Chapter 136 Crazy Austin! Powerful Tier 6 Pinnacle!

In the north of Eagle Country, there is a grassland with fertile pastures.

?? There is a pasture on the grassland called Sanhuan, which is the largest pasture in the north of Eagle Country.

?? At this time, Admiral Austin had just got out of the car, and was walking to the ranch’s office with four Tier VI testers.

??Here, the legendary powerhouse of Eagle Nation, the ninth-order demon scholar, Antonio.

?? Admiral Austin needs him to cast a large teleportation technique.

?? When they walked into the huge office, there was only an old man with a white beard who was overhauling a mechanical part.

?? If Admiral Austin didn’t guess wrong, it should be the gear of a frost drilling cart.

?? The powerful vehicle of the ninth-level magical scholar, the Frost Drilling Cart, used by him to dig holes in this pasture, is also the only one in the world.

?? The old man has a tall body and a childlike appearance. The exposed arms are thicker than the thighs of ordinary people. They are full of muscles and appear very strong.

?? He is Antonio.

?? “Austin, you are here. These guys around you are the targets of this teleportation?”

?? Antonio didn’t look very respectful to Admiral Austin, and the two greeted them casually.

?? The four sixth-level peak powerhouses behind Admiral Austin bowed and saluted very respectfully.

?The people in front of them are after all the ninth-tier powerhouses of Ying Guo, who deserve their respect.

?? “Antonio, when will you use the teleportation technique? Our time is very tight. I don’t want to wait too long.”

?? Admiral Austin urged.

?? Antonio waved his hand.

?? “I promise you will not regret it, but after using this great teleportation technique, I will almost die. You can’t urge me to die sooner.”

?? Antonio stared at Admiral Austin’s eyes and said: “Also, don’t forget what you promised me.

?? “Don’t worry, I will let future generations remember your contribution to Eagle Country.”

?? Admiral Austin nodded and replied: “We will publicize your contributions to Eagle Nation in various places and publicize your honor.

?? Antonio retracted his gaze with satisfaction.

?? Although he has a strong body, but in fact his source of strength has long been severely damaged, and there is no possibility of making progress.

?? At this age, he has run out of time.

?? He also has no offspring, and now the only pursuit is to fame after death.

?? At this moment, Admiral Austin raised his brow.

In his perception, a person with a weak breath is trying to approach this office.

“Antonio, do you perceive anything?”

Magic scholar Antonio looked at Admiral Austin with some doubts, not knowing why he asked so.

Admiral Austin flashed.

When he appeared, there was already a little boy in his hand.

The little boy’s blond hair and wheaten skin made him look smart.

He shivered in the hands of Admiral Austin.

Antonio’s expression changed drastically: “Don’t do it! This is my ranch apprentice!”

Admiral Austin stopped.

The flame that appeared on the back of his hand slowly dissipated.

?? “Antonio, it seems that your strength has dropped a bit, and you can’t feel this little boy approaching here.”

?? Admiral Austin is also a rank nine powerhouse, and he has long spotted the little boy Alex near here.

?? He didn’t want to let what happened here.

?? Any situation needs to be in his own hands to let him rest assured.

Antonio looked at Admiral Austin nervously and alertly.

“This is my apprentice Alex, the child of a nearby herder, you let him go.”

After he said these words, the magic power of his whole body had already rippled away.

He is nervous.

Just now Austin grabbed Alex, spitting flames with his left hand.

He seems to want to kill this child!

His expression was too calm and his movements were too smooth.

Antonio felt a strong sense of disobedience from Admiral Austin.

This guy was too calm when he wanted to kill!

When he wants to kill someone, he is like playing the piano, he looks elegant and calm!

As if he had no psychological burden for killing a child!

Admiral Austin raised his eyebrows when he saw Antonio’s vigilance.

He let go of his hand.

?? “You are not good people!”

?? “Grandpa Antonio, don’t go!”

?? Alex was released and ran towards Antonio.Hiding to Antonio’s side, he yelled at Admiral Austin and the others.

?? His voice trembled, fear and anger surfaced on his face together.

?? Admiral Austin looked at the magic scholar Antonio: “Antonio, who is he? You told this kid what you are going to do?”

?? “You should know that the less people know what we are going to do, the better.

?? He looked at Alex’s eyes, calm and calm.

But Antonio became vigilant again.

Admiral Austin looked at Alex, not like looking at a living person, but like looking at a dead thing.

?? Antonio looked at Admiral Austin vigilantly, and shook his head in a complicated mood.

?? “This is my little apprentice in this ranch, Alex, the child of a nearby herder.”

?? “I won’t tell him something, that’s not the news that people his age should know.”

?? “However, he may have seen something for himself.”

?? Alex ran behind Antonio and hid behind his legs.

?? He only showed his face and shouted at Admiral Austin: “You are not good people! You are going to harm Grandpa!”

?? Admiral Austin didn’t care about the rudeness of this little guy, he just looked at Antonio.

?? “It seems that your heart is not as calm as you think.”

?? “You are actually restless.

?? “Otherwise, why would you express your emotions and let this little guy see your strangeness?”

