Chapter 125: Who is the burden? Try it alone!

Everyone fights zombies, only I grow sunflowers

Volume One

When Lin Feng was at dawn, the ice field used frozen watermelons to fight the endless tide of corpses.

At the teleportation spire of the Peking Barracks, the atmosphere was as tense as a battlefield.

The priest Hirota, the holy knight Wei Ying, the element mage Li Yuyuxing and the armed craftsman Dai Hui were standing in the teleportation spire with serious expressions.

In addition to them, there are other trainers coming in and out from time to time in the distance, all of whom are military talents.

In front of the four of them was a middle-aged soldier with a rough face and frowning brows.

The soldier’s name was Hong Peng, and he was a major general.

He was specially arranged by the Peking Military Camp to manage Lin Feng, Guangtian and others.

Whether it is Lin Feng, Guangtian, Dai Hui, and others, they are all young talents valued by the military.

Although the military selected Guangtian, Wei Ying and others from various schools to serve as Lin Feng teammates.

However, the military also attaches great importance to Hirota’s own future and capabilities.

Among these five people, especially Lin Feng and Zaihui, one of them is about to enter the National University of Science and Technology, and the other is already a student of the National University of Science and Technology.

It can be said that these two people are the baby bumps of the military.

For this reason, the military specially sent a young man to take charge of their affairs.

Just a few people will bother a major general to go out, which is enough to show that the military attaches great importance to them.

Hong Peng is also looking forward to the performance of several powerful young men in the trial space.

After Lin Feng and the others got to know each other yesterday, they need to participate in running-in training in the barracks this morning.

But now the problem is coming.

Several teammates specially arranged for him have all come together, and as a result, the protagonist of this run-in training, Lin Feng, disappeared.

Hong Peng waited for a long time, but still didn’t see him come.

As a result, he had to send someone to the barracks to call Lin Feng over.

As a result, the person who went to the interrogation came back and said that he was not in the barracks.

In this way, Hong Peng frowned and couldn’t say a word for a long time.

Where did this go?

He quickly sent someone to find it.

While many soldiers are looking for Lin Feng, he is also asking the four people including Guangtian about Lin Feng’s whereabouts,

“After you met each other yesterday, where did you go? You didn’t come back together?

Hong Peng asked the doubt in his heart.

After arranging a meeting between Lin Feng and the five of them yesterday, the military allowed them to move freely within the limits of Beiping.

This is to connect with teammates and get familiar with their situation at the same time.

It is also the current military practice.

After all, there is a limit on the number of people in the trial space, and more trials are conducted in small teams, not large-scale army battles.

For Lin Feng, an elite team composed of elite members, they have various preferential treatments. 07

Therefore, Hong Peng believes that Lin Feng went out to play with four teammates all day, but he has not returned to the barracks yet.

This is a violation of the regulations!

He frowned.

Guangtian, Wei Ying and the others looked at each other, and they all blended together.

Let’s act together.

Their meeting yesterday broke up unhappily, and they didn’t do anything together.

As a student of the National University of Science and Technology, Dai Hui is very familiar with current military practices.

He knew why Hong Peng would ask like this.

“Reporter sir! We only met yesterday, and there is no follow-up activity.”

He stepped forward and reported to Major General Hong Peng.

Hong Peng raised his brows again when he heard what he said.

He took a close look at Dai Hui and others.

At his level, once you observe carefully, you can easily see the clues from the unconscious movements of several people.

It was obvious that Dai Hui could not play with the three of Guangtian, Wei Ying, and Li Yuxing.

He stood in front of him alone, standing straight.

The other three stood in front of them, but they didn’t stand in a row with Dai Hui, and they didn’t have the quality of being a soldier.

“Why, how many of you can’t get along? There are conflicts? Didn’t you act together last night?”

Hong Peng’s heart sank.

This is the worst case.

If there are conflicts between the teammates of the trialer’s team, it is very likely that they will not cooperate well during the trial.

It is very likely to fail the trial.

It may even cause serious consequences for the death of the team members.

This is a contradiction right after the team appeared, but it is not a good thing.

Armed craftsman Dai Hui said nothing.

