Chapter 134 Ending to the North? The Abnormal Change of Gods!

At dawn on the ice field, the wind is still roaring.

?? The sky, which is not so bright, is getting darker and darker.

?? Lin Feng is asleep near the hot spring.

?? Master Rose looked at the time on the mechanical watch and walked towards Lin Feng.

?? “Lord! It’s 17:50 now, and it’s getting dark, hurry up.

?? Hearing the voice of Master Rose, Lin Feng, who was not asleep, woke up quickly and jumped up.

?? On this dawn ice field, he must maintain sufficient vigilance at all times.

?? Even when he is sleeping, he can’t really fall asleep.

?? No abnormality was found around, he asked the Rose Mage: “The time is up?”

?? “Yes, Lord, you should use the tree world.”

?? Lin Feng nodded.

?? He clenched the War Garden Pendant and put away the three plant heroes.

?? Next, without any hesitation, he directly used the tree world.

?? Lin Feng disappeared directly from the place.

?? All the iron-skinned high-nut walls trembled slightly, and then quivered slightly at the same frequency.

?? Lin Feng used the tree world to control all the iron-skinned and high-nut walls here, and merge with them.

?? The roots of the iron-skinned high-nut wall gripped the soil under the ground harder.

?? At this time, night is approaching.

?? The entire sky is dim, and the dark clouds above the head reveal a faint yellow light.

?? The roaring zombies are still charging towards the defense.

“One eighty-seven”? The surging tide of corpses became more ferocious!

?? And the frozen watermelon pitchers still dutifully projected the huge blue watermelon exuding the chill.

?? When night really came, the last ray of sunlight in the sky disappeared.

?? The sudden change!

?? Surrounding this hot spring land, the frozen soil suddenly sinks!

?? When the inverted cone-shaped pits appeared one after another, strong suction suddenly spread from these pits.




?? With the emergence of a huge cave and a powerful attraction, countless zombies were sucked into the ground.

?? And the cave that has appeared before, has been “spitting out” the tide of corpses, and at this time it also changed its state and began to “swallow” the tide of corpses inside.

?? Lin Feng has been here for so many days at dawn, and he is already very familiar with the laws here.

?? Every day at dawn, there will be a big hole spit out a tide of corpses, which lasts until dark.

?? Every night, there will be a hole to swallow everything on the ice sheet, lasting more than an hour.

?? Lin Feng planted more than 500 iron-skin high nut walls around the hot springs early, and then used the tree world.

?? He wants to integrate with these iron-skinned, high-nut walls, and resist the strong suction in the hole.

?? Although he has now collected four Dawn Crystals, according to the comment system, he has the qualifications to detect Dawn Icefields.

?? But he still didn’t want to be sucked in by the hole.

?? Those deep and dark giant holes seem so ominous, Lin Feng doesn’t want to approach them.

?? Countless zombies were sucked into the big hole.

?? The frozen watermelon, enchanting mushroom, shrunken violet and other plants that Lin Feng planted were all sucked into the burrow.

?? Only these iron-skinned high-nut walls can still support a period of time.

?? But the outermost iron-skinned high-nut wall still couldn’t hold on, slowly being attracted by the hole.

?? Lin Feng was shocked, calm and calm.

?? Even if the attraction of these underground caves is getting stronger and stronger, more and more iron-skinned high-nut walls are sucked in.

?? As long as there is an iron-skinned high-nut wall that can persist, I can merge with it and survive.

?? The big hole gradually shrinks.

?? The horrible suction gradually disappears.

?? When all the holes in the ground disappeared and the ground returned to a piece of frozen soil, there were still more than a hundred iron-skinned high-nut walls that had not been sucked away.

?? Lin Feng lifted the tree world skills and reappeared in the hot spring.

?? He looked straight to the north.

?? In this place, you can already see the huge statue in the distance.

?? I should be very close to it!

?? He once again summoned three plant heroes, and at the same time summoned 1,000 plant soldiers from the grazing space.

?? Soldiers surrounded by the iron skin and high nut wall, the frozen watermelon soldiers are in the middle, and the three plant heroes and Lin Feng are the innermost.

?? A group of people set off in a mighty manner.

?? “Lord, we should be able to reach that idol tonight! But what if we can’t grow plants there?”

?? The Rose Mage asked worriedly.

?? Lin Feng did not speak.

?? He used the water source exploration skills, and did not feel the water source near the statue.

?? In the perception of water source exploration, the hot spring I just left is the last water source.

?? If there is no way to grow plants in the idol, he will not be able to resist the corpse tide that appears during the day, nor the sudden emergence of suction.

?? After silence for a while, Lin Feng replied: “Then we can only give up this trial and return to the preparation space.

?? While saying this, he opened the [Task] panel.

?? “The trial task has been completed. S-level evaluation is currently available. Will you send it back?”

?? This reminder is his greatest confidence and his last hole card.

?? Once you encounter difficulties that you can’t solve, you can only give up the SSS-level evaluation and directly choose to send it back.

?? Master Rose saw that Lin Feng was ready, so they didn’t say more.

?? Everyone rushed north nervously.

?? Lin Feng and the others gradually walked on a hillside, and got closer and closer to the idol.

?? The closer you get to the idol, the more you discover how huge the size of the idol is.

?? The idol has a pair of huge wings, tucked at the sides of the body.

