Chapter 138 The Dawn of the Icefield Mutation!

Dawn in the north of the icefield, in front of a huge idol.

?? Lin Feng is being lifted up by the strange power of this idol.

?? He stood upright in the air, facing the huge and non-human face of the idol.

?? Things have come to this, Lin Feng has become calmer instead.

?? He was quite sure that he himself was involved in events related to certain powerful gods.

?? Fortunately, I have the experience of awakening the devourers of the gods before.

?? Before coming to this dawn ice field, the annotation system also gave a hint.

?? Dawn ice had the big secret.

?? I have long been psychologically prepared.

?? On the one hand, Lin Feng remains vigilant, his body is tight, and he is always on guard against abnormal conditions.

?? On the other hand, he was indifferent, kept calm, looked straight at the gods, and waited for the follow-up.

?? Seeing this deity’s behavior, just lifted oneself up to the front of the deity, and did not do other abnormal things.

?? It’s like making yourself look at her.

?? What does this idol have to say?

??Or do you want to put yourself in front of you and see what you look like?

?? Lin Feng waited quietly.

?? This idol is extremely tall.

?? My current height is flush with the face of the idol, and the height above the ground has reached several kilometers.

?? At the highest point of this dawn, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenes!

?? Looking around, the continuous cold and frozen ground, the hurricane howling, and the heavy snow.

?? Looking south, you can still see the hot springs that I walked all the way.

?? Those hot springs are continuous, from big to small, extending to the south.

?? The entire plain appears to be so vast, and it stretches for thousands of miles.

?? Just when Lin Feng was observing the environment.

?? An ethereal voice sounded.

?? “Mortal, you are very calm.”

?? The sound is sweet and beautiful, sacred and majestic.

?? The sound resounded throughout the sky, shaking the clouds.

?? The diffuse sound wave spread to the surroundings, and the dark clouds were slowly pushed away, revealing a little bit of starlight.

?? Lin Feng looked at the face of the god.

?? The voice of this idol is so loud.

?? But it doesn’t sound noisy or harsh to my ears.

“Gardener? Cultivator? No wonder you are so calm. You are on the right path.”

?? Lin Feng feels a bit inexplicable.

??What is this guy talking about?

?? Ask what you think of, and he asks directly.

?? “What is the right way? I don’t know what you are talking about.”

?? The idol was silent for a while, and then asked: “You don’t know? How did you choose this path, and how did you change your job as a cultivator?”

?? Lin Feng is speechless for a while.

?? Only by owning the annotation system can we know the information of the cultivator.

?? I also know other job transfer information of the gardener.

?? But these are all things that cannot be explained.


?? Lin Feng said calmly.

?? “Luck is also a manifestation of strength. You have great potential. It depends on whether you can always walk on the right path.”

?? “At this point, no one can help you.”

?? The ethereal voice of the idol sounded again.

?? Lin Feng’s brain is running at high speed.

?? What exactly does the correct path said by this god mean?

?? But no matter what she said, she has an annotation system and is destined to be on the right path all the time.

?? Maybe, the road I have to take is even more promising than the path that the god said correctly.

?? Lin Feng said nothing more.

?? This idol was deliberately revealed in the northern night sky, leading him to the north.

?? After I placed the dawn beacon, I lifted myself into the air, certainly not to chat with myself.

?? Silent for a while, the ethereal and majestic voice sounded again.

?? “A mortal! I am Meredia, the demon god who is in charge of the sun

?? “This is my temple.

?? “It is now being invaded by other evil beings!”

?? “To clean up the evil in my temple, I will give you enough rewards!”

??? Lin Feng said nothing, just nodded indifferently.

?? He remembers very clearly.

?? When looking directly at the idol before, the reminder of the comment.

?? [Note: This is the main statue of Meritia! Has a powerful force)

?? [Note: This statue is in poor condition and is contaminated by the power of the devil!”

??Based on what Meredia said just now, the power that is now invading the temple should be a zombie transformed from a demon?

??? But anyway, this must be a part of the trial. For the sake of SSS-level evaluation, he himself will continue to fight with the zombies.

?? Regardless of his evil existence, he will be done.

?? “Mortal! You are calm!”

?? “I look forward to your performance!”

?? The last ethereal words came out from this idol.

?? All directions seem to be shaking slightly.

?? The dark clouds covering the sky were pushed a little further away.

?? A ray of light shone from the gap of the dark clouds.

?? That is the sun of dawn!

?? Numerous large holes appeared on the ground, and began to spit out “zombies.”

?? The four dawn beacons flew to Lin Feng’s side at a very fast speed, and revolved around him.

?? The pale yellow light enveloped his body.

?? His body fell towards the big hole in the ground.

?? Lin Feng straight into the deep darkness of the big hole in the ground.

?? I am about to enter the underground!

??It has been so many days since Dawn Icefield, and I finally enter this underground world to explore its true secrets!

?? He looked at the four dawn beacons that revolved around him.

?? I praised the four dawn beacons, I should already have the qualifications to survive underground!

?? Accompanied by the light yellow brilliance, Lin Feng fell into a dark hole!

?? After he entered the cave.

?? The high-altitude dark clouds closed again.

?? The entire icefield at dawn dimmed once again.

?? Only ethereal voices spread faintly in the sky.