Although he was dissatisfied with the self-righteousness of Hirota and others, the core of their team is Lin Feng. This matter is still better for this future student to speak for himself.Paladin Wei Ying looked dodge, afraid to say anything.

When he thought of the information he had seen yesterday, he felt red on his face.

He looked down on Lin Feng and felt that upgrading with this gardener was a waste of his time.

After all, in his cognition, the combat ability of any gardener is very weak.

The advantage of the gardener has always been the logistical support ability.

In addition, for nearly a thousand years, no gardener has been promoted to a high level. Wei Ying naturally thinks that Lin Feng only needs to find a few bodyguards to slowly rise to the middle level.

They are just a waste of time by teaming up with their favorites of the day.

How do you know that Lin Feng’s combat effectiveness is so fierce!

He was actually able to kill so many mid-level powerhouses with one enemy and one hundred.

Many are well-known geniuses from various countries.

Wei Ying thought of what she had said to Lin Feng before, but now she only felt ashamed.

But he and Dai Hui didn’t say a word, but some people were dissatisfied a long time ago, they just wanted to express the dissatisfaction in their hearts.

The priest Hirota followed the example of Dai Hui and took a step forward.

“Report sir!”

“Lin Feng was unwilling to cooperate with the trial. After we introduced each other in the conference room yesterday, he left directly.”

“His attitude is extremely bad and he doesn’t cooperate with team actions!”

We “someone didn’t get along well, so we forced a team, I’m afraid there might be problems.”

Hong Peng was baffled.

Didn’t you young people just meet yesterday?

No running-in training, how did you know that Lin Feng did not cooperate with the trial?

“None of you have tried together, how do you know that Lin Feng is unwilling to cooperate with the trial?”

“Except for Hirota, you were teammates with Wei Ying and Li Yuxing, Lin Feng and Dai Hui have never teamed up with you, and they don’t know each other.”

“What happened? Is this the reason Lin Feng went out and didn’t come back?”

Hearing Hong Peng’s words, Hirota shook his head and began to explain.

“Reporting sir, when we negotiate in the conference room, we hope that Lin Feng can obey the command and follow the arrangements.”

“With Wei Ying, Li Yuxing, and Dai Hui with me, even if he doesn’t do anything, he can pass the trial.

“He just needs to stay aside and pay attention to his safety.”

“But even with such a simple task, Lin Feng seemed unwilling to complete it. He didn’t communicate with us, so he left the room directly.”

As for “Where did he go, that is not something we can know.”

Hong Peng looked at the confident and talkative priest in front of him, and the emotions in his heart were very complicated.

What is this guy talking about?

Let Lin Feng listen to the command?

The military has formed this trial team this time, the core of which is Lin Feng!

The team members really have to obey the command of the captain, but the captain of the team arranged by the military is Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is the captain and Dai Hui is the deputy captain.

For the military, the seedlings of the National University of Science and Technology are much better than those from other schools like the priest Hirota in terms of teamwork.

The problem is that today is the running-in training, and no one has told them about the team’s personnel job arrangement before.

What is it that makes Hirota feel that he is the captain and Lin Feng is the team member?

Does he want Lin Feng to squat and watch the show?

Didn’t he know that Lin Feng could kill and test by himself before?

The most important thing is that Lin Feng’s terrifying record in Baisha City is enough to show that he is not relying on luck to go head-to-head.

This Guangtian, how can I say that Lin Feng is a cumbersome?

Hong Peng has the appearance of Hirota talking freely, listening to his words, the expression on his face is getting more and more exciting.

What the hell is this guy?

Hirota also gradually noticed the change in Hong Peng’s expression, and his voice became smaller and smaller.


In the end, under Hong Peng’s gaze, he finally couldn’t speak anymore and asked suspiciously.

Hong Peng looked at him with a strange expression on his face and asked, “We only started running-in training today. Who told you about the team’s job arrangement?”

“None of you have cooperated in the trial, and you are not familiar with each other. What tasks did you assign there?

“The most important thing is that Lin Feng is the captain and Dai Hui is the deputy captain. Isn’t it you who has to cooperate with the action?”

Hearing this, the priest Hirota looked stiff.

He looked at Hong Peng incredulously.

The element mage Li Yuxing who had been silent next to him also exclaimed.

