Chapter 135 The Collapsed Hirota!

The priest Hirota is now standing on the roof of a residential building.

He stared at the zombies downstairs

It was just at sunrise, and the zombies were looking for a place to avoid the dazzling sunlight.

For the time being, his location has not been discovered by the zombies.

He looked at the tide of corpses all over the city below, with a dull expression.

There are so many zombies!

Why is this situation different from the trials I have encountered before?

What the hell is this?

Did I participate in a fake second-order trial?

Why are there so many zombies in the second-level training?

Didn’t I participate in the second-tier trial this time, is it because when I was promoted to the third-tier trial?

He was stunned and didn’t know what to do.

The tide of corpses spreading throughout the city gave him a feeling of nowhere to start.

He can see clearly in the preparation space, and his goal of the trial is to kill some zombies, and at the same time capture the special zombies “frozen insect corpses.”

Why are there so many zombies at the same time?

How do I start this myself?

Even if you see your own trial target, once you launch an attack, under the impact of this tide of corpses, isn’t you a place to die without burial?

When will I really pass the trial and be promoted to a Tier 3 Trial?

Hirota had already begun to doubt life.

With a thought on his mind, he called out the operation panel and checked the “Examiner Information).

【Name; Hirota)

[Occupation: Priest)

[Professional Class; Tier 4”

[Trial Class: Tier 2 Trial)

Hirota confirmed it again and again.

No mistake 07!

It’s a second-tier tester!

Then why do you need to face so many zombies this time?

He shifted his gaze again and looked at the zombies downstairs.

What should I do?

Hirota stared at the corpse tide blankly, unable to recover for a long time.

If he is leading the team to participate in the trial, he only needs to have a high mobility professional who is able to lead his teammates to move to complete the trial.

Whether it is the Mind Master using the power of mind to take everyone away, or the mechanic driving the flying vehicle to take people away.

Or some special assassin professions, such as Night Raider, can also use the skill Shadow Fog to lead all teammates out secretly.

As long as they find a favorable terrain as a stronghold, and then kill the trial targets one by one, they can complete the trial.

But he is facing this situation alone now.

Moreover, this is the first time Hirota has faced zombies in the city.

His previous trials, after coming out of the teleportation preparation space, all reached the periphery of the corpse tide.

I have never been directly surrounded by such a tide of corpses!

He soon discovered that he had no way to take these zombies.

Is it to fight the entire tide of corpses with one’s own strength?

Is that something that humans can do?

Unless it is a high-level expert who comes to participate in this second-order trial, Hirota does not believe that anyone can do such a thing!

If he has seen Lin Feng’s trial process, I’m afraid he will be scared to pee directly, and at the same time doubt his three views.




Just when Hirota doubted his life, a roar came from behind him.

He was shocked and turned around immediately.

A few shadow zombies seemed to be looking for a place to hide from the sun, and finally found here.

They found Hirota and rushed over with a roar.

Although Hirota is a bit naive and has not really experienced in society, as a student of Shui Qing, his strength is still worthy of recognition.

As a leader of Shuiqing University, he has also experienced many trials and has a wealth of combat experience.

He reacted immediately.

With a wave of his hand, a holy lightsaber appeared in his hand.

At the same time, the light flashed, and a set of shiny armor appeared on Hirota’s body.

Facing the zombies coming from the attack, he chose to fight in close quarters.

This is a very sensible choice.

Although the priests still have more powerful long-range skills.

But many of those skills will cause explosions, so the noise caused by that is too big.

There are so many zombies downstairs, Hirota doesn’t want to face the group of zombies directly.

He rushed straight, facing the zombie’s bite, and cut off the head that attacked the zombie in front of him with a sword.

The head of the zombie was burned by the holy light of the lightsaber, emitting a pungent smell, and burned to ashes.

Hirota kept moving, several consecutive slashes, killing all the zombies that had rushed to the top of the building.

But so!

After killing the zombies in front of him, Hirota gained confidence.

As a leader of Shuiqing University, his qualities are actually very strong.

Compared with most people of the same age except Lin Feng, his strength is overwhelmingly strong.

Hirota killed several zombies and began to think about the next plan.

How can I kill my own trial target in this tide of corpses?

For the optional trial, you need to capture the “frozen worm corpse” yourself.

What does the so-called “frozen worm corpse” look like?

How to catch it?

When Hirota was thinking about it, he felt his left body numb.

He was shocked.

what’s going on?

Before he could think carefully, ice thorns flew over from the left.

The icy thorns breathed cold white air, and the temperature was very low at first glance.

The area covered by ice thorns is so wide that almost half of the roofs of residential buildings are covered.