?? “The smell of dawn! The breath of Azura! This mortal should be able to drive away the evil in my temple!”

?? “For nearly ten thousand years, this is the only hope!”

?? “Huh? What is that?

?? With the last murmur of doubt.

?? The idol returned to calm, without any changes.

?? And in the south of the ice field at dawn, a huge blue portal appeared.

?? Four powerful auras, surrounded by magical figures of different colors came out of the portal.

?? Ying Guo’s four sixth-order peak powerhouses!

?? They are tall and powerful.

?? As soon as the four appeared in this dawn ice field, they were surrounded by zombies.

?? “Huh? This trial site is a bit interesting. It seems that the trial is very difficult.

?? A calm male voice rang.

?? “It is difficult for Tier 2 trialers, and it’s not a big deal to us. The zombies here are too weak.”

?? Another voice sounded.

?? Accompanied by this sound, a blue ice ball condensed with magic power flew forward.

?? Numerous ice thorns are launched from the blue hockey puck.

?? No matter how powerful a zombie is, there is no ability to resist in front of this ice thorn.

?? The magic ball swept hundreds of meters all the way, clearing a 100-meter-long vacuum zone in the tide of corpses.

?? “But so.

?? “Don’t waste magic, we don’t know how long it will take to find Lin Feng.

??”I see.”

?? After a few brief conversations, the four casters of the sixth-order peak teleported and left the corpse tide.

?? They began to calmly search for Lin Feng’s figure.

?? Lin Feng did not know what happened behind him.

?? He fell into the big hole, all the way down, straight into the ground.

?? The surrounding scene has always been the same, he doesn’t know how long the time has passed.

?? Yo!

?? With a loud noise, Lin Feng finally landed.

0……Look for flowers…

?? The golden light surrounds his body, scattered to the surrounding darkness.

?? It seems to be the special effect of the dawn beacon, he did not feel any vibration.

?? He clenched the War Garden Pendant and summoned three plant heroes.

?? “Lord, are you okay?”

?? “Lord, what is this place?

?? “Master, what just happened.”

?? The three plant heroes didn’t even have time to say the usual opening remarks, and hurriedly asked about Lin Feng’s situation. .

?? He suddenly rose to the sky just now, making the plant heroes very anxious.

?? “I’m fine, now we are underground, stay vigilant, here is even more dangerous.”

?? After saying this, Lin Feng waved his hand, and 2000 plant soldiers in the pasture space appeared in the underground temple.

?? The plant heroes raise their weapons and remain vigilant.

???? Lin Feng began to look at the surrounding environment.

?? The ground is full of dust, mud, and no frozen ground.

?? He took off his hand armor and felt the temperature here.

?? Not only is it not cold here, but rather warm.

?? He put on his gloves again and looked around.

?? Under the light golden light of the dawn beacon, I can gradually see the surrounding scene clearly.

?? Here are ruined walls, broken bricks scattered everywhere, a dilapidated scene everywhere.


?? Lin Feng observed carefully.

?? Even the broken stone pillars in the corners are more than ten meters high.

???? Through the dust concealed on the stone pillars, you can faintly see the extremely exquisitely carved patterns.

?? Use your feet to drain the dust and dirt on the ground, you can see the broken floor tiles here.

?? But even after so many years, many floor tiles are still smooth.

?? The most amazing thing is that the edges of the floor tiles are also carved with exquisite patterns.

?? The three plant heroes kept on alert while keeping an eye on Lin Feng’s actions.

?? “Lord! Although this place is dilapidated, it seems to be a very beautiful and magnificent place before.”

?? The Rose Mage exclaimed.

?? Lin Feng’s mind changed sharply.

?? This is a magnificent temple!

?? I don’t know how many years it has been abandoned.

?? But only from these clues can be inferred, the magnificent original appearance of this temple.

?? “Continue to be vigilant, I will carefully observe the situation here.”

?? After he said these words, he took out a handful of street lantern seeds and planted them in the soil in the cracks of the floor tiles.

?? Under the promotion of sunlight energy, the street lantern flower sprouts quickly.

?? This dim temple was quickly illuminated.

?? Under the shining of street lanterns, not only did Lin Feng see clearly the appearance of this god sculpture.

??Also let him see more things clearly!

?? Groups of zombies!

??Countless zombies with ferocious expressions!

??They are in every corner of the temple, staring at themselves with scarlet eyes!

?? Lin Feng looked surprised!

??In this temple, it’s not just my own wave of people!

??There are also zombies scattered around!

A zombie that is many times stronger than the zombies on the ice field at dawn!

Compared with the zombies on the ground, their physiques are not much stronger!


Lin Feng did not expect that one day zombies could also be described by this adjective!

He suddenly remembered the shield bear zombies he encountered in the capital of death!

That powerful shield can be a zombie!

And here, it seems that every zombie has such a powerful force!

?? He reacted very quickly, and he threw the exploding cherry!

?? The iron-skinned and nut-walled soldiers quickly came to the outermost part of the formation to protect the comrades inside.

?? Frozen watermelon pitcher soldiers began to attack quickly!

??The plant hero came to Lin Feng’s surroundings and looked around vigilantly!

??In this underground temple that has been sealed for countless years, a war between plants and zombies broke out instantly!

Lin Feng knew very well that these zombies might be the real enemies of this trial!

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