?? “And there is no magic circle near your office, anyone can approach. You are too careless.”

?? Magic Scholar Antonio was silent, and patted Alex’s head with his hand.

?? There is no magic circle in the office, just because I have lived in seclusion.

?? Naturally, there is no need to do this kind of thing.

?? But why would I let Alex see what he was going to do? It was indeed as Austin said, that he was not at peace.

?? It took a long time for Antonio to answer Austin’s question.

?? We “in the trial of the student who sent the sixth-order peak power to the Dragon Kingdom, we want to kill him. After all, this is a taboo.”

?? “This method is ultimately a method that cannot be used on the stage

?? “Once it is exposed, there will be a big battle between our Eagle Nation and Dragon Nation, and maybe there will be other countries attacking us.”

?? For his reputation after death, Antonio did not hesitate to assist General Austin by using taboo methods.

?? But he is still worried about the consequences of this matter.

?? Austin smiled.

?? He looked at Antonio, confident and crazy.

?? “Why do you think I want to do this?”

?? “Of course it is because the situation is very bad now. We have died too many ninth-tier powerhouses, and too many young powerhouses have died.”

?? “If we do not do this, our Eagle Nation has no future, and we will definitely lose to Long Nation in the future.

?? “Maybe after 20 years, the Dragon Kingdom will become the world’s largest country.

?? “As for the plan to be exposed, it will trigger a war with the Dragon Kingdom.”

?? At this point, Admiral Austin smiled more presumptuously and aggressively.

?? “We can still compete with the Dragon Kingdom now, we will fight the big deal!”

?? “It’s better than the next 9th-tier powerhouse is missing, we don’t even have the qualifications to fight a battle.

?? Antonio looked at Admiral Austin somewhat incomprehensibly.

The person in front of me said such shocking words in a calm tone!

What a big deal?

With the current size and strength of the Eagle Nation and the Dragon Nation, if a war really starts, what serious consequences would that be?

How many people will die?

Hasn’t he thought about such a result?

?? “You are so confident? Have you ever thought that you might make a wrong judgment? You have so little confidence in our young people in Eagle Country?”

“Have you ever thought about how many people will die once we officially start a war with the Dragon Kingdom?”

Maybe “it will cause a big war!”

?? The smile on Admiral Austin’s face is even more lacking.

?? “It’s not that I don’t have confidence in the young people of the Eagle Country, but I have more confidence in the young people of the Dragon Country!”

?? “I don’t know what others are doing, but the gardener Lin Feng, I have studied him carefully.”

?? “The results he has achieved now shouldn’t be something humans can obtain.”

?? “Even if the young people of Long Kingdom are not as good as him, there are many very good people.

?? “For the future, we must use all available means now.”

?? “As for you, have I ever thought that my judgment is wrong?”

?? Austin smiled even more triumphantly.

?? “If I really make a wrong judgment, it would be best. That means Ying Guo can continue to compete with Long Guo in the future, and we are still number one in the world!”

“As for you said many people will die? Huh?”

“As long as I Ying Guo can always be the number one in the world, no matter how many people die?”

“The big deal is to encourage childbirth, just give birth to a little more!”

In this “world, the most indispensable thing is people!”

He has a calm tone, as if no one is worth mentioning no matter how many people die.

?? Antonio looked at the rebellious Admiral Austin in front of him, and a thought flashed in his mind.

?? The guy in front of him is a lunatic.

?? In order for Yingguo to remain the world’s largest power, he can do whatever it takes to do anything.

?? I don’t know what magic is the title of world number one, which can make Austin do this step.

He is a calm lunatic.

The matter of dead people seemed to him to be completely unconcerned.

How indifferent is this person to life?

?? Alex seemed to be shocked by the look of Admiral Austin, and he hid behind Antonio.

?? Admiral Austin frowned suddenly and took a closer look at Alex’s situation.

?? “This guy’s talent seems to be very good?”

?? he asked.

?? Antonio’s expression changed.

?? A bad premonition spread in his heart.

?? He asked vigilantly: “What are you going to do?”

?? Admiral Austin waved his hand.

?? “Antonio, you should be very clear, although I don’t care much about what we are doing is eventually known by Long Kingdom.”

??” But I never want it to be exposed too early, and this child has already noticed the abnormality.

?? Hearing his words, Antonio’s expression changed drastically.

?? Three blue magic balls have been floating in the air, spinning around him and the little boy Alex.

?? Admiral Austin waved his hand.

?? “Don’t be nervous. I won’t do it here.”

?? “Sure enough, you can be accepted as an apprentice, even if it is a ranch helper, that is not an ordinary person.

?? In his perception, the little boy named Alex has a strong talent.

?? “You said he is the child of a nearby herder?”

?? Admiral Austin stared straight at Alex.

?? “I will investigate his life experience and grasp his situation.”

?? “Little guy, once today’s things leak from your mouth, your family will not end well.”

?? Alex has been able to understand many things when he was more than ten years old.

?? He understood what the crazy and evil weird man said in front of him.

?? Bean big teardrops brewing in his eyes.

