head.

So Major General Kevin explained to Emma enthusiastically.

With his explanation and the supplement of John Patriarch and others, Emma gradually understood the strength of the sixth-order peak power.

If the trainers of ranks 1 to 9 are distinguished according to the characteristics of the body, then all the trainers can be divided into four levels.

The trainers from Tier 1 to Tier 5 are all of the same grade.

Sixth-tier testers are individually classified as a grade.

There is one grade for the testers from the seventh to the ninth level.

Regardless of ability, the physical conditions of these three levels of testers are worlds apart.

The first to fifth level testers have begun to awaken to become professionals, familiar with their own professional skills, and begin to lay the foundation.

Although these practitioners can use special powers, their bodies are essentially human bodies.

And the testers of rank 7 and above, their physical strength is already inhuman grade.

Once they reach that level, they will completely distance themselves from the other testers.

It can be said that the testers of rank 7 and above are completely different from ordinary people.

They will gain power far beyond ordinary people and do things that ordinary people can’t even imagine.

They can survive in nuclear eggs, roam in space, and dive for 10,000 meters.

And the strong of the sixth-order pinnacle, only one step short of gaining this ability.

Sixth-tier powerhouses, as the first level of high-level powerhouses, their situation is much better than that of low-level powerhouses.

They are in a transitional period between “ordinary people” and “non-human”.

Their bodies have begun to change and begin to accommodate more special energy.

In this way, the physical body of the sixth-order strong is more tenacious, the physical strength is more abundant, and the power that can be used is more.

The sixth-order pinnacle mage came to kill the fourth-order gardener, which should have been done by hand.

Hearing their explanation, Emma’s face gradually improved.

“According to what you said, Lin Feng is bound to die?”

Major General Kevin nodded repeatedly.

Emma looked at the others present.

Whether it is majestic and majestic, it is like the god of John’s Patriarch.

Patriarch Dia who is still physically strong and powerful at a glance.

Or other high-level powerhouses.

They all responded affirmatively to Emma’s puzzled eyes.

Emma finally let out a sigh of relief.

“In that case, then I am waiting for the real good news from you all.”

“Once the news of Lin Feng’s death is confirmed, I will immediately report to Your Excellency the President and ask him to approve your next plans.”

“Of course, you will certainly not lose your rewards.

Major General Kevin smiled.

Patriarch John’s indifferent expression eased slightly.

Other strong men also relaxed their bodies.

They are all waiting for news from Admiral Austin.

And Admiral Austin is also waiting for the return of the four sixth-tier peak powers!

The four Tier 6 powerhouses are now on the ice field at dawn, looking for Lin Feng with ease.

They don’t know what a hellish scene they are about to face!

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