?? The idol’s hands were raised above his head, seeming to be holding something in vain.

?? Even though he was so close to the idol, Lin Feng still couldn’t see what his face looked like.

?? Lin Feng began to speed up.

?? He is looking forward to it, hoping to find any clues in the idol.

??He has been here at Dawn Icefield for several days, only knowing that it has a special secret, but what is the secret?

?? Lin Feng can’t restrain his curiosity a little.

?? When he finally walked to the top of the hill and came to the statue of God, he realized that there was more than one statue here.

?? In front of the idol, there are four small statues.

?? The statuette has a normal human size, and the sculptures should be the same figures as four priests.

?? They are compared with that huge idol, and they have just reached the ankle of the idol.

?? The statuette stretched out his hands, spread his palms, palms up, and seemed to be holding something in his hands.

?? But there is nothing there.

?? Lin Feng was moved when he saw this scene.

??Four statuettes?

?? He carefully observed the four statuettes.

?? When he saw the faces of the four statuettes, he felt that appearance was a bit familiar.

?? Suddenly, a flash of light flashed from his heart.

?? He was shocked.

?? Lin Feng pointed his finger at the statuette and asked the three plant heroes, “Do you think that the figures carved by these four statues are a bit like those four god servant zombies?”

?? When he said this, everyone was shocked!

?? “Impossible, I don’t look like it at all, the four zombies have dry faces, where is the expression so vivid like this statue.”

?? Colonel Corn shook his head.

?? Xianglou shooter didn’t say a word, but he didn’t seem to agree with Lin Feng’s views.

?? Only the rose mage opened his brows and stepped forward to observe carefully.

?? For a long time, she turned around.

?? “Lord, it should be the four zombies of the servants of the gods! I am very impressed with the last zombies of the servants of the gods!”

?? She pointed at a statue on the far right.

?? Lin Feng nodded.

?? It seems that the last zombie that can teleport continuously left a deep impression on Master Rose…

?? After all, that guy has been mocking her.

?? Lin Feng carefully observes the four statuettes.

?? Seeing the movements in the hands of those statuettes, his heart moved.

?? “Mage Rose, Colonel Corn, Archer Xiangmeng, you hold these four beacons.”

?? “When I get a little further away, you will put the beacon in their hands.

?? After Lin Feng gave the order, through the dawn beacon, he led the plant soldiers back slowly.

?? Soon, he retreated to the edge of the top of the hill and waved his hand.

?? The three plant heroes placed the dawn beacon in the hands of the four statuettes.

?? The dawn beacon is placed in the palms of the four statuettes, just the right size.

??When the four dawn beacons are all placed, the abnormality appears!

?? The daybreak beacon that emits a faint light seems to be activated by some special power!

??Four halos spread from the bodies of the four dawn beacons, spreading to the surroundings!

?? Lin Feng felt a shock in his body, and then as if being supported by some power, he flew quickly.

?? He was shocked and tried to use the endless package, wanting to fly down.

?? But the mysterious power supporting his body is very strong, no matter how Lin Feng tries his best to launch the endless suit, he can only fly upwards.

?? And the four dawn beacons also glowed, flying upwards together.

?? The three plant heroes are extremely anxious!

?? “Lord!”

??”What’s happening here?

?? No matter how they shout, Lin Feng’s body is still rising rapidly.

?? The rose mage cast a portal, and a red portal appeared on Lin Feng’s head.

?? Lin Feng was overjoyed.


?? Before he could say anything, his body passed through the portal.

??like water off a duck’s back!

?? He was not teleported down!

?? He was still flying upward by the mysterious power!

?? When Lin Feng’s upward distance is too high, and the distance between the heroes of the plants exceeds the summoning distance limit of the War Garden Pendant.

?? The three plant heroes turned into a stream of light into the War Garden Pendant.

?? Lin Feng is rising faster and faster.

?? Soon, he came just below the clouds.

?? In front of him, is the head of the god.

?? Lin Feng only then saw the face of the idol clearly.

?? That is an extremely beautiful face.

?? Before 2.1 He observed the statue carefully, a comment suddenly appeared.

?? [Sunshine Demon God Meredia: A powerful Demon God, himself a god, and later fell into a Demon God, possessing both the power of a God and Demon God at the same time!”

?? (Note: This is the main statue of Meritia! Has a powerful force)

?? [Note: This statue is in poor condition and is contaminated by the power of the devil!]

?? Lin Feng’s heart was shocked.

?? Seeing his comment, feeling the warmth of the heart and soul gems on his neck, I feel a headache.

?? How come it has something to do with such a terrifying existence again!

?? What kind of trial space is playing with me!

?? I’m just a second-tier tester!

??How can I deal with such a high-level guy at every turn!

?? However, no matter how Lin Feng has a headache, he must also deal with a high-level existence like a god.

?? For SSS-level evaluation, he must face up and try any challenge!

?? When Lin Feng is revealing the secret of the dawn ice field, the trial space is also turbulent.

?? Murongxue and the others started the competition trial again, vying for the crystallization of fate!

?? And the priest Hirota who questioned Lin Feng very much before.

At this time, in order to prove that he is better than Lin Feng, I chose a heads-up trial!

Only after he entered the trial alone.

When he saw the hellish scene in front of him.

A cold sweat swept across the body instantly.

“Fuck! What, what’s the situation!”

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