“What? Lin Feng is the captain? Why is he better than Guangtian?”

Among the trio, only Wei Ying covered her forehead and said nothing.

He has no face to speak.

Seeing the expressions of Guangtian and Li Nanxing, Hong Peng was shocked instead.

“Why? What’s your expression? Lin Feng is someone who can challenge the second-tier trial alone. Isn’t it normal for him to be your captain?

Hirota’s expression turned black.

He was very talented since he was a child, and he has become the strongest profession of priesthood.

His growth experience can be described as smooth sailing, no matter in any team, he is the absolute core.

From Shuiqing Affiliated Kindergarten, Shuiqing Affiliated Middle School, Shuiqing to University, his resume is top.

He has always been far ahead of his peers, even many famous young generation powerhouses are very convinced of him. From an early age, I grew up in the eyes of others admiring.

Hirota never thought that one day he would have to obey the orders of a peer.

And that person is still a gardener, an auxiliary occupation.

He looked at Hong Peng incredulously.

Before he could speak, Li Yuxing next to him couldn’t wait to argue.

“Sir! Hirota’s strength has been verified by many people!”

“Moreover, he is an upright person and has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements. Both his organizational ability and actual strength have been verified by many parties!”

“Even Shuiqing University made him the president of the student union in his sophomore year. Why should Lin Feng, a gardener who relies on luck, be the captain of Hirota?”

Li Yuxing and Guangtian have known each other for many years, and Li Yuxing is very clear about his situation.

In her opinion, Hirota is the strongest among the younger generation.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the leader of the young generation of the whole Long Kingdom, the next Wang Jingtian.

So she was shocked when she heard Hong Peng’s words.

The armed craftsman Dai Hui next to him almost laughed out loud.

These guys, what do you think of this place!

This is the army!

Do they think it is their own school?

Have achieved good results in front of a group of children, so come to show off in front of Major General Hong Peng?

If Dai Hui hadn’t experienced strict military discipline training at the National University of Science and Technology, he would have laughed.

As he thought, Hong Peng was really confused.

What the hell?

What is this group of young people talking about?

The head of the student union of Shuiqing University?

Still taking a special role?

Lin Feng is a graduate student of the National University of Science and Technology, and he joined the army after graduation.

What are these guys telling me about the school?

Still making amazing achievements?

What credit? How strange?

Can there be a record set by Lin Feng?

They broke the trial record many times and got the SSS grade evaluation many times.

Hong Peng has passed middle age and has reached such a high position. He has rarely dealt with such students.

This time, the military values ​​several young people very much, especially Lin Feng, and only then will he be arranged for management.

So he didn’t understand the pride of Hirota and Li Yuxing.

He asked what he thought.

“Creating unique skills? What is it? What evaluation have you obtained in the trial space?

The priest Hirota slammed his chest and said loudly, “Report sir! I have received an S grade evaluation! Twice!”

Thinking of something, he said again: “I got an S-level evaluation based on my own strength!”

Hong Peng smiled.

He looked at the young talents of the Dragon Kingdom in front of him, as if he had seen himself who was so energetic when he was young.

He looked at Hirota as if he were looking at a stubborn child.

Somehow, he suddenly felt soft.

These are still a few children.

He thought.

Twice “S-level evaluation, that’s really good, I am your age, which is an S-level evaluation.”

“In this way, you are indeed a talent.”

Hearing what he said, Hirota’s chest straightened even higher.

“The problem is, Lin Feng has obtained so many SSS-level evaluations. You S-level evaluation is not enough in front of him?”

“What are you still emphasizing there, did you get the S-level evaluation by virtue of strength? Why, do you think Lin Feng obtained the SSS-level evaluation by luck?”

Hong Peng’s expression became serious.

“In Baisha City, a foreign country planned an ambush against Lin Feng. Nearly a hundred intermediate testers went to kill Lin Feng, but the entire army was wiped out.”

Among them, “There are a lot of famous young and powerful people, who are better than you, Hirota.”

“These things have passed the confidentiality period, and you can find them if you want to check them.”

Hearing what he said, Hirota Li Yu and Xing opened their eyes and opened their mouths, as if their jaws were about to fall.