?? He grasped Anthony’s swinging hand even harder.

?? Antonio frowned.

?? Before he could say anything, Admiral Austin said again: “Your talent is very good, little guy!”

?? “In addition to not revealing the secrets here, you must also promise me another condition.”

?? “I will provide you with the best conditions for growth, but you must demonstrate your potential.

?? “You must also study hard in the future. In the future, you must choose a strong career for me and advance as quickly as possible.”

?? “Otherwise, I will kill your parents and family.

?? Antonio’s complexion has changed.

?? He felt that General Austin in front of him was crazy.

?? How does this guy do things so illogical?

?? What are the conditions?

?? The most important thing is that as a 9th-order spellcaster, he has a very mysterious ability to predict.

?? There is a strong hunch in his heart.

?? Austin is serious.

?? He really intends to provide Alex with the best conditions.

?? Antonio knows very well that the little boy Alex is extremely talented.

?? Even if I live in seclusion here, I can’t help but accept him as an apprentice when I see Alex.

?? If Austin really provides him with the best conditions, he will grow very fast after the age of 18.

?? As long as ten or twenty years later, maybe Alex will grow extremely strong.

?? Austin is not afraid that Alex will retaliate against him when he grows up?

?? Finally, he couldn’t help but ask his doubts.

“”You just wanted to kill him, now you want to support his growth?”

“Why do you look crazy when you are doing things now?”

?? “You are not afraid that Alex will use the same method to retaliate against you in the future?”Antonio couldn’t understand Austin’s logic of action.

This person is simply a lunatic.

?? Admiral Austin laughed.

He has a calm tone.

?? “I hope he can do that, because then he is better than me”

?? “As for using the same method to deal with me, haha, I am a bachelor without a family.”

?? Admiral Austin shook his head and looked at Alex again.

?? “All I do is for Yingguo’s future, and talents like this little guy are the Eagle’s future.”

?? “I hope he grows up quickly. As for its hatred of me, haha, anyway, I have no family.”

?? “And at his age, maybe when he grows up, I will die too.”

?? Antonio looked at Admiral Austin in shock.

?? This man is really a lunatic.

And a calm lunatic.

His logic is too difficult to understand.

Austin neither cares about his own life nor the lives of others.

It seems to him that everyone is just a tool to achieve goals.

??This is a lunatic who does everything in order to keep Eagle Country standing on the top of the world!

?? His style of acting seems so non-crazy.

?? But everything is in line with his own set of strange behavior logic.

?? Antonio has nothing to say.

?? Admiral Austin looked up at him.

?? “Don’t hesitate anymore, I’m afraid that Lin Feng will try again if you drag it on. Send it!”

?? “After you cast the spell, you should still have a breath. You can still take care of this little guy for a while.”

?? Antonio looked at the little boy Alex and didn’t hesitate anymore.

?? He let go of his hand protecting Alex.

?? The soldier next to him came forward and took the little boy away.

?? No matter how Alex struggles, he can’t break free and can only be taken out of this office.

?? Antonio looked serious, and his magic power was rapidly condensing.

?? A blue magic ball appeared in front of him, and it grew in size at an extremely fast speed.

??In the end, the magic ball turned into a blue portal!

?? A mysterious wave radiated from the portal.

?? He turned to look at the four people behind Admiral Ostu.

?? “Adjust the power, protect yourself, and then enter this portal.”

?? Hearing his words, the aura of the four sixth-order peak powerhouses suddenly exploded.

?? Tier 6 Peak Elemental Demolitionist!

?? The sixth-order peak ice formation master!

?? The sixth-order peak blood mage!

?? Sixth-tier peak dimensional walker!

?? A strong momentum broke out, and the magic of various colors entangled in this office.

?? Antonio once again looked at Admiral Austin in shock.

?? “These are all professionals of the sixth-tier pinnacle? And judging from this magic power, the magic power where they usually practice is very abundant!”

?? “They are all powerhouses who are about to be promoted to Tier 7?”

?? Admiral Austin nodded indifferently.

?? Every “people are so strong, they should only be able to advance to the seventh level and become a high-level powerhouse?”

?? “Unexpectedly, four sixth-tier peak spellcasters have been transferred! Lin Feng is still just a second-tier tester!”

?? “Calculated according to the level of the trial space, beyond the fourth-level teleportation, this is almost the limit of the big teleportation technique!”

?? “Do you value that student named Lin Feng so much?”

?? Admiral Austin said nothing.

?? Antonio can see the dignity in his heart from his expression.

?? The sixth-order peak powerhouse, what concept is this.

?? Almost all of them are only one step away from being promoted to Tier 7!

?? Once you step into the seventh step, you will be an out-and-out high-level powerhouse!

?? Actually send such a person to kill a student!

?? That student named Lin Feng, why on earth make Austin value so much?

?? There is not much time for him to think about.

??Four Tier 6 peak spellcasters walked into the portal together!

?? The portal’s energy is exhausted, and it collapses directly!

?? Those Tier 6 powerhouses will look for Lin Feng and try their best to kill the young talents of the Dragon Kingdom!

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