Hirota moved quickly. He raised the lightsaber and swung it for a while, and all the ice thorns that attacked were cut off by him.

The other ice thorns plunged straight into the roof of the residential building. They were extremely sharp and made no sound.

Hirota glanced intently. On the roof of the left building, the huge worm that had been exuding chills really raised its head and spewed out a patch of ice thorns.

Feeling tight.

This guy should be the “frozen corpse” to be captured.

Without any hesitation, he ran towards the frozen worm corpse.

Before he rushed to the frozen worm corpse, another ice thorn smashed over his head and face.

Hirota could not stop using lightsaber to resist.

He has a high concentration of energy. While fighting against the ice thorns, he watches all directions and listens to all directions, preventing other zombies from sneaking attacks.

But what he didn’t notice was that the icy thorns of the lightsaber melted down to the ground and hummed, which was so obvious in this unmanned city.

Although not all zombies can detect this sound.

But there are so many kinds of zombies here.

There will always be zombies that feel abnormal.

He fought fiercely with the frozen corpse on the roof.

But the tide of corpses that covered the city was slowly attracted by the sound that kept ringing here.

A large number of zombies began to charge here!

More and more zombies are aware of the breath of living people!

The priest Hirota rushed to the frozen worm corpse, lifted his left hand, and a light shield appeared.

The ice thorns and ice silk from the frozen insect corpse are all resisted by the light shield!

Hirota stabs forward with the lightsaber in his right hand, and cut a long wound on the frozen worm’s body.

The divine power carried by the lightsaber impacted the frozen corpse’s body, making it unable to move.

Hirota was overjoyed.

He directly smashed the pain of the frozen corpse with a single sword!

Successfully capture an optional trial target!

The surrounding area was controlled by frozen worm corpses. All the ice thorns floating in the air lost their buoyancy and fell to the ground.

Jingle bell~

This crisp voice spread far away.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Before Hirota was happy, a series of footsteps rang.




The roar of the zombies spread throughout the entire residential building.

Hirota’s expression changed!

He quickly looked to the stairs.

Many zombies came from the stairs one after another.

He looked stiff.

The whole person seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, completely stunned.

These zombies have found themselves!

He was shocked!

When the tide of corpses hit in front of him, he reacted and began to fight back.

He didn’t even have time to take away the frozen worm corpse on the ground, and hurriedly ran towards the edge of the building.

After he quickly killed a zombie, he rushed to the edge of the roof.

The scene in front of his eyes made him desperate.


Dense zombies!

Endless zombies!

The entire residential building was surrounded by zombies!

In the air, many small flying zombies attacked.

Those flying zombies were overwhelming, and Hirota thought of a word inexplicably.

The locusts cross the border, and no grass grows.

What should we do now?

Hirota’s fighting consciousness began to come into play.

His brain is running at a high speed, and one response after another appears in his mind.

Let the mechanic use a special vehicle 187 to take him away!

Let the assassin class bring yourself and others invisible!


No matter what he thinks, he can only think of letting other professionals use special skills to escape the current dilemma.

At this moment, Hirota understood one thing.

This kind of task can only be completed by teamwork!

As a priest, although he has a strong offensive power, he also has a strong defensive ability.

But in this overwhelming tide of corpses, he can only fight!

There is no other way!

Hirota took away the lightsaber and summoned a divine light barrier to protect himself!

He raised his right hand, and many light balls appeared in the air.

Those light balls bombarded out at a very fast speed, fell into the tide of corpses, passed through the bodies of nearly a hundred zombies, fell on the ground, and caused an explosion.

Almost every blow is as powerful as an explosive cherry.

Hirota’s strength really does not allow small countries.

But he looked desperate, and he was not at all surprised by such a record.

Because there are too many zombies!

Almost endless!

Hirota clearly knows his fate.


Then died of exhaustion!

As he thought, despite his strong offensive power, his defense power is also very strong.

But in the face of the crowd of corpses, his output ability can only make some splashes.

Before being swallowed by the tide of corpses, there was only one thought in Hirota’s mind.

How did Lin Feng pass such a difficult trial alone?

This is simply impossible for humans to do!

Guangtian will not know what is special about Lin Feng.

Gardener, one person!

Cultivators, one person becomes an army!

Hirota will never be able to reproduce his situation and complete the trial alone.

In addition to Guangtian thinking about Lin Feng, there are many people who are also thinking about him.

Ying Guo’s Admiral Austin is one of those who miss him!

He led to a farm in Eagle Country.

Here, a master of magic lives in seclusion!

Today, Admiral Austin is about to send several Tier 6 peak trialists to the trial space where Lin Feng is located!

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