Dai Hui told them about this yesterday, but none of them believed it.

Too mysterious, too fake.

How could someone be able to defeat one hundred at the same level?

And Hirota comes from the letter.

He himself estimated his own strength, thinking that he would kill either Loki the Dark Raider or John Crowder the Priest.

To kill such a strong man in such a big battle, it is impossible to even think of it.

What Hirota thinks he can’t do can’t be done by anyone his age.Where did I know that the news was verified from Hong Peng’s mouth at this time.

Hong Peng is a major general!

What is said in his mouth, how can it be fake!

Hirota and Li Nanxing looked at each other, and they both saw horror in their eyes.

They all looked at the Paladin Wei Ying, wanting to hear the opinion of this companion.

What caught their eyes was Wei Ying’s big flushed face.

He saw his companion looking over, slapped his forehead, and closed his eyes.

“It’s true. Yesterday I notified my family to go to 180 to investigate the situation. What Chief Hong Peng said is true.”

“Furthermore, Lin Feng’s record is more terrifying than what Dai Hui said before, and the killers are far more than Loki and others.

After saying these words, Wei Ying held her forehead with her hands and said nothing.

Only Hirota and Li Yuxing looked at each other, and both saw shock and horror on their faces.

This is actually true!

Before they could think more, a correspondent ran over quickly.

“Report sir! Lin Feng’s whereabouts has been confirmed!”

“Last night, he went from the teleportation spire to the trial space to prepare, and he has not returned yet!

“The teleportation spire has a record of Lin Feng entering the trial space last night, but there is no record of him leaving.”

We “we couldn’t reach Lin Feng in the trial space. Initially, he should go to the trial.”

After the report was completed, the correspondent stood upright, waiting for Hong Peng to give the next order.

Hong Peng’s eyes widened and his face was full of anger.

“Went to the trial again?”

He pointed to Dai Hui and others and said, “His teammates are here, who did he go to try out a team with?”

“Or, did he go to a heads-up trial again?”

In Hong Peng’s heart, it was as if the river was overwhelmed, and the chaos was incomparable.

He suddenly realized the mood that Fan Guang had said before.

What the hell is this?

Another person to participate in the trial?

This is undisciplined?

How come Fan Guang and the others don’t punish this guy properly so that he understands what military discipline is?

But thinking of this, Hong Peng felt even more headache.

Lin Feng’s undisciplined way is to participate in the trial alone, he is taking risks with his life.

People can gamble their lives, they are not even afraid of death, what else can they use to punish him?

Hong Peng suddenly felt sympathy for Fan Guang.

There is a genius under his hand, but he is still a maverick. It’s not easy to manage.

What if this is dead in the trial?

Hong Peng took off his military cap and buckled his hair in pain.

The priest Hirota, the holy knight Wei Ying, the element mage Li Yuxing, and the armed craftsman Dai Hui were all stunned.

Lin Feng won’t come to team up with these powerful teammates in the same level, and will he go to the trial alone?

How to look down on them?

An enlightenment suddenly rose in Hirota’s heart.

I’m afraid that in Lin Feng’s heart, waiting for talents is a burden.

He was pale and could not say a word.

Just when they were standing in the teleportation spire.

Lin Feng, who triggered all this, is fighting with all his strength on the ice field at dawn!

Take advantage of the respite gained from the enhanced corn version of the cannon.

He worked hard to replace plants such as Frozen Archer, Watermelon Pitcher, Frozen Gooseberry and other plants with Frozen Watermelon.


Bang bang bang!



The sound of explosions and crashes rang out non-stop.

Lin Feng watched several blue frozen watermelons cross a parabola and smashed heavily into the group of zombies.


With a loud noise, those frozen watermelons were torn apart and ice dross splashed everywhere.

There were many zombies around that shattered with the watermelon.

Their bodies, which were already covered with snowflakes, were wrapped in more frost, frozen into blocks of ice, and then bombarded into slags in the violent impact.

As the plants in the position changed, the scale of victory was shifting to his side little by little.

He took a moment to look at the underground black hole about 200 meters from the valley position.

I hope that nothing happens in the hole.

Lin Feng looked at the mechanical watch again.


I have to continue fighting for at least 6 hours!,

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